art_parse_function(' /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Function to display spotlight * * {@link spotlight} * {@link config} * * @param array $options: * $options[0] - use specified spotlight only * $options[1] - show editor note if available */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_spotlight_show( $options ) { global $xoopsDB; $block = array(); $artConfig = art_load_config(); art_define_url_delimiter(); $spotlight_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("spotlight", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $sp_data = $spotlight_handler->getContent(false, $options[0]); if (empty($sp_data)) return $block; foreach ($sp_data as $key => $val) { $block[$key] = $val; } if (isset($block["sp_note"]) && empty($optioins[1])) unset($block["sp_note"]); $block["url"] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $sp_data["art_id"]; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/include/"; $users = art_getAuthorNameFromId($sp_data["uid"], true, true); $block["author"] = $users[$sp_data["uid"]] ; if (!empty($sp_data["writer_id"])) { $writers = art_getWriterNameFromIds($sp_data["writer_id"]); $block["writer"] = $writers[$sp_data["writer_id"]] ; } $block["lang_author"] = art_constant("MB_AUTHOR"); $block["lang_time"] = art_constant("MB_TIME"); return $block; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_spotlight_edit($options) { $form = art_constant("MB_SPECIFIED_ONLY") . " <input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"1\\""; if ($options[0] == 1) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . _YES . "<input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"0\\""; if ($options[0] == 0) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . _NO. "<br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_SHOW_NOTE") . " <input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[1]\\" value=\\"1\\""; if ($options[1] == 1) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . _YES . "<input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[1]\\" value=\\"0\\""; if ($options[1] == 0) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />"._NO."<br />"; return $form; } /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Function to display categories * * {@link Xcategory} * {@link config} * * @param array $options (not used) */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_category_show($options) { art_define_url_delimiter(); $block = array(); $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $categories = $category_handler->getTree(); $cats_counts = $category_handler->getArticleCounts(array_keys($categories)); foreach ($categories as $id => $cat) { $block["categories"][] = array( "cat_id" => $id, "cat_title" => $cat["prefix"].$cat["cat_title"], "articles" => @$cats_counts[$id]); } $block["dirname"] = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; unset($categories, $cats_stats); return $block; } /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Function to display topics * * {@link Xtopic} * {@link Xcategory} * {@link permission} * {@link config} * * @param array $options: * 0 - limit for topic count; * 1 - allowed categories; */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_topic_show($options) { global $xoopsDB; static $access_cats; art_define_url_delimiter(); $block = array(); if (!isset($access_cats)) { $permission_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("permission", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $access_cats = $permission_handler->getCategories("access"); // get all accessible categories } if (!empty($options[1])) { $allowed_cats = array_filter(array_slice($options, 1)); // get allowed cats } else { $allowed_cats = $access_cats; } $allowed_cats = array_intersect($allowed_cats, $access_cats); if ( count($allowed_cats) == 0 ) return $block; $query = "SELECT top_id, top_title, top_time, cat_id FROM " . art_DB_prefix("topic"); $query .= " WHERE cat_id IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_cats) . ") "; $query .= " ORDER BY top_time DESC"; $result = $xoopsDB->query($query, $options[0], 0); if (!$result) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $block; } $tops = array(); $cids = array(); $topic_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("topic", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $topic =& $topic_handler->create(false); $topic->assignVars($row); $_top = array(); foreach ($row as $tag => $val) { $_top[$tag] = $topic->getVar($tag); } $_top["time"] = $topic->getTime(); $tops[] = $_top; unset($topic, $_top); $cids[$row["cat_id"]] = 1; } $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $criteria = new Criteria("cat_id", "(" . implode(",", array_keys($cids)) . ")", "IN"); $cats = $category_handler->getList($criteria); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tops); $i++) { $tops[$i]["category"]=$cats[$tops[$i]["cat_id"]]; } $block["topics"] = $tops; unset($cats, $tops); $block["dirname"] = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; return $block; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_topic_edit($options) { $form = art_constant("MB_ITEMS") . " <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"" . $options[0] . "\\" /><br /><br />"; $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $isAll = empty($options[1]); $options_cat = array_slice($options, 1); // get allowed categories $form .