function amr_meta_general_page() { global $aopt; global $amr_nicenames; global $pluginpage; global $amain; $tabs['settings'] = __('General', 'amr-users'); //$tabs['fields'] = __('Fields & Nice Names', 'amr-users'); //$tabs['overview'] = __('Overview & tools', 'amr-users'); if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { if ($_GET['tab'] == 'fields') { //nlr amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'fields'); amr_meta_nice_names_page(); return; } elseif ($_GET['tab'] == 'overview') { //nlr amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'overview'); amr_meta_overview_page(); return; } else { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'settings'); } } else { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'settings'); } //amr_meta_main_admin_header('General'); amr_meta_admin_headings(); // does the nonce check etc if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == "save") { if (isset($_POST['reset'])) { amr_meta_reset(); return; } else { amrmeta_validate_mainoptions(); } } amr_meta_general_page_display(); /* else do the main header page */ }
function amrmeta_cache_settings_page() { global $aopt; global $amr_nicenames; global $pluginpage; global $amain; if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-main'); } $tabs['settings'] = __('Cache Settings', 'amr-users'); $tabs['logs'] = __('Cache Logs', 'amr-users'); $tabs['status'] = __('Cache Status', 'amr-users'); if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { if ($_GET['tab'] == 'logs') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'logs'); amrmeta_cache_logs_page(); return; } elseif ($_GET['tab'] == 'status') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'status'); amrmeta_cachestatus_page(); return; } } amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'settings'); //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Cache Settings'); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (!ameta_cache_enable() or !ameta_cachelogging_enable()) { echo '<h2>Problem creating DB tables</h2>'; } if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == "save") { amrmeta_validate_cache_settings(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildback'])) { echo '<p>' . __('Background cache request received', 'amr-users') . '</p>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildreal'])) { $ulist = (int) $_REQUEST['rebuildreal']; amr_request_cache_with_feedback($ulist); } else { amr_request_cache_with_feedback(); } return; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['rebuildreal'])) { /* can only do one list at a time in realtime */ $ulist = (int) $_REQUEST['rebuildreal']; amr_rebuild_in_realtime_with_info($ulist); //echo amr_build_cache_for_one($_REQUEST['rebuildreal']); //echo '<h2>'.sprintf(__('Cache rebuilt for %s ','amr-users'),$_REQUEST['rebuildreal']).'</h2>'; /* check that allowed */ //echo au_view_link(__('View Report','amr-users'), $_REQUEST['rebuildreal'], __('View the recently cached report','amr-users')); return; } else { /* validation will have been done */ $freq = array('notauto' => __('No scheduled auto cacheing', 'amr-users'), 'hourly' => __('Hourly', 'amr-users'), 'twicedaily' => __('Twice daily', 'amr-users'), 'daily' => __('Daily', 'amr-users')); if (!isset($amain['cache_frequency'])) { $freqchosen = 'notauto'; } else { $freqchosen = $amain['cache_frequency']; } echo '<h3>'; _e('Activate regular cache rebuild ? ', 'amr-users'); echo '</h3><span><em>'; echo '<p>'; _e('This cacheing grabs all the raw data it can find and does some preprocessing. ', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('The data is stored in a flat db table for later formatting and reporting. ', 'amr-users'); echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; _e('The cache log will tell you the last few times that the cache was rebuilt and why. ', 'amr-users'); echo '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=ameta-admin-cache-settings.php&tab=logs') . '">' . __('Go to cache log', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; echo '<br />'; _e('A cron plugin may also be useful.', 'amr-users'); echo ' <a href="">amr cron manager</a>'; echo '</p>'; echo '<p><a target="_blank" href="">' . __('More information', 'amr-users') . '</a></p>'; echo '</em> </span> <p>'; /* echo '<label for="notonuserupdate"> <input type="checkbox" size="2" id="notonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" '; echo (empty($amain['notonuserupdate'])) ? '' :' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do NOT re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; */ echo '<ul><li>'; echo '<label for="notonuserupdate"> <input type="radio" size="2" id="notonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" value="true"'; echo empty($amain['notonuserupdate']) ? '' : ' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do NOT re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '</li><li>'; //echo '<br />'; echo '<label for="doonuserupdate"> <input type="radio" size="2" id="doonuserupdate" name="notonuserupdate" value="false"'; echo $amain['notonuserupdate'] ? '' : ' checked="checked" '; echo '/>'; _e('Do re-cache on user update', 'amr-users'); echo '</label>'; echo '</li></ul>'; echo '</p><br />'; echo '<br />'; echo '<p><em><b>'; _e('If you have very frequent user updates consider only cacheing at regular intervals', 'amr-users'); echo '</b> '; _e('This will help prevent excessive database activity', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('EG: Are you tracking every page ? every login.. you do not want it recaching all the time?!', 'amr-users'); _e('Rather cache hourly only. A refresh can be requested.', 'amr-users'); echo '<br />'; _e('Wordpress transients are also used to cache the html in public lists and front end', 'amr-users'); echo '</em></p>'; echo '<p><em><b>'; _e('To switch off all auto cacheing, select "Do not.." above AND "No..." below.', 'amr-users'); echo '</b><br />'; _e('Lists will then be re-generated on manual refresh request only.', 'amr-users'); echo '</em></p>'; foreach ($freq as $i => $f) { echo '<label><input type="radio" name="cache_frequency" value="' . $i . '" '; if ($i == $freqchosen) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '/>'; echo $f; echo '</label><br />'; } echo alist_update(); echo alist_rebuild(); } echo ausers_form_end(); }
function amrmeta_about_page() { global $aopt; global $amr_nicenames; global $pluginpage; global $amain; //amr_meta_main_admin_header('About amr user lists'.' (version:'.AUSERS_VERSION.')'); $tabs['about'] = __('About', 'amr-users') . ' (' . AUSERS_VERSION . ')'; $tabs['userdb'] = __('Your user db', 'amr-users'); $tabs['news'] = __('News', 'amr-users'); if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { if ($_GET['tab'] == 'userdb') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'userdb'); amr_meta_test_your_db_page(); return; } elseif ($_GET['tab'] == 'news') { amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'news'); echo '<h2>' . __('News', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; amr_users_feed('', 3, __('amr wpusersplugin news', 'amr-users')); amr_users_feed('', 3, __('other anmari news', 'amr-users')); return; } } amr_users_do_tabs($tabs, 'about'); amr_meta_support_links(); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc echo '<p><h3>' . __('Shortcodes to add to pages:', 'amr-users') . '</h3></p>' . '<p><span style="color:green;"> [userlist] or [userlist list=n]</span></p>'; echo '<h3>' . __('Instructions.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>' . amrmeta_instructions(); echo '<h3>' . __('Fields and Nice Names', 'amr-users') . '</h3>' . amrmeta_nicenameshelp(); echo amrmeta_overview_help(); echo '<h3>' . __('List Settings', 'amr-users') . '</h3>' . amrmeta_confighelp(); }