Example #1
 public function save()
     FS("ageconfig", $_POST['leve'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("Age", 0, 1, '会员年龄别称操作成功!');
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
 public function wapsave()
     FS("wappayconfig", $_POST['pay'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("Payonline", 0, 1, '执行了wap端第三方支付接口参数的编辑操作!');
     $this->success("操作成功le", __URL__ . "/wap");
Example #3
 public function save()
     FS("payconfig", $_POST['pay'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("Payonline", 0, 1, '执行了第三方支付接口参数的编辑操作!');
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
 public function doEdit()
     $data['user_name'] = text($_POST['user_name']);
     $data['user_id'] = M('members')->getFieldByUser_name($data['user_name'], "id");
     if (!$data['user_id']) {
     $data['remark'] = text($_POST['remark']);
     if (!$data['remark']) {
     $data['admin_id'] = $_SESSION['admin_id'];
     $data['admin_real_name'] = $_SESSION['admin_user_name'];
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $newid = M('member_remark')->add($data);
     if ($newid) {
         alogs("Remark", $newid, 1, '成功执行了备注信息的添加操作!');
     } else {
         alogs("Remark", $newid, 0, '执行备注信息的添加操作失败!');
 public function save()
     alogs("Loginonline", 0, 1, '执行了登陆接口管理参数编辑操作!');
     FS("loginconfig", $_POST['login'], "Webconfig/");
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
 public function investsave()
     alogs("Leve", 0, 2, '执行了投资积分等级数据编辑操作!');
     FS("leveinvestconfig", $_POST['leve'], "Webconfig/");
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/invest/");
Example #7
 public function save()
     FS("id5", $_POST['id5'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("id5", 0, 1, '执行了身份验证接口参数的编辑操作!');
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
Example #8
  * 保存参数
 public function save()
     FS("loanconfig", $_POST['loan'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("Age", 0, 1, '托管设置操作成功!');
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
Example #9
 public function save()
     FS("tuoguanconfig", $_POST['tuoguan'], "Webconfig/");
     alogs("Tuoguan", 0, 1, '成功执行了托管账户管理的设置操作!');
     $this->success("操作成功", __URL__ . "/index/");
Example #10
 public function logout()
     alogs("logout", '', '1', "管理员退出");
     //require C("APP_ROOT")."Common/menu.inc.php";
     $this->assign('jumpUrl', '/');
 public function cleanall()
     alogs("Global", 0, 1, '执行了所有缓存清除操作!');
     $dirs = array(C('APP_ROOT') . 'Runtime');
     foreach ($dirs as $value) {
         echo "<div style='border:2px solid green; background:#f1f1f1; padding:20px;margin:20px;width:800px;font-weight:bold;color:green;text-align:center;'>\"" . $value . "\" 目录下缓存清除成功! </div> <br /><br />";
         @mkdir($value, 0777, true);
 public function _editFilter($id)
     $x = D('Areaarticle')->where("id = {$id} AND area_id=" . session('admin_area_id') . "")->count();
     if ($x == 0) {
         alogs("AreaarticleEdit", 0, 0, '不能编辑,没有此文章的编辑权限!');
     $typelist = get_type_leve_list_area('0', 'Aacategory', session("admin_area_id"));
     $this->assign('type_list', $typelist);
 public function upload()
     $model = M("hetong");
     if (!empty($_FILES['picpath']['name'])) {
         $this->saveRule = 'uniqid';
         //$this->saveRule = date("YmdHis",time()).rand(0,1000);
         $this->savePathNew = C('ADMIN_UPLOAD_DIR') . 'Hetong/';
         $this->thumbMaxWidth = C('HETONG_UPLOAD_H');
         $this->thumbMaxHeight = C('HETONG_UPLOAD_W');
         $info = $this->CUpload();
         $data['hetong_img'] = $info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename'];
     if ($data['hetong_img']) {
         $model->hetong_img = $data['hetong_img'];
     		$model->tel= intval($_POST['tel']);*/
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $data['deal_user'] = session('adminname');
     $data['name'] = text($_POST['name']);
     $data['dizhi'] = text($_POST['dizhi']);
     $data['tel'] = text($_POST['tel']);
     $res = M('hetong')->field(true)->find();
     if ($res == '') {
         $result = $model->add($data);
     } else {
         $result = $model->where("id={$res['id']}")->save($data);
     if ($result) {
         alogs("hetong", 0, 1, '合同章上传的操作成功!');
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__);
     } else {
         alogs("hetong", 0, 0, '合同章上传的操作失败!');
Example #14
 public function save()
     $str = text($_POST['o_time']) . "|";
     $str .= text($_POST['o_rate']) . "|";
