function replace_glossary_tag($matches) { global $content; $inner = trim($matches[2]); // search keyword in glossary table $keyword = trim($matches[1]); if ($keyword !== '') { $keyword = html_entity_decode($keyword, ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET); // check against cache if (!isset($content['glossary_cache'][$keyword])) { $like = aporeplace($keyword); $where = 'glossary_status=1 AND glossary_highlight=1 AND ('; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '" . $like . "' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '" . $like . ",%' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '%, " . $like . ",%' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '%, " . $like . "'"; $where .= ')'; // retrieve only single keyword that matches best $entry = _dbGet('phpwcms_glossary', 'glossary_title, glossary_keyword, glossary_text, COUNT(glossary_id) AS count_all', $where, 'glossary_id', 'count_all DESC', '1'); if (isset($entry[0])) { // get keywords to store each in cache $keywords = convertStringToArray($entry[0]['glossary_keyword']); $title = empty($entry[0]['glossary_title']) ? $inner : html($entry[0]['glossary_title']); $text = trim(clean_slweg($entry[0]['glossary_text'])); // store glossary item in cache foreach ($keywords as $key) { $content['glossary_cache'][$key] = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text); } } } // create ABBR if (isset($content['glossary_cache'][$keyword])) { $inner = '<abbr class="glossary" title="' . $content['glossary_cache'][$keyword]['title'] . ' :: ' . $content['glossary_cache'][$keyword]['text'] . '">' . $inner . '</abbr>'; } } return $inner; }
if (isset($all[$key]['article_image']['prev']) && !empty($all[$key]['article_image']['id'])) { //dumpVar($all[$key]); unset($all[$key]['article_image']['prev']); unset($all[$key]['article_image']['prev_info']); unset($all[$key]['article_image']['prev_make']); unset($all[$key]['article_image']['add']); unset($all[$key]['article_image']['cname']); $all[$key]['article_image']['id'] = intval($all[$key]['article_image']['id']); // retrieve image information $file = _dbQuery("SELECT f_id, f_hash, f_ext FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE f_id=" . $all[$key]['article_image']['id'] . " LIMIT 1"); if (!empty($file[0]['f_id']) && $file[0]['f_id'] == $all[$key]['article_image']['id']) { $all[$key]['article_image']['hash'] = $file[0]['f_hash']; $all[$key]['article_image']['ext'] = $file[0]['f_ext']; $all[$key]['article_image']['list_usesummary'] = 1; $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article SET "; $sql .= "article_image = '" . aporeplace(serialize($all[$key]['article_image'])) . "',"; $sql .= "article_tstamp = '" . $all[$key]['article_tstamp'] . "' WHERE article_id = " . $all[$key]['article_id'] . " LIMIT 1"; $result = _dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE'); echo '<pre'; if ($result === false) { echo ' style="color:#CC3300"'; } echo '>[ID:' . sprintf('%04s', $all[$key]['article_id']) . '] ' . html_specialchars($all[$key]['article_title']); echo '</pre>' . LF; } } else { unset($all[$key]); } } } ?>
$_userInfo['csv'] = csvFileToArray($_FILES['cvsfile']['tmp_name'], $_userInfo['delimeter']); if (is_array($_userInfo['csv'])) { $_userInfo['nonImported'] = array(); $c = 1; $_userInfo['csvTime'] = time(); foreach ($_userInfo['csv'] as $row) { if (!isset($row[1])) { $row[1] = ''; } if (!empty($row[0]) && is_valid_email($row[0])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address ("; $sql .= "address_email, address_name, address_key, address_subscription, address_verified, address_tstamp) VALUES ("; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($row[0]) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($row[1]) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(shortHash($row[0] . time())) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . ($_userInfo['subscribe_all'] ? '' : aporeplace(serialize($_userInfo['subscribe_select']))) . "', "; $sql .= $_userInfo['subscribe_active'] . ", FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $_userInfo['csvTime'] . ") )"; $sql = _dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT'); if (empty($sql['INSERT_ID'])) { $_userInfo['nonImported'][$c] = $row[0] . '; ' . $row[1] . ' (' . mysql_error() . ')'; } } else { $_userInfo['nonImported'][$c] = $row[0] . '; ' . $row[1]; } $c++; } } break; default: $_userInfo['csvError'] = 'False MIME TYPE. Be sure to upload CSV file only.'; @unlink($_FILES['cvsfile']['tmp_name']);
$media["media_width"] = intval($media["media"][3]); $media["media_height"] = intval($media["media"][4]); $media["media_auto"] = intval($media["media"][8]) ? 1 : 0; $media["media_transparent"] = isset($media["media"][9]) ? intval($media["media"][9]) : 0; $media["media_control"] = intval($media["media"][7]) ? 1 : 0; if ($media["media_src"]) { // remote Source $media["media_extern"] = base64_decode($media["media"][6]); $media["media_id"] = 0; $media["media_name"] = ''; } else { //internal source list($media["media_id"], $media["media_name"]) = explode(':', base64_decode($media["media"][6])); $media["media_id"] = intval($media["media_id"]); $media["media_name"] = trim($media["media_name"]); $media["media_extern"] = ''; } unset($media["media"]); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent SET "; $sql .= "acontent_form='" . aporeplace(serialize($media)) . "', acontent_media='', "; $sql .= "acontent_created='" . $var["acontent_created"] . "', acontent_tstamp='" . $var["acontent_tstamp"] . "' "; $sql .= "WHERE acontent_id = " . $var["acontent_id"]; $upgrade = _dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE'); echo sprintf('%05d: ', $c) . ' CP-ID: ' . $var['acontent_id'] . LF; flush(); $c++; } if ($c == 1) { echo 'No content part multimedia found for upgrading!'; } echo '</pre></body></html>';
