function admin_arrive() { $msg = ""; $search = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) { $search = strip_request_item('search'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['reset']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['reset'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['reset']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=0, `arrival_date` = NULL WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User set to not available: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Reset done. Angel is not available."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['arrived']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['arrived'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['arrived']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=1, `arrival_date`='" . time() . "' WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User is available: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Angel has been marked as available."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } $users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick`"); $arrival_count_at_day = []; $planned_arrival_count_at_day = []; $planned_departure_count_at_day = []; $table = ""; $users_matched = []; if ($search == "") { $tokens = []; } else { $tokens = explode(" ", $search); } foreach ($users as $usr) { if (count($tokens) > 0) { $match = false; $index = join(" ", $usr); foreach ($tokens as $t) { if (stristr($index, trim($t))) { $match = true; break; } } if (!$match) { continue; } } $usr['nick'] = User_Nick_render($usr); if ($usr['planned_departure_date'] != null) { $usr['rendered_planned_departure_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_departure_date']); } else { $usr['rendered_planned_departure_date'] = '-'; } $usr['rendered_planned_arrival_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_arrival_date']); $usr['rendered_arrival_date'] = $usr['arrival_date'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', $usr['arrival_date']) : "-"; $usr['arrived'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? _("yes") : ""; $usr['actions'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&reset=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("reset") . '</a>' : '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&arrived=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("available") . '</a>'; if ($usr['arrival_date'] > 0) { $day = date('Y-m-d', $usr['arrival_date']); if (!isset($arrival_count_at_day[$day])) { $arrival_count_at_day[$day] = 0; } $arrival_count_at_day[$day]++; } if ($usr['planned_arrival_date'] != null) { $day = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_arrival_date']); if (!isset($planned_arrival_count_at_day[$day])) { $planned_arrival_count_at_day[$day] = 0; } $planned_arrival_count_at_day[$day]++; } if ($usr['planned_departure_date'] != null && $usr['Gekommen'] == 1) { $day = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_departure_date']); if (!isset($planned_departure_count_at_day[$day])) { $planned_departure_count_at_day[$day] = 0; } $planned_departure_count_at_day[$day]++; } $users_matched[] = $usr; } ksort($arrival_count_at_day); ksort($planned_arrival_count_at_day); ksort($planned_departure_count_at_day); $arrival_at_day = []; $arrival_sum = 0; foreach ($arrival_count_at_day as $day => $count) { $arrival_sum += $count; $arrival_at_day[$day] = ['day' => $day, 'count' => $count, 'sum' => $arrival_sum]; } $planned_arrival_sum_at_day = []; $planned_arrival_sum = 0; foreach ($planned_arrival_count_at_day as $day => $count) { $planned_arrival_sum += $count; $planned_arrival_at_day[$day] = ['day' => $day, 'count' => $count, 'sum' => $planned_arrival_sum]; } $planned_departure_at_day = []; $planned_departure_sum = 0; foreach ($planned_departure_count_at_day as $day => $count) { $planned_departure_sum += $count; $planned_departure_at_day[$day] = ['day' => $day, 'count' => $count, 'sum' => $planned_departure_sum]; } return page_with_title(admin_arrive_title(), array(msg(), form(array(form_text('search', _("Search"), $search), form_submit('submit', _("Search")))), table(array('nick' => _("Nickname"), 'rendered_planned_arrival_date' => _("Planned start of availability"), 'arrived' => _("Available?"), 'rendered_arrival_date' => _("Start of availability"), 'rendered_planned_departure_date' => _("Planned end of availability"), 'actions' => ""), $users_matched), div('row', [div('col-md-4', [heading(_("Planned start of availability statistics"), 2), bargraph('planned_arrives', 'day', ['count' => _("available"), 'sum' => _("available sum")], ['count' => '#090', 'sum' => '#888'], $planned_arrival_at_day), table(['day' => _("Date"), 'count' => _("Count"), 'sum' => _("Sum")], $planned_arrival_at_day)]), div('col-md-4', [heading(_("Availability statistics"), 2), bargraph('arrives', 'day', ['count' => _("available"), 'sum' => _("available sum")], ['count' => '#090', 'sum' => '#888'], $arrival_at_day), table(['day' => _("Date"), 'count' => _("Count"), 'sum' => _("Sum")], $arrival_at_day)]), div('col-md-4', [heading(_("Planned end of availability statistics"), 2), bargraph('planned_departures', 'day', ['count' => _("available"), 'sum' => _("available sum")], ['count' => '#090', 'sum' => '#888'], $planned_departure_at_day), table(['day' => _("Date"), 'count' => _("Count"), 'sum' => _("Sum")], $planned_departure_at_day)])]))); }
