function addslashes_array($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $array[$key] = is_array($val) ? addslashes_array($val) : addslashes($val); } return $array; }
function addslashes_array($input_arr) { if (is_array($input_arr)) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($input_arr as $key1 => $val) { $tmp[$key1] = addslashes_array($val); } return $tmp; } else { return addslashes($input_arr); } }
function addslashes_array($a){ if(is_array($a)){ foreach($a as $n=>$v){ $b[$n]=addslashes_array($v); } return $b; }else{ if ($a != ''){ return addslashes($a); } } }
/** * Does addslashes() on every value in an array (NOTICE: Using * mysql_real_escape_string() or mysql_escape_array() is MUCH BETTER * - especially for any data to be used in MySQL This function just exists for * rare circumstances.) * * @param array The array to be slashed */ function addslashes_array($data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = addslashes_array($value); } return $data; } else { if (!is_numeric($data)) { return addslashes($data); } else { return $data; } } }
function addslashes_array($array) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return $array; } if (!is_array($array)) { return addslashes($array); } foreach ($array as $k => $val) { $array[$k] = addslashes_array($val); } return $array; }
function _add_ship_bill($order_info, $delivery_item, $type = 'delivery') { $dealer_orderid = $order_info['order_id']; $delivery_no = $this->_get_new_number($type); $_delivery_goods_items = $delivery_item['struct']; unset($delivery_item['struct']); unset($delivery_item['order_id']); $_data = array(); $_data = array_merge((array) $delivery_item, (array) $order_info); $_data['supplier_delivery_id'] = $delivery_item['delivery_id']; $_data['delivery_id'] = $delivery_no; $_data['op_name'] = 'admin'; $_data['logi_id'] = null; unset($_data['disabled']); $order_id = $order_info['order_id']; $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_delivery WHERE 0=1'); $_data = addslashes_array($_data); $_sql = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $_data); if ($this->db->exec($_sql)) { foreach ($_delivery_goods_items as $_item) { $_data = array('product_id' => $_item['product_id'], 'delivery_id' => $delivery_no, 'product_bn' => $_item['dealer_bn'], 'item_type' => $_item['item_type'], 'product_name' => $_item['product_name'], 'number' => $_item['number']); $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_delivery_item WHERE 0=1'); $_data = addslashes_array($_data); $_sql = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $_data); if (!$this->db->exec($_sql)) { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', $result, '发货单/退货单商品清单插入失败'); } //更新order_items 订单发货数量 $_sql = sprintf('update sdb_order_items set sendnum=sendnum+%d where order_id=%s and bn=\'%s\'', ($type == 'delivery' ? 1 : -1) * $_item['number'], $dealer_orderid, $_item['dealer_bn']); $this->db->exec($_sql); } } else { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', null, '发货单/退货单插入失败'); } //更新订单操作记录,add by hujianxin return $delivery_no; }
function update_product($data) { $data['goods'] = json_decode($data['goods'], true); //$data['keywords']=json_decode($data['keywords'],true); $goods = $data['goods']; $data['keywords'] = $goods['keywords']; if (!isset($goods['bn'])) { $bnsql = "select bn from sdb_goods where goods_id=" . $goods['goods_id']; $bnrow = $this->db->selectrow($bnsql); $goods['bn'] = $bnrow['bn']; } $props = $this->matrix_propsToB2c_props($goods['props']); $input_pids = explode(',', $goods['input_pids']); $input_str = json_decode($goods['input_str'], true); foreach ($input_pids as $k => $v) { $props[$v] = $input_str[$k]; } foreach ($props as $k => $v) { $goods['p_' . $k] = $v; } //处理规格属性 //if(isset($goods['sku_properties'])){ if (isset($data['sku_bns'])) { $sku_props = explode(',', $goods['sku_properties']); $goods['sku_properties'] = implode(';', $sku_props); $stores = explode(',', $data['sku_quantities']); $sku_bns = explode(',', $data['sku_bns']); $price = explode(',', $data['sku_prices']); $cost = explode(',', $data['sku_costs']); $weight = explode(',', $data['sku_weights']); if (is_array($goods['sku_properties'])) { //add_sku流程 $sku_properties = $goods['sku_properties']; } else { //add_product流程 $sku_properties = $this->matrix_specToB2c_spec($goods['sku_properties']); } } else { unset($goods['sku_properties']); $sql = "select spec_desc from sdb_goods where goods_id=" . $goods['goods_id']; $row = $this->db->selectrow($sql); $spec_desc = unserialize($row['spec_desc']); error_log(print_r($sql, true), 3, HOME_DIR . '/logs/bbbbbbbbb.log'); foreach ($spec_desc as $k => $v) { $i = 0; foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { $properties[$k][$i] = $v2['spec_value_id']; $i++; } } $sql2 = "select store,price,weight,bn,cost from sdb_products where goods_id=" . $goods['goods_id']; $rs = $this->db->select($sql2); foreach ($rs as $pk => $pv) { $stores .= $pv['store'] . ','; $sku_bns .= $pv['bn'] . ','; $price .= $pv['price'] . ','; $cost .= $pv['cost'] . ','; $weight .= $pv['weight'] . ','; } $stores = explode(',', trim($stores, ',')); $sku_bns = explode(',', trim($sku_bns, ',')); $price = explode(',', trim($price, ',')); $cost = explode(',', trim($cost, ',')); $weight = explode(',', trim($weight, ',')); $sku_properties = $properties; } foreach ($sku_properties as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { $spec_value = $this->getSpecvalueByids($v2); $spec_info = $this->getSpecInfo($k); $pSpecId = $v2; $spec_desc[$k][$pSpecId]['spec_value'] = $spec_value; $spec_desc[$k][$pSpecId]['spec_type'] = $spec_info['spec_type']; $spec_desc[$k][$pSpecId]['spec_value_id'] = $v2; $spec_desc[$k][$pSpecId]['spec_image'] = ''; $spec_desc[$k][$pSpecId]['spec_goods_images'] = ''; $data['vars'][$k] = $spec_info['spec_name']; $data['bn'][$k2] = $sku_bns[$k2]; $data['val'][$k][$k2] = $spec_value; $data['pSpecId'][$k][$k2] = $pSpecId; $data['specVId'][$k][$k2] = $v2; $data['store'][$k2] = $stores[$k2]; $data['price'][$k2] = $price[$k2]; $data['cost'][$k2] = $cost[$k2]; $data['weight'][$k2] = $weight[$k2]; } } //} $goods['spec_desc'] = $spec_desc; // $goods['spec_desc'] = urldecode( $goods['spec_desc'] ); // $goods['spec_desc'] = addslashes_array($goods['spec_desc']); // $goods['params'] = stripslashes_array($goods['params']); $objGoodsStatus = $this->system->loadModel('trading/goodsstatus'); if ($goods['goods_id']) { $objGoodsStatus->checkStart($goods['goods_id'], array('goods_marketable', 'product_store', 'gimage_update', 'goods_update', 'product_update', 'goods_lv_price_update')); $is_new_product = false; } else { $is_new_product = true; } $udfimg = $goods['udfimg']; // unset($goods['udfimg']); // $goods['adjunct'] = $data['adjunct']; //单批方案--------------------- // if($data['ws_policy']){ // if(is_array($data['num'])&&!empty($data['num'])){ // $aParams = array(); // // foreach($data['num'] as $k => $v){ // $nDiscount = ($data['distype']==1)?