function ModifyProfile2() { global $txt, $modSettings; global $cookiename, $context; global $sourcedir, $scripturl, $db_prefix; global $ID_MEMBER, $user_info; global $context, $newpassemail, $user_profile, $validationCode; loadLanguage('Profile'); /* Set allowed sub-actions. The format of $sa_allowed is as follows: $sa_allowed = array( 'sub-action' => array(permission_array_for_editing_OWN_profile, permission_array_for_editing_ANY_profile, session_validation_method[, require_password]), ... ); */ $sa_allowed = array('account' => array(array('manage_membergroups', 'profile_identity_any', 'profile_identity_own'), array('manage_membergroups', 'profile_identity_any'), 'post', true), 'forumProfile' => array(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own'), array('profile_extra_any'), 'post'), 'theme' => array(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own'), array('profile_extra_any'), 'post'), 'notification' => array(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own'), array('profile_extra_any'), 'post'), 'pmprefs' => array(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own'), array('profile_extra_any'), 'post'), 'deleteAccount' => array(array('profile_remove_any', 'profile_remove_own'), array('profile_remove_any'), 'post', true), 'activateAccount' => array(array(), array('moderate_forum'), 'get')); // Is the current sub-action allowed? if (empty($_REQUEST['sa']) || !isset($sa_allowed[$_REQUEST['sa']])) { fatal_lang_error(453, false); } checkSession($sa_allowed[$_REQUEST['sa']][2]); // Start with no updates and no errors. $profile_vars = array(); $post_errors = array(); // Normally, don't send an email. $newpassemail = false; // Clean up the POST variables. $_POST = htmltrim__recursive($_POST); $_POST = stripslashes__recursive($_POST); $_POST = htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST); $_POST = addslashes__recursive($_POST); // Search for the member being edited and put the information in $user_profile. $memberResult = loadMemberData((int) $_REQUEST['userID'], false, 'profile'); if (!is_array($memberResult)) { fatal_lang_error(453, false); } list($memID) = $memberResult; // Are you modifying your own, or someone else's? if ($ID_MEMBER == $memID) { $context['user']['is_owner'] = true; } else { $context['user']['is_owner'] = false; validateSession(); } // Check profile editing permissions. isAllowedTo($sa_allowed[$_REQUEST['sa']][$context['user']['is_owner'] ? 0 : 1]); // If this is yours, check the password. if ($context['user']['is_owner'] && !empty($sa_allowed[$_REQUEST['sa']][3])) { // You didn't even enter a password! if (trim($_POST['oldpasswrd']) == '') { $post_errors[] = 'no_password'; } // Since the password got modified due to all the $_POST cleaning, lets undo it so we can get the correct password $_POST['oldpasswrd'] = addslashes(un_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['oldpasswrd']))); // Does the integration want to check passwords? $good_password = false; if (isset($modSettings['integrate_verify_password']) && function_exists($modSettings['integrate_verify_password'])) { if (call_user_func($modSettings['integrate_verify_password'], $user_profile[$memID]['memberName'], $_POST['oldpasswrd'], false) === true) { $good_password = true; } } // Bad password!!! if (!$good_password && $user_info['passwd'] != sha1(strtolower($user_profile[$memID]['memberName']) . $_POST['oldpasswrd'])) { $post_errors[] = 'bad_password'; } } // No need for the sub action array. unset($sa_allowed); // If the user is an admin - see if they are resetting someones username. if ($user_info['is_admin'] && isset($_POST['memberName'])) { // We'll need this... require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'; // Do the reset... this will send them an email too. resetPassword($memID, $_POST['memberName']); } // Change the IP address in the database. if ($context['user']['is_owner']) { $profile_vars['memberIP'] = "'{$user_info['ip']}'"; } // Now call the sub-action function... if (isset($_POST['sa']) && $_POST['sa'] == 'deleteAccount') { deleteAccount2($profile_vars, $post_errors, $memID); if (empty($post_errors)) { redirectexit(); } } else { saveProfileChanges($profile_vars, $post_errors, $memID); } // There was a problem, let them try to re-enter. if (!empty($post_errors)) { // Load the language file so we can give a nice explanation of the errors. loadLanguage('Errors'); $context['post_errors'] = $post_errors; $_REQUEST['sa'] = $_POST['sa']; $_REQUEST['u'] = $memID; return ModifyProfile($post_errors); } if (!empty($profile_vars)) { // If we've changed the password, notify any integration that may be listening in. if (isset($profile_vars['passwd']) && isset($modSettings['integrate_reset_pass']) && function_exists($modSettings['integrate_reset_pass'])) { call_user_func($modSettings['integrate_reset_pass'], $user_profile[$memID]['memberName'], $user_profile[$memID]['memberName'], $_POST['passwrd1']); } updateMemberData($memID, $profile_vars); } // What if this is the newest member? if ($modSettings['latestMember'] == $memID) { updateStats('member'); } elseif (isset($profile_vars['realName'])) { updateSettings(array('memberlist_updated' => time())); } // If the member changed his/her birthdate, update calendar statistics. if (isset($profile_vars['birthdate']) || isset($profile_vars['realName'])) { updateStats('calendar'); } // Send an email? if ($newpassemail) { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'; // Send off the email. sendmail($_POST['emailAddress'], $txt['activate_reactivate_title'] . ' ' . $context['forum_name'], "{$txt['activate_reactivate_mail']}\n\n" . "{$scripturl}?action=activate;u={$memID};code={$validationCode}\n\n" . "{$txt['activate_code']}: {$validationCode}\n\n" . $txt[130]); // Log the user out. db_query("\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_online\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_MEMBER = {$memID}", __FILE__, __LINE__); $_SESSION['log_time'] = 0; $_SESSION['login_' . $cookiename] = serialize(array(0, '', 0)); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) { $_COOKIE[$cookiename] = ''; } loadUserSettings(); $context['user']['is_logged'] = false; $context['user']['is_guest'] = true; // Send them to the done-with-registration-login screen. loadTemplate('Register'); $context += array('page_title' => &$txt[79], 'sub_template' => 'after', 'description' => &$txt['activate_changed_email']); return; } elseif ($context['user']['is_owner']) { // Log them back in. if (isset($_POST['passwrd1']) && $_POST['passwrd1'] != '') { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'; setLoginCookie(60 * $modSettings['cookieTime'], $memID, sha1(sha1(strtolower($user_profile[$memID]['memberName']) . un_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['passwrd1']))) . $user_profile[$memID]['passwordSalt'])); } loadUserSettings(); writeLog(); } // Back to same subaction page.. redirectexit('action=profile;u=' . $memID . ';sa=' . $_REQUEST['sa'], isset($_POST['passwrd1']) && $context['server']['needs_login_fix'] || $context['browser']['is_ie'] && isset($_FILES['attachment'])); }
function mob_update_email($rpcmsg) { global $txt, $modSettings; global $cookiename, $context; global $sourcedir, $scripturl, $db_prefix; global $ID_MEMBER, $user_info; global $newpassemail, $user_profile, $validationCode; loadLanguage('Profile'); // Start with no updates and no errors. $profile_vars = array(); $post_errors = array(); $_POST['oldpasswrd'] = $rpcmsg->getParam(0) ? $rpcmsg->getScalarValParam(0) : ''; $_POST['emailAddress'] = $rpcmsg->getParam(1) ? $rpcmsg->getScalarValParam(1) : ''; // Clean up the POST variables. $_POST = htmltrim__recursive($_POST); $_POST = stripslashes__recursive($_POST); $_POST = htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST); $_POST = addslashes__recursive($_POST); $memberResult = loadMemberData($ID_MEMBER, false, 'profile'); if (!is_array($memberResult)) { fatal_lang_error(453, false); } $memID = $ID_MEMBER; $newpassemail = false; $context['user']['is_owner'] = true; isAllowedTo(array('manage_membergroups', 'profile_identity_any', 'profile_identity_own')); // You didn't even enter a password! if (trim($_POST['oldpasswrd']) == '') { fatal_error($txt['profile_error_no_password']); } // This block is only concerned with email address validation.. if (strtolower($_POST['emailAddress']) != strtolower($user_profile[$memID]['emailAddress'])) { $_POST['emailAddress'] = strtr($_POST['emailAddress'], array(''' => '\\\'')); // Prepare the new password, or check if they want to change their own. if (!empty($modSettings['send_validation_onChange']) && !allowedTo('moderate_forum')) { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'; $validationCode = generateValidationCode(); $profile_vars['validation_code'] = '\'' . $validationCode . '\''; $profile_vars['is_activated'] = '2'; $newpassemail = true; } // Check the name and email for validity. if (trim($_POST['emailAddress']) == '') { fatal_error($txt['profile_error_no_email']); } if (preg_match('~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\'+\\-/\\.]*@[\\w\\-]+(\\.[\\w\\-]+)*(\\.