// Remember the number of unread messages being deleted
        foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
            if (preg_match('/^delete\\-([a-zA-Z_]+)\\-(\\d+)$/', $k, $m)) {
                $table = $m[1];
                $ids[$table][] = $m[2];
                if (isset($_GET['unread-' . $table . '-' . $m[2]])) {
        $countdeleted = 0;
        foreach ($ids as $table => $idspertable) {
            if ('artefact_multirecipient_notification' === $table) {
                delete_messages_mr($idspertable, $USER->get('id'));
                $countdeleted += count($idspertable);
        $message = get_string('deletednotifications1', 'artefact.multirecipientnotification', $countdeleted);
// ------------ Change ------------
// use the new function to show from - and to user
$newhtml = activitylistout_html($type, $limit, $offset);
// --------- End Change -----------
if (isset($newunread)) {
    $newhtml['newunreadcount'] = $newunread;
    $newhtml['newimage'] = $THEME->get_url($newunread ? 'images/newmail.png' : 'images/message.png');
json_reply(false, (object) array('message' => $message, 'data' => $newhtml));
Example #2
// ... and add the element for 'all types' to the beginning
$options = array_merge(array('all' => get_string('alltypes', 'activity')), $options);
$type = param_variable('type', 'all');
if ($type == '') {
    $type = 'all';
if (!isset($options[$type])) {
    // Comma-separated list; filter out anything that's not an installed type
    $type = join(',', array_unique(array_filter(split(',', $type), function ($a) {
        global $installedtypes;
        return isset($installedtypes[$a]);
require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/activity.php';
// use the new function to show from - and to user
$activitylist = activitylistout_html($type);
$star = json_encode($THEME->get_url('images/star.png'));
$readicon = json_encode($THEME->get_url('images/readusermessage.png'));
$strread = json_encode(get_string('read', 'activity'));
$strnodelete = json_encode(get_string('nodelete', 'activity'));
$javascript = <<<JAVASCRIPT

function markread(form, action) {

    var e = getElementsByTagAndClassName(null,'tocheck'+action,form);
    var pd = {};

    var havedelete = false;
    for (cb in e) {
        if (e[cb].checked == true) {
            pd[e[cb].name] = 1;