     $str .= text($_POST['o_key']);
     $res = file_put_contents($this->updir . "config.txt", $str);
     if ($res) {
         alogs("Auto", 0, 1, '自动值守程序参数修改成功!');
     } else {
         alogs("Auto", 0, 0, '自动值守程序参数修改失败!');
 public function addAdmin()
     $aid = $_POST['aid'];
     $data = array();
     $data['user_name'] = $_POST['user_name'];
     $data['user_pass'] = md5($_POST['user_pass']);
     $data['real_name'] = $_POST['real_name'];
     $data['is_ban'] = $_POST['is_ban'];
     $data['user_word'] = $_POST['user_word'];
     $data['invitation_code'] = $_POST['invitation_code'];
     $ret = M('ausers')->where("id = {$aid}")->save($data);
     //echo M()->getlastsql();die;
     if ($ret) {
         alogs("addAdmin", 1, '管理员更新配资专员信息成功!');
     } else {
         alogs("addAdmin", 1, '管理员更新配资专员信息失败!');
 public function doUploadShow()
     $show['uid'] = intval($_REQUEST['uid']);
     $show['deal_time'] = time();
     $show['deal_user'] = session('adminname');
     foreach ($_POST['swfimglist'] as $key => $v) {
         $show['data_url'] = substr($v, 1);
         $show['data_name'] = $_POST['picinfo'][$key];
         $show['sort'] = $_POST['picsort'][$key];
     alogs("Memberdata", 0, 1, '成功执行了上传会员展示资料的操作!');
     //$this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__."/".session('listaction'));
 public function export()
     $proid = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
     $proinfo = M('promote')->find($proid);
     if (empty($proinfo)) {
     alogs("CapitalAccount", 0, 1, '执行了所有会员资金列表导出操作!');
     $map = array();
     if ($_REQUEST['uname']) {
         $map['m.user_name'] = array("like", urldecode($_REQUEST['uname']) . "%");
         $search['uname'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['uname']);
     if ($_REQUEST['realname']) {
         $map['mi.real_name'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['realname']);
         $search['realname'] = $map['mi.real_name'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['bj']) && !empty($_REQUEST['lx']) && !empty($_REQUEST['money'])) {
         if ($_REQUEST['lx'] == 'allmoney') {
             if ($_REQUEST['bj'] == 'gt') {
                 $bj = '>';
             } else {
                 if ($_REQUEST['bj'] == 'lt') {
                     $bj = '<';
                 } else {
                     if ($_REQUEST['bj'] == 'eq') {
                         $bj = '=';
             $map['_string'] = "(mm.account_money+mm.back_money) " . $bj . $_REQUEST['money'];
         } else {
             $map[$_REQUEST['lx']] = array($_REQUEST['bj'], $_REQUEST['money']);
         $search['bj'] = $_REQUEST['bj'];
         $search['lx'] = $_REQUEST['lx'];
         $search['money'] = $_REQUEST['money'];
     $map['m.tid'] = $proid;
     $count = M('members m')->join("{$this->pre}member_money mm ON mm.uid=m.id")->join("{$this->pre}member_info mi ON mi.uid=m.id")->where($map)->count('m.id');
     $p = new Page($count, C('ADMIN_PAGE_SIZE'));
     $page = $p->show();
     $Lsql = "{$p->firstRow},{$p->listRows}";
     $pre = $this->pre;
     $field = 'm.id,m.reg_time,m.user_email,m.user_phone,m.user_name,m.user_type,mi.real_name,mm.money_freeze,mm.money_collect,(mm.account_money+mm.back_money) total_money,mm.account_money,mm.back_money';
     $list = M('members m')->field($field)->join("{$this->pre}member_money mm ON mm.uid=m.id")->join("{$this->pre}member_info mi ON mi.uid=m.id")->where($map)->order("m.id DESC")->select();
     foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
         $uid = $v['id'];
         //$umoney = M('members')->field('account_money,reward_money')->find($uid);
         $investing = M()->query("select sum(investor_capital) as capital from {$pre}borrow_investor where investor_uid={$uid} AND status=1");
         $invest = M()->query("select sum(investor_capital-receive_capital) as capital,sum(reward_money) as jiangli,sum(investor_interest-receive_interest) as interest from {$pre}borrow_investor where investor_uid={$uid} AND status =4");
         //$invest = M()->query("SELECT sum(capital) as capital,sum(interest) as interest FROM {$pre}investor_detail WHERE investor_uid={$uid} AND `status` =7");
         $borrow = M()->query("select sum(borrow_money-repayment_money) as repayment_money,sum(borrow_interest-repayment_interest) as repayment_interest from {$pre}borrow_info where borrow_uid={$uid} AND borrow_status=6");
         $withdraw0 = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=0")->sum('withdraw_money');