= art_constant("MB_CATEGORYLIST") . " <select name=\\"options[]\\" multiple=\\"multiple\\">"; $form .= "<option value=\\"0\\" "; if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\""; $form .= ">" . _ALL . "</option>"; $categories = $category_handler->getTree(0, "moderate", "----"); foreach ($categories as $id => $cat) { $sel = ($isAll || in_array($id, $options_cat)) ? " selected":""; $form .= "<option value=\\"{$id}\\" {$sel}>" . $cat["prefix"] . $cat["cat_title"] . "</option>"; } $form .= "</select><br />"; return $form; } /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Function to display authors * * {@link config} * * @param array $options: * 0 - limit for author count; */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_author_show($options) { global $xoopsDB; $block = array(); $artConfig = art_load_config(); art_define_url_delimiter(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, uid" . " FROM " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " WHERE art_time_publish>0 AND uid>0" . " GROUP BY uid ORDER BY count DESC"; $result = $xoopsDB->query($query, $options[0], 0); if (!$result) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $block; } $rows = array(); $author = array(); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $rows[] = $row; $author[$row["uid"]] = 1; } if (count($rows) < 1) return $block; mod_loadFunctions("user", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $author_name = art_getUnameFromId(array_keys($author)); foreach ($rows as $row) { $block["authors"][] = array( "uid" => $row["uid"], "name" => $author_name[$row["uid"]], "articles" => $row["count"]); } $block["dirname"] = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; return $block; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_author_edit($options) { $form = art_constant("MB_ITEMS") . " <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"" . $options[0] . "\\" /><br /><br />"; return $form; } /**#@-*/ ');
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != "/") { $current_path = str_replace(strpos($current_path, "\\\\", 2) ? "\\\\" : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $current_path); } $url_arr = explode("/", strstr($current_path, "/modules/")); include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $url_arr[2] . "/include/vars.php"; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/include/functions.php"; art_parse_function(' function [VAR_PREFIX]_com_update($art_id, $count) { $article_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $article_obj =& $article_handler->get($art_id); $article_obj->setVar( "art_comments", $count, true ); return $article_handler->insert($article_obj, true); } function [VAR_PREFIX]_com_approve(&$comment) { art_define_url_delimiter(); if (!empty($GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["notification_enabled"])) { $article_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $article_obj =& $article_handler->get($comment->getVar("com_itemid")); $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler("notification"); $tags = array(); $tags["ARTICLE_TITLE"] = $article_obj->getVar("art_title"); $tags["ARTICLE_URL"] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $article_obj->getVar("art_id") . "#comment" . $comment->getVar("com_id"); $tags["ARTICLE_ACTION"] = art_constant("MD_NOT_ACTION_COMMENT"); $notification_handler->triggerEvent("article", $article_obj->getVar("art_id"), "article_monitor", $tags); $notification_handler->triggerEvent("global", 0, "article_monitor", $tags); } } ');
art_parse_function(' function [VAR_PREFIX]_notify_iteminfo($category, $item_id) { // The $item is not used ! $item_id = intval($item_id); art_define_url_delimiter(); switch ($category) { case "category": $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $category_obj =& $category_handler->get($item_id); if (!is_object($category_obj)) { redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/index.php", 2, art_constant("MD_NOACCESS")); exit(); } $item["name"] = $category_obj->getVar("cat_title"); $item["url"] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.category.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $item_id; break; case "article": $article_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $article_obj =& $article_handler->get($item_id); if (!is_object($article_obj)) { redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/index.php", 2, art_constant("MD_NOACCESS")); exit(); } $item["name"] = $article_obj->getVar("art_title"); $item["url"] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $item_id; break; case "global": default: $item["name"] = ""; $item["url"] = ""; break; } return $item; } ');