$data['discount'][$k]/100:$data['discount'][$k]; // $aParams[] = array('num' => intval($v), // 'distype' => $data['distype'], // 'discount' => $nDiscount); // } // $_nums = array_item($aParams, 'num'); // array_multisort($_nums, SORT_ASC, $aParams); // if($data['limit_quantity']){ // $limit_quantity = array('num'=>intval($data['limit_quantity']),'distype'=>1,'discount'=>1); // }else{ // $limit_quantity = array('num'=>1,'distype'=>1,'discount'=>1); // } // array_unshift($aParams,$limit_quantity); // $goods['wss_params'] = $aParams; // }else{ // if($data['limit_quantity'] && $data['limit_quantity'] > 1){ // $goods['wss_params'][] = array('num'=>intval($data['limit_quantity']),'distype'=>1,'discount'=>1); // }else{ // $goods['wss_params'] = ''; // } // } // // $goods['ws_policy'] = $data['ws_policy']; // }else{ // $goods['ws_policy'] = '01'; //非单可混 // } if (isset($goods['sku_properties']) && strlen($goods['sku_properties']) == 0) { unset($spec_desc); } if (count($spec_desc) > 0) { //开启规格 多货品 foreach ($data['vars'] as $vark => $varv) { $goods['spec'][$vark] = $varv; } $goods['spec'] = serialize($goods['spec']); $sameProFlag = array(); foreach ($data['price'] as $k => $price) { //设置销售多货品销售价等价格 $goods['price'] = $goods['price'] ? min($price, $goods['price']) : $price; //取最小商品价格 $goods['cost'] = $goods['cost'] ? min($data['cost'][$k], $goods['cost']) : $data['cost'][$k]; $goods['weight'] = $goods['weight'] ? min($data['weight'][$k], $goods['weight']) : $data['weight'][$k]; $products[$k]['price'] = $price; $products[$k]['bn'] = $data['bn'][$k]; $products[$k]['store'] = trim($data['store'][$k]) === '' ? '' : intval($data['store'][$k]); $products[$k]['alert'] = $data['alert'][$k]; $products[$k]['cost'] = $data['cost'][$k]; $products[$k]['weight'] = $data['weight'][$k]; $products[$k]['goodsspace'] = $data['goodsspace'][$k]; //新增货位 $newSpecI = 0; $proSpecFlag = ''; foreach ($data['vars'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i] = trim($data['val'][$i][$k]); //array('规格(颜色)序号'=>'规格值(红色)') $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] = trim($data['pSpecId'][$i][$k]); $products[$k]['props']['spec_value_id'][$i] = trim($data['specVId'][$i][$k]); if (!$products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i]) { $this->api_response('fail', '请为所有货品定义规格值 '); } $proSpecFlag .= $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] . '_'; } if (in_array($proSpecFlag, $sameProFlag)) { $this->api_response('fail', '不能添加相同规格货品 '); } $sameProFlag[$k] = $proSpecFlag; reset($proSpecFlag); reset($data['vars'], $data['pSpecId']); $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = implode('、', $products[$k]['props']['spec']); //物品描述 $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = addslashes_array($products[$k]['pdt_desc']); foreach ($data['idata'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['idata'][$i] = $v[$k]; } //设置会员价格 if (is_array($data['mprice'])) { foreach ($data['mprice'] as $levelid => $rows) { $products[$k]['mprice'][$levelid] = floatval($rows[$k]); } } } unset($sameProFlag); $goods['products'] =& $products; } else { $goods['props']['idata'] = $data['idata']; } $objGoods = $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); foreach ($products as $k => $p) { if (empty($p['bn'])) { continue; } if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($p['bn'], $goods['goods_id'])) { $this->api_response('fail', '货号重复,请检查 '); } $aBn[] = $p['bn']; } if (!empty($goods['bn'])) { if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($goods['bn'], $goods['goods_id'])) { $this->api_response('fail', '货号重复,请检查 '); } } if (count($aBn) > count(array_unique($aBn))) { $this->api_response('fail', '货号重复,请检查 '); } if (!$goods['type_id']) { $objCat = $this->system->loadModel('goods/productCat'); $aCat = $objCat->getFieldById($goods['cat_id'], array('type_id')); $goods['type_id'] = $aCat['type_id']; } /*判断图片有无更新*/ // if ($goods['goods_id']){ // $goods['imgUPdate'] = $objGoods->check_ImgUpdate($goods['goods_id'],$data['goods']['image_file']); // } if (!isset($goods['name']) && isset($goods['goods_id'])) { $getnamesql = "select name,cat_id,type_id,brand_id from sdb_goods where goods_id=" . $goods['goods_id']; $row = $this->db->selectrow($getnamesql); $goods['name'] = $row['name']; $goods['cat_id'] = $row['cat_id']; $goods['type_id'] = $row['type_id']; $goods['brand_id'] = $row['brand_id']; } if (!($gid = $objGoods->save($goods))) { $this->api_response('fail', '保存失败,请重试 '); } if (isset($data['keywords'])) { $keywords = array(); foreach ($objGoods->getKeywords($gid) as $keywordvalue) { $keywords[] = $keywordvalue['keyword']; } $keyword = implode('|', $keywords); if ($keyword != $data['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->deleteKeywords($gid); if ($data['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->addKeywords($gid, explode('|', $data['keywords']['keyword'])); } } } //处理商品图片 //$gimage= &$this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); //$gimage->saveImage($goods['goods_id'], $goods['db_thumbnail_pic'], $data['image_default'], $image_file, $udfimg, $_FILES); if (isset($goods['image_url'])) { $img_result = $this->saveImage($goods); } //相关商品 // foreach($data['linkid'] as $k => $id){ // if($goods['goods_id']==$id){ // $this->api_response('fail','不能相关自身商品,请检查 '); // } // $aLink[] = array('goods_1' => $goods['goods_id'], 'goods_2' => $id, 'manual' => $data['linktype'][$id], 'rate' => 100); // } // $objProduct = $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); // $objProduct->toInsertLink($goods['goods_id'], $aLink); //处理TAG // $objTag = $this->system->loadModel('system/tag'); // $objTag->removeObjTag($goods['goods_id']); // foreach(space_split(stripslashes($data['tags'])) as $tagName){ // $tagName = trim($tagName); // if($tagName){ // if(!($tagid = $objTag->getTagByName('goods', $tagName))){ // $tagid = $objTag->newTag($tagName, 'goods'); // } // $objTag->addTag($tagid, $gid); // } // } //by shiy 商品op_status sync_status version_id // if(!$is_new_product){ // $objGoodsStatus->checkEnd(); // }else{ // $objGoodsStatus->jumpCheck($gid,'new_goods'); // } $returndata = $this->getReturnData($goods['goods_id']); $this->api_response('true', false, $returndata); }
<?php /** * Reorder, Furasta.Org * * Accessed via AJAX, this file reorders pages * according to data sent via POST. * * @author Conor Mac Aoidh <*****@*****.**> * @license The BSD License * @version 1.0 * @package admin_pages */ /** * make sure ajax script was loaded and user is * logged in */ if (!defined('AJAX_LOADED') || !defined('AJAX_VERIFIED')) { die; } $pages = addslashes_array($_POST['node']); foreach ($pages as $position => $page) { query('update ' . DB_PAGES . ' set position=' . $position . ', parent=' . $page['parent'] . ' where id=' . $page['id']); } cache_clear('DB_PAGES'); exit;
function commit_to_db() { global $dbh; //on oublie pas que includes/ s'amuse à tout addslasher tout seul donc on le fait pas ici $this->type += 0; $this->config = addslashes_array($this->config); $serialized = serialize($this->config); $sql = "UPDATE connectors_out_sets SET connector_out_set_caption = '" . addslashes($this->caption) . "', connector_out_set_type = " . $this->type . ", connector_out_set_config = '" . addslashes($serialized) . "' WHERE connector_out_set_id = " . $this->id . ""; pmb_mysql_query($sql, $dbh); }
/** * 下载图片 * $retry=false && $command_id=1,表示重试下载该command_id所有需要重试下载的图片。注意点:如果反复调用带参数的方法,并且始终下载失败,那么会死锁,需要前台加以控制 * PS:也可以由前台控制,首先把失败的标记改成成功,重新打开下载队列,这样就不需要传入参数了 * * @param boolean $retry,是否重新下载失败的图片 * @param int $command_id,同步列表的id * @return int -1:下载出错,1:下载成功,0:无需下载 */ function downloadImage($retry = false, $command_id = NULL) { $image_type = array('1' => 'gif', '2' => 'jpg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM sdb_image_sync WHERE 1=1 "; if ($retry) { $sql .= " AND failed='true'"; } else { $sql .= " AND failed='false'"; } if (!is_null($command_id)) { $sql .= " AND command_id=" . intval($command_id); } $sql .= " ORDER BY add_time ASC,img_sync_id ASC"; $image = $this->db->selectrow($sql); if (!empty($image)) { $this->_updateLock('download_image'); $filename = ""; $type = $image['type']; $supplier_id = $image['supplier_id']; $object_id = $image['supplier_object_id']; switch ($type) { case 'gimage': $dir = HOME_DIR . "/upload/gpic"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } $dir = HOME_DIR . "/upload/gpic/" . date("Ymd"); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } $filename = $dir . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id); $p_type = 'gimage'; break; case 'spec_value': $filename = MEDIA_DIR . "/default/" . "spec-" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id); $p_type = 'spec'; break; case 'udfimg': $dir = MEDIA_DIR . "/goods/" . date("Ymd"); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } $filename = $dir . