public function __construct($filename) { global $settings; $templateurl = append_slash(get_setting('template', 'path')) . append_slash($settings['templateset']); // get_setting('template', 'tplfolder') $this->source = $templateurl . 'source/' . $filename; $this->compiled = $templateurl . 'compiled/' . $filename; if (!assert(is_readable($this->source))) { echo "Cannot find the template: {$filename}"; } if (!assert(is_writable(dirname($this->compiled)))) { echo "Cannot write to the compiled template directory"; } }
public function Execute(Template $template, Session $session, $request) { $this->dba = DBA::Open(); /* Nice ancestors bar */ $template = CreateAncestors($template, $template['L_ADMINPANEL']); /* Check user permissions */ if ($session['user'] instanceof Member && $session['user']['perms'] & ADMIN) { /* Set the templates */ $template->content = array('file' => 'admin/admin.html'); //$template->admin_panel = array('file' => 'admin/options.html'); $template->admin_panel = array('file' => 'admin/forum_options.html'); $setting_groups = new SettingsList(); $template->setting_groups = $setting_groups; /* Get all of our template sets */ $templates = array(); $fullpath = get_setting('template', 'path'); $dir = dir($fullpath); while (false !== ($folder = $dir->Read())) { if (is_dir(append_slash($fullpath) . $folder) && $folder != '.' && $folder != '..') { $templates[] = array('name' => $folder); } } /* Get all of our image sets */ $img_folders = array(); $fullpath = append_slash(get_setting('config', 'forumurl')) . 'Images'; $dir = dir($fullpath); while (false !== ($folder = $dir->Read())) { if (is_dir(append_slash($fullpath) . $folder) && $folder != '.' && $folder != '..') { $img_folders[] = array('name' => $folder); } } /* Get and set the forums options values */ foreach ($this->dba->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . FORUMS . " WHERE row_left = 1") as $key => $val) { $template[$key] = $val; } /* Set the current styleset */ $template['styleset'] = get_setting('theme', 'styleset'); /* Set the list of stylesets */ $template->stylesets = $this->dba->Query("SELECT * FROM " . STYLES . " ORDER BY name DESC"); /* Set the template and image sets lists */ $template->templates = $templates; $template->img_folders = $img_folders; } /* Set the number of queries */ $template['num_queries'] = $session->dba->num_queries; return TRUE; }
public function Execute($str) { if ($this->use_db) { foreach (DBA::Open()->Query("SELECT * FROM " . EMOTICONS) as $emo) { //$str = preg_replace("~\s". addcslashes($emo['typed'] , "\$\%\@\!\*\#\(\:\)\\\/\+\-\[\]") ."\s~is", '<!-- EMO-'. $emo['typed'] .' --><img src="Images/'.append_slash(get_setting('template', 'imgfolder')).'Icons/Emoticons/'. $emo['image'] .'" alt="'. $emo['description'] .'" /><!-- /EMO -->', $str); $str = str_ireplace($emo['typed'], '<!-- EMO-' . $emo['typed'] . ' --><img src="Images/' . append_slash(get_setting('template', 'imgfolder')) . 'Icons/Emoticons/' . $emo['image'] . '" alt="' . $emo['description'] . '" /><!-- /EMO -->', $str); } } return $str; }
public function SelectDb($database) { $database = append_slash(get_setting('sqlite', 'directory')) . $database; if (!file_exists($database) && !is_writable(dirname($database))) { throw new DBA_Exception(DBA::E_INVALID_DATABASE, "Unable to create database [{$database}]"); return FALSE; } $mode = get_setting('sqlite', 'mode') or $mode = 0666; $this->link = sqlite_open($database, $mode, $conn_error); if ($this->link === FALSE) { throw new DBA_Exception(DBA::E_INVALID_DATABASE, "Unable to open database [{$conn_error}]"); return FALSE; } }