[\\w]{2,6})$~', stripslashes($_POST['emailAddress'])) == 0) { fatal_error($txt['profile_error_bad_email']); } // Email addresses should be and stay unique. $request = db_query("\n SELECT ID_MEMBER\n FROM {$db_prefix}members\n WHERE ID_MEMBER != {$memID}\n AND emailAddress = '{$_POST['emailAddress']}'\n LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($request) > 0) { fatal_error($txt['profile_error_email_taken']); } mysql_free_result($request); $profile_vars['emailAddress'] = '\'' . $_POST['emailAddress'] . '\''; } if (!empty($profile_vars)) { updateMemberData($memID, $profile_vars); } // Send an email? if ($newpassemail) { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'; // Send off the email. sendmail($_POST['emailAddress'], $txt['activate_reactivate_title'] . ' ' . $context['forum_name'], "{$txt['activate_reactivate_mail']}\n\n" . "{$scripturl}?action=activate;u={$memID};code={$validationCode}\n\n" . "{$txt['activate_code']}: {$validationCode}\n\n" . $txt[130]); // Log the user out. db_query("\n DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_online\n WHERE ID_MEMBER = {$memID}", __FILE__, __LINE__); $_SESSION['log_time'] = 0; $_SESSION['login_' . $cookiename] = serialize(array(0, '', 0)); } $response = array('result' => new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'), 'result_text' => new xmlrpcval('', 'base64')); return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($response, 'struct')); }
function ViewMemberlist() { global $txt, $scripturl, $db_prefix, $context, $modSettings, $sourcedir; // Set the current sub action. $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; // Are we performing a delete? if (isset($_POST['delete_members']) && !empty($_POST['delete']) && allowedTo('profile_remove_any')) { checkSession(); // Clean the input. foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $key => $value) { $_POST['delete'][$key] = (int) $value; } // Delete all the selected members. require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'; deleteMembers($_POST['delete']); } // Build a search for a specific group or post group. if ($context['sub_action'] === 'query') { if (isset($_GET['group'])) { $_POST['membergroups'] = array(array((int) $_GET['group']), array((int) $_GET['group'])); } elseif (isset($_GET['pgroup'])) { $_POST['postgroups'] = array((int) $_GET['pgroup']); } } if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query' && !empty($_REQUEST['params']) && empty($_POST)) { $search_params = base64_decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['params'])); $_POST += addslashes__recursive(@unserialize($search_params)); } // Check input after a member search has been submitted. if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query') { // Retrieving the membergroups and postgroups. $context['membergroups'] = array(array('id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'], 'can_be_additional' => false)); $context['postgroups'] = array(); $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT ID_GROUP, groupName, minPosts\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}membergroups\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_GROUP != 3\n\t\t\tORDER BY minPosts, IF(ID_GROUP < 4, ID_GROUP, 4), groupName", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { if ($row['minPosts'] == -1) { $context['membergroups'][] = array('id' => $row['ID_GROUP'], 'name' => $row['groupName'], 'can_be_additional' => true); } else { $context['postgroups'][] = array('id' => $row['ID_GROUP'], 'name' => $row['groupName']); } } mysql_free_result($request); // Some data about the form fields and how they are linked to the database. $params = array('mem_id' => array('db_fields' => array('ID_MEMBER'), 'type' => 'int', 'range' => true), 'age' => array('db_fields' => array('birthdate'), 'type' => 'age', 'range' => true), 'posts' => array('db_fields' => array('posts'), 'type' => 'int', 'range' => true), 'reg_date' => array('db_fields' => array('dateRegistered'), 'type' => 'date', 'range' => true), 'last_online' => array('db_fields' => array('lastLogin'), 'type' => 'date', 'range' => true), 'gender' => array('db_fields' => array('gender'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('0', '1', '2')), 'activated' => array('db_fields' => array('IF(is_activated IN (1, 11), 1, 0)'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('0', '1')), 'membername' => array('db_fields' => array('memberName', 'realName'), 'type' => 'string'), 'email' => array('db_fields' => array('emailAddress'), 'type' => 'string'), 'website' => array('db_fields' => array('websiteTitle', 'websiteUrl'), 'type' => 'string'), 'location' => array('db_fields' => array('location'), 'type' => 'string'), 'ip' => array('db_fields' => array('memberIP'), 'type' => 'string'), 'messenger' => array('db_fields' => array('ICQ', 'AIM', 'YIM', 