 * Gets the title of the quiz file given as parameter.
 * @param   string    File name
 * @param   string    File path
 * @return  string    The exercise title
function GetQuizName($fname, $fpath)
    $title = GetComment($fname);
    if (trim($title) == '') {
        if (file_exists($fpath . $fname)) {
            if (!($fp = @fopen($fpath . $fname, 'r'))) {
                //die('Could not open Quiz input.');
                return basename($fname);
            $contents = @fread($fp, filesize($fpath . $fname));
            $title = api_get_title_html($contents);
    if ($title == '') {
        $title = basename($fname);
    return (string) $title;
Example #2
     * Converts an html string to PDF
     * @param   string  $document_html valid html
     * @param   string  $css CSS content of a CSS file
     * @param   string  $pdf_name pdf name
     * @param   string  $course_code course code
     * (if you are using html that are located in the document tool you must provide this)
     * @return  string  Web path
    public function content_to_pdf(
        $css = '',
        $pdf_name = '',
        $course_code = null
    ) {
        global $_configuration;

        if (empty($document_html)) {
            return false;

        //clean styles and javascript document
        $clean_search = array (

        // Formatting the pdf
        $course_data = api_get_course_info($course_code);


        $document_html = preg_replace($clean_search, '', $document_html);

        //absolute path for frames.css //TODO: necessary?
        $absolute_css_path 	= api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'css/'.api_get_setting('stylesheets').'/frames.css';
        $document_html		= str_replace('href="./css/frames.css"','href="'.$absolute_css_path.'"', $document_html);

        //$document_html=str_replace('<link rel="stylesheet" http://my.chamilo.net/main/css/chamilo/frames.css type="text/css" />','', $document_html);

        $document_html= str_replace('../../','',$document_html);
        $document_html= str_replace('../','',$document_html);
        $document_html= str_replace((empty($_configuration['url_append'])?'':$_configuration['url_append'].'/').'courses/'.$course_code.'/document/','',$document_html);

        if (!empty($course_data['path'])) {
            $document_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course_data['path'].'/document/';

            $doc = new DOMDocument();
            $result = @$doc->loadHTML($document_html);

            //Fixing only images @todo do the same thing with other elements
            $elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
            if (!empty($elements)) {
                foreach ($elements as $item) {
                    $old_src = $item->getAttribute('src');
                    //$old_src= str_replace('../','',$old_src);
                    if (strpos($old_src, 'http') === false) {
                        if (strpos($old_src, '/main/default_course_document') === false) {
                            if (strpos($old_src, '/main/inc/lib/') === false) {

                                $old_src_fixed = str_replace('/courses/'.$course_data['path'].'/document/', '', $old_src);
                                $old_src_fixed = str_replace('courses/'.$course_data['path'].'/document/', '', $old_src_fixed);
                                $new_path = $document_path.$old_src_fixed;
                                $document_html= str_replace($old_src, $new_path, $document_html);


        //replace relative path by absolute path for resources
        //$document_html= str_replace('src="/chamilo/main/default_course_document/', 'temp_template_path', $document_html);// before save src templates not apply
        //$document_html= str_replace('src="/', 'temp_template_path', $document_html);// before save src templates not apply
        //$document_html= str_replace('src="/chamilo/main/default_course_document/', 'temp_template_path', $document_html);// before save src templates not apply

        //$src_http_www= 'src="'.api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_data['path'].'/document/';
        //$document_html= str_replace('src="',$src_http_www, $document_html);
        //$document_html= str_replace('temp_template_path', 'src="/main/default_course_document/', $document_html);// restore src templates

        api_set_encoding_html($document_html, 'UTF-8'); // The library mPDF expects UTF-8 encoded input data.
        $title = api_get_title_html($document_html, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');  // TODO: Maybe it is better idea the title to be passed through
        // $_GET[] too, as it is done with file name.
        // At the moment the title is retrieved from the html document itself.

        if (!empty($css)) {
            $this->pdf->WriteHTML($css, 1);
        $this->pdf->WriteHTML($document_html, 2);

        if (empty($pdf_name)) {
            $output_file = 'pdf_'.date('Y-m-d-his').'.pdf';
        } else {
            $pdf_name = replace_dangerous_char($pdf_name);
            $output_file = $pdf_name.'.pdf';
        $this->pdf->Output($output_file, 'D'); // F to save the pdf in a file