if ($fileExt === '') { $file_error["file"] = sprintf($BL['be_fprivup_err9'], implode(', ', $phpwcms['allowed_upload_ext'])); } elseif (is_array($phpwcms['allowed_upload_ext']) && count($phpwcms['allowed_upload_ext']) && !in_array(strtolower($fileExt), $phpwcms['allowed_upload_ext'])) { $file_error["file"] = sprintf($BL['be_fprivup_err8'], strtoupper($fileName), implode(', ', $phpwcms['allowed_upload_ext'])); } } } if (empty($file_error)) { if (isset($file_vars)) { $fileVarsField = ',f_vars'; $fileVarsValue = ',' . _dbEscape(serialize($file_vars)); } else { $fileVarsField = ''; $fileVarsValue = ''; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file (" . "f_pid, f_uid, f_kid, f_aktiv, f_public, f_name, f_created, f_size, f_type, f_ext, " . "f_shortinfo, f_longinfo, f_keywords, f_hash, f_copyright, f_tags, f_granted, f_gallerystatus, f_sort" . $fileVarsField . ") VALUES (" . $file_pid . ", " . intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]) . ", 1, " . $file_aktiv . ", " . $file_public . ", '" . $fileName . "', '" . time() . "', '" . $fileSize . "', '" . aporeplace($fileType) . "', '" . $fileExt . "', '" . aporeplace($file_shortinfo) . "', '" . aporeplace($file_longinfo) . "', '" . aporeplace($file_keys) . "', '" . aporeplace($fileHash) . "', '" . aporeplace($file_copyright) . "', '" . aporeplace($file_tags) . "', " . $file_granted . ", " . $file_gallerydownload . ", " . $file_sort . $fileVarsValue . ")"; if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while insert file information")) { $new_fileId = mysql_insert_id($db); //Festlegen der aktuellen File-ID $wcs_newfilename = $fileExt ? $fileHash . '.' . $fileExt : $fileHash; // changed for using hashed file names $useruploadpath = PHPWCMS_ROOT . $phpwcms["file_path"]; $usernewfile = $useruploadpath . $wcs_newfilename; if ($dir = @opendir($useruploadpath)) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $usernewfile)) { $file_error["upload"] = $BL['be_fprivup_err3'] . ' (1)'; } } else { $oldumask = umask(0); if (@mkdir($useruploadpath, 0777)) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $usernewfile)) {
} if (!empty($_POST["fkey_aktion"])) { //Formular zum Bearbeiten der Dateischlüssel-Namen $fkey["name"] = clean_slweg($_POST["fkey_name"], 250); $fkey["id"] = intval($_POST["fkey_id"]); $fkey["active"] = intval($_POST["fkey_active"]); $fkey["cid"] = intval($_POST["fkey_cid"]); $fkey["sort"] = empty($_POST["fkey_sort"]) ? 0 : intval($_POST["fkey_sort"]); if (isEmpty($fkey["name"])) { $fkey["error"] = 1; } else { if (!$fkey["id"]) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_filekey (fkey_name, fkey_aktiv, fkey_cid, fkey_sort) VALUES ('"; $sql .= aporeplace($fkey["name"]) . "', " . $fkey["active"] . ", " . $fkey["cid"] . ", " . $fkey["sort"] . ")"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_filekey SET fkey_name='" . aporeplace($fkey["name"]); $sql .= "', fkey_aktiv=" . $fkey["active"] . ", fkey_cid=" . $fkey["cid"] . ", fkey_sort=" . $fkey["sort"] . " WHERE fkey_id=" . $fkey["id"]; } if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while inserting/updating file key")) { if (!$fkey["id"]) { $fkey["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db); } headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL . "phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=7"); } } } ?> <form action="phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=7&fkeyid=<?php echo $fkey["id"] . "&cid=" . $fkey["cid"]; ?> " method="post" name="filekey" id="filekey">
$newimage .= $frow['f_hash']; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= $frow['f_ext']; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= $image[3]; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= $image[4]; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= $image[7]; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= $image[5]; $newimage .= ':'; $newimage .= isset($image[8]) && intval($image[8]) ? 1 : 0; // check if this is an updated content part if ($image[2] != $frow['f_hash'] && $image[3] != $frow['f_ext']) { $usql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent SET "; $usql .= "acontent_image='" . aporeplace($newimage) . "' "; $usql .= "WHERE acontent_id=" . $row['acontent_id'] . " LIMIT 1"; mysql_query($usql, $db); echo 'Image ' . sprintf('%05d: ', $linenumber) . html_specialchars($frow['f_name']) . "\n"; } } mysql_free_result($fresult); } flush(); $linenumber++; } if (empty($usql)) { echo 'None of the content parts "image with text" needs to be upgraded.'; } echo '</pre></body></html>';