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id); $p_type = 'udfimg'; break; case 'brand_logo': $dir = MEDIA_DIR . "/brand"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } $dir .= "/" . date("Ymd"); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } $filename = $dir . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id); $p_type = 'brand'; break; } $send_params = array('supplier_id' => $supplier_id, 'type' => $p_type, 'id' => $object_id, 'return_data' => 'raw'); $token = $this->system->getConf('certificate.token'); $img_api = $this->system->api_call(IMAGESERVER, IMAGESERVER_HOST, IMAGESERVER_PATH, IMAGESERVER_PORT, $token); $file = $img_api->getApiData('getPicById', API_VERSION, $send_params); if ($file === false) { if (!is_null($image['command_id'])) { $table = 'sdb_data_sync_' . $supplier_id; $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_image_sync WHERE img_sync_id=" . intval($image['img_sync_id'])); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('failed' => 'true')); $this->db->exec($sql); $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE command_id=" . intval($image['command_id'])); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('img_down_failed' => 'true')); $this->db->exec($sql); } return -1; } else { file_put_contents($filename, $file); list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $img_attr) = getimagesize($filename); $postfix = isset($image_type[$img_type]) ? $image_type[$img_type] : "jpg"; rename($filename, $filename . "." . $postfix); $sql = "DELETE FROM sdb_image_sync WHERE img_sync_id=" . $image['img_sync_id']; $this->db->exec($sql); //下载完更新对应的gimage,spec_values的记录 switch ($type) { case 'gimage': $image_path = "gpic/" . date("Ymd") . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix; $supplier_gimage_id = $object_id; $gimage_info = array('source' => $image_path, 'sync_time' => $image['add_time']); $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_gimages WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_gimage_id=" . intval($supplier_gimage_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, addslashes_array($gimage_info)); $this->db->exec($sql); //获取本地对应的goods信息 $goods = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT goods_id FROM sdb_gimages WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_gimage_id=" . intval($supplier_gimage_id) . " ORDER BY goods_id DESC"); $local_goods_id = $goods['goods_id']; $goods_info = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT goods_id,image_default,udfimg,spec_desc FROM sdb_goods WHERE goods_id=" . intval($local_goods_id)); //如果该商品的所有图片都下载完了,则生成所有尺寸的图片 if ($this->_checkGenAllImage($supplier_id, $local_goods_id)) { $gimage =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); //$gimage->gen_all_size_by_goods_id($goods_info['goods_id'],$goods_info['image_default'],$goods_info['udfimg']=='true'); $gimage->gen_all_size_by_goods_id($goods_info['goods_id'], $goods_info['image_default'], false); //更新商品的spec_desc中的spec_goods_images信息(规格关联图册的信息) $goods_spec_desc = unserialize($goods_info['spec_desc']); if (!empty($goods_spec_desc)) { foreach ($goods_spec_desc as $k1 => $v1) { if (!empty($v1)) { foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) { if (isset($v2['spec_goods_images']) && !empty($v2['spec_goods_images'])) { $spec_goods_images = explode(",", $v2['spec_goods_images']); $tmp_spec_goods_images = array(); foreach ($spec_goods_images as $plat_gimage_id) { $tmp_gimage = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT gimage_id FROM sdb_gimages WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_gimage_id=" . intval($plat_gimage_id)); $tmp_spec_goods_images[] = $tmp_gimage['gimage_id']; } $goods_spec_desc[$k1][$k2]['spec_goods_images'] = implode(",", $tmp_spec_goods_images); } } } } } $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE goods_id=" . intval($local_goods_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('spec_desc' => serialize($goods_spec_desc))); $this->db->exec($sql); //将下载失败的那些图片重新置空 $goods_gimage_info = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM sdb_gimages WHERE goods_id=" . $local_goods_id); foreach ($goods_gimage_info as $goods_gimage) { if ($this->db->selectrow("SELECT img_sync_id FROM sdb_image_sync WHERE type='gimage' AND supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_object_id=" . $goods_gimage['supplier_gimage_id'] . " AND failed='true'")) { $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_gimages WHERE gimage_id=" . $goods_gimage['gimage_id']); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('small' => '', 'big' => '', 'thumbnail' => '')); $this->db->exec($sql); if ($goods_info['image_default'] == $goods_gimage['gimage_id']) { $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE goods_id=" . intval($local_goods_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('thumbnail_pic' => '', 'small_pic' => '', 'big_pic' => '')); $this->db->exec($sql); } } } } break; case 'spec_value': $image_path = "images/default/spec-" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix; $image_path = $image_path . "|" . "default/spec-" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix . "|fs_storager"; $supplier_spec_value_id = $object_id; $spec_value_info = array('spec_image' => $image_path); $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_spec_values WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_spec_value_id=" . intval($supplier_spec_value_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, addslashes_array($spec_value_info)); $this->db->exec($sql); break; case 'udfimg': //暂时无下载自定义商品图片的需求 $image_path = "images/goods/" . date("Ymd") . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix; $image_path = $image_path . "|" . "/goods/" . date("Ymd") . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix . "|fs_storager"; $goods_thumbnail_pic = array('thumbnail_pic' => $image_path); $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_goods_id=" . intval($object_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, addslashes_array($goods_thumbnail_pic)); $this->db->exec($sql); break; case 'brand_logo': $image_path = "images/brand/" . date("Ymd") . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix; $image_path = $image_path . "|" . "/brand/" . date("Ymd") . "/" . md5($supplier_id . $object_id) . "." . $postfix . "|fs_storager"; $brand_logo_info = array('brand_logo' => $image_path); $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_brand WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_brand_id=" . intval($object_id)); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, addslashes_array($brand_logo_info)); $this->db->exec($sql); break; } return 1; } } else { $this->_updateLock('download_image', false); return 0; } }
/** * update_options * * updates the options of a given category with a * given string of options * * @param array $options * @param string $category * @return bool */ function update_options($options, $category) { if ($options == 0 || empty($options)) { return false; } $options = addslashes_array($options); if (count($options) != 0) { query('delete from ' . DB_OPTIONS . ' where category="' . $category . '"'); $query = 'insert into ' . DB_OPTIONS . ' values '; $i = 0; foreach ($options as $option => $value) { ++$i; $query .= '("' . addslashes($option) . '","' . addslashes($value) . '","' . $category . '")'; if (count($options) != $i) { $query .= ','; } } query($query); } return true; }