         $withdraw1 = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=1")->sum('withdraw_money');
         $withdraw2 = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=2")->sum('withdraw_money');
         $withdraw3 = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=0")->sum('second_fee');
         $withdraw4 = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=1")->sum('second_fee');
         $borrowANDpaid = M()->query("select status,sort_order,borrow_id,sum(capital) as capital,sum(interest) as interest from {$pre}investor_detail where borrow_uid={$uid} AND status in(1,2,3)");
         $investEarn = M('borrow_investor')->where("investor_uid={$uid} and status in(4,5,6)")->sum('receive_interest');
         $investPay = M('borrow_investor')->where("investor_uid={$uid} status<>2")->sum('investor_capital');
         $investEarn1 = M('borrow_investor')->where("investor_uid={$uid} and status in(4,5,6)")->sum('invest_fee');
         $payonline = M('member_payonline')->where("uid={$uid} AND status=1")->sum('money');
         $commission1 = M('borrow_investor')->where("investor_uid={$uid}")->sum('paid_fee');
         $commission2 = M('borrow_info')->where("borrow_uid={$uid} AND borrow_status in(2,4)")->sum('borrow_fee');
         $uplevefee = M('member_moneylog')->where("uid={$uid} AND type=2")->sum('affect_money');
         $adminop = M('member_moneylog')->where("uid={$uid} AND type=7")->sum('affect_money');
         $txfee = M('member_withdraw')->where("uid={$uid} AND withdraw_status=2")->sum('second_fee');
         $czfee = M('member_payonline')->where("uid={$uid} AND status=1")->sum('fee');
         $interest_needpay = M()->query("select sum(borrow_interest-repayment_interest) as need_interest from {$pre}borrow_info where borrow_uid={$uid} AND borrow_status=6");
         $interest_willget = M()->query("select sum(investor_interest-receive_interest) as willget_interest from {$pre}borrow_investor where investor_uid={$uid} AND status=4");
         $interest_jiliang = M('borrow_investor')->where("borrow_uid={$uid}")->sum('reward_money');
         $moneylog = M("member_moneylog")->field("type,sum(affect_money) as money")->where("uid={$uid}")->group("type")->select();
         $listarray = array();
         foreach ($moneylog as $vs) {
             $listarray[$vs['type']]['money'] = $vs['money'] > 0 ? $vs['money'] : $vs['money'] * -1;
         //$money['kyxjje'] = $umoney['account_money'];//可用现金金额
         $money['kyxjje'] = $v['account_money'];
         $money['dsbx'] = floatval($invest[0]['capital'] + $invest[0]['interest']);
         $money['dsbj'] = $invest[0]['capital'];
         $money['dslx'] = $invest[0]['interest'];
         $money['dfbx'] = floatval($borrow[0]['repayment_money'] + $borrow[0]['repayment_interest']);
         $money['dfbj'] = $borrow[0]['repayment_money'];
         $money['dflx'] = $borrow[0]['repayment_interest'];
         $money['dxrtb'] = $investing[0]['capital'];
         $money['dshtx'] = $withdraw0 + $withdraw3;
         $money['clztx'] = $withdraw1 + $withdraw4;
         //$money['jzlx'] = $investEarn;//净赚利息
         $money['jzlx'] = $investEarn - $investEarn1;
         $money['jflx'] = $borrowANDpaid[0]['interest'];
         $money['ljjj'] = $umoney['reward_money'];
         $money['ljhyf'] = $uplevefee;
         $money['ljtxsxf'] = $txfee;
         $money['ljczsxf'] = $czfee;
         $money['total_2'] = $money['jzlx'] - $money['jflx'] - $money['ljhyf'] - $money['ljtxsxf'] - $money['ljczsxf'];
         $money['ljtzje'] = $investPay;
         $money['ljjrje'] = $borrowANDpaid[0]['borrow_money'];
         $money['ljczje'] = $payonline;
         $money['ljtxje'] = $withdraw2;
         $money['ljzfyj'] = $commission1 + $commission2;
         $money['glycz'] = $listarray['7']['money'];
         $money['dslxze'] = $interest_willget[0]['willget_interest'];
         $money['dflxze'] = $interest_needpay[0]['need_interest'];
         $money['ljtbjl'] = $listarray['20']['money'];
         $list[$key]['xmoney'] = $money;
     $row = array();
     //	$row[0]=array('ID','用户名','真实姓名','总余额','可用余额','冻结金额','待收本息金额','待收本金金额','待收利息金额','待付本息金额','待付本金金额','待付利息金额','待确认投标','待审核提现+手续费','处理中提现+手续费','累计提现手续费','累计充值手续费','累计提现金额','累计充值金额','累计支付佣金','累计投标奖励','净赚利息','净付利息','管理员操作资金');
     $row[0] = array('ID', '用户名', '会员类型', '注册来源', '会员邮箱', '会员手机', '可用余额', '冻结金额', '待收本息', '注册时间');
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $row[$i]['uid'] = $v['id'];
         $row[$i]['card_num'] = $v['user_name'];