} } else { // INSERT $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_glossary ('; $sql .= 'glossary_created, glossary_changed, glossary_title, glossary_tag, '; $sql .= 'glossary_keyword, glossary_text, glossary_highlight, glossary_object, glossary_status'; $sql .= ') VALUES ('; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_created']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_changed']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_title']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_tag']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_keyword']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_text']) . "', "; $sql .= aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_highlight']) . ', '; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(serialize($plugin['data']['glossary_object'])) . "', "; $sql .= aporeplace($plugin['data']['glossary_status']); $sql .= ')'; if (@_dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT')) { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF)); } } else { $plugin['error']['update'] = mysql_error(); } } } } // try to read entry from database if ($plugin['id'] && !isset($plugin['error'])) { $sql = 'SELECT *,'; $sql .= "DATE_FORMAT(adcampaign_datestart, '%d" . $BLM['date_delimiter'] . "%m" . $BLM['date_delimiter'] . "%Y') AS adcampaign_date_start, ";
$plugin['order_status'][] = 'PAYED'; } if (!empty($_POST['status_send'])) { $plugin['order_status'][] = 'SENT'; } if (!empty($_POST['status_back'])) { $plugin['order_status'][] = 'RETURN'; } if (!empty($_POST['status_done'])) { $plugin['order_status'][] = 'COMPLETED'; } $plugin['order_status'] = implode('-', $plugin['order_status']); if ($plugin['order_status'] == '') { $plugin['order_status'] = 'NEW-ORDER'; } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_shop_orders SET order_status='" . aporeplace($plugin['order_status']) . "' "; $sql .= "WHERE order_id=" . intval($_POST['order_status']); if (_dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE')) { set_status_message($BLM['shopprod_status_msg'], 'success'); } } $sql = 'SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(order_date) AS order_date_unix FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_shop_orders '; $sql .= "WHERE order_id = " . intval($_GET['show']); $plugin['data'] = _dbQuery($sql); if (isset($plugin['data'][0])) { $plugin['data'] = $plugin['data'][0]; $plugin['data']['order_data'] = @unserialize($plugin['data']['order_data']); } else { headerRedirect(shop_url('controller=order', '')); } $BLM['shopprod_payby_INVOICE'] = $BLM['shopprod_payby_onbill'];
if (!$_entry['list_active']) { $_entry['query'] .= 'cat_status=0'; } if (!$_entry['list_inactive']) { $_entry['query'] .= 'cat_status=1'; } } else { $_entry['query'] .= 'cat_status!=9'; } $_entry['query'] .= " AND cat_type='module_shop'"; if (isset($_SESSION['filter_shop_category']) && is_array($_SESSION['filter_shop_category']) && count($_SESSION['filter_shop_category'])) { $_entry['filter_array'] = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['filter_shop_category'] as $_entry['filter']) { //usr_name, usr_login, usr_email $_entry['filter_array'][] = "cat_name LIKE '%" . aporeplace($_entry['filter']) . "%'"; $_entry['filter_array'][] = "cat_info LIKE '%" . aporeplace($_entry['filter']) . "%'"; } if (count($_entry['filter_array'])) { $_SESSION['filter_shop_category'] = ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $_entry['filter_array']) . ')'; $_entry['query'] .= $_SESSION['filter_shop_category']; } } elseif (isset($_SESSION['filter_shop_category']) && is_string($_SESSION['filter_shop_category'])) { $_entry['query'] .= $_SESSION['filter_shop_category']; } // paginating values $_entry['count_total'] = _dbQuery('SELECT COUNT(cat_id) FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_categories WHERE ' . $_entry['query'], 'COUNT'); $_entry['pages_total'] = ceil($_entry['count_total'] / $_SESSION['list_count']); if ($_SESSION['detail_page'] > $_entry['pages_total']) { $_SESSION['detail_page'] = empty($_entry['pages_total']) ? 1 : $_entry['pages_total']; } ?>
} $phpwcms['SMTP_MAILER'] = clean_slweg($_POST["smtp_mailer"]); if (!$phpwcms['SMTP_MAILER']) { $phpwcms['SMTP_MAILER'] = 'mail'; } $phpwcms['SMTP_AUTH'] = empty($_POST["smtp_auth"]) ? 0 : 1; $phpwcms['SMTP_USER'] = slweg($_POST["smtp_user"]); $phpwcms['SMTP_PASS'] = slweg($_POST["smtp_pass"]); $phpwcms['SMTP_SECURE'] = clean_slweg($_POST["smtp_secure"]); write_conf_file($phpwcms); if (!empty($_POST["admin_create"])) { $db = mysql_connect($phpwcms["db_host"], $phpwcms["db_user"], $phpwcms["db_pass"]); mysql_select_db($phpwcms["db_table"], $db); mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $phpwcms["charset"] . "'", $db); $phpwcms["db_prepend"] = $phpwcms["db_prepend"] ? $phpwcms["db_prepend"] . "_" : ""; $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $phpwcms["db_prepend"] . "phpwcms_user (usr_login, usr_pass, usr_email, " . "usr_admin, usr_aktiv, usr_name, usr_fe, usr_wysiwyg ) VALUES ('" . aporeplace($phpwcms["admin_user"]) . "', '" . aporeplace(md5($phpwcms["admin_pass"])) . "', '" . aporeplace($phpwcms["admin_email"]) . "', 1, 1, '" . aporeplace($phpwcms['SMTP_FROM_NAME']) . "', 2, 2);"; mysql_query($sql, $db) or $err = 1; } if (!$err) { header("Location: setup.php?step=3"); exit; } } if ($step == 3 && $do) { $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = clean_slweg($_POST["doc_root"]); $phpwcms["root"] = clean_slweg($_POST["root"]); $phpwcms["file_path"] = clean_slweg($_POST["file_path"]); $phpwcms["templates"] = clean_slweg($_POST["templates"]); $phpwcms["ftp_path"] = clean_slweg($_POST["ftp_path"]); $phpwcms["file_path"] = $phpwcms["file_path"] ? $phpwcms["file_path"] : "phpwcms_filestorage"; $phpwcms["templates"] = $phpwcms["templates"] ? $phpwcms["templates"] : "phpwcms_template";
