Example #1
function arrToTree($data, $pid)
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        if ($v['pid'] == $pid) {
            $id .= arrToTree($data, $v['id']);
            $id .= $v['id'] . ',';
    return $id;
Example #2
function arrToTree($data, $pid)
    $tree = array();
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        if ($v['pid'] == $pid) {
            $v['pid'] = arrToTree($data, $v['id']);
            $tree[] = $v;
    return $tree;
Example #3
 public function menu()
     if (isset($_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')])) {
         $menu = array();
         if (isset($_SESSION['menu' . $_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')]])) {
             $menu = $_SESSION['menu' . $_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')]];
         } else {
             $node = M("Node");
             $map['level'] = 2;
             $map['status'] = 1;
             $list = $node->where($map)->field('id,name,pid,title')->order('sort asc')->select();
             $accessList = $_SESSION['_ACCESS_LIST'];
             foreach ($list as $key => $module) {
                 if (isset($accessList[strtoupper(APP_NAME)][strtoupper($module['name'])]) || $_SESSION['administrator']) {
                     $module['access'] = 1;
                     $menu[$key] = $module;
             $_SESSION['menu' . $_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')]] = $menu;
         if (isset($_GET['tag'])) {
             $tag = $_GET['tag'];
             if (0 == $tag) {
                 $this->assign('menuTitle', '扩展功能');
             } else {
                 $mapid['id'] = array('eq', $tag);
                 $node = M("Node");
                 $title = $list = $node->where($mapid)->getField('title');
                 $this->assign('menuTitle', $title);
             $this->assign('menuTag', $tag);
         } else {
             $this->assign('menuTitle', '内容管理');
         $this->assign('menu', $menu);
     $cate = new CategoryModel();
     $this->cate = $list = $cate->getMyCategory();
     $menu = $cate->getMyCategory1();
     $menu = arrToTree($menu, 0);
     $tree = outMenuNode($menu);
     $this->assign('tree', $tree);
 public function getMenu()
     $menu = array();
     $node = D("Node");
     $map['status'] = array("egt", 0);
     $list = $node->where($map)->field('id,pid,name,title,level,sort,status')->order('level,sort')->select();
     foreach ($list as $key => $module) {
         $module['access'] = 1;
         $menu[$key] = $module;
     $menu = arrToTree($menu, 0);
     return $menu;
Example #5
 public function index()
     if (method_exists($this, '_filter')) {
     $id = I('id');
     $catdata = D('Category')->where('status=1')->find($id);
     $catlist = D('Category')->where('status=1')->select();
     $idlist = $id . ',' . arrToTree($catlist, $id);
     $idlist = substr($idlist, 0, strlen($idlist) - 1);
     $map['catid'] = array('in', $idlist);
     $name = $this->getActionName();
     $Model = M('Model');
     $map['table'] = array('eq', $name);
     $pageinfo = $Model->where($map)->find();
     $Form = M($name);
     $count = $Form->where($map)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, $pageinfo['listrows']);
     $list = $Form->where($map)->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->order('listorder,id desc')->select();
     // 设置分页显示
     $Page->setConfig('header', $pageinfo['header']);
     $Page->setConfig('first', $pageinfo['first']);
     $Page->setConfig('last', $pageinfo['last']);
     $Page->setConfig('prev', $pageinfo['prev']);
     $Page->setConfig('next', $pageinfo['next']);
     $Page->setConfig('theme', $pageinfo['theme']);
     $page = $Page->show();
     $position = D('Common')->getPosition($id);
     foreach ($position as $value) {
         $title = $value['catname'] . "_" . $title;
     $title = substr($title, 0, strlen($title) - 1);
     $this->seo($catdata['title'] ? $catdata['title'] : $title, $catdata['keywords'] ? $catdata['keywords'] : C(SITE_KEYWORDS), $catdata['description'] ? $catdata['description'] : C(SITE_DESCRIPTION), $position);
     $this->assign("data", $catdata);
     $this->assign("page", $page);
     $this->assign("list", $list);
 public function index()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $catdata = D('Category')->where('status=1')->find($id);
     $catlist = D('Category')->where('status=1')->select();
     $idlist = $id . ',' . arrToTree($catlist, $id);
     $idlist = substr($idlist, 0, strlen($idlist) - 1);
     $map['catid'] = array('in', $idlist);
     $name = $this->getActionName();
     $Model = M('Model');
     $map['table'] = array('eq', $name);
     $pageinfo = $Model->where($map)->find();
     $Form = M($name);
     $count = $Form->where($map)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, $pageinfo['listrows']);
     $list = $Form->where($map)->limit('0,' . $Page->nowPage * $Page->listRows)->order('id desc')->select();
     // 设置分页显示
     $Page->setConfig('header', $pageinfo['header']);
     $Page->setConfig('first', $pageinfo['first']);
     $Page->setConfig('last', $pageinfo['last']);
     $Page->setConfig('prev', $pageinfo['prev']);
     $Page->setConfig('next', $pageinfo['next']);
     $Page->setConfig('theme', $pageinfo['theme']);
     $page = $Page->show();
     $Page->setConfig('next', '查看更多');
     $Page->setConfig('theme', '%downPage%');
     $downPage = $Page->show();
     $this->assign("catdata", $catdata);
     $this->assign("page", $page);
     $this->assign("downPage", $downPage);
     $this->assign("list", $list);
