Example #1
function adodb_gmstrftime($fmt, $ts = false)
    return adodb_strftime($fmt, $ts, true);
Example #2
  *   Convert (by PHP) a GM Timestamp date into a GM string date to insert into a date field.
  *   Function to use to build INSERT, UPDATE or WHERE predica
  *   @param	    param       Date TMS to convert
  *   @return	string      Date in a string YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
 function idate($param)
     return adodb_strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $param);
Example #3
 public function format($strf)
     return utf8_encode(adodb_strftime($strf, $this->ts()));
Example #4
  *   Convert (by PHP) a GM Timestamp date into a string date with PHP server TZ to insert into a date field.
  *   Function to use to build INSERT, UPDATE or WHERE predica
  *   @param	    param       Date TMS to convert
  *   @return	string      Date in a string YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
 function idate($param)
     return adodb_strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $param);
Example #5
 *	Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
 * 	Return charset is always UTF-8, except if encodetoouput is defined. In this cas charset is output charset.
 *	@param	    time        	GM Timestamps date (or deprecated strings 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
 *	@param	    format      	Output date format
 *								"%d %b %Y",
 *								"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
 *								"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
 *								"day", "daytext", "dayhour", "dayhourldap", "dayhourtext"
 * 	@param		tzoutput		true=output or 'gmt' => string is for Greenwich location
 * 								false or 'tzserver' => output string is for local PHP server TZ usage
 * 								'tzuser' => output string is for local browser TZ usage
 *	@param		outputlangs		Object lang that contains language for text translation.
 *  @param      encodetooutput  false=no convert into output pagecode
 * 	@return     string      	Formated date or '' if time is null
 *  @see        dol_mktime, dol_stringtotime, dol_getdate
function dol_print_date($time, $format = '', $tzoutput = 'tzserver', $outputlangs = '', $encodetooutput = false)
    global $conf, $langs;
    $to_gmt = false;
    $offsettz = $offsetdst = 0;
    if ($tzoutput) {
        $to_gmt = true;
        // For backward compatibility
        if (is_string($tzoutput)) {
            if ($tzoutput == 'tzserver') {
                $to_gmt = false;
                $offsettz = $offsetdst = 0;
            if ($tzoutput == 'tzuser') {
                $to_gmt = true;
                $offsettz = (empty($_SESSION['dol_tz']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['dol_tz']) * 60 * 60;
                $offsetdst = (empty($_SESSION['dol_dst']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['dol_dst']) * 60 * 60;
            if ($tzoutput == 'tzcompany') {
                $to_gmt = false;
                $offsettz = $offsetdst = 0;
                // TODO Define this and use it later
    if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
        $outputlangs = $langs;
    // Si format non defini, on prend $conf->format_date_text_short sinon %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
    if (!$format) {
        $format = isset($conf->format_date_text_short) ? $conf->format_date_text_short : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
    // Change predefined format into computer format. If found translation in lang file we use it, otherwise we use default.
    if ($format == 'day') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateShort") != "FormatDateShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateShort") : $conf->format_date_short;
    if ($format == 'hour') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShort") != "FormatHourShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShort") : $conf->format_hour_short;
    if ($format == 'hourduration') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShortDuration") != "FormatHourShortDuration" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShortDuration") : $conf->format_hour_short_duration;
    if ($format == 'daytext') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateText") != "FormatDateText" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateText") : $conf->format_date_text;
    if ($format == 'daytextshort') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateTextShort") != "FormatDateTextShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateTextShort") : $conf->format_date_text_short;
    if ($format == 'dayhour') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourShort") != "FormatDateHourShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourShort") : $conf->format_date_hour_short;
    if ($format == 'dayhourtext') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourText") != "FormatDateHourText" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourText") : $conf->format_date_hour_text;
    if ($format == 'dayhourtextshort') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourTextShort") != "FormatDateHourTextShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourTextShort") : $conf->format_date_hour_text_short;
    // Format not sensitive to language
    if ($format == 'dayhourlog') {
        $format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S';
    if ($format == 'dayhourldap') {
        $format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ';
    if ($format == 'dayhourxcard') {
        $format = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ';
    if ($format == 'dayxcard') {
        $format = '%Y%m%d';
    if ($format == 'dayrfc') {
        $format = '%Y-%m-%d';
    // DATE_RFC3339
    if ($format == 'dayhourrfc') {
        $format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ';
    // DATETIME RFC3339
    // If date undefined or "", we return ""
    if (dol_strlen($time) == 0) {
        return '';
    // $time=0 allowed (it means 01/01/1970 00:00:00)
    //print 'x'.$time;
    if (preg_match('/%b/i', $format)) {
        // We inhibate translation to text made by strftime functions. We will use trans instead later.