} } elseif ($pmb_notice_controle_doublons != 0 && !$analysis_id) { //Si control de dédoublonnage activé $sign = new notice_doublon(); $signature = $sign->gen_signature(); $requete = "select signature, niveau_biblio ,notice_id from notices where signature='{$signature}'"; if ($serial_id) { $requete .= " and notice_id != '{$analysis_id}' "; } //$requete.= " limit 1 "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if ($dbls = pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { //affichage de l'erreur, en passant tous les param postés (serialise) pour l'éventuel forcage $tab = new stdClass(); $tab->POST = addslashes_array($_POST); $tab->GET = addslashes_array($_GET); $ret_url = urlencode(serialize($tab)); require_once "{$class_path}/mono_display.class.php"; require_once "{$class_path}/serial_display.class.php"; print "\n\t\t\t<br /><div class='erreur'>{$msg['540']}</div>\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript' src='./javascript/tablist.js'></script>\n\t\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne10'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<img src='./images/error.gif' align='left'>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne80'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>" . $msg["gen_signature_erreur_similaire"] . "</strong>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='dummy' method='post' action='./catalog.php?categ=serials&sub=analysis&action=update&bul_id={$bul_id}&analysis_id={$analysis_id}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='forcage' value='1'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='signature' value='{$signature}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='ret_url' value='{$ret_url}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='button' name='ok' class='bouton' value=' {$msg['76']} ' onClick='history.go(-1);'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' class='bouton' name='bt_forcage' value=' " . htmlentities($msg["gen_signature_forcage"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " '>\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t"; if ($dbls < $nb_per_page_search) { $maxAffiche = $dbls; echo "<div class='row'><strong>" . sprintf($msg["gen_signature_erreur_similaire_nb"], $dbls, $dbls) . "</strong></div>"; } else { $maxAffiche = $nb_per_page_search; echo "<div class='row'><strong>" . sprintf($msg["gen_signature_erreur_similaire_nb"], $maxAffiche, $dbls) . "</strong></div>"; } $enCours = 1; while ($enCours <= $maxAffiche) { $r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($r->niveau_biblio != 's' && $r->niveau_biblio != 'a') {
/** * 对数组的元素添加转义 * * @param array $array * @return array */ function addslashes_array($value) { if (empty($value)) { return $value; } else { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $value[$k] = addslashes_array($v); } else { $value[$k] = addslashes($v); } } return $value; } else { return addslashes($value); } } }
/** * 更新配置 * * @param array $data * @param int $filter * @return boolean */ function update($data, $filter) { $rule = $data['rule']; unset($data['rule_id']); unset($data['rule']); unset($data['__']); $data['rule_name'] = $this->generateRuleName($rule); addslashes_array($data); // 新增同步配置记录 if (!$this->_update($data, $filter)) { trigger_error('修改失败!', E_USER_ERROR); } // 删除规则记录 $this->deleteRuleRelation($filter['rule_id']); // 加入规则记录 $this->insertRuleRelation($filter['rule_id'], $rule); return true; }
function toAdd() { $data = $_POST['goods']; $data['spec_desc'] = urldecode($data['spec_desc']); // $data['spec_desc'] = addslashes_array($data['spec_desc']); $data['params'] = stripslashes_array($data['params']); if (!$data['goods_id']) { unset($data['goods_id']); } switch ($_GET['but']) { case 3: if ($data['goods_id']) { $but_type = 'edit'; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=edit&p[0]=' . $data['goods_id']; } else { $but_type = 'new'; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=index'; } break; case 1: //$url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=addNew&p[0]='.$data['cat_id'].'&p[1]='.$data['type_id'].'&p[2]='.$data['brand_id']; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=addNew&p[0]=&p[1]='; break; default: $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=index'; break; } $this->begin($url_href); if (is_array($_POST['bn'])) { foreach ($_POST['bn'] as $aTmpBnk => $aTmpBn) { $_POST['bn'][$aTmpBnk] = trim($aTmpBn); } } $data['bn'] = trim($data['bn']); $data['product_bn'] = trim($data['product_bn']); $image_file = $data['image_file']; unset($data['image_file']); $udfimg = $data['udfimg']; unset($data['udfimg']); $data['marketable'] = $data['marketable'] ? $data['marketable'] : false; $data['adjunct'] = $_POST['adjunct']; if (count($_POST['price']) > 0) { //开启规格 多货品 foreach ($_POST['vars'] as $vark => $varv) { $data['spec'][$vark] = $varv; } $data['spec'] = serialize($data['spec']); $sameProFlag = array(); foreach ($_POST['price'] as $k => $price) { //设置销售多货品销售价等价格 $data['price'] = $data['price'] ? min($price, $data['price']) : $price; //取最小商品价格 $data['cost'] = $data['cost'] ? min($_POST['cost'][$k], $data['cost']) : $_POST['cost'][$k]; $data['weight'] = $data['weight'] ? min($_POST['weight'][$k], $data['weight']) : $_POST['weight'][$k]; if (!$_POST['mktprice'][$k]) { //没有市场价 $oMath =& $this->system->loadModel('system/math'); if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '1') { $_POST['mktprice'][$k] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') * $oMath->getOperationNumber($price); } if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '2') { $_POST['mktprice'][$k] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') + $oMath->getOperationNumber($price); } } } $products[$k]['price'] = $price; $products[$k]['bn'] = $_POST['bn'][$k]; $products[$k]['store'] = trim($_POST['store'][$k]) === '' ? null : intval($_POST['store'][$k]); $products[$k]['alert'] = $_POST['alert'][$k]; $products[$k]['cost'] = $_POST['cost'][$k]; $products[$k]['weight'] = $_POST['weight'][$k]; $products[$k]['mktprice'] = $_POST['mktprice'][$k]; $products[$k]['store_place'] = $_POST['store_place'][$k]; $products[$k]['marketable'] = $_POST['marketable'][$k]; $data['mktprice'] = $data['mktprice'] ? min($_POST['mktprice'][$k], $data['mktprice']) : $_POST['mktprice'][$k]; $newSpecI = 0; $proSpecFlag = ''; foreach ($_POST['vars'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i] = urldecode(trim($_POST['val'][$i][$k])); //array('规格(颜色)序号'=>'规格值(红色)') $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] = trim($_POST['pSpecId'][$i][$k]); $products[$k]['props']['spec_value_id'][$i] = trim($_POST['specVId'][$i][$k]); if (trim($products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i]) === '') { trigger_error(__('请为所有货品定义规格值'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('请为所有货品定义规格值')); exit; } $proSpecFlag .= $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] . '_'; } if (in_array($proSpecFlag, $sameProFlag)) { trigger_error(__('不能添加相同规格货品'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('不能添加相同规格货品')); exit; } $sameProFlag[$k] = $proSpecFlag; reset($proSpecFlag); reset($_POST['vars'], $_POST['pSpecId']); $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = implode('、', $products[$k]['props']['spec']); //物品描述 $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = addslashes_array($products[$k]['pdt_desc']); foreach ($_POST['idata'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['idata'][$i] = $v[$k]; } //设置会员价格 if (is_array($_POST['mprice'])) { foreach ($_POST['mprice'] as $levelid => $rows) { $products[$k]['mprice'][$levelid] = floatval($rows[$k]); } } } unset($sameProFlag); $data['products'] =& $products; } else { if (!$data['mktprice']) { $oMath =& $this->system->loadModel('system/math'); if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '1') { $data['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') * $oMath->getOperationNumber($data['price']); } if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '2') { $data['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') + $oMath->getOperationNumber($data['price']); } } } $data['props']['idata'] = $_POST['idata']; } $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); foreach ($products as $k => $p) { if (empty($p['bn'])) { continue; } if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($p['bn'], $data['goods_id'])) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } $aBn[] = $p['bn']; } if (!empty($data['product_bn'])) { if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($data['product_bn'], $data['goods_id'])) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } } if (count($aBn) > count(array_unique($aBn))) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } if (!