'MSN'), 'type' => 'string')); $range_trans = array('--' => '<', '-' => '<=', '=' => '=', '+' => '>=', '++' => '>'); // !!! Validate a little more. // Loop through every field of the form. $query_parts = array(); foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info) { // Not filled in? if (!isset($_POST[$param_name]) || $_POST[$param_name] == '') { continue; } // Make sure numeric values are really numeric. if (in_array($param_info['type'], array('int', 'age'))) { $_POST[$param_name] = (int) $_POST[$param_name]; } elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date') { // Check if this date format is valid. if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}$/', $_POST[$param_name]) == 0) { continue; } $_POST[$param_name] = strtotime($_POST[$param_name]); } // Those values that are in some kind of range (<, <=, =, >=, >). if (!empty($param_info['range'])) { // Default to '=', just in case... if (empty($range_trans[$_POST['types'][$param_name]])) { $_POST['types'][$param_name] = '='; } // Handle special case 'age'. if ($param_info['type'] == 'age') { // All people that were born between $lowerlimit and $upperlimit are currently the specified age. $datearray = getdate(forum_time()); $upperlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $_POST[$param_name], $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']); $lowerlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $_POST[$param_name] - 1, $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']); if (in_array($_POST['types'][$param_name], array('-', '--', '='))) { $query_parts[] = "{$param_info['db_fields'][0]} > '" . ($_POST['types'][$param_name] == '--' ? $upperlimit : $lowerlimit) . "'"; } if (in_array($_POST['types'][$param_name], array('+', '++', '='))) { $query_parts[] = "{$param_info['db_fields'][0]} <= '" . ($_POST['types'][$param_name] == '++' ? $lowerlimit : $upperlimit) . "'"; // Make sure that members that didn't set their birth year are not queried. $query_parts[] = "{$param_info['db_fields'][0]} > '0000-12-31'"; } } elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date' && $_POST['types'][$param_name] == '=') { $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' > ' . $_POST[$param_name] . ' AND ' . $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' < ' . ($_POST[$param_name] + 86400); } else { $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' ' . $range_trans[$_POST['types'][$param_name]] . ' ' . $_POST[$param_name]; } } elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'checkbox') { // Each checkbox or no checkbox at all is checked -> ignore. if (!is_array($_POST[$param_name]) || count($_POST[$param_name]) == 0 || count($_POST[$param_name]) == count($param_info['values'])) { continue; } $query_parts[] = "{$param_info['db_fields'][0]} IN ('" . implode("', '", $_POST[$param_name]) . "')"; } else { // Replace the wildcard characters ('*' and '?') into MySQL ones. $_POST[$param_name] = strtolower(addslashes(strtr($_POST[$param_name], array('%' => '\\%', '_' => '\\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_')))); $query_parts[] = '(' . implode(" LIKE '%{$_POST[$param_name]}%' OR ", $param_info['db_fields']) . " LIKE '%{$_POST[$param_name]}%')"; } } // Set up the membergroup query part. $mg_query_parts = array(); // Primary membergroups, but only if at least was was not selected. if (!empty($_POST['membergroups'][1]) && count($context['membergroups']) != count($_POST['membergroups'][1])) { $mg_query_parts[] = "ID_GROUP IN (" . implode(", ", $_POST['membergroups'][1]) . ")"; } // Additional membergroups (these are only relevant if not all primary groups where selected!). if (!empty($_POST['membergroups'][2]) && (empty($_POST['membergroups'][1]) || count($context['membergroups']) != count($_POST['membergroups'][1]))) { foreach ($_POST['membergroups'][2] as $mg) { $mg_query_parts[] = "FIND_IN_SET(" . (int) $mg . ", additionalGroups)"; } } // Combine the one or two membergroup parts into one query part linked with an OR. if (!empty($mg_query_parts)) { $query_parts[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $mg_query_parts) . ')'; } // Get all selected post count related membergroups. if (!empty($_POST['postgroups']) && count($_POST['postgroups']) != count($context['postgroups'])) { $query_parts[] = "ID_POST_GROUP IN (" . implode(", ", $_POST['postgroups']) . ")"; } // Construct the where part of the query. $where = empty($query_parts) ? '1' : implode(' AND ', $query_parts); $search_params = base64_encode(serialize(stripslashes__recursive($_POST))); } else { $search_params = null; } // Construct the additional URL part with the query info in