        $format = str_replace('%b', '__b__', $format);
        $format = str_replace('%B', '__B__', $format);
    if (preg_match('/%a/i', $format)) {
        // We inhibate translation to text made by strftime functions. We will use trans instead later.
        $format = str_replace('%a', '__a__', $format);
        $format = str_replace('%A', '__A__', $format);
    // Analyze date (deprecated)   Ex: 1970-01-01, 1970-01-01 01:00:00, 19700101010000
    if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+) ?([0-9]+)?:?([0-9]+)?:?([0-9]+)?/i', $time, $reg) || preg_match('/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])$/i', $time, $reg)) {
        // This part of code should not be used.
        dol_syslog("Functions.lib::dol_print_date function call with deprecated value of time in page " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], LOG_WARNING);
        // Date has format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'
        $syear = $reg[1];
        $smonth = $reg[2];
        $sday = $reg[3];
        $shour = $reg[4];
        $smin = $reg[5];
        $ssec = $reg[6];
        $time = dol_mktime($shour, $smin, $ssec, $smonth, $sday, $syear, true);
        $ret = adodb_strftime($format, $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst, $to_gmt);
    } else {
        // Date is a timestamps
        if ($time < 100000000000) {
            $ret = adodb_strftime($format, $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst, $to_gmt);
        } else {
            $ret = 'Bad value ' . $time . ' for date';
    if (preg_match('/__b__/i', $format)) {
        // Here ret is string in PHP setup language (strftime was used). Now we convert to $outputlangs.
        $month = adodb_strftime('%m', $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst);
        if ($encodetooutput) {
            $monthtext = $outputlangs->transnoentities('Month' . $month);
            $monthtextshort = $outputlangs->transnoentities('MonthShort' . $month);
        } else {
            $monthtext = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Month' . $month);
            $monthtextshort = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('MonthShort' . $month);
        //print 'monthtext='.$monthtext.' monthtextshort='.$monthtextshort;
        $ret = str_replace('__b__', $monthtextshort, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('__B__', $monthtext, $ret);
        //print 'x'.$outputlangs->charset_output.'-'.$ret.'x';
        //return $ret;
    if (preg_match('/__a__/i', $format)) {
        $w = adodb_strftime('%w', $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst);
        $dayweek = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Day' . $w);
        $ret = str_replace('__A__', $dayweek, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('__a__', dol_substr($dayweek, 0, 3), $ret);
    return $ret;
Example #6
 function timeToStr($int)
     global $pommo;
     if (!defined('ADODB_DATE_VERSION')) {
         // safely load ADODB date library
         Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'inc/lib/adodb/adodb-time.inc.php');
     switch ($pommo->_dateformat) {
         case 1:
             $format = '%Y/%m/%d';
         case 2:
             $format = '%m/%d/%Y';
         case 3:
             $format = '%d/%m/%Y';
             Pommo::kill('Unknown dateformat', TRUE);
     return adodb_strftime($format, $int);
Example #7
 * Alias for adodb_strftime()
function carl_strftime($format, $timestamp = false, $is_gmt = false)
    return adodb_strftime($format, $timestamp, $is_gmt);
 *	Output date in a string format according to outputlangs (or langs if not defined).