$_SESSION['filter_seo'] = convertStringToArray($_SESSION['filter_seo'], ' '); $_POST['filter'] = $_SESSION['filter_seo']; } $_SESSION['seolog_page'] = intval($_POST['page']); } if (empty($_SESSION['seolog_page'])) { $_SESSION['seolog_page'] = 1; } $_entry['list_active'] = isset($_SESSION['list_active']) ? $_SESSION['list_active'] : 1; $_entry['list_inactive'] = isset($_SESSION['list_inactive']) ? $_SESSION['list_inactive'] : 1; $_entry['query'] = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['filter_seo']) && is_array($_SESSION['filter_seo']) && count($_SESSION['filter_seo'])) { $_entry['filter_array'] = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['filter_seo'] as $_entry['filter']) { //usr_name, usr_login, usr_email $_entry['filter_array'][] = "CONCAT(domain,query) LIKE '%" . aporeplace($_entry['filter']) . "%'"; } if (count($_entry['filter_array'])) { $_SESSION['filter_seo'] = ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $_entry['filter_array']) . ')'; $_entry['query'] .= $_SESSION['filter_seo']; } } elseif (isset($_SESSION['filter_seo']) && is_string($_SESSION['filter_seo'])) { $_entry['query'] .= $_SESSION['filter_seo']; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_log_seo '; if ($_entry['query']) { $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $_entry['query'] . ' '; } $sql .= 'GROUP BY hash'; // paginating values $_entry['count_total'] = _dbQuery($sql, 'COUNT');
$sql .= "address_subscription\t= '" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_subscription']) . "' "; $sql .= 'WHERE '; if ($_userInfo['count']) { // update based on email address $sql .= "address_email='" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email']) . "'"; } else { // update based on email address $sql .= 'address_id=' . $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_id']; $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; } _dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE'); } else { // insert $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_address '; $sql .= '(address_key, address_email, address_name, address_verified, address_subscription) VALUES ('; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(shortHash($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email'] . time())) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_email']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_name']) . "', "; $sql .= $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_verified'] . ", "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_subscription']) . "')"; $_userInfo['result'] = _dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT'); if (!empty($_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID'])) { $_userInfo['subscriber_id'] = $_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID']; $_userInfo['subscriber_data']['address_id'] = $_userInfo['result']['INSERT_ID']; } } } // in case data should be saved and closed then if ($_userInfo['error']['email'] == 0 && (!empty($_POST['save']) || !empty($_userInfo['count']))) { $_userInfo['subscriber_data'] = false; }
} $_SESSION["structure"][$open_id] = $open_value; mysql_query("UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET usr_var_structure=" . _dbEscape(serialize($_SESSION["structure"])) . " WHERE usr_id=" . aporeplace($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]), $db); } //31-03-2005 Fernando Batista start--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $cut_article_content = isset($_GET["accut"]) ? intval($_GET["accut"]) : 0; $copy_article_content = isset($_GET["accopy"]) ? intval($_GET["accopy"]) : 0; if (isset($_GET["opena"])) { list($open_id, $open_value) = explode(":", $_GET["opena"]); $open_id = intval($open_id); if (empty($open_value)) { unset($_SESSION["structure"]["article"][$open_id]); } else { $_SESSION["structure"]["article"][$open_id] = $open_value; } mysql_query("UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user SET usr_var_structure=" . _dbEscape(serialize($_SESSION["structure"])) . " WHERE usr_id=" . aporeplace($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]), $db); } //31-03-2005 Fernando Batista end------------------- $child_count = get_root_childcount(0, $db); //$an = $BL['be_admin_struct_index']; $an = $indexpage['acat_name']; $a = "<tr onMouseOver=\"this.bgColor='#CCFF00';\" onMouseOut=\"this.bgColor='#FFFFFF';\">\n"; $a .= '<td width="461">'; $a .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n<tr>\n"; $a .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">'; $a .= $child_count ? "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=articles&open=0:" . ($_SESSION["structure"][0] ? 0 : 1) . "\">" : ""; $a .= "<img src=\"img/symbole/plus_" . ($child_count ? $_SESSION["structure"][0] ? "close" : "open" : "empty"); $a .= ".gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">" . ($child_count ? "</a>" : ""); $a .= "<img src=\"img/symbole/page_1.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"15\" "; $info = 'ID: <b>0</b><br />'; $info .= 'ALIAS: ' . html($indexpage["acat_alias"]);