$data['type_id']) { $objCat =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/productCat'); $aCat = $objCat->getFieldById($data['cat_id'], array('type_id')); $data['type_id'] = $aCat['type_id']; } // if (!($gid = $objGoods->save($data))) { $this->end(false, __('保存失败,请重试!')); exit; } $scheduled = array(); $now = time(); foreach ($_POST['scheduled'] as $time => $action) { if ($time > $now) { $scheduled[] = array('tasktime' => $time, 'action' => $action); } } $objGoods->set_auto_task($gid, $scheduled); if (isset($data['marketable']) && $data['marketable'] != $_POST['goods']['old_marketable']) { $objGoods->updateUpDownTime($data['marketable'], $gid, true); } $keywords = array(); foreach ($objGoods->getKeywords($gid) as $keywordvalue) { $keywords[] = $keywordvalue['keyword']; } $keyword = implode('|', $keywords); if ($keyword != $_POST['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->deleteKeywords($gid); if ($_POST['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->addKeywords($gid, explode('|', $_POST['keywords']['keyword'])); } } //处理商品图片 $gimage =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); $gimage->saveImage($data['goods_id'], $data['db_thumbnail_pic'], $_POST['image_default'], $image_file, $udfimg, $_FILES); //相关商品 foreach ($_POST['linkid'] as $k => $id) { $aLink[] = array('goods_1' => $data['goods_id'], 'goods_2' => $id, 'manual' => $_POST['linktype'][$id], 'rate' => 100); } $objProduct =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); $objProduct->toInsertLink($data['goods_id'], $aLink); /* * tag独立处理 //处理TAG $objTag = &$this->system->loadModel('system/tag'); $objTag->removeObjTag($data['goods_id']); foreach(space_split($_POST['tags']) as $tagName){ $tagName = trim($tagName); if($tagName){ if(!($tagid = $objTag->getTagByName('goods', $tagName))){ $tagid = $objTag->newTag($tagName, 'goods'); } $objTag->addTag($tagid, $data['goods_id']); } } */ $oSupplier = $this->system->loadModel('distribution/supplier'); if ($_POST['supplier_id']) { $newBn = array(); if (isset($_POST['bn']) && is_array($_POST['bn'])) { foreach ($_POST['bn'] as $nbnk => $nbnv) { $newBn[$_POST['old_bn'][$nbnk]] = $nbnv; unset($_POST['source_bn'][$_POST['old_bn'][$nbnk]]); } } else { $newBn[$_POST['old_bn']] = $_POST['goods']['product_bn']; unset($_POST['src_bn']); } $oSupplier->updateSupplierPdtBn($newBn, $_POST['source_bn'], $_POST['supplier_id']); } if (isset($_POST['commandType'])) { if (in_array($_POST['commandType'], array('4', '5', '6'))) { $oSupplier->updateSyncStatus($_POST['command_id'], $_POST['supplier_id'], 'done'); } } $oseo =& $this->system->loadModel('system/seo'); $aData = array('keywords' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['meta_keywords'], 'descript' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['meta_description'], 'title' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['seo_title']); $oseo->set_seo('goods', $gid, $aData); //### if ($but_type == 'new') { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>', 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=edit&p[0]=' . $gid); } else { if ($_GET['but'] == 1) { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>', $url_href . $gid); } else { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>'); } } }
function toAdd() { $data = $_POST['goods']; $data['spec_desc'] = urldecode($data['spec_desc']); // $data['spec_desc'] = addslashes_array($data['spec_desc']); $data['params'] = stripslashes_array($data['params']); if (!$data['goods_id']) { unset($data['goods_id']); } switch ($_GET['but']) { case 3: if ($data['goods_id']) { $but_type = 'edit'; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=edit&p[0]=' . $data['goods_id']; } else { $but_type = 'new'; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=index'; } break; case 1: //$url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=addNew&p[0]='.$data['cat_id'].'&p[1]='.$data['type_id'].'&p[2]='.$data['brand_id']; $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=addNew&p[0]=&p[1]='; break; default: $url_href = 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=index'; break; } $this->begin($url_href); if (count(explode('.', $_POST['scareInfo']['goodscore'])) >= 2) { $this->end(false, __('积分请用整数')); exit; } if (is_array($_POST['bn'])) { foreach ($_POST['bn'] as $aTmpBnk => $aTmpBn) { $_POST['bn'][$aTmpBnk] = trim($aTmpBn); } } $data['bn'] = trim($data['bn']); $data['product_bn'] = trim($data['product_bn']); $image_file = $data['image_file']; unset($data['image_file']); $udfimg = $data['udfimg']; unset($data['udfimg']); $data['marketable'] = $data['marketable'] ? $data['marketable'] : false; $data['adjunct'] = $_POST['adjunct']; if (count($_POST['price']) > 0) { //开启规格 多货品 foreach ($_POST['vars'] as $vark => $varv) { $data['spec'][$vark] = $varv; } $data['spec'] = serialize($data['spec']); $sameProFlag = array(); foreach ($_POST['price'] as $k => $price) { //设置销售多货品销售价等价格 $data['price'] = $data['price'] ? min($price, $data['price']) : $price; //取最小商品价格 $data['cost'] = $data['cost'] ? min($_POST['cost'][$k], $data['cost']) : $_POST['cost'][$k]; $data['weight'] = $data['weight'] ? min($_POST['weight'][$k], $data['weight']) : $_POST['weight'][$k]; if (!$_POST['mktprice'][$k]) { //没有市场价 $oMath =& $this->system->loadModel('system/math'); if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '1') { $_POST['mktprice'][$k] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') * $oMath->getOperationNumber($price); } if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '2') { $_POST['mktprice'][$k] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') + $oMath->getOperationNumber($price); } } } $products[$k]['price'] = $price; $products[$k]['bn'] = $_POST['bn'][$k]; $products[$k]['store'] = trim($_POST['store'][$k]) === '' ? null : intval($_POST['store'][$k]); $products[$k]['alert'] = $_POST['alert'][$k]; $products[$k]['cost'] = $_POST['cost'][$k]; $products[$k]['weight'] = $_POST['weight'][$k]; $products[$k]['mktprice'] = $_POST['mktprice'][$k]; $products[$k]['store_place'] = $_POST['store_place'][$k]; $products[$k]['marketable'] = $_POST['marketable'][$k]; //数量 $store += $products[$k]['store']; //end $data['mktprice'] = $data['mktprice'] ? min($_POST['mktprice'][$k], $data['mktprice']) : $_POST['mktprice'][$k]; $newSpecI = 0; $proSpecFlag = ''; foreach ($_POST['vars'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i] = urldecode(trim($_POST['val'][$i][$k])); //array('规格(颜色)序号'=>'规格值(红色)') $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] = trim($_POST['pSpecId'][$i][$k]); $products[$k]['props']['spec_value_id'][$i] = trim($_POST['specVId'][$i][$k]); if (trim($products[$k]['props']['spec'][$i]) === '') { trigger_error(__('请为所有货品定义规格值'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('请为所有货品定义规格值')); exit; } $proSpecFlag .= $products[$k]['props']['spec_private_value_id'][$i] . '_'; } if (in_array($proSpecFlag, $sameProFlag)) { trigger_error(__('不能添加相同规格货品'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('不能添加相同规格货品')); exit; } $sameProFlag[$k] = $proSpecFlag; reset($proSpecFlag); reset($_POST['vars'], $_POST['pSpecId']); $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = implode('、', $products[$k]['props']['spec']); //物品描述 $products[$k]['pdt_desc'] = addslashes_array($products[$k]['pdt_desc']); foreach ($_POST['idata'] as $i => $v) { $products[$k]['props']['idata'][$i] = $v[$k]; } //设置会员价格 if (is_array($_POST['mprice'])) { foreach ($_POST['mprice'] as $levelid => $rows) { $products[$k]['mprice'][$levelid] = floatval($rows[$k]); } } } unset($sameProFlag); $data['products'] =& $products; } else { if (!