         //$row[$i]['card_pass'] = $v['real_name'];
         if ($v['user_type'] == 1) {
             $row[$i]['user_type'] = '普通会员';
         } else {
             $row[$i]['user_type'] = 'VIP会员';
         $row[$i]['user_aaad'] = $proinfo['title'];
         $row[$i]['user_email'] = $v['user_email'];
         $row[$i]['user_phone'] = $v['user_phone'];
         $row[$i]['account_money'] = $v['account_money'];
         $row[$i]['money_freeze'] = $v['money_freeze'];
         $row[$i]['dsbx'] = $v['money_collect'];
         $row[$i]['tjsj'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v['reg_time']);
     $xls = new Excel_XML('UTF-8', false, 'datalist');
Example #18
 public function _doDelFilter($id)
     $n = M('area')->where("reid in ({$id})")->count();
     if ($n > 0) {
         alogs("AreaDel", 0, 0, '删除失败,所删除的栏目包含有子地区!');
 public function export()
     alogs("CapitalDetail", 0, 1, '执行了会员资金明细列表导出操作!');
     $map = array();
     if ($_REQUEST['uid'] && $_REQUEST['uname']) {
         $map['l.uid'] = $_REQUEST['uid'];
         $search['uid'] = $map['l.uid'];
         $search['uname'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['uname']);
     if ($_REQUEST['uname'] && !$search['uid']) {
         $map['m.user_name'] = array("like", urldecode($_REQUEST['uname']) . "%");
         $search['uname'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['uname']);
     if ($_REQUEST['target_uname']) {
         $map['l.target_uname'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['target_uname']);
         $search['target_uname'] = $map['l.target_uname'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] != '') {
         $map['l.type'] = intval($_REQUEST['type']);
         $search['type'] = $map['l.type'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['bj']) && !empty($_REQUEST['money'])) {
         $map['l.affect_money'] = array($_REQUEST['bj'], $_REQUEST['money']);
         $search['bj'] = $_REQUEST['bj'];
         $search['money'] = $_REQUEST['money'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['start_time']) && !empty($_REQUEST['end_time'])) {
         $timespan = strtotime(urldecode($_REQUEST['start_time'])) . "," . strtotime(urldecode($_REQUEST['end_time']));
         $map['l.add_time'] = array("between", $timespan);
         $search['start_time'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['start_time']);
         $search['end_time'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['end_time']);
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['start_time'])) {
         $xtime = strtotime(urldecode($_REQUEST['start_time']));
         $map['l.add_time'] = array("gt", $xtime);
         $search['start_time'] = $xtime;
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['end_time'])) {
         $xtime = strtotime(urldecode($_REQUEST['end_time']));
         $map['l.add_time'] = array("lt", $xtime);
         $search['end_time'] = $xtime;
     if (session('admin_is_kf') == 1) {
         $map['m.customer_id'] = session('admin_id');
     $field = 'l.id,l.add_time,m.user_name,l.affect_money,l.freeze_money,l.collect_money,(l.account_money+l.back_money) account_money,l.target_uname,l.type,l.info';
     $list = M('member_moneylog l')->field($field)->join("{$this->pre}members m ON m.id=l.uid")->where($map)->limit($Lsql)->select();
     $type = C('MONEY_LOG');
     $row = array();
     $row[0] = array('序号', '用户ID', '用户名', '交易对方', '交易类型', '影响金额', '可用余额', '冻结金额', '待收金额', '发生时间', '备注');
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $row[$i]['i'] = $i;
         $row[$i]['uid'] = $v['id'];
         $row[$i]['card_num'] = $v['user_name'];
         $row[$i]['card_pass'] = $v['target_uname'];
         $row[$i]['card_mianfei'] = $type[$v['type']];
         $row[$i]['card_mianfei0'] = $v['affect_money'];
         $row[$i]['card_mianfei1'] = $v['account_money'];
         $row[$i]['card_mianfei2'] = $v['freeze_money'];
         $row[$i]['card_mianfei3'] = $v['collect_money'];
         $row[$i]['card_timelimit'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['add_time']);
         $row[$i]['info'] = $v['info'];
     $xls = new \Excel_XML('UTF-8', false, 'datalist');
Example #20
  * 流标处理
 public function auditBids()
     $loan = new Escrow();
     if ($loan->loanAuditVerify($_POST)) {
         $str = '';
         if ($_POST['ResultCode'] == 88) {
             $borrow_id = loanBorrowId($_POST['LoanNoList']);
             if (!$borrow_id) {
                 echo 'error';