} if ($_userInfo['list_norm']) { $_userInfo['list'][] = ' usr_fe=1 '; } if ($_userInfo['list_fe']) { $_userInfo['list'][] = ' usr_fe=0 '; } $_userInfo['list'] = trim(implode('OR', $_userInfo['list'])); if ($_userInfo['list']) { $_userInfo['where_query'] .= ' AND (' . $_userInfo['list'] . ')'; } if (isset($_SESSION['filter_results']) && count($_SESSION['filter_results'])) { $_userInfo['filter_array'] = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['filter_results'] as $_userInfo['filter']) { //usr_name, usr_login, usr_email $_userInfo['filter_array'][] = "CONCAT(usr_name, usr_login, usr_email) LIKE '%" . aporeplace($_userInfo['filter']) . "%'"; } if (count($_userInfo['filter_array'])) { $_userInfo['where_query'] .= ' AND (' . implode('OR', $_userInfo['filter_array']) . ')'; } } // paginating values $_userInfo['count_total'] = _dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user " . $_userInfo['where_query'], 'COUNT'); $_userInfo['pages_total'] = ceil($_userInfo['count_total'] / $_SESSION['list_user_count']); if ($_SESSION['list_user_page'] > $_userInfo['pages_total']) { $_SESSION['list_user_page'] = empty($_userInfo['pages_total']) ? 1 : $_userInfo['pages_total']; } ?> <table width="538" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary=""> <tr><td colspan="3" class="title"><?php echo $BL['be_admin_usr_ltitle'];
if ($content['glossary']['filter_run']) { //$content['glossary']['filters'][] = "TRIM(CONCAT(glossary_tag, glossary_title)) LIKE '".aporeplace($content['glossary']['char'])."%'"; $content['glossary']['filters'][] = "glossary_title LIKE '" . aporeplace($content['glossary']['char']) . "%'"; } if ($content['glossary']['char'] == $content['glossary']['filter'][1]) { break; } } if (count($content['glossary']['filters'])) { $content['glossary']['where'] = ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $content['glossary']['filters']) . ')'; } } } else { //$content['glossary']['where'] = " AND TRIM(CONCAT(glossary_tag, glossary_title)) LIKE '".aporeplace($content['glossary']['glossary_filter_active'])."%'"; if ($content['glossary']['glossary_filter_active'] != '*' && strlen($content['glossary']['glossary_filter_active']) == 1) { $content['glossary']['where'] = " AND glossary_title LIKE '" . aporeplace($content['glossary']['glossary_filter_active']) . "%'"; } } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_glossary WHERE glossary_status=1' . $content['glossary']['where'] . ' ORDER BY glossary_title'; $content['glossary']['entries'] = _dbQuery($sql); $_filter_link = array(); $_filter_c = 0; foreach ($content['glossary']['glossary_filter'] as $content['glossary']['filter_value']) { $_filter_link[$_filter_c] = '<a href="' . rel_url(array('glossary' => $content['glossary']['filter_value'])); // yes - this is the active part if ($content['glossary']['filter_value'] == $content['glossary']['glossary_filter_active']) { $_filter_link[$_filter_c] .= ' class="active"'; } $_filter_entities = html_specialchars($content['glossary']['filter_value']); $_filter_link[$_filter_c] .= ' title="' . $_filter_entities . '">';
if ($check_anzahl["anzahl"]) { $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err1'] . "\n"; } } mysql_free_result($result); } } if (isEmpty($new_password)) { $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err3'] . "\n"; } if (!is_valid_email($new_email) && $send_verification) { $user_err .= $BL['be_admin_usr_err4'] . "\n"; } if (empty($user_err)) { //Insert new User $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_user (usr_login, usr_pass, usr_email, " . "usr_admin, usr_aktiv, usr_name, usr_wysiwyg, usr_fe ) VALUES ('" . aporeplace($new_login) . "', '" . aporeplace(md5(makeCharsetConversion($new_password, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, 'utf-8'))) . "', '" . aporeplace($new_email) . "', '" . $set_user_admin . "', '" . $set_user_aktiv . "', '" . aporeplace($new_name) . "', 1, '" . $set_user_fe . "')"; if (mysql_query($sql, $db) or die('error while creating new user')) { $new_user_id = mysql_insert_id($db); $user_ok = 1; if ($send_verification) { $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN}', $new_login, $BL['be_admin_usr_mailbody']); $emailbody = str_replace('{PASSWORD}', $new_password, $emailbody); $emailbody = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $emailbody); $emailbody = str_replace('{LOGIN_PAGE}', PHPWCMS_URL . get_login_file(), $emailbody); sendEmail(array('recipient' => $new_email, 'toName' => $new_name, 'subject' => $BL['be_admin_usr_mailsubject'], 'isHTML' => 0, 'text' => $emailbody, 'from' => $phpwcms["admin_email"], 'sender' => $phpwcms["admin_email"])); } } } } if (empty($user_ok)) { ?>
$template['frontendjs'] = empty($_POST["template_frontendjs"]) ? 0 : 1; $template['googleapi'] = empty($_POST["template_googleapi"]) ? 0 : 1; // now browse custom blocks if available if (!empty($_POST['customblock'])) { $template['customblock'] = clean_slweg($_POST["customblock"]); $temp_customblock = explode(',', $template['customblock']); foreach ($temp_customblock as $value) { $template['customblock_' . $value] = slweg($_POST['template_customblock_' . $value]); } } if ($template["id"] && empty($createcopy)) { // if ID <> 0 then get template info from database $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_template SET " . "template_name='" . aporeplace($template["name"]) . "', " . "template_default=" . $template["default"] . ", " . "template_var='" . aporeplace(serialize($template)) . "' " . "WHERE template_id=" . $template["id"]; } else { // if ID = 0 then show create new template form $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_template (" . "template_name, template_default, template_var) VALUES ('" . aporeplace($template["name"]) . "', " . $template["default"] . ", '" . aporeplace(serialize($template)) . "')"; } // update or insert data entry @mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while updating or inserting template datas"); if (empty($template["id"]) || $createcopy == 1) { $template["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db); } //now proof for default template definition if ($template["default"]) { mysql_query("UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_template SET template_default=0 " . "WHERE template_id != " . $template["id"], $db); } update_cache(); headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL . 'phpwcms.php?' . get_token_get_string('csrftoken') . '&do=admin&p=11&s=' . $template["id"]); } if ($template["id"]) { // read the given template datas from db