$data['mktprice']) { $oMath =& $this->system->loadModel('system/math'); if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '1') { $data['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') * $oMath->getOperationNumber($data['price']); } if ($this->system->getConf('site.market_price') == '2') { $data['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_rate') + $oMath->getOperationNumber($data['price']); } } } $data['props']['idata'] = $_POST['idata']; //数量 $store = $data['store']; //end } $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); foreach ($products as $k => $p) { if (empty($p['bn'])) { continue; } if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($p['bn'], $data['goods_id'])) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } $aBn[] = $p['bn']; } if (!empty($data['product_bn'])) { if ($objGoods->checkProductBn($data['product_bn'], $data['goods_id'])) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } } if (count($aBn) > count(array_unique($aBn))) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的货号已被使用,请检查!')); exit; } if (!$data['type_id']) { $objCat =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/productCat'); $aCat = $objCat->getFieldById($data['cat_id'], array('type_id')); $data['type_id'] = $aCat['type_id']; } //限时抢购 if ($_POST['goods']['iflimit'] == 1) { if ($store) { if ($store < $_POST['scareInfo']['scare_count']) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的限购数量超出库存,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的限购数量超出库存,请检查!')); exit; } } if (!empty($_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour'])) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]:[0-5][0-9]$/', $_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour'])) { trigger_error(__('请正确填写时间格式!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('请正确填写时间格式!')); exit; } $_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour'] = explode(':', $_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour']); } if (!empty($_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour'])) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]:[0-5][0-9]$/', $_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour'])) { trigger_error(__('请正确填写时间格式!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('请正确填写时间格式!')); exit; } $_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour'] = explode(':', $_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour']); } $data['s_time'] = strtotime($_POST['scareInfo']['s_date']) + intval($_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour'][0]) * 3600 + intval($_POST['scareInfo']['s_hour'][1]) * 60; $data['e_time'] = strtotime($_POST['scareInfo']['e_date']) + intval($_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour'][0]) * 3600 + intval($_POST['scareInfo']['e_hour'][1]) * 60; if ($data['s_time'] >= $data['e_time']) { trigger_error(__('您所填写的结束时间小于开始时间,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('您所填写的结束时间小于开始时间,请检查!')); exit; } $special_time_bucket = array(); if ($_POST['scareInfo']['is_special_time'] == 1) { $_POST['scareInfo']['specialTime'] = array_unique($_POST['scareInfo']['specialTime']); foreach ($_POST['specialTime'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == '1|-1|-1') { trigger_error(__('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!')); exit; } $special_time = explode('|', $value); if (!preg_match('/^[0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]:[0-5][0-9]$/', $special_time[1])) { trigger_error(__('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!')); exit; } if (!preg_match('/^[0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]:[0-5][0-9]$/', $special_time[2])) { trigger_error(__('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('所填写的时间格式有误,请检查!')); exit; } $special_stime = explode(':', $special_time[1]); $special_etime = explode(':', $special_time[2]); $special_stime = intval($special_stime[0]) * 3600 + intval($special_stime[1]) * 60; $special_etime = intval($special_etime[0]) * 3600 + intval($special_etime[1]) * 60; if ($special_stime >= $special_etime) { trigger_error(__('生效结束时间必须大于生效开始时间!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(false, __('生效结束时间必须大于生效开始时间!')); exit; } $special_time_bucket[$key]['week'] = $special_time[0]; $special_time_bucket[$key]['sohour'] = $special_time[1]; $special_time_bucket[$key]['sthour'] = $special_stime; $special_time_bucket[$key]['eohour'] = $special_time[2]; $special_time_bucket[$key]['ethour'] = $special_etime; $special_time_bucket[$key]['original'] = $value; //$special_time_bucket[]=$special_time[0].'|'.$special_stime.'|'.$special_etime; } } } else { $data['s_time'] = 0; $data['e_time'] = 0; } //end if (!($gid = $objGoods->save($data))) { $this->end(false, __('保存失败,请重试!')); exit; } //限时抢购 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); if ($_POST['goods']['iflimit'] == 1) { $scareData = $_POST['scareInfo']; $scareData['goods_id'] = $gid; $scareData['s_time'] = $data['s_time']; $scareData['e_time'] = $data['e_time']; $scareData['iflimit'] = $_POST['goods']['iflimit']; $scareData['special_time_bucket'] = serialize($special_time_bucket); unset($pt); if ($scareData['forenotice_on'] == 1) { $scareData['forenotice_time'] = intval($scareData['forenotice_hour']) * 3600 + intval($scareData['forenotice_min']) * 60 + intval($scareData['forenotice_sec']); } else { $scareData['forenotice_time'] = 0; } if ($scareData['is_mprice'] == 1) { $memberLevel =& $this->system->loadModel('member/level'); $memberLevel_scare = $memberLevel->getList('member_lv_id,name,dis_count,name'); foreach ($_POST['scareMprice'] as $mlevel => $mprice) { $scareData['scare_mprice'][$mlevel] = $mprice; if (!$scareData['scare_mprice'][$mlevel]) { foreach ($memberLevel_scare as $level) { if ($mlevel == $level['member_lv_id']) { $level['dis_count'] = $level['dis_count'] > 0 ? $level['dis_count'] : 1; $scareData['scare_mprice'][$mlevel] = $level['dis_count'] * $_POST['scareInfo']['scare_price']; } } } } $scareData['scare_mprice'] = $scareData['scare_mprice'] ? serialize($scareData['scare_mprice']) : 'null'; } $scareData['count'] = $scareData['scare_count']; $scareModel->save($scareData); } else { $scareModel->delByGoodsId($gid); } //end $scheduled = array(); $now = time(); foreach ($_POST['scheduled'] as $time => $action) { if ($time > $now) { $scheduled[] = array('tasktime' => $time, 'action' => $action); } } $objGoods->set_auto_task($gid, $scheduled); $keywords = array(); foreach ($objGoods->getKeywords($gid) as $keywordvalue) { $keywords[] = $keywordvalue['keyword']; } $keyword = implode('|', $keywords); if ($keyword != $_POST['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->deleteKeywords($gid); if ($_POST['keywords']['keyword']) { $objGoods->addKeywords($gid, explode('|', $_POST['keywords']['keyword'])); } } //处理商品图片 $gimage =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); $gimage->saveImage($data['goods_id'], $data['db_thumbnail_pic'], $_POST['image_default'], $image_file, $udfimg, $_FILES); //相关商品 foreach ($_POST['linkid'] as $k => $id) { $aLink[] = array('goods_1' => $data['goods_id'], 'goods_2' => $id, 'manual' => $_POST['linktype'][$id], 'rate' => 100); } $objProduct =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); $objProduct->toInsertLink($data['goods_id'], $aLink); /* * tag独立处理 //处理TAG $objTag = &$this->system->loadModel('system/tag'); $objTag->removeObjTag($data['goods_id']); foreach(space_split($_POST['tags']) as $tagName){ $tagName = trim($tagName); if($tagName){ if(!