             $borrow = M("borrow_info")->field('borrow_uid, first_verify_time, borrow_status')->where("id={$borrow_id}")->find();
             if ($borrow['borrow_status'] != 2) {
                 echo 'SUCCESS';
             $appid = borrowRefuse($borrow_id, 2);
             if (!$appid) {
                 alogs("borrowRefuse", 0, 0, '流标操作失败!');
                 echo 'error';
             } else {
                 alogs("borrowRefuse", 0, 1, '流标操作成功!');
             MTip('chk11', $borrow['borrow_uid'], $borrow_id);
             $vss = M("members")->field("user_phone,user_name")->where("id = {$borrow['borrow_uid']}")->find();
             SMStip("refuse", $vss['user_phone'], array("#USERANEM#", "ID"), array($vss['user_name'], $verify_info['borrow_id']));
             $borrow_save = array('second_verify_time' => time(), 'borrow_status' => 3);
             if ($result = M('borrow_info')->where("id={$borrow_id}")->save($borrow_save)) {
                 preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $_POST['Remark1'], $id_arr);
                 $admin_id = $id_arr[0];
                 $verify_info['borrow_id'] = $borrow_id;
                 $verify_info['deal_info_2'] = text($_POST['Remark1']);
                 $verify_info['deal_user_2'] = $admin_id;
                 $verify_info['deal_time_2'] = time();
                 $verify_info['deal_status_2'] = 3;
                 if ($borrow['first_verify_time'] > 0) {
                 } else {
                 notifyMsg('流标', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'SUCCESS');
                 $str = 'SUCCESS';
             } else {
                 notifyMsg('流标', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'ERROR');
                 $str = 'error';
         notifyMsg('流标', $_POST, 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $str);
         echo $str;
 function msgByGroup()
     if (empty($_POST['content'])) {
         $this->ajaxReturn('', '请输入发送内容', 0);
     $content = $_POST['content'];
     $title = $_POST['title'];
     $type = $_POST['type'];
     $map = ' (ms.email_status OR ms.phone_status) AND ';
     switch ($_POST['user_group']) {
         case 2:
             $map = ' (m.user_leve=1 AND m.time_limit>' . time() . ')';
             $likename = 'vip会员';
         case 3:
             $map = ' (m.user_leve=0 OR m.time_limit<' . time() . ')';
             $likename = '非vip会员';
         case 1:
             $map = '';
             $likename = '所有会员';
     $data = array();
     $data['admin_id'] = $_SESSION['admin_id'];
     $data['admin_real_name'] = $_SESSION['adminname'];
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $data['is_inner'] = 0;
     $data['user_name'] = $likename;
     $data['user_phone'] = 0;
     $data['user_email'] = 0;
     $data['title'] = trim($_POST['title']);
     $data['content'] = trim($_POST['content']);
     $page = 1;
     $limit = 300;
     $flag = 1;
     while (true) {
         $inner = $mail = $sms = array();
         $offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
         $list = M('members m')->field(" m.id,m.user_email,m.user_phone ")->join(" lzh_members_status ms ON m.id=ms.uid ")->where($map)->order('id')->limit("{$offset},{$limit}")->select();
         if (empty($list)) {
             // 还原
         foreach ($list as $r) {
             // 添加站内信要发送的内容
             array_push($inner, array('uid' => $r['id'], 'title' => $title, 'msg' => $content, 'send_time' => time()));
             if (!empty($r['user_email'])) {
                 array_push($mail, $r['user_email']);
             if (!empty($r['user_phone'])) {
                 array_push($sms, $r['user_phone']);
         if (in_array('3', $type)) {
             // 站内信
             $data['is_inner'] = 1;
             if (!$this->_send_inner($inner, true)) {
         if (!empty($mail) && in_array('2', $type)) {
             $data['user_email'] = 1;
             if (!$this->_send_mail($mail, $title, $content)) {
         if (!empty($sms) && in_array('1', $type)) {
             // 短信
             $data['user_phone'] = 1;
             $sign = $this->_check_sms();
             if (!$this->_send_sms($sms, $content . $sign)) {
     if ($flag) {
         $tip = $flag === 1 ? '' : '部分';
         alogs("Smslog", 0, 1, "对{$likename}执行通讯通知{$tip}操作成功");
         $this->ajaxReturn('', $likename . $tip . '发送成功', 1);
     } else {
         alogs("Smslog", 0, 1, "对{$likename}执行通讯通知操作失败");
         $this->ajaxReturn('', $likename . $tip . '发送失败', 0);
 public function doEdit()
     $model = D('video_apply');