$title = login_title(); $content = guest_login(); } elseif ($p == "register") { $title = register_title(); $content = guest_register(); } elseif ($p == "logout") { $title = logout_title(); $content = guest_logout(); } elseif ($p == "admin_questions") { $title = admin_questions_title(); $content = admin_questions(); } elseif ($p == "admin_user") { $title = admin_user_title(); $content = admin_user(); } elseif ($p == "admin_arrive") { $title = admin_arrive_title(); $content = admin_arrive(); } elseif ($p == "admin_active") { $title = admin_active_title(); $content = admin_active(); } elseif ($p == "admin_free") { $title = admin_free_title(); $content = admin_free(); } elseif ($p == "admin_news") { require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../includes/pages/admin_news.php'); $content = admin_news(); } elseif ($p == "admin_rooms") { $title = admin_rooms_title(); $content = admin_rooms(); } elseif ($p == "admin_groups") { $title = admin_groups_title();
function admin_arrive() { $msg = ""; $search = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) { $search = strip_request_item('search'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['reset']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['reset'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['reset']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=0, `arrival_date` = NULL WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User set to not arrived: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Reset done. Angel has not arrived."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['arrived']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['arrived'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['arrived']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=1, `arrival_date`='" . time() . "' WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User set has arrived: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Angel has been marked as arrived."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } $users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick`"); $arrival_count_at_day = array(); $table = ""; $users_matched = array(); if ($search == "") { $tokens = array(); } else { $tokens = explode(" ", $search); } foreach ($users as $usr) { if (count($tokens) > 0) { $match = false; $index = join(" ", $usr); foreach ($tokens as $t) { if (stristr($index, trim($t))) { $match = true; break; } } if (!$match) { continue; } } $usr['nick'] = User_Nick_render($usr); $usr['rendered_planned_arrival_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_arrival_date']); $usr['rendered_arrival_date'] = $usr['arrival_date'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', $usr['arrival_date']) : "-"; $usr['arrived'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? _("yes") : ""; $usr['actions'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&reset=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("reset") . '</a>' : '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&arrived=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("arrived") . '</a>'; $day = $usr['arrival_date'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', $usr['arrival_date']) : date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_arrival_date']); if (!isset($arrival_count_at_day[$day])) { $arrival_count_at_day[$day] = 0; } $arrival_count_at_day[$day]++; $users_matched[] = $usr; } ksort($arrival_count_at_day); $arrival_count = array(); $arrival_sums = array(); $arrival_sum = 0; foreach ($arrival_count_at_day as $day => $count) { $arrival_sum += $count; $arrival_sums[$day] = $arrival_sum; $arrival_count[] = array('day' => $day, 'count' => $count, 'sum' => $arrival_sum); } return page_with_title(admin_arrive_title(), array(msg(), form(array(form_text('search', _("Search"), $search), form_submit('submit', _("Search")))), table(array('nick' => _("Nickname"), 'rendered_planned_arrival_date' => _("Planned date"), 'arrived' => _("Arrived?"), 'rendered_arrival_date' => _("Arrival date"), 'actions' => ""), $users_matched), heading(_("Arrival statistics"), 2), '<canvas id="daily_arrives" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var ctx = $("#daily_arrives").get(0).getContext("2d"); var chart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(' . json_encode(array('labels' => array_keys($arrival_count_at_day), 'datasets' => array(array('label' => _("arrived"), 'fillColor' => "#444", 'data' => array_values($arrival_count_at_day)), array('label' => _("arrived sum"), 'fillColor' => "#888", 'data' => array_values($arrival_sums))))) . '); }); </script>', table(array('day' => _("Date"), 'count' => _("arrived"), 'sum' => _("arrived sum")), $arrival_count))); }