art_parse_function(' function xoops_module_install_[DIRNAME](&$module) { [DIRNAME]_updateXoopsConfig(); $data_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/sql/mysql." . $GLOBALS["xoopsConfig"]["language"] . ".sql"; if (!file_exists($data_file)) { $data_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/sql/mysql.english.sql"; } // The mysql data was exported with UTF-8, so restore it $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("SET NAMES utf8"); if (!$GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryFromFile($data_file)) { $module->setErrors("Pre-set data were not installed"); return true; } /* Set tags */ mod_loadFunctions("recon", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); art_updateTag($module->getVar("mid")); require_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/class/permission.php"); /* Set corresponding permissions for categories and articles */ $module_id = $module->getVar("mid") ; $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler("groupperm"); $groups_view = array(XOOPS_GROUP_USERS, XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS); $groups_post = array(XOOPS_GROUP_USERS); $groups_admin = array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN); $view_items = array("access", "view"); $post_items = array("submit", "rate"); $admin_items = array("publish", "moderate"); $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $cat_ids = $category_handler->getIds(); foreach ($groups_view as $group_id) { $gperm_handler->addRight("global", $GLOBALS["perms_global"]["search"]["id"], $group_id, $module_id); foreach ($view_items as $item) { foreach ($cat_ids as $id) { $gperm_handler->addRight($item, $id, $group_id, $module_id); } } } foreach ($groups_post as $group_id) { $gperm_handler->addRight("global", $GLOBALS["perms_global"]["html"]["id"], $group_id, $module_id); foreach ($post_items as $item) { foreach ($cat_ids as $id) { $gperm_handler->addRight($item, $id, $group_id, $module_id); } } } foreach ($groups_admin as $group_id) { $gperm_handler->addRight("global", $GLOBALS["perms_global"]["upload"]["id"], $group_id, $module_id); foreach ($admin_items as $item) { foreach ($cat_ids as $id) { $gperm_handler->addRight($item, $id, $group_id, $module_id); } } } return true; } function xoops_module_pre_install_[DIRNAME](&$module) { $mod_tables = $module->getInfo("tables"); foreach ($mod_tables as $table) { $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix($table) . ";"); } return [DIRNAME]_setModuleConfig($module); } function xoops_module_pre_update_[DIRNAME](&$module) { return [DIRNAME]_setModuleConfig($module); } function xoops_module_update_[DIRNAME](&$module, $prev_version = null) { //if ($prev_version < 100) { [DIRNAME]_updateXoopsConfig(); //} load_functions("config"); mod_clearConfg($module->getVar("dirname", "n")); if ($prev_version < 96) { $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryFromFile(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/sql/mysql.096.sql"); } if ($prev_version < 97) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/module.v097.php"; xoops_module_update_art_v097($module); } if ($prev_version < 100) { $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryFromFile(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/sql/mysql.100.sql"); } mod_loadFunctions("recon", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); art_synchronization(); // Update permissions $permission_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("permission", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $permission_handler->createPermData(); // Clear caches load_functions("cache"); $dirname = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; mod_clearSmartyCache("/(^{$dirname}\\^.*\\.html$|blk_.*{$dirname}[^\\.]*\\.html$)/"); // Update templates mod_loadFunctions("render", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); art_template_lookup(); art_template_lookup(true); return true; } function [DIRNAME]_updateXoopsConfig() { $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("config") . " CHANGE `conf_name` `conf_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("config") . " CHANGE `conf_title` `conf_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("config") . " CHANGE `conf_desc` `conf_desc` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("configcategory") . " CHANGE `confcat_name` `confcat_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("xoopsnotifications") . " CHANGE `not_category` `not_category` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->prefix("xoopsnotifications") . " CHANGE `not_event` `not_event` varchar(64) NOT NULL default " . $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->quoteString("")); return true; } function [DIRNAME]_setModuleConfig(&$module) { return true; } ');