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     $model->deal_user = session('admin_id');
     $model->deal_time = time();
     if ($result = $model->save()) {
         $uid = M('video_apply')->getFieldById($_POST['id'], 'uid');
         if ($_POST['apply_status'] == 1) {
             setMemberStatus($uid, 'video', $_POST['apply_status'], 7, '视频');
             addInnerMsg($uid, "您的视频认证审核已通过", "您的视频认证审核已通过");
             alogs("VerifyVideo", 0, 1, '视频认证审核通过!');
         } else {
             addInnerMsg($uid, "您的视频认证审核未通过", "您的视频认证审核未通过");
             alogs("VerifyVideo", 0, 0, '视频认证审核未通过!');
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__ . "/index" . session('listaction'));
     } else {
 public function doDel()
     $model = D('comment');
     if (!empty($model)) {
         $id = $_REQUEST['idarr'];
         if (isset($id)) {
             $pk = $model->getPk();
             if (false !== $model->where("{$pk} in ({$id})")->delete()) {
                 alogs("MarketPinglun", 0, 1, '成功执行了积分商城商品评论的删除操作!');
                 $this->success(L('删除成功'), '', $id);
             } else {
                 alogs("MarketPinglun", 0, 0, '执行积分商城商品评论的删除操作失败!');
         } else {
 public function doEdit()
     $model = D("member_withdraw");
     $status = intval($_POST['withdraw_status']);
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     $deal_info = $_POST['deal_info'];
     $secondfee = floatval($_POST['withdraw_fee']);
     $info = $model->field('add_time')->where("id={$id} and (withdraw_status!=0)")->find();
     if ($info['add_time']) {
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     $model->withdraw_status = $status;
     $model->deal_info = $deal_info;
     $model->deal_time = time();
     $model->deal_user = session('adminname');
     $field = 'w.*,w.id,w.uid,(mm.account_money+mm.back_money) all_money';
     $vo = M("member_withdraw w")->field($field)->join("lzh_member_money mm on w.uid = mm.uid")->find($id);
     $um = M('members')->field("user_name,user_phone")->find($vo['uid']);
     if ($vo['withdraw_status'] != 3 && $status == 3) {
         addInnerMsg($vo['uid'], "您的提现申请审核未通过", "您的提现申请审核未通过,处理说明:" . $deal_info);
         SMStip("nowithdraw", $um['user_phone'], array("#USERANEM#", "#MONEY#"), array($um['user_name'], $vo['withdraw_money']));
         memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'], 12, $vo['withdraw_money'], "提现未通过,返还", '0', '@网站管理员@', 0, $vo['withdraw_back_money']);
         $model->success_money = 0;
     } else {
         if ($vo['withdraw_status'] != 2 && $status == 2) {
             addInnerMsg($vo['uid'], "您的提现已完成", "您的提现已完成");
             // 统一为;都从当笔提现中扣减手续费
             /*if( ($vo['all_money'] - $vo['second_fee'])<0 ){
             			$model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money'];
             			$model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money'];
             memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'], 29, -($vo['withdraw_money'] - $vo['second_fee']), "提现成功,扣除手续费" . $vo['second_fee'] . "元,实到帐金额" . ($vo['withdraw_money'] - $vo['second_fee']) . "元", '0', '@网站管理员@', 0, -$vo['second_fee']);
             $model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money'];
         } elseif ($vo['withdraw_status'] != 1 && $status == 1) {
             addInnerMsg($vo['uid'], "您的提现申请已通过", "您的提现申请已通过,正在处理中");
             // 统一为;都从当笔提现中扣减手续费
             /*if($vo['all_money']  <=$secondfee ){
             			$model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money']-$secondfee;
             			$model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money'];
             memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'], 36, -$secondfee, "提现申请已通过,扣除手续费" . $secondfee . "元,到帐金额" . ($vo['withdraw_money'] - $secondfee) . "元", '0', '@网站管理员@', -$secondfee);
             $model->success_money = $vo['withdraw_money'] - $secondfee;
             $model->withdraw_fee = $vo['withdraw_fee'];
             $model->second_fee = $secondfee;
     $result = $model->save();
     if ($result) {
         alogs("withdraw", $id, $status, $deal_info);
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__);
     } else {
         alogs("withdraw", $id, $status, '提现处理操作失败!');
     $vm = M("member_moneylog")->field("info")->where("uid = {$vo['uid']} and type=36")->limit(1)->order('id desc')->select();
     if (!empty($um['user_phone'])) {
         //	sendsms($um['user_phone'],$vm[0]['info']."【友情提醒】");
 public function doEdit()
