// This is the main options array. Can be accessed as a global in order to reduce function calls. $ci = get_option(THEME_OPTIONS); $ci_defaults = array(); // The $content_width needs to be before the inclusion of the rest of the files, as it is used inside of some of them. if (!isset($content_width)) { $content_width = 717; } // // Let's bootstrap the theme. // get_template_part('panel/bootstrap'); // // Let WordPress manage the title. // add_theme_support('title-tag'); // // HTML5 Support // add_theme_support('html5', array('search-form', 'comment-form', 'comment-list', 'gallery', 'caption')); // // Define our various image sizes. // add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); set_post_thumbnail_size(720, 420, true); add_image_size('homepage_slider', 1090, 613, true); // Define our post formats add_theme_support('post-formats', array('video')); add_post_type_support('post', 'post-formats'); // Let the user choose a color scheme on each post individually. add_ci_theme_support('post-color-scheme', array('page', 'post'));
<?php global $ci, $ci_defaults, $load_defaults; if ($load_defaults === TRUE) { $ci_defaults['twitter_consumer_key'] = ''; $ci_defaults['twitter_consumer_secret'] = ''; $ci_defaults['twitter_access_token'] = ''; $ci_defaults['twitter_access_token_secret'] = ''; $ci_defaults['twitter_caching_seconds'] = 60; // Add Twitter widget support to the theme. add_ci_theme_support('twitter_widget'); } else { ?> <fieldset id="ci-panel-twitter" class="set"> <legend><?php _e('Twitter', 'ci_theme'); ?> </legend> <p class="guide"><?php echo sprintf(__('You need to follow a series of steps in order to allow Twitter capabilities to your website. First, <a href="%s">log into the Twitter Developers website</a>.', 'ci_theme'), 'https://dev.twitter.com/apps'); ?> </p> <p class="guide"><?php _e("<strong>Step 1:</strong> Make sure you are on the <strong>My Applications</strong> page. If you don't already have an application set up, create a new one by pressing the <em>Create New App</em> button. Fill in the required details (you don't need a Callback URL) and press the <em>Create your Twitter application</em> button.", 'ci_theme'); ?> </p> <p class="guide"><?php _e('<strong>Step 2:</strong> On the following page (the application\'s page), in <em>API Keys</em> tab, under the <em>Your access token</em> label, press the <strong>Create my access token</strong> button (if no access token information is displayed). It might take a couple of minutes for it to generate, so refresh the page once in a while, until you see the generated codes.', 'ci_theme'); ?>
add_theme_support('woocommerce'); // Set image sizes also for woocommerce. // Run only when the theme or WooCommerce is activated. add_action('ci_theme_activated', 'ci_woocommerce_image_dimensions'); register_activation_hook(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/woocommerce/woocommerce.php', 'ci_woocommerce_image_dimensions'); if (!function_exists('ci_woocommerce_image_dimensions')) { function ci_woocommerce_image_dimensions() { // Image sizes update_option('shop_thumbnail_image_size', array('width' => '110', 'height' => '110', 'crop' => 1)); update_option('shop_catalog_image_size', array('width' => '750', 'height' => '9999', 'crop' => 0)); update_option('shop_single_image_size', array('width' => '560', 'height' => '9999', 'crop' => 0)); } } // Let the user choose a color scheme on each post individually. add_ci_theme_support('post-color-scheme', array('page', 'post', 'product', 'cpt_artist', 'cpt_discography', 'cpt_event', 'cpt_gallery', 'cpt_video')); // Enable the automatic video thumbnails. add_filter('ci_automatic_video_thumbnail_field', 'ci_theme_add_auto_thumb_video_field'); if (!function_exists('ci_theme_add_auto_thumb_video_field')) { function ci_theme_add_auto_thumb_video_field($field) { return 'ci_cpt_video_url'; } } add_filter('the_content', 'ci_prettyPhoto_rel', 12); add_filter('get_comment_text', 'ci_prettyPhoto_rel'); add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'ci_prettyPhoto_rel'); if (!function_exists('ci_prettyPhoto_rel')) { function ci_prettyPhoto_rel($content) { global $post;