($tagid = $objTag->getTagByName('goods', $tagName))){ $tagid = $objTag->newTag($tagName, 'goods'); } $objTag->addTag($tagid, $data['goods_id']); } } */ $oSupplier = $this->system->loadModel('distribution/supplier'); if ($_POST['supplier_id']) { $newBn = array(); if (isset($_POST['bn']) && is_array($_POST['bn'])) { foreach ($_POST['bn'] as $nbnk => $nbnv) { $newBn[$_POST['old_bn'][$nbnk]] = $nbnv; unset($_POST['source_bn'][$_POST['old_bn'][$nbnk]]); } } else { $newBn[$_POST['old_bn']] = $_POST['goods']['product_bn']; unset($_POST['src_bn']); } $oSupplier->updateSupplierPdtBn($newBn, $_POST['source_bn'], $_POST['supplier_id']); } if (isset($_POST['commandType'])) { if (in_array($_POST['commandType'], array('4', '5', '6'))) { $oSupplier->updateSyncStatus($_POST['command_id'], $_POST['supplier_id'], 'done'); } } $oseo =& $this->system->loadModel('system/seo'); $aData = array('keywords' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['meta_keywords'], 'descript' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['meta_description'], 'title' => $_POST['goods']['seo']['seo_title']); $oseo->set_seo('goods', $gid, $aData); //### if ($but_type == 'new') { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>', 'index.php?ctl=goods/product&act=edit&p[0]=' . $gid); } else { if ($_GET['but'] == 1) { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>', $url_href . $gid); } else { $this->end(true, __('保存成功') . '<input type=hidden id="g_id" value=' . $gid . '>'); } } }
public function split_authority($id_authority) { $query = "select * from authorities_sources where num_authority = " . $id_authority . " and authority_type= '" . $this->notice->type . "' and num_origin_authority = " . $this->num_origin; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $infos = mysql_fetch_object($result); } $data = addslashes_array($this->notice->specifics_data); switch ($this->notice->type) { case "author": $authority = new auteur(0); break; case "uniform_title": $authority = new titre_uniforme(0); break; case "collection": $authority = new collection(0); break; case "subcollection": $authority = new subcollection(0); break; case "category": //si on split une catégorie, on le fait dans la même branche... $query = "select num_parent from noeuds where id_noeud = " . $id_authority; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $num_parent = mysql_result($result, 0, 0); } else { $num_parent = $this->get_parent_category(); } $authority = new category(0); break; default: // on fait rien... break; } if ($authority && !$authority->import_denied) { if ($this->notice->type == "category") { $result = $authority->update($data, $this->id_thesaurus, $num_parent, $this->notice->common_data['lang']); } else { $result = $authority->update($data, true); } if ($result) { $this->splitted = true; $this->authority_id = $authority->id; if ($infos->id_authority_source) { $query = "update authorities_sources set \n\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_authority_source = " . $this->authority_id . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_favorite = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate_date = now() \n\t\t\t\t\twhere id_authority_source = " . $infos->id_authority_source; mysql_query($query); //on doit aussi gérer la séparation dans les notices $query = "select * from notices_authorities_sources where num_authority_source = " . $infos->id_authority_source; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { switch ($this->notice->type) { case "author": $query = "update responsability set responsability_author = " . $this->authority_id . " where responsability_author = " . $info->num_authority . " and responsability_notice = " . $row->num_notice; break; case "uniform_title": $query = "update notices_titres_uniformes set ntu_num_tu = " . $this->authority_id . " where ntu_num_tu = " . $info->num_authority . " and ntu_num_notice = " . $row->num_notice; break; case "collection": $query = "update notices set coll_id = " . $this->authority_id . ", subcoll_id = 0 where notice_id = " . $row->num_notice; break; case "subcollection": $query = "update notices set subcoll_id = " . $this->authority_id . " where notice_id = " . $row->num_notice; break; case "category": $query = "update notices_categories set num_noeud = " . $this->authority_id . " where notcateg_notice = " . $row->num_notice; break; default: $query = ""; } if ($query != "") { mysql_query($query); } } return true; } } else { $query = "insert into authorities_sources set \n\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_authority = " . $this->authority_id . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $this->notice->common_data['authority_number'] . "',\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_type = '" . $this->notice->type . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $this->num_origin . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_favorite = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\timport_date = now(),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate_date = now()"; return mysql_query($query); } } } return false; }
/** * 数组转义 * @param array $arr_r 需处理数组 */ function addslashes_array(&$arr_r) { foreach ($arr_r as &$val) { is_array($val) ? addslashes_array($val) : ($val = addslashes($val)); } unset($val); }
public function show(){ global $q, $where, $texts, $col, $site, $filter, $filterLabel,$filter_chain, $from, $count, $index, $result, $lang, $config, $printMode, $detail, $colectionData, $sort, $fmt, $media, $csa; if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $q = addslashes_array($q); $filter = addslashes_array($filter); $filter_chain = addslashes_array($filter_chain); } if (isset($q) && $q != ''){ $getParams .= "&q=" . urlencode(utf8_decode($q)); } if (isset($filter) && $filter != ''){ $getParams .= "&filter=" . str_replace("\\\"",""",$filter); } if (isset($where) && $where != 'ALL'){ $getParams .= "&where=" . $where; } if (isset($index) && $index != ''){ $getParams .= "&index=" . $index; } if (isset($from) && $from != ''){ $getParams .= "&from=" . $from; } if ( isset($filter_chain) ){ foreach($filter_chain as $filterValue ){ $getParams .= "&filter_chain[]=" . str_replace("\\\"",""",$filterValue); } } if (isset($sort) && $sort != ''){ $getParams .= "&sort=" . $sort; } foreach($csa as $csa_key => $csa_value ){ $getParams .= "&" . $csa_key . "=" . $csa_value; } $q_escaped = str_replace("\\\"",""",$q); $q_escaped = str_replace("\"",""",$q_escaped); $textsCol = parse_ini_file("./languages/" . $lang . "/texts-" . $col . ".ini", false); $this->template->assign('lang',$lang); $this->template->assign('texts', $texts + $textsCol); $this->template->assign('printMode',$printMode); $this->template->assign('detail',$detail); $this->template->assign('config',$config); $this->template->assign('q_escaped',$q_escaped); $this->template->assign('col',$col); $this->template->assign('site',$site); $this->template->assign('filter',$filter); $this->template->assign('filterLabel',$filterLabel); $this->template->assign('filter_chain',$filter_chain); $this->template->assign('index',$index); $this->template->assign('from',$from); $this->template->assign('fmt',$fmt); $this->template->assign('numFound',$result->diaServerResponse[0]->response->numFound); $this->template->assign('colectionData',$colectionData); $this->template->assign('getParams',$getParams); $this->template->assign('media',$media); $this->template->assign('csa',$csa); $total = $result->diaServerResponse[0]->response->numFound; $pagination = $this->pagination($from, $count, $total); $this->template->assign('pagination',$pagination); $this->template->assign('result',$result->diaServerResponse[0]); $this->template->assign('links',$result->diaServerResponse[1]); // check for media (handheld, etc) parameter to apply specific templates if (isset($media) && $media != ''){ $this->template->display($media . '/top.tpl'); $this->template->display($media . '/result.tpl'); $this->template->display($media . '/bottom.tpl'); }else{ // default (screen) templates $this->template->display('top.tpl'); if ($detail == '1'){ $this->template->display('result-detail.tpl'); }else{ $this->template->display('result.tpl'); } $this->template->display('bottom.tpl'); } }