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     $status = intval($_POST['status']);
     $statusx = M('member_payonline')->getFieldById($id, "status");
     if ($statusx != 0) {
     if ($status == 1) {
         $vo = M('member_payonline')->field('money,fee,uid,way')->find($id);
         $newid = memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'], 27, $vo['money'] - $vo['fee'], "管理员手动审核充值");
         if ($newid) {
             if ($vo['way'] == "off") {
                 $tqfee = explode("|", $this->glo['offline_reward']);
                 $fee[0] = explode("-", $tqfee[0]);
                 $fee[2] = explode("-", $tqfee[2]);
                 $fee[1] = floatval($tqfee[1]);
                 $fee[3] = floatval($tqfee[3]);
                 $fee[4] = floatval($tqfee[4]);
                 $fee[5] = floatval($tqfee[5]);
                 if ($vo['money'] >= $fee[0][0] && $vo['money'] <= $fee[0][1]) {
                     $fee_rate = 0 < $fee[1] ? $fee[1] / 1000 : 0;
                 } else {
                     if ($vo['money'] >= $fee[2][0] && $vo['money'] <= $fee[2][1]) {
                         $fee_rate = 0 < $fee[3] ? $fee[3] / 1000 : 0;
                     } else {
                         if ($vo['money'] >= $fee[4]) {
                             $fee_rate = 0 < $fee[5] ? $fee[5] / 1000 : 0;
                         } else {
                             $fee_rate = 0;
                 $newidx = memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'], 32, $vo['money'] * $fee_rate, "线下充值奖励");
             				$offline_reward = explode("|",$this->glo['offline_reward']);
             					$fee_rate = 0<$offline_reward[1]?($offline_reward[1]/1000):0;
             					$newidx = memberMoneyLog($vo['uid'],32,$vo['money']*$fee_rate,"线下充值奖励");
             $save['deal_user'] = session('adminname');
             $save['deal_uid'] = $this->admin_id;
             $save['status'] = 1;
             $vx = M('members')->field("user_name,user_phone")->find($vo['uid']);
             if ($vo['way'] == "off") {
                 SMStip("payoffline", $vx['user_phone'], array("#USERANEM#", "#MONEY#"), array($vx['user_name'], $vo['money']));
             } else {
                 SMStip("payonline", $vx['user_phone'], array("#USERANEM#", "#MONEY#"), array($vx['user_name'], $vo['money']));
             alogs("Paylog", 0, 1, '执行了管理员手动审核充值操作!');
         } else {
             alogs("Paylog", 0, 1, '执行管理员手动审核充值操作失败!');
     } else {
         $save['deal_user'] = session('adminname');
         $save['deal_uid'] = $this->admin_id;
         $save['status'] = 3;
         $newid = M('member_payonline')->where("id={$id}")->save($save);
         if ($newid) {
         } else {
 public function doEdit()
     $model = M("members");
     $model2 = M("member_info");
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (false === $model2->create()) {
     $model->user_name = $_POST['user_name'];
     $model->reg_time = strtotime($_POST['reg_time'] . " " . date("H:i:s", time()));
     $model2->real_name = text($_POST['real_name']);
     $model2->address = text($_POST['address']);
     $model2->info = text($_POST['info']);
     $model2->uid = $model->id;
     $result = $model->save();
     $result2 = $model2->save();
     if ($result && $result2) {
         alogs("Tmembers", 0, 1, '成功执行了流转会员的编辑操作!');
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__);
     } else {
         alogs("Tmembers", 0, 0, '执行流转会员的编辑操作失败!');
Example #27
 public function dodeletetel()
     $data = $_POST;
     foreach ($data as $key => $v) {
         $data[$key] = EnHtml($v);
     $idarray = $data['idarr'];
     $delnum = M('qq')->where("id in ({$idarray})")->delete();
     alogs("QQ", 0, 0, '执行了客服电话的删除操作!');
     if ($delnum) {
         $a_data['success'] = $rid;
         $a_data['success_msg'] = "客服电话删除成功";
         $a_data['aid'] = $idarray;
     } else {
         $a_data['success'] = 0;
         $a_data['error_msg'] = "客服电话删除失败";
 public function supplyexamine()
     $info = $_POST['info'];
     $uid = M('shares_supply')->getFieldByid($_POST, "uid");
     $user = M("members")->find($uid);
     $shares_id = M('shares_apply')->getFieldByid($this->_post("id"), 'shares_id');
     if (!getWantApply($shares_id)) {
     if ($this->_post("status") == 2) {
         $id = $this->_post("id");
         $savedata['id'] = $this->_post("id");
         $savedata['status'] = $this->_post("status");
         $savedata['examine_time'] = time();
         $res = M("shares_supply")->save($savedata);
