function addToSpamer($ip)
    $spammer_lib = realpath('.') . '/ec-spammer.xml';
    $xml = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $root = null;
    if (file_exists($spammer_lib)) {
        if ($xml->load($spammer_lib, LIBXML_NOBLANKS)) {
            $root = $xml->firstChild;
    } else {
        $root = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElement("spammers"));
    if (!is_null($root)) {
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
        $result = $xpath->query("//spammers/spammer[@ip='{$ip}']");
        if ($result->length === 0) {
            $spam = $root->appendChild($xml->createElement("spammer"));
            add_attribute($xml, $spam, 'ip', $ip);
            $date_value = time();
            add_attribute($xml, $spam, "timestamp", $date_value);
            add_attribute($xml, $spam, "time", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_value));
            add_attribute($xml, $spam, "count", 1);
        } else {
            $node = $result->item(0);
            $count = intval($node->getAttribute("count"));
            $node->setAttribute("count", $count + 1);
 while ($attr = each($_POST)) {
     // only add attributes (which have int(id) as attr key
     if (is_int($attr["key"])) {
         // add attribute
         add_attribute($id, $attr["key"], $attr["value"]);
 // Handle not visible attributes
 // lookup visible=no attributes
 $attrs_visible_no = read_attributes($config_class, 'no');
 // add attributes (visible=no)
 foreach ($attrs_visible_no as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
     NConf_DEBUG::set($attribute_key . " -> " . $attribute_value, 'DEBUG', "Add attribute");
     $result = add_attribute($id, $attribute_key, $attribute_value);
 if (DB_NO_WRITES != 1) {
     NConf_DEBUG::set('Successfully added <b>' . escape_string($_POST[$id_naming_attr]) . '</b>', 'INFO');
 # cache
 if (isset($_SESSION["cache"]["modify"])) {
 if ($config_class == "host") {
     $_SESSION["created_id"] = $id;
     $step2 = "yes";
 if ($id) {
     $_SESSION["created_id"] = $id;
Example #3
            } else {
                message($debug, '[ FAILED ]');
            // Add other attributes (visible=yes)
            foreach ($attrs_visible_yes as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
                NConf_DEBUG::set($attribute_key . " -> " . $attribute_value, 'DEBUG', "Add attribute");
                $result = add_attribute($new_service_ID, $attribute_key, $attribute_value);
            // Handle not visible attributes
            // lookup visible=no attributes
            $attrs_visible_no = read_attributes('service', 'no');
            // add attributes (visible=no)
            foreach ($attrs_visible_no as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
                NConf_DEBUG::set($attribute_key . " -> " . $attribute_value, 'DEBUG', "Add attribute");
                $result = add_attribute($new_service_ID, $attribute_key, $attribute_value);
            // give feedback for jQuery
            // add service to list of added services
            echo '<div id="add_success">' . $new_service_ID . '</div>';
        // END if ( $insert ){
    // END while
} else {
    // give feedback for jQuery
    echo "No service to add";
// END is_array($_POST["checkcommands"])
Example #4
function table_attributes($val, $var_part, $top = 1, $tr = false)
    //creates a string with all relevant cell attributes like background color/image, class
    //P.S. it is nearly the same as td_attributes - but it was boring to rewrite code ;-)
    $td_attrib = $top ? add_attribute('valign', 'top', ' ') : '';
    if (!$tr) {
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('border', empty($val[$var_part . "_border"]) ? '0' : $val[$var_part . "_border"], ' ');
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('cellspacing', empty($val[$var_part . "_cspace"]) ? '0' : $val[$var_part . "_cspace"], ' ');
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('cellpadding', empty($val[$var_part . "_cpad"]) ? '0' : $val[$var_part . "_cpad"], ' ');
    if (!empty($val[$var_part . "_height"])) {
        $td_attrib .= html_height_attribute($val[$var_part . "_height"]);
    if (!empty($val[$var_part . "_width"])) {
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('width', $val[$var_part . "_width"], ' ');
    if (!empty($val[$var_part . "_bgcolor"])) {
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('bgcolor', $val[$var_part . "_bgcolor"], ' ');
    if (!empty($val[$var_part . "_bgimage"])) {
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('background', $val[$var_part . "_bgimage"], ' ');
    if (!empty($val[$var_part . "_class"])) {
        $td_attrib .= add_attribute('class', $val[$var_part . "_class"], ' ');
    return $td_attrib;
Example #5
function addComment($CommentFile, $caller, $title, $dom_id, $comment_id, $date_value, $author_value, $subject_value, $email, $site, $msg_value, $ip, $moderate, $parent_id, $max_reply)
    $xml = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    if (file_exists($CommentFile)) {
        $xml->load($CommentFile, LIBXML_NOBLANKS);
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
        $result = $xpath->query("//comments/dom-element[@domid='{$dom_id}']");
        if ($result->length === 0) {
            $comments = $xml->firstChild;
            $root = $xml->createElement("dom-element");
            add_attribute($xml, $root, "domid", $dom_id);
            $root = $comments->appendChild($root);
        } else {
            $root = $result->item(0);
    } else {
        $comments = $xml->appendChild($xml->createElement("comments"));
        add_attribute($xml, $comments, "url", $caller);
        add_attribute($xml, $comments, "title", $title);
        $root = $xml->createElement("dom-element");
        add_attribute($xml, $root, "domid", $dom_id);
        $root = $comments->appendChild($root);
    if (!is_null($parent_id)) {
        $result = $xpath->query("//*[@id='{$parent_id}']");
        $parent = $result->item(0);
        $found_reply_element = false;
        foreach ($parent->childNodes as $child) {
            $tag = $child->tagName;
            if ($tag == "reply") {
                $found_reply_element = true;
                $root = $child;
        if (!$found_reply_element) {
            $root = $parent->appendChild($xml->createElement("reply"));
    $comment = $xml->createElement("comment");
    $level = getCommentLevel($comment);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "id", $comment_id);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "level", $level);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "moderate", $moderate);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "email", $email);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "site", $site);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "timestamp", $date_value);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "time", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_value));
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "author", $author_value);
    add_attribute($xml, $comment, "ip", $ip);
    // add subject child node
    $subject = $xml->createElement("subject");
    $value = $xml->createTextNode($subject_value);
    // add message child node
    $msg = $xml->createElement("message");
    $value = $xml->createTextNode($msg_value);
    if ($level >= $max_reply) {
        return false;
    return true;