} } else { // INSERT $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_ads_place ('; $sql .= 'adplace_created, adplace_changed, adplace_status, adplace_title, '; $sql .= 'adplace_format, adplace_width, adplace_height, adplace_prefix, adplace_suffix'; $sql .= ') VALUES ('; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adplace_created']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adplace_changed']) . "', "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adplace_status'] . ", "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adplace_title']) . "', "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adplace_format'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adplace_width'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adplace_height'] . ", "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adplace_prefix']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adplace_suffix']) . "'"; $sql .= ')'; if (@_dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT')) { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&listadplace=1'); } } else { $plugin['error']['update'] = mysql_error(); } } } } // try to read entry from database if ($plugin['id'] && !isset($plugin['error'])) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_ads_place WHERE adplace_id=' . $plugin['id']; $plugin['data'] = _dbQuery($sql);
$sql .= ' AND ('; $sql .= "shopprod_category = '" . $selected_product_cat . "' OR "; $sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR "; $sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '" . $selected_product_cat . ",%' OR "; $sql .= "shopprod_category LIKE '%," . $selected_product_cat . "'"; $sql .= ')'; } elseif ($shop_detail_id) { $sql .= ' AND shopprod_id=' . $shop_detail_id; } else { $sql .= ' AND shopprod_listall=1'; } // FE language $sql .= SHOP_FELANG_SQL; $_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by'] = trim($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by']); if ($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by'] !== '') { $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . aporeplace($_tmpl['config']['cat_list_sort_by']); } $data = _dbQuery($sql); if (isset($data[0])) { $x = 0; $entry = array(); $shop_prod_detail = rel_url(array(), array('shop_detail')); $_tmpl['config']['init_lightbox'] = false; foreach ($data as $row) { $row['vat'] = (double) $row['shopprod_vat']; $row['vat_decimals'] = dec_num_count($row['vat']); if ($row['vat_decimals'] < $_tmpl['config']['vat_decimals']) { $row['vat_decimals'] = $_tmpl['config']['vat_decimals']; } if ($row['shopprod_netgross'] == 1) { // price given is GROSS price, including VAT
} } else { // INSERT $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_glossary ('; $sql .= 'glossary_created, glossary_changed, glossary_title, glossary_tag, '; $sql .= 'glossary_keyword, glossary_text, glossary_highlight, glossary_object, glossary_status'; $sql .= ') VALUES ('; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_created']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_changed']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_title']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_tag']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_keyword']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_text']) . "', "; $sql .= aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_highlight']) . ', '; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(serialize($glossary['data']['glossary_object'])) . "', "; $sql .= aporeplace($glossary['data']['glossary_status']); $sql .= ')'; if ($result = @_dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT')) { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(decode_entities(GLOSSARY_HREF)); } if (!empty($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $glossary['id'] = $result['INSERT_ID']; } } else { $glossary['error']['update'] = mysql_error(); } } } } // try to read entry from database
<?php /** * phpwcms content management system * This script is a module for PHPWCMS Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Oliver Georgi * * SliderJS Module * @version v1.3 * @author breitsch - webrealisierung gmbh <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013, webrealisierung gmbh * @license GNU GPL-2 * **/ // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // SliderJS module content part SQL UPDATE/INSERT if (isset($content['br_sliderjs']) && is_array($content['br_sliderjs'])) { $SQL .= "acontent_form = '" . aporeplace(serialize($content['br_sliderjs'])) . "'"; }