nettoyer_chaine($tree[$i]->sub, $tableau, $tableau_l, $aq, $not); } } } $tableau = array(); $tableau_l = array(); if ($user_query && trim($user_query) != "*") { $aq = new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_query), 0, 0, 1, 0, $opac_stemming_active); if (!$aq->error) { nettoyer_chaine("", $tableau, $tableau_l, $aq, 1); } } $inclure_recherche = "<script type='text/javascript' src='./includes/javascript/misc.js'></script>"; $inclure_recherche .= "<script>\n"; $inclure_recherche .= "terms=new Array('" . implode("','", $tableau) . "');\n"; $inclure_recherche .= "terms_litteraux=new Array('" . implode("','", addslashes_array($tableau_l)) . "');\n"; $inclure_recherche .= "\n"; $inclure_recherche .= "codes=new Array();\n"; $j = 0; foreach ($carac_spec->table as $key => $val) { $values = explode("|", substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2)); $i = 0; $temp = "["; while ($values[$i] != "") { $temp .= $values[$i]; $i++; } $temp .= "]"; $inclure_recherche .= "codes['{$key}']='{$temp}';\n"; $j++; }
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); ob_start(); session_start(); if ($_COOKIE["userid"] != '') { //$_SESSION["userid"] = $_COOKIE["userid"]; } setcookie("firewall", 1, time() + 3600); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $db_host = "localhost"; // Giữ mặc định $db_name = 'lib'; // Thay Đổi $db_username = '******'; // Thay Đổi $db_password = ''; // Thay Đổi @mysql_connect("{$db_host}", "{$db_username}", "{$db_password}") or die("ERROR"); @mysql_select_db("{$db_name}"); @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'"); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh'); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function addslashes_array($in) { return is_array($in) ? array_map('addslashes_array', $in) : addslashes($in); } $_REQUEST = addslashes_array($_REQUEST); $_GET = addslashes_array($_GET); $_POST = addslashes_array($_POST); $_COOKIE = addslashes_array($_COOKIE); }
/** * 写入退货货单 * * @param int $supplier_orderid po单单号 * @param array $data * array( * 'dealer_order_id' => xxx, * 'money' => xxx, * 'type' => return/delivery, * 'is_protect' => true/false, * 'delivery' => xxx, * 'logi_name' => xxx, * 'logi_no' => xxx, * 'ship_name' => xxx, * 'ship_area' => xxx, * 'ship_addr' => xxx, * 'ship_zip' => xxx, * 'ship_tel' => xxx, * 'ship_mobile' => xxx, * 'ship_email' => xxx, * 'ship_tel' => xxx, * 't_begin' => xxx, * 't_end' => xxx, * 'status' => xxx, * 'memo' => xxx, * 'struct' => array( * 'dealer_bn' => xxx, * 'item_type' => xxx, * 'product_bn' => xxx, * 'product_name' => xxx, * 'number' => xxx, * ) * ) * @return 设置发货成功 */ function add_reship_bill($input_data) { $supplier_id = $input_data['supplier_id']; $data = json_decode($input_data['data'], true); // error_log(print_r($data, true), 3, "/home/bryant/errors.log"); // error_log(print_r(json_decode($data,true), true), 3, "/home/bryant/errors.log"); $delivery_no = $this->_get_new_number('delivery'); $_delivery_items = $data['struct']; $dealer_orderid = $data['dealer_order_id']; unset($data['struct']); /* $aShipStatus = $status = array(0=>'未发货', 1=>'已全部发货', 2=>'部分发货', 3=>'部分退货', 4=>'已全部退货' ); */ $ship_status = 5; //已全部退货 foreach ($_delivery_items as $_items) { $_sql = sprintf('select sendnum from sdb_orders where bn=\'%s\'', $_items['dealer_bn']); $_arr_tmp = $this->db->selectrow($_sql); if ($_arr_tmp['sendnum'] > $_items['number']) { $ship_status = 3; //部分退货 } } $_sql = sprintf('select member_id from sdb_orders where order_id=%s', $dealer_orderid); if ($_order_data = $this->db->selectrow($_sql)) { $data['member_id'] = $_order_data['member_id']; $data['type'] = 'return'; $data['op_name'] = 'admin'; $data['order_id'] = $dealer_orderid; $data['logi_id'] = null; $data['delivery_id'] = $delivery_no; $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_delivery WHERE 0=1'); $data = addslashes_array($data); $_sql = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $data); if (!$this->db->exec($_sql)) { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', null, '退货单插入失败'); } else { foreach ($_delivery_items as $_item) { $_data = array('delivery_id' => $delivery_no, 'product_bn' => $_item['dealer_bn'], 'item_type' => $_item['item_type'], 'product_name' => $_item['product_name'], 'number' => $_item['number']); $rs = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM sdb_delivery_item WHERE 0=1'); $_data = addslashes_array($_data); $_sql = $this->db->GetInsertSQL($rs, $_data); $this->ww($_sql); if (!$this->db->exec($_sql)) { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', $result, '退货单插入失败'); } //更新order_items 订单发货数量 $_sql = sprintf('update sdb_order_items set sendnum=sendnum-%d where order_id=%s and bn=\'%s\'', $_item['number'], $dealer_orderid, $_item['dealer_bn']); $this->db->exec($_sql); $this->ww($_sql); } } } else { //$this->api_response('fail','data fail',null,'订单不存在'); $this->api_response('true', false, null); } $ship_status = 4; //全部发货 $_order_items = $this->db->select('select sendnum from sdb_order_items where order_id=' . $dealer_orderid); if (is_array($_order_items)) { foreach ($_order_items as $_item) { if ($_item['sendnum'] > 0) { $ship_status = 3; break; } } } $_data = array('ship_status' => $ship_status); $rs = $this->db->exec('SELECT * FROM sdb_orders WHERE order_id=' . $dealer_orderid); $_sql = $this->db->getUpdateSQL($rs, $_data); $this->ww($_sql); if (!$this->db->exec($_sql)) { $this->api_response('fail', 'data fail', null, '更新退货单状态失败'); } //更新订单操作记录,add by hujianxin $this->_add_order_log($dealer_orderid, $delivery_no); $this->api_response('true', false, null); }
function addslashes_array(&$array) { if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $array[$k] = addslashes_array($v); } } elseif (is_string($array)) { $array = addslashes($array); } return $array; }
function sanitize_input() { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = addslashes_array($_POST); $_GET = addslashes_array($_GET); $_COOKIE = addslashes_array($_COOKIE); $_REQUEST = addslashes_array($_REQUEST); } }
function commit_to_db() { if (!$this->id) { return; } global $dbh; $this->config = addslashes_array($this->config); $serialized = serialize($this->config); $sql = "REPLACE INTO connectors_out_sources SET connectors_out_source_id = " . $this->id . ", connectors_out_sources_connectornum = " . $this->connector_id . ", connectors_out_source_name='" . addslashes($this->name) . "', connectors_out_source_comment = '" . addslashes($this->comment) . "', connectors_out_source_config = '" . addslashes($serialized) . "'"; mysql_query($sql, $dbh); }
/** * 根据供应商id,上游商品的brand_id,获取本地对应的brand_id * * @param int $supplier_id * @param int $supplier_brand_id * @return int */ function _getLocalBrandByPlatBrand($supplier_id, $supplier_brand_id) { $key = md5($supplier_id . $supplier_brand_id . "brand"); if (!isset($this->local_brand[$key])) { // 从平台上获取brand_name&brand_keywords 查找本地的brand_id 2009-10-13 13:20 wubin $brand_info = $this->api->getApiData('getBrandByID', API_VERSION, array('supplier_id' => $supplier_id, 'id' => $supplier_brand_id), true, true); addslashes_array($brand_info); if ($brand_info['brand_keywords']) { $local_brand_info = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT brand_id FROM sdb_brand WHERE brand_name='" . $brand_info['brand_name'] . "' AND brand_keywords='" . $brand_info['brand_keywords'] . "' ORDER BY brand_id DESC"); } else { $local_brand_info = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT brand_id FROM sdb_brand WHERE brand_name='" . $brand_info['brand_name'] . "' AND (brand_keywords='' OR brand_keywords IS NULL) ORDER BY brand_id DESC"); } $this->local_brand[$key] = $local_brand_info['brand_id']; return $this->local_brand[$key]; } else { return $this->local_brand[$key]; } }