Example #1
 * Process CMS tags into HTML for weblogs.
function cms_tag_weblog($tag_attr, $tag_default)
    global $db, $Cfg, $Paths, $current_date, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Current_subweblog, $diffdate_lastformat, $even_odd, $Pivot_Vars;
    // some people use [[subweblog]] inside an entry page. to allow this
    // we need to 'store' the entry, make the subweblog, and 'restore'
    // the entry..
    if (isset($db->entry)) {
        $temp_entry = $db->entry;
    $order = get_attr_value('order', $tag_attr);
    if ($order == "firsttolast") {
        $order = "asc";
    } else {
        $order = "desc";
    $countshow = 0;
    $output = "";
    // to force the 'diffdate' to start anew on each (sub)weblog..
    $diffdate_lastformat = "";
    $subweblog = get_attr_value('subweblog', $tag_attr);
    $Current_subweblog = $subweblog;
    $template = $Paths['templates_path'] . $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['sub_weblog'][$subweblog]['template'];
    if (file_exists($template)) {
        $tag_default_orig = implode("", file($template));
    } else {
        piv_error("File does not exist!", "Could not load template file '" . $template . "'. Make sure it exists, and has the right permissions", 0);
    // safety check to prevent recursive weblogs..
    if (preg_match("/\\[\\[weblog:(.*)(:[0-9]*)?\\]\\]/mUi", $tag_default_orig)) {
        $tag_default_orig = "<p>(You can't recursively use [weblogs]!)</p>";
    $show = get_attr_value('showme', $tag_attr);
    if ($show == "") {
        $show = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['sub_weblog'][$subweblog]['num_entries'];
    $cats = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['sub_weblog'][$subweblog]['categories'];
    $offset = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['sub_weblog'][$subweblog]['offset'];
    // If called from a 'dynamic archive page', the offset needs to be taken into account.
    if ($Pivot_Vars['o'] > 0) {
        $offset += $Pivot_Vars['o'];
    // Select published entries according to order, default is descending
    if ($order == 'asc') {
        $list_entries = $db->getlist($show, $offset, "", $cats, TRUE, "", "publish");
    } else {
        $list_entries = $db->getlist_end(-$show - $offset, "", $cats, TRUE, "publish");
    if (count($list_entries) > 0) {
        foreach ($list_entries as $list_entry) {
            // If descending order we need to handle the offset:
            // if offset > 0, we need to skip this entry
            if ($order == "desc" && $offset > 0) {
            $entry = $db->read_entry($list_entry['code'], TRUE);
            if (!isset($entry['status']) || $entry['status'] == 'publish') {
                // for 'even' and 'odd' messages..
                if ($even_odd == 1) {
                    $even_odd = 0;
                } else {
                    $even_odd = 1;
                // include an anchor, if it's not set manually with the [[id_anchor]] tag
                if (strpos($tag_default_orig, "[[id_anchor]]") == 0) {
                    $entry_html = '<span id="e' . $db->entry['code'] . '"></span>';
                } else {
                    $entry_html = "";
                $entry_html .= parse_step4($tag_default_orig);
                $output .= $entry_html . "\n";
                if ($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss'] == 1) {
                    add_rss($entry['code'], $entry['date'], $entry['title'], $entry['introduction'], $entry['body'], $entry['user'], $entry['category']);
    // perhaps restore the entry
    if (isset($temp_entry)) {
    return $output;
Example #2
function html_head($title = 'No title', $css = array(), $js = array(), $rss = array())
    global $appname, $index_image;
    echo '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  <title>' . $appname . ' : ' . $title . '</title>
  <link type="image/jpg" rel="icon" href="' . theme_image($index_image) . '">' . "\n";
    $css[] = 'debug.css';
    $js[] = 'debug.js';
    echo ' </head>' . "\n";