art_parse_function(' /**#@+ * Function to display news item: spotlight + recent news * * {@link spotlight} * {@link config} * * @param array $options: * 0 - display mode: 0 - compact title list; 1 sorted by categories * 1 - limit for article count; * 2 - title length; * 3 - time format; * 4 - allowed categories; */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_block_news_show( $options ) { global $xoopsDB; static $access_cats; $block = array(); if (!isset($access_cats)) { $permission_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("permission", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $access_cats = $permission_handler->getCategories("access"); } if (!empty($options[4])) { $allowed_cats = array_filter(array_slice($options, 4)); } else { $allowed_cats = $access_cats; } $allowed_cats = array_intersect($allowed_cats, $access_cats); if ( count($allowed_cats) == 0 ) { return $block; } mod_loadFunctions("url", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $spotlight_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("spotlight", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $sp_data = $spotlight_handler->getContent(false); foreach ($sp_data as $key => $val) { $block["spotlight"][$key] = $val; } $block["spotlight"]["url"] = art_buildUrl(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php", array("article" => $block["spotlight"]["art_id"])); mod_loadFunctions("author", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $users = art_getAuthorNameFromId($sp_data["uid"], true, true); $block["spotlight"]["author"] = $users[$sp_data["uid"]] ; if (!empty($sp_data["writer_id"])) { $writers = art_getWriterNameFromIds($sp_data["writer_id"]); $block["spotlight"]["writer"] = $writers[$sp_data["writer_id"]] ; } $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); if (empty($options[0])): $sql = " SELECT art_id, art_title, art_time_publish, cat_id, ( art_comments + art_trackbacks ) AS comments " . " FROM " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " WHERE cat_id IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_cats) . ") " . " AND art_time_publish >0 " . " ORDER BY art_time_publish DESC"; if (!$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, $options[1], 0)) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $block; } mod_loadFunctions("time", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $articles = array(); $cids = array(); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $_art = array(); $_art["title_full"] = htmlspecialchars($row["art_title"]); $_art["title"] = $row["art_title"]; $_art["time"] = art_formatTimestamp($row["art_time_publish"], $options[3]); $_art["comments"] = $row["comments"]; $_art["category"] = $row["cat_id"]; $_art["url"] = art_buildUrl(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php", array("article" => $row["art_id"])); $articles[$row["art_id"]] = $_art; $cids[$row["cat_id"]] = 1; } $criteria = new CriteriaCompo( new Criteria("cat_id", "(" . implode(",", array_keys($cids)) . ")", "IN") ); $criteria_top = new CriteriaCompo( new Criteria("cat_id", "(" . implode(",", $allowed_cats) . ")", "IN") ); $criteria_top->add( new Criteria("cat_pid", 0) ); $criteria->add( $criteria_top, "OR" ); $criteria->setSort("cat_order"); $categories_obj = $category_handler->getAll($criteria, array("cat_title", "cat_pid")); foreach (array_keys($articles) as $id) { $articles[$id]["title"] = "[" . $categories_obj[$articles[$id]["category"]]->getVar("cat_title", "n") . "] " . $articles[$id]["title"]; if (!empty($options[2])) { $articles[$id]["title"] = xoops_substr($articles[$id]["title"], 0, $options[2]); } $articles[$id]["title"] = htmlspecialchars($articles[$id]["title"]); } $categories = array(); foreach (array_keys($categories_obj) as $cid) { if($categories_obj[$cid]->getVar("cat_pid")) continue; $categories[$cid]["title"] = $categories_obj[$cid]->getVar("cat_title"); $categories[$cid]["url"] = art_buildUrl(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.category.php", array("category" => $cid)); } $block["articles"] = $articles; $block["categories"] = $categories; else: $articles_id = array(); $criteria = new Criteria("cat_id", "(" . implode(",", $allowed_cats) . ")", "IN"); $criteria->setSort("cat_order"); $categories_obj = $category_handler->getAll($criteria, array("cat_title", "cat_lastarticles")); foreach (array_keys($categories_obj) as $id) { if (!$articles_category = $category_handler->getLastArticleIds($categories_obj[$id], $options[1])) continue; $articles_id = array_merge($articles_id, $articles_category); } if ( count($articles_id) ==0 ) { return $block; } $sql = " SELECT art_id, art_title, art_time_publish, ( art_comments + art_trackbacks ) AS comments " . " FROM " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " WHERE art_id IN (" . implode(",", array_unique($articles_id)) . ") "; if (!$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql)) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $block; } $articles = array(); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $_art = array(); $_art["title_full"] = htmlspecialchars($row["art_title"]); if (!empty($options[2])) { $row["art_title"] = xoops_substr($row["art_title"], 0, $options[2]); } $_art["title"] = htmlspecialchars($row["art_title"]); $_art["time"] = art_formatTimestamp($row["art_time_publish"], $options[3]); $_art["comments"] = $row["comments"]; $_art["url"] = art_buildUrl(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.article.php", array("article" => $row["art_id"])); $articles[$row["art_id"]] = $_art; } $categories = array(); foreach (array_keys($categories_obj) as $id) { $category =& $categories_obj[$id]; $cat = array( "id" => $id, "title" => $category->getVar("cat_title"), "image" => $category->getImage(), "url" => art_buildUrl(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/view.category.php", array("category" => $id)), "articles" => array(), ); $articles_category_id = $category_handler->getLastArticleIds($category, $options[1]); foreach ($articles_category_id as $art_id) { if (!isset($articles[$art_id])) continue; $cat["articles"][] =& $articles[$art_id]; } $categories[$id] = $cat; unset($cat); } $block["categories"] =& $categories; endif; $block["lang"] = array( "categories" => art_constant("MB_CATEGORIES"), "articles" => art_constant("MB_ARTICLES"), "comments" => art_constant("MB_COMMENTS"), "views" => art_constant("MB_VIEWS"), ); $block["mode"] = $options[0]; $block["dirname"] = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; return $block; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_block_news_edit($options) { $form = art_constant("MB_DISPLAY_MODE")." <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"" . $options[0] . "\\" /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_ITEMS")." <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[1]\\" value=\\"" . $options[1] . "\\" /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_TITLE_LENGTH")." <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[2]\\" value=\\"" . $options[2] . "\\" /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_TIMEFORMAT")." <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[3]\\" value=\\"" . $options[3] . "\\" />"; xoops_load("xoopslocal"); $form .= "<p style=\\"font-size: small; padding-left: 10px;\\">" . XoopsLocal::getTimeFormatDesc() . "</p>"; $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $isAll = empty($options[4]); $options_cat = array_slice($options, 4); // get allowed categories $form .= art_constant("MB_CATEGORYLIST") . "<br /><select name=\\"options[]\\" multiple=\\"multiple\\">"; $form .= "<option value=\\"0\\" "; if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\""; $form .= ">" . _ALL . "</option>"; $categories = $category_handler->getTree(0, "moderate", "----"); foreach ($categories as $id => $cat) { $sel = ( $isAll || in_array($id, $options_cat) ) ? " selected" : ""; $form .= "<option value=\\"{$id}\\" {$sel}>" . $cat["prefix"] . $cat["cat_title"] . "</option>"; } $form .= "</select><br />"; return $form; } ');
art_parse_function(' function b_sitemap_[DIRNAME]() { art_define_url_delimiter(); $sitemap = array(); $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); if (!empty($GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["show_subcategoris"])): $category_depth = 3; $data = $category_handler->getArrayTree(0, "access", null, $category_depth); if (empty($data["child"])) { return $sitemap; } $pi = -1; foreach (array_keys($data["child"]) as $key) { $_cat = array(); $_cat["id"] = $key; $_cat["title"] = $data["child"][$key]["cat_title"]; $_cat["url"] = "view.category.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $key; $sitemap["parent"][++$pi] = $_cat; unset($_cat); $ci = -1; if (empty($data["child"][$key]["child"])) continue; foreach (array_keys($data["child"][$key]["child"]) as $skey) { $_cat = array(); $_cat["id"] = $skey; $_cat["title"] = $data["child"][$key]["child"][$skey]["cat_title"]; $_cat["url"] = "view.category.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $skey; $_cat["image"] = 2; $sitemap["parent"][$pi]["child"][++$ci] = $_cat; unset($_cat); if (empty($data["child"][$key]["child"][$skey]["child"])) continue; foreach (array_keys($data["child"][$key]["child"][$skey]["child"]) as $ckey) { $subcats = art_getSubCategory($ckey); $_cat = array(); $_cat["id"] = $ckey; $_cat["title"] = $data["child"][$key]["child"][$skey]["child"][$ckey]["cat_title"] . (empty($subcats) ? "" : " (" . count($subcats) . ")"); $_cat["url"] = "view.category.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $ckey; $_cat["image"] = 3; $sitemap["parent"][$pi]["child"][++$ci] = $_cat; unset($_cat); } } } unset($data); else: $categories =& $category_handler->getTree(); foreach ($categories as $id => $cat) { $sitemap["parent"][] = array("id" => $id, "title" => $cat["cat_title"], "url"=> "view.category.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $id); } unset($categories); endif; return $sitemap; } ');
art_parse_function(' /**#@+ * Function to display tag cloud */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_tag_block_cloud_show($options) { if (!@include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tag/blocks/block.php") { return null; } $block_content = tag_block_cloud_show($options, $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); return $block_content; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_tag_block_cloud_edit($options) { if (!@include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tag/blocks/block.php") { return null; } $form = tag_block_cloud_edit($options); return $form; } /**#@+ * Function to display top tag list */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_tag_block_top_show($options) { if (!@include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tag/blocks/block.php") { return null; } $block_content = tag_block_top_show($options, $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); return $block_content; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_tag_block_top_edit($options) { if (!@include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tag/blocks/block.php") { return null; } $form = tag_block_top_edit($options); return $form; } ');
