function _errorlog_logErrorRecord($logType, $logData)
    // limit errors logged per session (to prevent infinite loops from logging infinite errors)
    $maxErrorsPerPage = 25;
    $maxErrorsReached = false;
    static $totalErrorsLogged = 0;
    if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage + 1) {
    // ignore any errors after max error limit
    if ($totalErrorsLogged > $maxErrorsPerPage) {
        $maxErrorsReached = true;
    // get summary of CMS user data
    $CMS_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS();
    $subsetFields = array();
    foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) {
        if (isset($CMS_USER[$field])) {
            $subsetFields[$field] = $CMS_USER[$field];
    $subsetFields['_tableName'] = 'accounts';
    $cms_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true);
    // get summary of WEB user data
    $WEB_USER = getCurrentUser();
    $subsetFields = array();
    foreach (array('num', 'username') as $field) {
        if (isset($WEB_USER[$field])) {
            $subsetFields[$field] = $WEB_USER[$field];
    $subsetFields['_tableName'] = accountsTable();
    $web_user_summary = print_r($subsetFields, true);
    // create error message
    if ($maxErrorsReached) {
        $errorMessage = t(sprintf("Max error limit reached! Only the first %s errors per page will be logged.", $maxErrorsPerPage));
    } else {
        if (isset($logData['errno'])) {
            $errorName = _errorLog_erronoToConstantName($logData['errno']);
        } else {
            $errorName = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';
        $errorMessage = "{$errorName}: " . (isset($logData['errstr']) ? $logData['errstr'] : '');
    // create $logDataSummary without
    $logDataSummary = $logData;
    if (array_key_exists('errcontext', $logData)) {
        $logDataSummary['errcontext'] = "*** in symbol table field above ***";
    //  create log record data
    $colsToValues = array('dateLogged=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedDate=' => 'NOW()', 'updatedByuserNum' => '0', 'error' => $errorMessage, 'url' => thisPageUrl(), 'filepath' => isset($logData['errfile']) ? $logData['errfile'] : '', 'line_num' => isset($logData['errline']) ? $logData['errline'] : '', 'user_cms' => isset($CMS_USER['num']) ? $cms_user_summary : '', 'user_web' => isset($WEB_USER['num']) ? $web_user_summary : '', 'http_user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '', 'remote_addr' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '', 'request_vars' => print_r($_REQUEST, true), 'get_vars' => print_r($_GET, true), 'post_vars' => print_r($_POST, true), 'cookie_vars' => print_r($_COOKIE, true), 'session_vars' => isset($_SESSION) ? print_r($_SESSION, true) : '', 'server_vars' => print_r($_SERVER, true), 'symbol_table' => isset($logData['errcontext']) ? print_r($logData['errcontext'], true) : '', 'raw_log_data' => print_r($logDataSummary, true), 'email_sent' => 0);
    // insert record
    $newRecordNum = mysql_insert('_error_log', utf8_force($colsToValues, true));
    // remove old log records
    $maxRecords = 900;
    $buffer = 100;
    // only erase records when we're this many over (to avoid erasing records every time)
    if (mysql_count('_error_log') > $maxRecords + $buffer) {
        $oldestRecordToSave_query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['TABLE_PREFIX']}_error_log` ORDER BY `num` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET " . ($maxRecords - 1);
        $oldestRecordToSave = mysql_get_query($oldestRecordToSave_query);
        if (!empty($oldestRecordToSave['num'])) {
            mysql_delete('_error_log', null, "num < {$oldestRecordToSave['num']}");
    // send email update
    if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['phpEmailErrors']) {
function encryptAllPasswords()
    // hash all unhashed passwords
    $prefix = '$sha1$';
    $salt = 'd7w8e';
    // Add random chars to passwords to prevent precomputed dictionary attacks.  See:
    $expectedLength = strlen($prefix) + 40;
    $updateQuery = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}" . accountsTable() . "`\n                        SET `password` = CONCAT('{$prefix}', SHA1(CONCAT(`password`, '{$salt}')))\n                      WHERE `password` NOT LIKE '{$prefix}%' AND LENGTH(`password`) != {$expectedLength}";
    mysql_query($updateQuery) or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n");
function getCurrentUserFromCMS()
    // NOTE: Keep this in /lib/common.php, not login_functions.php or user_functions.php so no extra libraries need to be loaded to call it
    require_once SCRIPT_DIR . "/lib/login_functions.php";
    // if not already loaded by a plugin - loads getCurrentUser() and accountsTable();
    // save old cookiespace and accounts table
    $oldCookiePrefix = array_first(cookiePrefix(false, true));
    // save old cookiespace
    $oldAccountsTable = accountsTable();
    // save old accounts table
    // switch to cms admin cookiespace and accounts table and load current CMS user
    // switch to CMS Admin cookiespace
    // switch to CMS Admin accounts table
    $cmsUser = getCurrentUser($loginExpired);
    // 2.52 - load cms users accessList (needed by viewer_functions.php for previewing)
    if ($cmsUser['num']) {
        // 2.64 - only add if user found
        $records = mysql_select('_accesslist', array('userNum' => $cmsUser['num']));
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $cmsUser['accessList'][$record['tableName']]['accessLevel'] = $record['accessLevel'];
            $cmsUser['accessList'][$record['tableName']]['maxRecords'] = $record['maxRecords'];
    // switch back to previoius cookiespace and accounts table
    return $cmsUser;