         if ($res) {
             $ret = daysupply($id);
             if ($ret) {
                 $info = '您在手投网申请资金补充审核通过!【手投网】';
                 sendsms($user['user_phone'], $info);
                 alogs("supplyexamine", 0, 1, '管理员执行了股票配资补充实盘申请审核操作成功!');
         } else {
             alogs("supplyexamine", 0, 1, '管理员执行了股票配资补充实盘申请审核操作失败!');
     } elseif ($this->_post("status") == 3) {
         $savedata['id'] = $this->_post("id");
         $savedata['status'] = $this->_post("status");
         $savedata['examine_time'] = time();
         $res = M("shares_supply")->save($savedata);
         if ($res) {
             $info = '您在手投网申请资金补充审核未通过,原因为' . $info . '!【手投网】';
             sendsms($user['user_phone'], $info);
         } else {
     } else {
 public function doIdcardEdit()
     $model = D(ucfirst($this->getActionName()));
     $model2 = M("member_info");
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (false === $model2->create()) {
     if (!empty($_FILES['imgfile']['name'])) {
         $this->fix = false;
         $this->saveRule = 'uniqid';
         //$this->saveRule = date("YmdHis",time()).rand(0,1000)."_".$model->id;
         $this->savePathNew = C('ADMIN_UPLOAD_DIR') . 'Idcard/';
         $this->thumbMaxWidth = C('IDCARD_UPLOAD_H');
         $this->thumbMaxHeight = C('IDCARD_UPLOAD_W');
         $info = $this->CUpload();
         $data['card_img'] = $info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename'];
         $data['card_back_img'] = $info[1]['savepath'] . $info[1]['savename'];
         if ($data['card_img'] && $data['card_back_img']) {
             $model2->card_img = $data['card_img'];
             $model2->card_back_img = $data['card_back_img'];
     $result = $model->save();
     $result2 = $model2->save();
     if ($result || $result2) {
         alogs("Members", 0, 1, '成功执行了会员身份证代传的操作!');
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__ . "/" . session('listaction'));
     } else {
         alogs("Members", 0, 0, '执行会员身份证代传的操作失败!');
Example #30
 public function doEdit()
     $model = M("transfer_borrow_info");
     $model2 = M("transfer_detail");
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (false === $model2->create()) {
     $model->repayment_type = 5;
     if (intval($_POST['progress']) == 100) {
         $model->borrow_status = 6;
     } else {
         $model->borrow_status = 2;
     //$model->collect_day = strtotime($_POST['collect_day']);
     $model->level_can = intval($_POST['level_can']);
     $model->borrow_max = intval($_POST['borrow_max']);
     //$model->transfer_total = intval($_POST['transfer_total']);
     //$model->min_month = $_POST['borrow_duration'];
     //$model->online_time = strtotime($_POST['online_time']);
     $model->online_time = strtotime($_POST['online_time']);
     foreach ($_POST['updata_name'] as $key => $v) {
         $updata[$key]['name'] = $v;
         $updata[$key]['time'] = $_POST['updata_time'][$key];
     $model->updata = serialize($updata);
     if (!empty($_FILES['picpath']['name'])) {
         $this->saveRule = date("YmdHis", time()) . rand(0, 1000);
         $this->savePathNew = C('ADMIN_UPLOAD_DIR') . 'Hetong/';
         $this->thumbMaxWidth = C('PRODUCT_UPLOAD_W');
         $this->thumbMaxHeight = C('PRODUCT_UPLOAD_H');
         $info = $this->CUpload();
         $data['hetong_img'] = $info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename'];
     if ($data['hetong_img']) {
         $model->hetong_img = $data['hetong_img'];
     if (!empty($_FILES['imgfile']['name'])) {
         $this->saveRule = date("YmdHis", time()) . rand(0, 1000);
         $this->savePathNew = C('ADMIN_UPLOAD_DIR') . 'Product/';
         $this->thumbMaxWidth = C('PRODUCT_UPLOAD_W');
         $this->thumbMaxHeight = C('PRODUCT_UPLOAD_H');
         $info = $this->CUpload();
         $data['b_img'] = $info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename'];
     if ($data['b_img']) {
         $model->b_img = $data['b_img'];
     $result = $model->save();
     foreach ($_POST['swfimglist'] as $key => $v) {
         $row[$key]['img'] = substr($v, 1);
         $row[$key]['info'] = $_POST['picinfo'][$key];
     $model2->borrow_img = serialize($row);
     $model2->borrow_id = intval($_POST['id']);
     $result2 = $model2->save();
     if ($result || $result2) {
         alogs("Tborrow", 0, 1, '成功执行了基金理财信息的修改操作!');
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', __URL__);
     } else {
         alogs("Tborrow", 0, 0, '执行基金理财信息的修改操作失败!');