art_parse_function(' function [DIRNAME]_tag_iteminfo(&$items) { if(empty($items) || !is_array($items)){ return false; } $items_id = array(); foreach (array_keys($items) as $cat_id) { // Some handling here to build the link upon catid // catid is not used in article, so just skip it foreach (array_keys($items[$cat_id]) as $item_id) { // In article, the item_id is "art_id" $items_id[] = intval($item_id); } } $item_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $items_obj = $item_handler->getObjects(new Criteria("art_id", "(" . implode(", ", $items_id) . ")", "IN"), true); art_define_url_delimiter(); foreach (array_keys($items) as $cat_id) { foreach (array_keys($items[$cat_id]) as $item_id) { if (!$item_obj =& $items_obj[$item_id]) { continue; } $items[$cat_id][$item_id] = array( "title" => $item_obj->getVar("art_title"), "uid" => $item_obj->getVar("uid"), "link" => "view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . "article={$item_id}", "time" => $item_obj->getVar("art_time_publish"), "tags" => tag_parse_tag($item_obj->getVar("art_keywords", "n")), "content" => "", ); } } unset($items_obj); } /** * Remove orphan tag-item links * * @return boolean * */ function [DIRNAME]_tag_synchronization($mid) { $item_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $link_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("link", "tag"); /* clear tag-item links */ if (version_compare( mysql_get_server_info(), "4.1.0", "ge" )): $sql = " DELETE FROM {$link_handler->table}" . " WHERE " . " tag_modid = {$mid}" . " AND " . " ( tag_itemid NOT IN " . " ( SELECT DISTINCT {$item_handler->keyName} " . " FROM {$item_handler->table} " . " WHERE {$item_handler->table}.art_time_publish > 0" . " ) " . " )"; else: $sql = " DELETE {$link_handler->table} FROM {$link_handler->table}" . " LEFT JOIN {$item_handler->table} AS aa ON {$link_handler->table}.tag_itemid = aa.{$item_handler->keyName} " . " WHERE " . " tag_modid = {$mid}" . " AND " . " ( aa.{$item_handler->keyName} IS NULL" . " OR aa.art_time_publish < 1" . " )"; endif; if (!$result = $link_handler->db->queryF($sql)) { //xoops_error($link_handler->db->error()); } } ');
art_parse_function(' /**#@+ * Function to display articles * * {@link article} * {@link xcategory} * {@link permission} * {@link config} * * @param array $options: * 0 - criteria for fetching articles; * 1 - limit for article count; * 2 - bool flag for displaying summary: 0 - none; 1 - summary; 2 - summary and image * 3 - title length; * 4 - time format; * 5 - allowed categories; */ function [VAR_PREFIX]_article_show($options) { global $xoopsDB; static $access_cats; $artConfig = art_load_config(); art_define_url_delimiter(); $block = array(); $select = "art_id"; $disp_tag = ""; $from = ""; $where = ""; $order = "art_time_publish DESC"; switch ($options[0]) { case "views": $select .= ", art_counter"; $order = "art_counter DESC"; $disp_tag = "art_counter"; break; case "rates": $select .= ", art_rates"; $order = "art_rates DESC"; $disp_tag = "art_rates"; break; case "rating": $select .= ", art_rating/art_rates AS ave_rating"; $order = "ave_rating DESC"; $disp_tag = "ave_rating"; break; case "random": $order = "RAND()"; $mysqlOldClient = version_compare( mysql_get_server_info(), "4.1.0", "lt" ); /* for MySQL 4.1+ */ if (!$mysqlOldClient) { $from = " LEFT JOIN (SELECT art_id AS aid FROM " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " LIMIT 1000 ORDER BY art_id DESC) AS random ON art_id = random.aid"; } break; case "time": default: $order = "art_time_publish DESC"; $disp_tag = "art_counter"; break; } $select .= ", cat_id, art_title, uid, writer_id, art_time_publish"; if (!empty($options[2])) { $select .= ", art_summary, art_pages"; if ($options[2] == 2) $select .= ", art_image"; } if (!isset($access_cats)) { $permission_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("permission", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $access_cats = $permission_handler->getCategories("access"); } if (!empty($options[5])) { $allowed_cats = array_filter(array_slice($options, 5)); } else { $allowed_cats = $access_cats; } $allowed_cats = array_intersect($allowed_cats, $access_cats); if (count($allowed_cats) ==0 ) { return $block; } $query = "SELECT {$select} FROM " . art_DB_prefix("article") . $from; $query .= " WHERE cat_id IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_cats) . ") AND art_time_publish > 0 " . $where; $query .= " ORDER BY " . $order; if (!