function make_navigation() { global $p, $privileges; $menu = array(); $pages = array("news" => news_title(), "user_meetings" => meetings_title(), "user_shifts" => shifts_title(), "angeltypes" => angeltypes_title(), "user_questions" => questions_title()); foreach ($pages as $page => $title) { if (in_array($page, $privileges)) { $menu[] = toolbar_item_link(page_link_to($page), '', $title, $page == $p); } } $admin_menu = array(); $admin_pages = array("admin_arrive" => admin_arrive_title(), "admin_active" => admin_active_title(), "admin_user" => admin_user_title(), "admin_free" => admin_free_title(), "admin_questions" => admin_questions_title(), "shifttypes" => shifttypes_title(), "admin_shifts" => admin_shifts_title(), "admin_rooms" => admin_rooms_title(), "admin_groups" => admin_groups_title(), "admin_import" => admin_import_title(), "admin_log" => admin_log_title()); foreach ($admin_pages as $page => $title) { if (in_array($page, $privileges)) { $admin_menu[] = toolbar_item_link(page_link_to($page), '', $title, $page == $p); } } if (count($admin_menu) > 0) { $menu[] = toolbar_dropdown('', _("Admin"), $admin_menu); } return toolbar($menu); }
function admin_arrive() { $msg = ""; $search = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) { $search = strip_request_item('search'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['reset']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['reset'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['reset']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=0, `arrival_date` = NULL WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User set to not arrived: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Reset done. Angel has not arrived."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['arrived']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*\$/", $_REQUEST['arrived'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['arrived']; $user_source = User($id); if ($user_source != null) { sql_query("UPDATE `User` SET `Gekommen`=1, `arrival_date`='" . time() . "' WHERE `UID`='" . sql_escape($id) . "' LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("User set has arrived: " . User_Nick_render($user_source)); $msg = success(_("Angel has been marked as arrived."), true); } else { $msg = error(_("Angel not found."), true); } } $users = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick`"); $table = ""; $users_matched = array(); if ($search == "") { $tokens = array(); } else { $tokens = explode(" ", $search); } foreach ($users as $usr) { if (count($tokens) > 0) { $match = false; $index = join(" ", $usr); foreach ($tokens as $t) { if (stristr($index, trim($t))) { $match = true; break; } } if (!$match) { continue; } } $table .= '<tr>'; $table .= '<td>' . User_Nick_render($usr) . '</td>'; $usr['nick'] = User_Nick_render($usr); $usr['planned_arrival_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $usr['planned_arrival_date']); $usr['arrival_date'] = $usr['arrival_date'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d', $usr['arrival_date']) : "-"; $usr['arrived'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? _("yes") : ""; $usr['actions'] = $usr['Gekommen'] == 1 ? '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&reset=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("reset") . '</a>' : '<a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&arrived=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">' . _("arrived") . '</a>'; if ($usr['Gekommen'] == 1) { $table .= '<td>yes</td><td><a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&reset=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">reset</a></td>'; } else { $table .= '<td></td><td><a href="' . page_link_to('admin_arrive') . '&arrived=' . $usr['UID'] . '&search=' . $search . '">arrived</a></td>'; } $table .= '</tr>'; $users_matched[] = $usr; } return page_with_title(admin_arrive_title(), array(msg(), form(array(form_text('search', _("Search"), $search), form_submit('submit', _("Search")))), table(array('nick' => _("Nickname"), 'planned_arrival_date' => _("Planned date"), 'arrived' => _("Arrived?"), 'arrival_date' => _("Arrival date"), 'actions' => ""), $users_matched))); }