it. $context['params_url'] = $context['sub_action'] == 'query' ? ';sa=query;params=' . $search_params : ''; // Get the title and sub template ready.. $context['page_title'] = $txt[9]; $context['sub_template'] = 'view_members'; // Determine whether to show the 'delete members' checkboxes. $context['can_delete_members'] = allowedTo('profile_remove_any'); // All the columns they have to pick from... $context['columns'] = array('ID_MEMBER' => array('label' => $txt['member_id']), 'memberName' => array('label' => $txt[35]), 'realName' => array('label' => $txt['display_name']), 'emailAddress' => array('label' => $txt['email_address']), 'memberIP' => array('label' => $txt['ip_address']), 'lastLogin' => array('label' => $txt['viewmembers_online']), 'posts' => array('label' => $txt[26])); // Default sort column to 'memberName' if the current one is unknown or not set. if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort']) || !isset($context['columns'][$_REQUEST['sort']])) { $_REQUEST['sort'] = 'memberName'; } // Provide extra information about each column - the link, whether it's selected, etc. foreach ($context['columns'] as $col => $dummy) { $context['columns'][$col]['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=viewmembers' . $context['params_url'] . ';sort=' . $col . ';start=0'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['desc']) && $col == $_REQUEST['sort']) { $context['columns'][$col]['href'] .= ';desc'; } $context['columns'][$col]['link'] = '<a href="' . $context['columns'][$col]['href'] . '">' . $context['columns'][$col]['label'] . '</a>'; $context['columns'][$col]['selected'] = $_REQUEST['sort'] == $col; } $context['sort_by'] = $_REQUEST['sort']; $context['sort_direction'] = !isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? 'down' : 'up'; // Calculate the number of results. if (empty($where) or $where == '1') { $num_members = $modSettings['totalMembers']; } else { $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}members\n\t\t\tWHERE {$where}", __FILE__, __LINE__); list($num_members) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); } // Construct the page links. $context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?action=viewmembers' . $context['params_url'] . ';sort=' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? ';desc' : ''), $_REQUEST['start'], $num_members, $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']); $context['start'] = (int) $_REQUEST['start']; $request = db_query("\n\t\tSELECT ID_MEMBER, memberName, realName, emailAddress, memberIP, lastLogin, posts, is_activated\n\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}members" . ($context['sub_action'] == 'query' && !empty($where) ? "\n\t\tWHERE {$where}" : '') . "\n\t\tORDER BY {$_REQUEST['sort']}" . (!isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? '' : ' DESC') . "\n\t\tLIMIT {$context['start']}, {$modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']}", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { // Calculate number of days since last online. if (empty($row['lastLogin'])) { $difference = $txt['never']; } else { // Today or some time ago? $difference = jeffsdatediff($row['lastLogin']); if (empty($difference)) { $difference = $txt['viewmembers_today']; } elseif ($difference == 1) { $difference .= ' ' . $txt['viewmembers_day_ago']; } else { $difference .= ' ' . $txt['viewmembers_days_ago']; } } // Show it in italics if they're not activated... if ($row['is_activated'] % 10 != 1) { $difference = '<i title="' . $txt['not_activated'] . '">' . $difference . '</i>'; } $context['members'][] = array('id' => $row['ID_MEMBER'], 'username' => $row['memberName'], 'name' => $row['realName'], 'email' => $row['emailAddress'], 'ip' => $row['memberIP'], 'last_active' => $difference, 'is_activated' => $row['is_activated'] % 10 == 1, 'posts' => $row['posts'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . '">' . $row['realName'] . '</a>'); } mysql_free_result($request); }
function addslashes__recursive($var, $level = 0) { if (!is_array($var)) { return addslashes($var); } // Reindex the array with slashes. $new_var = array(); // Add slashes to every element, even the indexes! foreach ($var as $k => $v) { $new_var[addslashes($k)] = $level > 25 ? null : addslashes__recursive($v, $level + 1); } return $new_var; }