} else { $_userInfo['channel'] = false; } $_userInfo['list'] = array(); // if admin user should be listed $_userInfo['where_query'] = ''; if ($_userInfo['list_active'] != $_userInfo['list_inactive'] && $_userInfo['list_active']) { $_userInfo['where_query'] = ' WHERE address_verified=1'; } elseif ($_userInfo['list_active'] != $_userInfo['list_inactive'] && $_userInfo['list_inactive']) { $_userInfo['where_query'] = ' WHERE address_verified=0'; } if (isset($_SESSION['filter_subscriber']) && count($_SESSION['filter_subscriber'])) { $_userInfo['filter_array'] = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['filter_subscriber'] as $_userInfo['filter']) { //usr_name, usr_login, usr_email $_userInfo['filter_array'][] = "CONCAT(address_email, address_name) LIKE '%" . aporeplace($_userInfo['filter']) . "%'"; } if (count($_userInfo['filter_array'])) { $_userInfo['where_query'] .= $_userInfo['where_query'] ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE '; $_userInfo['where_query'] .= '(' . implode(' OR ', $_userInfo['filter_array']) . ')'; } } // paginating values $_userInfo['count_total'] = _dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_address" . $_userInfo['where_query'], 'COUNT'); $_userInfo['pages_total'] = ceil($_userInfo['count_total'] / $_SESSION['list_user_count']); if ($_SESSION['subscriber_page'] > $_userInfo['pages_total']) { $_SESSION['subscriber_page'] = empty($_userInfo['pages_total']) ? 1 : $_userInfo['pages_total']; } ?> <form action="phpwcms.php?do=messages&p=4" method="post" name="paginate" id="paginate"><input type="hidden" name="do_pagination" value="1" /> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="paginate" summary="">
</tr> </table> <?php } else { // should the edit forum dialog $forum["id"] = !empty($_GET["s"]) ? intval($_GET["s"]) : 0; if (isset($_POST["forum_id"])) { // read the create or edit forum form data $forum["id"] = intval($_POST["forum_id"]); $forum["title"] = clean_slweg($_POST["forum_title"]); if (!$forum["title"]) { $forum["title"] = "Forum " . date('Y/m/d H:i'); } $forum["text"] = clean_slweg($_POST["forum_text"]); $sqla = "forum_title = '" . aporeplace($forum["title"]) . "', "; $sqla .= "forum_text = '" . aporeplace($forum["text"]) . "'"; if ($forum["id"]) { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_forum SET " . $sqla; $sql .= " WHERE forum_entry=0 AND forum_id=" . $forum["id"]; $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_forum SET "; $sql .= "forum_entry='0', "; $sql .= "forum_uid='" . $_SESSION["wcs_user_id"] . "', "; $sql .= "forum_created = '" . time() . "', "; $sql .= $sqla; } // update or insert data entry mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while updating or inserting forum data"); if (!$forum["id"]) { $forum["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db);
$sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_tag']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_vat']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_netgross']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_price']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace('0') . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_description0']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_description1']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_description2']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_description3']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(serialize(array('images' => $plugin['data']['shopprod_images'], 'url' => $plugin['data']['shopprod_url'], 'files' => $plugin['data']['shopprod_files']))) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace(implode(',', $plugin['data']['shopprod_category'])) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_weight']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_size']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_color']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_listall']) . "', "; $sql .= "'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['shopprod_lang']) . "', "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['shopprod_overwrite_meta'] . ', '; $sql .= $plugin['data']['shopprod_opengraph']; $sql .= ')'; $result = _dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT'); if (!empty($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $plugin['data']['shopprod_id'] = $result['INSERT_ID']; } } // save and back to listing mode if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(shop_url('controller=prod', '')); } else { headerRedirect(shop_url(array('controller=prod', 'edit=' . $plugin['data']['shopprod_id']), '')); } }
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_address '; $sql .= 'SET address_verified=1 '; $sql .= "WHERE address_key='" . aporeplace($hash) . "'"; if (empty($data[0]['address_verified'])) { $result = _dbQuery($sql, 'UPDATE'); } if (!empty($data[0]['address_url1'])) { headerRedirect($data[0]['address_url1']); } if (!($page = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_default/subscribe.tmpl'))) { $page = "The email address <strong>{EMAIL}</strong> was verified."; } break; case 'unsubscribe': $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_address '; $sql .= "WHERE address_key='" . aporeplace($hash) . "'"; $result = _dbQuery($sql, 'DELETE'); if (!empty($data[0]['address_url2'])) { headerRedirect($data[0]['address_url2']); } if (!($page = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_default/unsubscribe.tmpl'))) { $page = "All Subscriptions for <strong>{EMAIL}</strong> canceled."; } break; } } else { headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL); } } else { headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL); }