 * 	Return charset is always UTF-8, except if encodetoouput is defined. In this case charset is output charset
 *	@param	int			$time			GM Timestamps date
 *	@param	string		$format      	Output date format (tag of strftime function)
 *										"%d %b %Y",
 *										"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
 *										"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
 *										"day", "daytext", "dayhour", "dayhourldap", "dayhourtext", "dayrfc", "dayhourrfc"
 * 	@param	string		$tzoutput		true or 'gmt' => string is for Greenwich location
 * 										false or 'tzserver' => output string is for local PHP server TZ usage
 * 										'tzuser' => output string is for user TZ (current browser TZ with current dst)
 *                                      'tzuserrel' => output string is for user TZ (current browser TZ with dst or not, depending on date position)
 *	@param	Translate	$outputlangs	Object lang that contains language for text translation.
 *  @param  boolean		$encodetooutput false=no convert into output pagecode
 * 	@return string      				Formated date or '' if time is null
 *  @see        dol_mktime, dol_stringtotime, dol_getdate
function dol_print_date($time, $format = '', $tzoutput = 'tzserver', $outputlangs = '', $encodetooutput = false)
    global $conf, $langs;
    // Clean parameters
    $to_gmt = false;
    $offsettz = $offsetdst = 0;
    if ($tzoutput) {
        $to_gmt = true;
        // For backward compatibility
        if (is_string($tzoutput)) {
            if ($tzoutput == 'tzserver') {
                $to_gmt = false;
                $offsettzstring = @date_default_timezone_get();
                // Example 'Europe/Berlin' or 'Indian/Reunion'
                $offsettz = 0;
                $offsetdst = 0;
            } elseif ($tzoutput == 'tzuser') {
                $to_gmt = true;
                $offsettzstring = empty($_SESSION['dol_tz_string']) ? 'UTC' : $_SESSION['dol_tz_string'];
                // Example 'Europe/Berlin' or 'Indian/Reunion'
                $offsettz = (empty($_SESSION['dol_tz']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['dol_tz']) * 60 * 60;
                $offsetdst = (empty($_SESSION['dol_dst']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['dol_dst']) * 60 * 60;
    if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
        $outputlangs = $langs;
    if (!$format) {
        $format = 'daytextshort';
    $reduceformat = !empty($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen) && in_array($format, array('day', 'dayhour')) ? 1 : 0;
    $formatwithoutreduce = preg_replace('/reduceformat/', '', $format);
    if ($formatwithoutreduce != $format) {
        $format = $formatwithoutreduce;
        $reduceformat = 1;
    // so format 'dayreduceformat' is processed like day
    // Change predefined format into computer format. If found translation in lang file we use it, otherwise we use default.
    if ($format == 'day') {
        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateShort") != "FormatDateShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateShort") : $conf->format_date_short;
    } else {
        if ($format == 'hour') {
            $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShort") != "FormatHourShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShort") : $conf->format_hour_short;
        } else {
            if ($format == 'hourduration') {
                $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShortDuration") != "FormatHourShortDuration" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatHourShortDuration") : $conf->format_hour_short_duration;
            } else {
                if ($format == 'daytext') {
                    $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateText") != "FormatDateText" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateText") : $conf->format_date_text;
                } else {
                    if ($format == 'daytextshort') {
                        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateTextShort") != "FormatDateTextShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateTextShort") : $conf->format_date_text_short;
                    } else {
                        if ($format == 'dayhour') {
                            $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourShort") != "FormatDateHourShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourShort") : $conf->format_date_hour_short;
                        } else {
                            if ($format == 'dayhoursec') {
                                $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourSecShort") != "FormatDateHourSecShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourSecShort") : $conf->format_date_hour_sec_short;
                            } else {
                                if ($format == 'dayhourtext') {
                                    $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourText") != "FormatDateHourText" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourText") : $conf->format_date_hour_text;
                                } else {
                                    if ($format == 'dayhourtextshort') {
                                        $format = $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourTextShort") != "FormatDateHourTextShort" ? $outputlangs->trans("FormatDateHourTextShort") : $conf->format_date_hour_text_short;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($format == 'dayhourlog') {
                                            $format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($format == 'dayhourldap') {
                                                $format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($format == 'dayhourxcard') {
                                                    $format = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($format == 'dayxcard') {
                                                        $format = '%Y%m%d';
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($format == 'dayrfc') {
                                                            $format = '%Y-%m-%d';
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($format == 'dayhourrfc') {
                                                                $format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ';
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($format == 'standard') {
                                                                    $format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
    if ($reduceformat) {
        $format = str_replace('%Y', '%y', $format);
        $format = str_replace('yyyy', 'yy', $format);
    // If date undefined or "", we return ""
    if (dol_strlen($time) == 0) {
        return '';
    // $time=0 allowed (it means 01/01/1970 00:00:00)
    // Clean format
    if (preg_match('/%b/i', $format)) {
        // We inhibate translation to text made by strftime functions. We will use trans instead later.