$result = $xoopsDB->query($query, $options[1], 0)) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $block; } $author_array = array(); $writer_array = array(); $users = array(); $writers = array(); $rows = array(); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $rows[] = $row; $author_array[$row["uid"]] = 1; $writer_array[$row["writer_id"]] = 1; } if (count($rows) < 1) return $block; if (!empty($author_array)) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/include/"; $users = art_getAuthorNameFromId(array_keys($author_array), true, true); } if (!empty($writer_array)) { include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/" . $GLOBALS["artdirname"] . "/include/"; $writers = art_getWriterNameFromIds(array_keys($writer_array)); } $arts = array(); $uids = array(); $cids = array(); $article_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!empty($row["ave_rating"])) { $row["ave_rating"] = number_format($row["ave_rating"], 1); } $article =& $article_handler->create(false); $article->assignVars($row); $_art = array(); foreach ($row as $tag => $val) { $_art[$tag] = @$article->getVar($tag); } $_art["author"] = $users[$row["uid"]]; $_art["writer"] = @$writers[$row["writer_id"]]; $_art["time"] = $article->getTime($options[4]); $_art["summary"] = $article->getSummary($options[2]); $_art["image"] = $article->getImage(); if (!empty($disp_tag)) { $_art["disp"] = @$article->getVar($disp_tag); if (!empty($row[$disp_tag]) && empty($_art["disp"])) { $_art["disp"] = $row[$disp_tag]; } } if (!empty($options[3])) { $_art["art_title"] = xoops_substr($_art["art_title"], 0, $options[3]); } $arts[] = $_art; unset($article, $_art); $cids[$row["cat_id"]] = 1; } $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $criteria = new Criteria("cat_id", "(" . implode(",",array_keys($cids)) . ")", "IN"); $cats = $category_handler->getList($criteria); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arts); $i++) { $arts[$i]["category"]=$cats[$arts[$i]["cat_id"]]; } $block["articles"] = $arts; unset($users, $cats, $arts); $block["dirname"] = $GLOBALS["artdirname"]; return $block; } function [VAR_PREFIX]_article_edit($options) { $form = art_constant("MB_TYPE") . " <select name=\\"options[0]\\">"; $form .= "<option value=\\"time\\""; if ($options[0] == "time") $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\" "; $form .= ">" . art_constant("MB_TYPE_TIME") . "</option>\\n"; $form .= "<option value=\\"views\\""; if ($options[0] == "views") $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\" "; $form .= ">" . art_constant("MB_TYPE_VIEWS") . "</option>\\n"; $form .= "<option value=\\"rates\\""; if ($options[0] == "rates") $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\" "; $form .= ">" . art_constant("MB_TYPE_RATES") . "</option>\\n"; $form .= "<option value=\\"rating\\""; if ($options[0] == "rating") $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\" "; $form .= ">" . art_constant("MB_TYPE_RATING") . "</option>\\n"; $form .= "<option value=\\"random\\""; if ($options[0] == "random") $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\" "; $form .= ">" . art_constant("MB_TYPE_RANDOM") . "</option>\\n"; $form .= "</select><br /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_ITEMS") . " <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[1]\\" value=\\"" . $options[1] . "\\" /><br /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_SHOWSUMMARY") . " <input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[2]\\" value=\\"0\\""; if ($options[2] == 0) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . _NO . " <input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[2]\\" value=\\"1\\""; if ($options[2] == 1) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . _YES . " <input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"options[2]\\" value=\\"2\\""; if ($options[2] == 2) $form .= " checked=\\"checked\\""; $form .= " />" . art_constant("MB_SUMMARY_IMAGE") . "<br /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_TITLE_LENGTH") . " <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[3]\\" value=\\"" . $options[3] . "\\" /><br /><br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_TIMEFORMAT") . " <input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"options[4]\\" value=\\"" . $options[4] . "\\" /><br />"; xoops_load("xoopslocal"); $form .= "<p style=\\"font-size: small; padding-left: 10px;\\">" . XoopsLocal::getTimeFormatDesc() . "</p>"; $category_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("category", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $isAll = empty($options[5]) ? true : false; $options_cat = array_slice($options, 5); // get allowed categories $form ."<br />"; $form .= art_constant("MB_CATEGORYLIST") . "<br /><select name=\\"options[]\\" multiple=\\"multiple\\">"; $form .= "<option value=\\"0\\" "; if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\\"selected\\""; $form .= ">" . _ALL . "</option>"; $categories = $category_handler->getTree(0, "moderate", "----"); foreach ($categories as $id => $cat) { $sel = ($isAll || in_array($id, $options_cat)) ? " selected" : ""; $form .= "<option value=\\"{$id}\\" {$sel}>" . $cat["prefix"] . $cat["cat_title"] . "</option>"; } $form .= "</select><br />"; return $form; } /**#@-*/ ');