function method_get_participated_topic() { global $context, $mobdb, $mobsettings, $modSettings, $user_info, $sourcedir; // Guest? if ($user_info['is_guest']) { createErrorResponse(21); } // Get the username $username = base64_decode($context['mob_request']['params'][0][0]); if (empty($username)) { createErrorResponse(8); } require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'; ######## Added by Sean############## $username = htmltrim__recursive($username); $username = stripslashes__recursive($username); $username = htmlspecialchars__recursive($username); $username = addslashes__recursive($username); ################################################################## // Does this user exist? $members = findMembers($username); if (empty($members)) { createErrorResponse(8); } $id_member = array_keys($members); $member = $members[$id_member[0]]; if (empty($member)) { createErrorResponse(8); } // Do we have start num defined? if (isset($context['mob_request']['params'][1])) { $start_num = (int) $context['mob_request']['params'][1][0]; } // Do we have last number defined? if (isset($context['mob_request']['params'][2])) { $last_num = (int) $context['mob_request']['params'][2][0]; } // Perform some start/last num checks if (isset($start_num) && isset($last_num)) { if ($start_num > $last_num) { createErrorResponse(3); } elseif ($last_num - $start_num > 50) { $last_num = $start_num + 50; } } // Default number of topics per page $topics_per_page = 20; // Generate the limit clause $limit = ''; if (!isset($start_num) && !isset($last_num)) { $start_num = 0; $limit = $topics_per_page; } elseif (isset($start_num) && !isset($last_num)) { $limit = $topics_per_page; } elseif (isset($start_num) && isset($last_num)) { $limit = $last_num - $start_num + 1; } elseif (empty($start_num) && empty($last_num)) { $start_num = 0; $limit = $topics_per_page; } // Get the count $mobdb->query(' SELECT t.ID_TOPIC FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (m.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC) INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD) WHERE {query_see_board} AND m.ID_MEMBER = {int:member} GROUP BY t.ID_TOPIC ORDER BY t.ID_TOPIC DESC', array('member' => $id_member[0])); $tids = array(); while ($row = $mobdb->fetch_assoc()) { $tids[] = $row['ID_TOPIC']; } $mobdb->free_result(); $count = count($tids); if ($limit + $start_num > $count) { $limit = $count - $start_num; } $tids = array_slice($tids, $start_num, $limit); $topics = array(); if (count($tids)) { // Grab the topics $mobdb->query(' SELECT t.ID_TOPIC AS id_topic, t.isSticky AS is_sticky, t.locked, fm.subject AS topic_title, t.numViews AS views, t.numReplies AS replies, IFNULL(mem.ID_MEMBER, 0) AS id_member, mem.realName, mem.memberName, mem.avatar, IFNULL(a.ID_ATTACH, 0) AS id_attach, a.filename, a.attachmentType AS attachment_type, IFNULL(lm.posterTime, fm.posterTime) AS last_message_time, ' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '0' : 'ln.ID_TOPIC AS is_notify, IFNULL(lt.ID_MSG, IFNULL(lmr.ID_MSG, -1)) + 1') . ' AS new_from, IFNULL(lm.body, fm.body) AS body, lm.ID_MSG_MODIFIED AS id_msg_modified, AS board_name, b.ID_BOARD AS id_board FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (m.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC) INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS fm ON (t.ID_FIRST_MSG = fm.ID_MSG) INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS lm ON (t.ID_LAST_MSG = lm.ID_MSG) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (lm.ID_MEMBER = mem.ID_MEMBER)' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC AND lt.ID_MEMBER = {int:current_member}) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_notify AS ln ON ((ln.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC OR ln.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD) AND ln.ID_MEMBER = {int:current_member}) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr ON (lmr.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD AND lmr.ID_MEMBER = {int:current_member})') . ' LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}attachments AS a ON (a.ID_MEMBER = mem.ID_MEMBER) WHERE {query_see_board} AND m.ID_MEMBER = {int:member} AND t.ID_TOPIC IN ({array_int:topic_ids}) ORDER BY lm.posterTime DESC', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'member' => $id_member[0], 'topic_ids' => $tids)); while ($row = $mobdb->fetch_assoc()) { // Add stuff to the array $topics[$row['id_topic']] = array('id' => $row['id_topic'], 'title' => processSubject($row['topic_title']), 'short_msg' => processShortContent($row['body']), 'replies' => $row['replies'], 'views' => $row['views'], 'poster' => array('id' => $row['id_member'], 'username' => $row['memberName'], 'post_name' => $row['realName'], 'avatar' => get_avatar($row)), 'is_new' => $user_info['is_guest'] ? 0 : $row['new_from'] <= $row['id_msg_modified'], 'board' => $row['id_board'], 'board_name' => $row['board_name'], 'post_time' => mobiquo_time($row['last_message_time']), 'is_marked_notify' => !empty($row['is_notify']), 'is_locked' => !empty($row['locked'])); } $mobdb->free_result(); } // LAME! outputRPCSubscribedTopics($topics, $count); }