$sql .= "\tadcampaign_maxview, adcampaign_maxclick, adcampaign_maxviewuser, "; $sql .= "\tadcampaign_type, adcampaign_place, adcampaign_data"; $sql .= ') VALUES ('; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_created']) . "', "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_changed']) . "', "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_status'] . ", "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_title']) . "', "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_comment']) . "', "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_datestart']) . "', "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace($plugin['data']['adcampaign_dateend']) . "', "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_maxview'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_maxclick'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_maxviewuser'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_type'] . ", "; $sql .= $plugin['data']['adcampaign_place'] . ", "; $sql .= "\t'" . aporeplace(serialize($plugin['data']['adcampaign_data'])) . "'"; $sql .= ')'; if ($plugin_new_id = @_dbQuery($sql, 'INSERT')) { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&listcampaign=1'); } elseif (!empty($plugin_new_id['INSERT_ID'])) { headerRedirect(decode_entities(MODULE_HREF) . '&campaign=1&edit=' . $plugin_new_id['INSERT_ID']); } } else { $plugin['error']['update'] = mysql_error(); } } } } // try to read entry from database if ($plugin['id'] && !isset($plugin['error'])) {
$file_error["keywords"][$key] = 1; } } } //if(isEmpty($file_shortinfo)) $file_error["shortinfo"] = 1; if (empty($file_name)) { $file_error["name"] = 1; } else { //Wenn Dateiname keine Erweiterung hat, dann Extension anhängen if (trim(strtolower(FileExtension($file_name))) != trim($file_ext)) { $file_name .= "." . $file_ext; } } //Eintragen der aktualisierten Verzeichnisinfos if (!isset($file_error)) { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file SET " . "f_name='" . aporeplace($file_name) . "', " . "f_pid=" . $file_pid . ", " . "f_aktiv=" . $file_aktiv . ", " . "f_public=" . $file_public . ", " . "f_shortinfo='" . aporeplace($file_shortinfo) . "', " . "f_longinfo='" . aporeplace($file_longinfo) . "', " . "f_keywords='" . $file_keys . "', " . "f_created='" . time() . "', " . "f_copyright='" . aporeplace($file_copyright) . "', " . "f_tags='" . aporeplace($file_tags) . "', " . "f_granted=" . $file_granted . ", " . "f_gallerystatus=" . $file_gallerydownload . ", " . (isset($file_vars) ? 'f_vars=' . _dbEscape(serialize($file_vars)) . ',' : '') . "f_sort=" . $file_sort . " " . "WHERE f_kid=1 AND f_id=" . $file_id; if (empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"])) { $sql .= " AND f_uid=" . intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]); } if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { // store tags _dbSaveCategories($file_tags, 'file', $file_id, ','); //headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL."phpwcms.php?do=files&f=0"); } else { $file_error["save_failed"] = 1; } } } //Ende Auswerten Formular //Wenn ID angegeben, dann -> oder aber Root Verzeichnis if ($file_id) {
switch ($dir_gallery) { case 2: case 3: break; default: $dir_gallery = 0; } if ($dir_id == $dir_pid) { $dir_error += 2; } if (empty($dir_newname)) { $dir_error += 1; } //Eintragen der aktualisierten Verzeichnisinfos if (empty($dir_error)) { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file SET " . 'f_pid=' . $dir_pid . ', ' . "f_name='" . aporeplace($dir_newname) . "', " . "f_aktiv=" . $dir_aktiv . ", " . "f_public=" . $dir_public . ", " . "f_longinfo='" . aporeplace($dir_longinfo) . "', " . "f_created='" . time() . "', " . "f_gallerystatus=" . $dir_gallery . ", " . 'f_sort=' . $dir_sort . ' ' . "WHERE f_kid=0 AND f_id=" . $dir_id; if (empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"])) { $sql .= " AND f_uid=" . intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]); } if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { //headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL."phpwcms.php?do=files&f=0"); } } } else { //Editieren des Verzeichnisses $dir_id = empty($_GET["editdir"]) ? 0 : intval($_GET["editdir"]); } //Ende Auswerten Formular //Wenn ID angegeben, dann -> oder aber Root Verzeichnis if ($dir_id) { $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name, f_aktiv, f_public, f_longinfo, f_gallerystatus, f_sort, f_pid FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE f_id=" . $dir_id;
if (isset($_POST["keyword_aktion"]) && intval($_POST["keyword_aktion"])) { // show form for editing keywords $keyword["name"] = clean_slweg($_POST["keyword_name"], 250); $keyword["id"] = intval($_POST["keyword_id"]); $keyword["name"] = str_replace(';', ' ', $keyword["name"]); $keyword["name"] = str_replace(',', ' ', $keyword["name"]); $keyword["name"] = preg_replace('/\\s{1,}/', ' ', $keyword["name"]); if (empty($keyword["name"])) { $keyword["error"] = 1; } else { if (!$keyword["id"]) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_keyword SET "; $sql .= "keyword_name = '" . aporeplace($keyword["name"]) . "'"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_keyword SET "; $sql .= "keyword_name='" . aporeplace($keyword["name"]); $sql .= "' WHERE keyword_id=" . $keyword["id"]; } if ($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while inserting/updating keyword")) { if (!$keyword["id"]) { $keyword["id"] = mysql_insert_id($db); } headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL . "phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5"); } } } ?> <form action="phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=5&keyid=<?php echo $keyword["id"]; ?> " method="post" name="keywords">