Example #1
 public function add($data)
     $ContentModel = ContentModel::getInstance($this->_mid);
     if (!isset($this->_model[$this->_mid])) {
         $this->error = '模型不存在';
     $ContentInputModel = new ContentInputModel($this->_mid);
     $insertData = $ContentInputModel->get($data);
     if ($insertData == false) {
         $this->error = $ContentInputModel->error;
         return false;
     if ($ContentModel->create($insertData)) {
         $result = $ContentModel->add($insertData);
         $aid = $result[$ContentModel->table];
         M('upload')->where(array('uid' => $_SESSION['uid']))->save(array('state' => 1));
         $DMessage = "发表了文章:<a target='_blank' href='" . U('Index/Index/content', array('mid' => $insertData['mid'], 'cid' => $insertData['cid'], 'aid' => $aid)) . "'>{$insertData['title']}</a>";
         addDynamic($_SESSION['uid'], $DMessage);
         $Html = new Html();
         $categoryCache = cache('category');
         $cat = $categoryCache[$insertData['cid']];
         return $aid;
     } else {
         $this->error = $ContentModel->error;
         return false;
Example #2
 public function addComment()
     $Model = K('Comment');
     $ModelCache = cache('model');
     $mid = Q('mid', 0, 'intval');
     $cid = Q('cid', 0, 'intval');
     $aid = Q('aid', 0, 'intval');
     if (!session("uid")) {
         $this->_ajax('nologin', '没有登录');
     Q('session.comment_send_time', 0, 'intval');
     if (!IN_ADMIN && Q('session.comment_send_time') + C('comment_step_time') > time()) {
         $_time = Q('session.comment_send_time') + C('comment_step_time') - time();
         $step = $_time / 60 > 1 ? intval($_time / 60) . '分钟' : $_time . '秒';
         $this->error('请' . $step . '后发表');
     $content = Q('content');
     if (!$content) {
     $state = $Model->where("cid={$cid} && aid={$aid} && " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "comment.uid=" . session('uid'))->where("content='{$content}'")->order("comment_id DESC")->find();
     if ($state) {
     $reply_credits = intval(C('reply_credits'));
     $credits_msg = '';
     if ($reply_credits) {
         $sql = "UPDATE " . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user AS u SET credits=credits+' . $reply_credits;
         $_SESSION['credits'] += $reply_credits;
         $credits_msg = '奖励' . $reply_credits . '个积分';
     if ($comment_id = $Model->addComment()) {
         session('comment_send_time', time());
         M($ModelCache[$mid]['table_name'])->inc('comment_num', 'aid=' . $aid);
         $comment_state = M('role')->where('rid=' . $_SESSION['rid'])->getField('comment_state');
         if ($comment_state == 1 || IN_ADMIN) {
             $comment = $this->getCommentHtml($comment_id);
             $msg = '评论成功!' . $credits_msg;
         } else {
             $comment = '';
             $msg = '评论成功,审核后显示';
         $Message = mb_substr($content, 0, 30, 'utf-8');
         $DyMessge = "<a target='_blank' href='" . __WEB__ . "?a=Index&c=Index&m=content&mid={$mid}&cid={$cid}&aid={$aid}'>" . $Message . "</a>";
         addDynamic($_SESSION['uid'], "发表了评论: " . $DyMessge);
         $article = M($ModelCache[$mid]['table_name'])->where("aid={$aid}")->find();
         $articleUrl = __WEB__ . "?a=Index&c=Index&m=content&mid={$mid}&cid={$cid}&aid={$aid}";
         $title = mb_substr($article['title'], 0, 30, 'utf-8');
         addSystemMessage($_SESSION['uid'], " <a target='_blank' href='" . $articleUrl . "'>{$title}</a> 有了新评论");
         $this->_ajax(1, $msg, $comment);
     } else {
Example #3
 * It puts a Wolf element into the world. It adds it in the hashmap of dynamic elements and in the world array
 * @return bool True, if the element is putted in the world; false, in the opposite case
function addWolf()
    if (!isFull()) {
        $wolf = new Wolf();
        $row = rand(0, getSizeWorld()['row'] - 1);
        $col = rand(0, getSizeWorld()['col'] - 1);
        while (!putElement($wolf, $row, $col)) {
            $row = rand(0, getSizeWorld()['row'] - 1);
            $col = rand(0, getSizeWorld()['col'] - 1);
        $wolf->setPosition(array($row, $col));
        writeFileCSV('Log', array(getTime(), 'New element', get_class($wolf), $wolf->getId(), '[ ' . $wolf->getPosition()[0] . ' - ' . $wolf->getPosition()[1] . ' ]', '', '', ''));
        return true;
    } else {
        writeFileCSV('Log', array(getTime(), 'World is full! It can\'t put a wolf', '', '', '', '', '', ''));
        return false;