function SendMailing() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $sourcedir, $context; global $scripturl, $modSettings, $user_info; checkSession(); require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'; // How many to send at once? $num_at_once = 60; // Get all the receivers. $addressed = array_unique(explode(';', stripslashes($_POST['emails']))); $cleanlist = array(); foreach ($addressed as $curmem) { $curmem = trim($curmem); if ($curmem != '') { $cleanlist[$curmem] = $curmem; } } $context['emails'] = implode(';', $cleanlist); $context['subject'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['subject'])); $context['message'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['message'])); $context['send_html'] = !empty($_POST['send_html']) ? '1' : '0'; $context['parse_html'] = !empty($_POST['parse_html']) ? '1' : '0'; $context['start'] = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : 0; $send_list = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($cleanlist as $email) { if (++$i <= $context['start']) { continue; } if ($i > $context['start'] + $num_at_once) { break; } $send_list[$email] = $email; } $context['start'] += $num_at_once; $context['percentage_done'] = round($context['start'] * 100 / count($cleanlist), 2); // Prepare the message for HTML. if (!empty($_POST['send_html']) && !empty($_POST['parse_html'])) { $_POST['message'] = str_replace(array("\n", ' '), array("<br />\n", ' '), stripslashes($_POST['message'])); } else { $_POST['message'] = stripslashes($_POST['message']); } // Use the default time format. $user_info['time_format'] = $modSettings['time_format']; $variables = array('{$board_url}', '{$current_time}', '{$}', '{$}', '{$}'); // Replace in all the standard things. $_POST['message'] = str_replace($variables, array(!empty($_POST['send_html']) ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '">' . $scripturl . '</a>' : $scripturl, timeformat(forum_time(), false), !empty($_POST['send_html']) ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $modSettings['latestMember'] . '">' . $modSettings['latestRealName'] . '</a>' : $modSettings['latestRealName'], $modSettings['latestMember'], $modSettings['latestRealName']), $_POST['message']); $_POST['subject'] = str_replace($variables, array($scripturl, timeformat(forum_time(), false), $modSettings['latestRealName'], $modSettings['latestMember'], $modSettings['latestRealName']), stripslashes($_POST['subject'])); $from_member = array('{$}', '{$}', '{$}', '{$}'); // This is here to prevent spam filters from tagging this as spam. if (!empty($_POST['send_html']) && preg_match('~\\<html~i', $_POST['message']) == 0) { if (preg_match('~\\<body~i', $_POST['message']) == 0) { $_POST['message'] = '<html><head><title>' . $_POST['subject'] . '</title></head>' . "\n" . '<body>' . $_POST['message'] . '</body></html>'; } else { $_POST['message'] = '<html>' . $_POST['message'] . '</html>'; } } $result = db_query("\n\t\tSELECT realName, memberName, ID_MEMBER, emailAddress\n\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}members\n\t\tWHERE emailAddress IN ('" . implode("', '", addslashes__recursive($send_list)) . "')\n\t\t\tAND is_activated = 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { unset($send_list[$row['emailAddress']]); $to_member = array($row['emailAddress'], !empty($_POST['send_html']) ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . '">' . $row['realName'] . '</a>' : $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'], $row['ID_MEMBER'], $row['realName']); // Send the actual email off, replacing the member dependent variables. sendmail($row['emailAddress'], str_replace($from_member, $to_member, addslashes($_POST['subject'])), str_replace($from_member, $to_member, addslashes($_POST['message'])), null, null, !empty($_POST['send_html'])); } mysql_free_result($result); // Send the emails to people who weren't members.... if (!empty($send_list)) { foreach ($send_list as $email) { $to_member = array($email, !empty($_POST['send_html']) ? '<a href="mailto:' . $email . '">' . $email . '</a>' : $email, '??', $email); sendmail($email, str_replace($from_member, $to_member, addslashes($_POST['subject'])), str_replace($from_member, $to_member, addslashes($_POST['message'])), null, null, !empty($_POST['send_html'])); } } // Still more to do? if (count($cleanlist) > $context['start']) { $context['page_title'] = $txt[6]; $context['sub_template'] = 'email_members_send'; return; } redirectexit('action=admin'); }