function update_task($task) { delete_task($task['i']); add_task($task); }
<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd']; switch ($cmd) { case 1: task_preview(); break; case 2: delete_task(); break; case 3: add_task(); break; case 4: update_task(); break; case 5: display_tasks(); break; case 6: search_task(); break; case 7: user_login(); break; case 8: delete_tasks(); break; case 9: select_collaborator();
<?php session_start(); require_once '../file-includes.php'; $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $request = json_decode($postdata); $info = array(); $info[] = fix_string($request->task); $info[] = fix_string($request->importance); $info[] = (string) date('d-m-Y'); $info[] = '-'; $userID = get_userID_session(); add_task($info, $userID);
function change_activity($Ticket_Number, $activity) { $last_activity = Ticket::get_ticket_activity_id($Ticket_Number); if ($last_activity != $activity) { $last_activity = Ticket::get_activity_name($last_activity); $new_activity = Ticket::get_activity_name($activity); $result = Ticket::change_activity_id($Ticket_Number, $activity); $sender = whoami(); $comment = "activity changed from \\'{$last_activity}\\' to \\'{$new_activity}\\'"; add_task($Ticket_Number, $comment); notify_change($Ticket_Number, $comment); } }
//Execution du code en fonction de l'action switch ($_['action']) { case 'addTask': if ($myUser != false) { $date = explode('/', $_['d']); if (count($date) != 3 or empty($date[0]) or empty($date[1]) or empty($date[2])) { $return['error'] = 'Le format de date n\'est pas valide.'; } else { if (!checkdate($date[1], $date[0], $date[2])) { $return['error'] = 'Le format de date n\'est pas valide.'; } else { $task['i'] = time() . rand(0, 200); $task['n'] = stripslashes(html_entity_decode($_['n'])); $task['d'] = $_['d']; $task['s'] = 0; add_task($task); $return['info'] = 'Tâche correctement ajoutée.'; } } } else { $return['error'] = 'Vous devez étre connecté pour effectuer cette action'; } break; case 'updateTask': if ($myUser != false) { $task = array('i' => $_['i'], 'n' => $_['n'], 'd' => $_['d'], 's' => $_['s']); update_task($task); $return['info'] = 'Tâche correctement modifiée.'; } else { $return['error'] = 'Vous devez étre connecté pour effectuer cette action'; }
if ($wbs_id == "2") { $wbs = $task_id . ">" . $wbs_id; } else { $wbs = $row_Recordset_task['csa_remark5'] . ">" . $row_Recordset_task['TID'] . ">" . $wbs_id; } $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } if (isset($_POST["MM_insert"]) && $_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1") { if ($_POST['user_cc'] == null) { $cc_post = $_POST['user_cc']; } else { $cc_post = "[" . implode(",", $_POST['user_cc']) . "]"; } $newID = add_task($cc_post, $_POST['csa_from_user'], $to_user_arr['0'], $project_id, $_POST['csa_type'], $_POST['csa_text'], $_POST['csa_priority'], $_POST['csa_temp'], $_POST['plan_start'], $_POST['plan_end'], $_POST['plan_hour'], $_POST['csa_remark2'], $_POST['csa_create_user'], $_POST['csa_last_user'], $task_id, $wbs, $wbs_id, $_SESSION['MM_uid'], $csa_tag, $csa_remark1); $last_use_arr = pushlastuse($to_user_arr["0"], $to_user_arr["1"], $myid); if ($project_url == 1) { $insertGoTo = "project_view.php?recordID={$project_id}"; } else { if ($user_url == 1) { $insertGoTo = "user_view.php?recordID={$user_id}"; } else { $insertGoTo = "default_task_edit.php?editID={$newID}"; } } if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= strpos($insertGoTo, '?') ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $msg_to = $to_user_arr['0'];
$func_id = $ROW[0]; $func_id += 1; $sql_office = "INSERT INTO SYS_FUNCTION (FUNC_ID,MENU_ID,FUNC_NAME,FUNC_CODE) VALUES ('{$func_id}','{$mn['mid']}','{$mn['name']}','{$mn['code']}');"; exequery(TD::conn(), $sql_office); $query = "select FUNC_ID_STR from user_priv where USER_PRIV = '1'"; $cursor = exequery(TD::conn(), $query); if (($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) && !find_id($ROW['FUNC_ID_STR'], $func_id)) { $update = "update user_priv set FUNC_ID_STR = '" . $ROW['FUNC_ID_STR'] . "{$func_id},' where USER_PRIV = '1'"; exequery(TD::conn(), $update); } cache_menu(); } //Add instant message offline push task $taskcode = "inst_msg_offl_push"; $taskfile = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/task/instant_msg_offline_push.php"; add_task($taskfile, $taskcode); $UPDATE_TIPS = "<div class=\"update_tips\">" . _("安装 微信企业号功能包 成功!") . "</div>"; echo $UPDATE_TIPS; ob_end_clean(); //////////////////////////////////////////// function add_task($file, $code) { $qry = "SELECT * FROM office_task WHERE TASK_CODE='{$code}'"; $csr = exequery(TD::conn(), $qry); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($csr)) { } else { $qry = "INSERT INTO `office_task` (`TASK_TYPE`, `INTERVAL`, `EXEC_TIME`, `LAST_EXEC`,\n\t\t\t\t`EXEC_FLAG`, `EXEC_MSG`, `TASK_URL`, `TASK_NAME`, `TASK_DESC`, `TASK_CODE`, `USE_FLAG`,\n\t\t\t\t`SYS_TASK`, `EXT_DATA`) VALUES(\n\t\t\t\t'0',\n\t\t\t\t1,\n\t\t\t\t'00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t'0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t1,\n\t\t\t\t'0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t'{$file}',\n\t\t\t\t'即时通讯离线消息推送',\n\t\t\t\t'定时将OA精灵离线消息推送到微信企业号',\n\t\t\t\t'{$code}',\n\t\t\t\t'1',\n\t\t\t\t'0',\n\t\t\t\t'')"; exequery(TD::conn(), $qry); //Add system parameter include_once "inc/utility_all.php"; add_sys_para(array("WEIXINQY_MSGCHECK_TIME" => ""));