art_parse_function(' function &[VAR_PREFIX]_search($queryarray, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid, $categories = array(), $sortby = 0, $searchin = "all", $extra = "") { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsConfig, $myts, $xoopsUser; $ret = array(); art_define_url_delimiter(); $uid = (is_object($xoopsUser) && $xoopsUser->isactive()) ? $xoopsUser->getVar("uid") : 0; $permission_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("permission", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $allowed_ids = $permission_handler->getCategories(); if (count($categories) > 0) { $allowed_ids = array_intersect($allowed_ids, $categories); } if (empty($allowed_ids)) { return $ret; } $searchin = empty($searchin) ? array("all") : (is_array($searchin) ? $searchin : array($searchin)); if (in_array("all", $searchin) || count($searchin) == 0) { $searchin = array("title", "author", "keywords", "summary", "text", "subtitle"); } $isFulltext = ($searchin == array("text")); /* Fulltext search */ if ($isFulltext): $sql = "SELECT" . " DISTINCT t.text_id, t.text_body, a.art_id, a.art_title, a.uid, a.art_time_publish, a.art_pages"; $sql .= " FROM" . " " . art_DB_prefix("text") . " AS t" . " LEFT JOIN " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " AS a ON a.art_id=t.art_id" . " LEFT JOIN " . art_DB_prefix("artcat") . " AS ac ON a.art_id=ac.art_id"; /* regular search */ else: $sql = "SELECT" . " DISTINCT a.art_id, a.art_title, a.uid, a.art_time_publish"; $sql .= " FROM" . " " . art_DB_prefix("article") . " AS a" . " LEFT JOIN " . art_DB_prefix("artcat") . " AS ac ON a.art_id=ac.art_id"; if (in_array("text", $searchin) || in_array("subtitle", $searchin)): $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . art_DB_prefix("text") . " AS t ON t.art_id =a.art_id"; endif; endif; $sql .= " WHERE" . " a.art_time_publish > 0" . " AND ac.cat_id IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_ids) . ")" . " AND ac.ac_publish > 0"; if (is_array($userid) && count($userid) > 0) { $userid = array_map("intval", $userid); $sql .= " AND a.uid IN (" . implode(",", $userid) . ") "; }elseif ( is_numeric($userid) && $userid > 0 ) { $sql .= " AND a.uid=" . $userid . " "; } $count = count($queryarray); if ( is_array($queryarray) && $count > 0) { foreach($queryarray as $query){ $query_array["title"][] = "a.art_title LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query."%"); //$query_array["author"][] = "a.art_author LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query."%"); $query_array["keywords"][] = "a.art_keywords LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query . "%"); $query_array["summary"][] = "a.art_summary LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query . "%"); $query_array["text"][] = "t.text_body LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query . "%"); $query_array["subtitle"][] = "t.text_title LIKE " . $xoopsDB->quoteString("%" . $query . "%"); } foreach ($query_array as $term => $terms) { $querys[$term] = "(" . implode(" $andor ", $terms) . ")"; } foreach ($searchin as $term) { if (empty($query_array[$term])) continue; $query_term[] = $querys[$term]; } $sql .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $query_term) . ") "; } if (empty($sortby)) { $sortby = "a.art_id DESC"; } $sql .= $extra . " ORDER BY " . $sortby; if (!$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, $limit, $offset)) { //xoops_error($xoopsDB->error()); return $ret; } $_ret = array(); $users = array(); $arts = array(); mod_loadFunctions("time", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); while ($myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { if (empty($isFulltext)): $ret[] = array( "link" => "view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $myrow["art_id"], "title" => $myrow["art_title"], "time" => $myrow["art_time_publish"], "uid" => $myrow["uid"], "art_title" => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow["art_title"]), "art_time" => art_formatTimestamp($myrow["art_time_publish"]) ); else: $_ret[] = $myrow; endif; $users[$myrow["uid"]] = 1; } if (!empty($isFulltext)): $article_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler("article", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); xoops_load("xoopslocal"); foreach ($_ret as $myrow) { $article_obj =& $article_handler->create(false); $article_obj->assignVars($myrow); $page = array_search($myrow["text_id"], $article_obj->getPages()); $text = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow["text_body"]); /* * "Fulltext search"/highlight needs better formulize * */ $sanitized_text = ""; $text_i = strtolower($text); foreach ($queryarray as $query) { $pos = xoops_local("strpos", $text_i, strtolower($query)); $start = max(($pos - 100), 0); $length = xoops_local("strlen", $query) + 200; $context = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote($query) . ")/si", "<span class=\\"article-highlight\\">$1</span>", xoops_substr($text, $start, $length, " [...]")); $sanitized_text .= "<p>[...] " . $context . "</p>"; } $ret[] = array( "link" => "view.article.php" . URL_DELIMITER . $myrow["art_id"] . "/p" . intval($page), "title" => $myrow["art_title"], "time" => $myrow["art_time_publish"], "uid" => $myrow["uid"], "art_title" => $article_obj->getVar("art_title"), "art_time" => $article_obj->getTime(), "text" => $sanitized_text ); unset($article_obj, $page, $sanitized_text, $matches); } endif; mod_loadFunctions("user", $GLOBALS["artdirname"]); $users = art_getUnameFromId(array_keys($users), false, true); foreach ( array_keys($ret) as $i) { if ($ret[$i]["uid"] >0) { $ret[$i]["author"] = @$users[$ret[$i]["uid"]]; } else { $ret[$i]["author"] = $xoopsConfig["anonymous"]; } } unset($users); return $ret; } ');