        $format = str_replace('%b', '__b__', $format);
        $format = str_replace('%B', '__B__', $format);
    if (preg_match('/%a/i', $format)) {
        // We inhibate translation to text made by strftime functions. We will use trans instead later.
        $format = str_replace('%a', '__a__', $format);
        $format = str_replace('%A', '__A__', $format);
    // Analyze date
    if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+) ?([0-9]+)?:?([0-9]+)?:?([0-9]+)?/i', $time, $reg) || preg_match('/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])$/i', $time, $reg)) {
        // This part of code should not be used. TODO Remove this.
        dol_syslog("Functions.lib::dol_print_date function call with deprecated value of time in page " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], LOG_WARNING);
        // Date has format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS'
        $syear = !empty($reg[1]) ? $reg[1] : '';
        $smonth = !empty($reg[2]) ? $reg[2] : '';
        $sday = !empty($reg[3]) ? $reg[3] : '';
        $shour = !empty($reg[4]) ? $reg[4] : '';
        $smin = !empty($reg[5]) ? $reg[5] : '';
        $ssec = !empty($reg[6]) ? $reg[6] : '';
        $time = dol_mktime($shour, $smin, $ssec, $smonth, $sday, $syear, true);
        $ret = adodb_strftime($format, $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst, $to_gmt);
    } else {
        // Date is a timestamps
        if ($time < 100000000000) {
            $ret = adodb_strftime($format, $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst, $to_gmt);
            // TODO Replace this with function Date PHP. We also should not use anymore offsettz and offsetdst but only offsettzstring.
        } else {
            $ret = 'Bad value ' . $time . ' for date';
    if (preg_match('/__b__/i', $format)) {
        // Here ret is string in PHP setup language (strftime was used). Now we convert to $outputlangs.
        $month = adodb_strftime('%m', $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst);
        // TODO Remove this
        if ($encodetooutput) {
            $monthtext = $outputlangs->transnoentities('Month' . $month);
            $monthtextshort = $outputlangs->transnoentities('MonthShort' . $month);
        } else {
            $monthtext = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Month' . $month);
            $monthtextshort = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('MonthShort' . $month);
        //print 'monthtext='.$monthtext.' monthtextshort='.$monthtextshort;
        $ret = str_replace('__b__', $monthtextshort, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('__B__', $monthtext, $ret);
        //print 'x'.$outputlangs->charset_output.'-'.$ret.'x';
        //return $ret;
    if (preg_match('/__a__/i', $format)) {
        $w = adodb_strftime('%w', $time + $offsettz + $offsetdst);
        // TODO Remove this
        $dayweek = $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv('Day' . $w);
        $ret = str_replace('__A__', $dayweek, $ret);
        $ret = str_replace('__a__', dol_substr($dayweek, 0, 3), $ret);
    return $ret;