<?php if (isset($_POST['new_task']) and is_log()) { $continue = true; $this->form_validation->set_rules('receiver_id', get_lang('Receiver'), 'required'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('title', get_lang('Title'), 'required|min_length[3]|max_length[50]'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('content', get_lang('Message'), 'required|min_length[3]|max_length[5000]'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { alertbox('alert-danger', '', validation_errors()); } else { $data['receiver_id'] = $this->input->post('receiver_id'); $data['start_date'] = $this->input->post('start_date'); $data['finish_date'] = $this->input->post('finish_date'); $data['title'] = $this->input->post('title'); $data['content'] = $plus_content . $this->input->post('content'); $task_id = add_task($data); if ($task_id > 0) { add_log(array('date' => $_POST['log_time'], 'type' => 'task', 'title' => get_lang('New Task'), 'description' => get_lang('Posted a new task') . ' [' . $_POST['display_name'] . ']')); alertbox('alert-success', get_lang('The new task has been created.')); } else { alertbox('alert-danger', get_lang('Error!')); } } } if (isset($_GET['invoice_id'])) { $invoice = get_invoice($_GET['invoice_id']); $account = get_account(array('id' => $invoice['account_id'])); $plus_content = ' <div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger"> <h4>' . get_lang('Invoice') . ': <a href="' . site_url('invoice/view/' . $invoice['id']) . '" target="_blank">#' . $invoice['id'] . '</a> / <small>' . $account['name'] . '</small></h4> <br />
require "functions_agenda.php"; if (isset($_GET["action"])) { $action = $_GET["action"]; $p = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")); $db = PDO(); switch ($action) { case "getTasks": $group = isset($_GET["group"]) && !empty($_GET["group"]) ? $_GET["group"] : 0; $from = isset($_GET["from"]) && !empty($_GET["from"]) ? $_GET["from"] : 0; $res = get_tasks($db, $group, $from); break; case "addTask": if (!isset($p->title)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => add_task($db, issetor($p->title), issetor($p->description), issetor($p->deadline), issetor($p->worklevel), issetor($p->groupe), issetor($p->UID)), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est ajouté"); } break; case "deleteTask": if (!isset($p->id)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => deleteTask($db, issetor($p->id)), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est supprimée"); } break; case "editTask": if (!isset($p->id)) { $res = array('status' => false, 'msg' => "NO PARAMETERS"); } else { $res = array('status' => editTask($db, issetor($p->title), issetor($p->description), issetor($p->deadline), issetor($p->worklevel), issetor($p->groupe), issetor($p->UID), $p->id), 'msg' => "{$p->title} est modifiée"); }
$time = time(); // $argJson = base64_encode(json_encode($arguments)); // $argJson = json_encode($arguments,JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); $argJson = json_encode($arguments); $argJson = mysql_real_escape_string($argJson); $userid = get_userid(); var_dump($argJson); $query = "INSERT INTO Task(Target,Start_Time,Arguments,Status,User_ID) VALUES('{$target}',{$time},'{$argJson}','waiting',{$userid})"; // echo $query . '<br>'; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { return True; } else { echo mysql_error(); return False; } } // $method = check_sql(trim($_REQUEST['method'])); // $target = check_sql(trim($_REQUEST['target'])); // var_dump($_REQUEST); $arguments = $_REQUEST['config']; $arguments['plugins'] = json_decode($arguments['plugins'], true); $target = check_sql(trim($arguments['global']['target'])); if (strlen($target) > 32) { $target = substr($target, 0, 32) . '...'; } // var_dump($arguments); if ($target and $target != '') { $ret = add_task($target, $arguments); } echo $ret;
<?php if (!is_logged_in()) { redirect("login"); } if (is_post()) { if (add_task(get_user_id())) { redirect(); } } $tasks = get_tasks(get_user_id()); include_header(array("title" => "your todo list", "show_logout" => true)); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <form id="js-form-add" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <textarea class="form-control" name="text" id="js-text" rows="4" placeholder="is there something to do?"><?php echo isset($_POST["text"]) ? plain($_POST["text"]) : ""; ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="form-group js-hide"> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" type="submit">add new task</button> </div> </form> </div> <div class="col-md-12">
<?php if (is_post() && is_ajax() && ($id = add_task(get_user_id()))) { $message = array('status' => 'success', 'id' => $id); } else { $message = array('status' => 'error'); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($message);