     $this->seo($catdata['title'] ? $catdata['title'] : C(SITE_NAME), $catdata['keywords'] ? $catdata['keywords'] : C(SITE_KEYWORDS), $catdata['description'] ? $catdata['description'] : C(SITE_DESCRIPTION), D('Common')->getPosition($id));
Example #7
 public function role()
     $role = D('Role');
     $roleId = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : '';
     $nodeRoleList = array();
     if (!empty($roleId)) {
         $this->assign("selectRoleId", $roleId);
         $list = $role->getNodeRoleList($roleId);
         foreach ($list as $vo) {
             $nodeRoleList[$vo['id']] = $vo['id'];
     if (isset($_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')])) {
         $menu = array();
         $node = M("Node");
         $where['status'] = array('egt', 0);
         $list = $node->where($where)->field('id,pid,name,title,level')->order('level,sort')->select();
         $accessList = $_SESSION['_ACCESS_LIST'];
         foreach ($list as $key => $module) {
             if (isset($accessList[strtoupper(APP_NAME)][strtoupper($module['name'])]) || $_SESSION['administrator']) {
                 $module['access'] = 1;
                 $menu[$key] = $module;
         $menu = arrToTree($menu, 0);
         $tree = outMenu($menu, $nodeRoleList);
         $this->assign('tree', $tree);
     C('SHOW_RUN_TIME', false);
     // 运行时间显示
     C('SHOW_PAGE_TRACE', false);
 public function _photo($attr, $content)
     $tag = $this->parseXmlAttr($attr, 'photo');
     $result = !empty($tag['result']) ? $tag['result'] : 'photo';
     $catlist = D('Category')->where('status=1')->select();
     $idlist = $tag['catid'] . ',' . arrToTree($catlist, $tag['catid']);
     $idlist = substr($idlist, 0, strlen($idlist) - 1);
     $map .= "'status=1";
     $map .= $tag['catid'] ? " and catid in ({$idlist})'" : "'";
     $sql = "M('Photo')->";
     $sql .= "where({$map})->";
     $sql .= $tag['field'] ? "field('{$tag['field']}')->" : "";
     $sql .= $tag['order'] ? "order('{$tag['order']}')->" : "";
     $sql .= $tag['num'] ? "limit({$tag['num']})->" : "";
     $sql .= "select()";
     $parsestr = '<?php $_result=' . $sql . ';';
     $parsestr .= 'foreach($_result as $key=>$' . $result . '):?>';
     $parsestr .= $content;
     $parsestr .= '<?php endforeach;?>';
     return $parsestr;
Example #9
 function _initialize()
     header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
     $nav_list = D('Category')->where('pid=0 AND status=1')->order('listorder')->select();
     if (is_array($nav_list)) {
         foreach ($nav_list as $key => $val) {
             $nav_list[$key] = $this->changurl($val, $val['catdir']);
             $nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'] = D('Category')->where('pid=' . $val['id'] . ' AND status=1')->order('listorder')->select();
             foreach ($nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'] as $key2 => $val2) {
                 $nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'][$key2] = $this->changurl($val2, $val2['catdir']);
                 $nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'][$key2]['sub_sub_nav'] = D('Category')->where('pid=' . $val2['id'] . ' AND status=1')->order('listorder')->select();
                 foreach ($nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'][$key2]['sub_sub_nav'] as $key3 => $val3) {
                     $nav_list[$key]['sub_nav'][$key2]['sub_sub_nav'][$key3] = $this->changurl($val3, $val3['catdir']);
     $this->assign('nav_list', $nav_list);
     $node = D("Category");
     $map['status'] = array("egt", 0);
     $list = $node->where($map)->order('level,listorder')->select();
     $categorylist = arrToTree($list, 0);
     $this->categorylist = $categorylist;
     $xxzx = 141;
     $footer_catdata = D('Category')->where('status=1')->find($xxzx);
     $footer_catlist = D('Category')->where('status=1')->order('listorder desc')->select();
     $footer_catlist1 = getChildIdArray($footer_catlist, $xxzx);
     $footer_info = $footer_catlist1;
     $footer_catlist = getChildId($footer_catlist, $xxzx);
     $footer_catlist = substr($footer_catlist, 0, strlen($footer_catlist) - 1);
     $xxzx_info = D("Article")->where("catid in ({$footer_catlist})")->select();
     foreach ($xxzx_info as $k => $v) {
         $catid = intval($v['catid']);
         $footer_info[$catid]['child'][] = $v;
     $this->footer_info = $footer_info;
     $zcategorylist = arrToTree($list, 53);
     $this->zcategorylist = $zcategorylist;
     $tjdate = D('Tjdate');
     $map['create_date'] = array('eq', date('Ymd', time()));
     $vl = $tjdate->where($map)->find();
     if ($vl) {
         $tjdate->id = $vl['id'];
         $tjdate->create_num = $vl['create_num'] + 1;
     } else {
         $tjdate->create_date = date('Ymd', time());
         $tjdate->create_num = 1;
     $tjurl = D('Tjurl');
     $map['create_url'] = __SELF__;
     $vla = $tjurl->where($map)->find();
     if ($vla) {
         $tjurl->id = $vla['id'];
         $tjurl->create_num = $vla['create_num'] + 1;
     } else {
         $tjurl->create_url = __SELF__;
         $tjurl->create_num = 1;
     define("PRIVATE_KEY", "f8e0e8a892f46bfddff0255da50fd46e");
     $this->YXM_PUBLIC_KEY = "b20672750e25c094064ddc29ec6b8de9";
     $this->YXM_localsec_url = (is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . "/Data/localsec/";
     $this->iscomment = C('ISCOMMENT');
     $this->commenttype = C('COMMENTTYPE');
     $this->sitename = C('SITE_NAME');
     $this->isaddaccount = C('ISADDACCOUNT');
     $this->xfintergral = C('XFINTERGRAL');