if (isset($_SESSION[$skey])) { $receiver = $_SESSION[$skey]; unset($_SESSION[$skey], $skey); } else { die($_lang['global.badinput']); } // casove omezeni if (_iplogCheck(5)) { _iplogUpdate(5); } else { // prekroceno echo str_replace('*postsendexpire*', _postsendexpire, $_lang['misc.requestlimit']); die; } // odeslani if (_xsrfCheck()) { if (_validateEmail($sender) and $text != "" and _captchaCheck()) { // pridani informacniho textu do tela $info_ip = _userip; if (_loginindicator) { $info_ip .= ' (' . _loginname . ')'; } $info_from = array("*domain*", "*time*", "*ip*", "*sender*"); $info_to = array(_getDomain(), _formatTime(time()), $info_ip, $sender); $text .= "\n\n" . str_repeat("-", 16) . "\n" . str_replace($info_from, $info_to, $_lang['hcm.mailform.info']); // prilozeni souboru if (isset($_FILES['att']['tmp_name']) and is_uploaded_file($_FILES['att']['tmp_name'])) { $att = true; $att_name = $_FILES['att']['name']; $att_tmpname = $_FILES['att']['tmp_name']; $att_content = @file_get_contents($att_tmpname);
exit; } /* --- hodnoceni --- */ // nacteni promennych _checkKeys('_POST', array('id')); $id = intval($_POST['id']); $article_exists = false; // kontrola promennych a pristupu $continue = false; $query = DB::query("SELECT art.id,art.title_seo,art.time,art.confirmed,art.public,art.home1,art.home2,art.home3,art.rateon,cat.title_seo AS cat_title_seo FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-articles` AS art JOIN `" . _mysql_prefix . "-root` AS cat ON(cat.id=art.home1) WHERE art.id=" . $id); if (DB::size($query) != 0) { $article_exists = true; $query = DB::row($query); if (isset($_POST['r'])) { $r = round($_POST['r'] / 10) * 10; if (_iplogCheck(3, $id) and _xsrfCheck() and $query['rateon'] == 1 and _articleAccess($query) == 1 and $r <= 100 and $r >= 0) { $continue = true; } } } // zapocteni hodnoceni if ($continue) { DB::query("UPDATE `" . _mysql_prefix . "-articles` SET ratenum=ratenum+1,ratesum=ratesum+" . $r . " WHERE id=" . $id); _iplogUpdate(3, $id); } // presmerovani if ($article_exists) { $aurl = _linkArticle($id, $query['title_seo']) . "#ainfo"; } else { $aurl = ""; }
$post = isset($_GET['post']) ? '1' : '0'; $image = isset($_GET['img']) ? '1' : '0'; } else { $search_query = ''; $root = 1; $art = 1; $post = 1; $image = 0; } /* --- modul --- */ if (_template_autoheadings == 1) { $module .= "<h1>" . $_lang['mod.search'] . "</h1>"; } $module .= "\n<p class='bborder'>" . $_lang['mod.search.p'] . "</p>\n\n<form action='index.php' method='get'>\n<input type='hidden' name='m' value='search' />\n" . _xsrfProtect() . "\n<input type='text' name='q' class='inputmedium' value='" . _htmlStr($search_query) . "' /> <input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['mod.search.submit'] . "' /><br />\n" . $_lang['mod.search.where'] . ": \n<label><input type='checkbox' name='root' value='1'" . _checkboxActivate($root) . " /> " . $_lang['mod.search.where.root'] . "</label> \n<label><input type='checkbox' name='art' value='1'" . _checkboxActivate($art) . " /> " . $_lang['mod.search.where.articles'] . "</label> \n<label><input type='checkbox' name='post' value='1'" . _checkboxActivate($post) . " /> " . $_lang['mod.search.where.posts'] . "</label> \n<label><input type='checkbox' name='img' value='1'" . _checkboxActivate($image) . " /> " . $_lang['mod.search.where.images'] . "</label>\n</form>\n\n"; /* --- vyhledavani --- */ if ($search_query != '' && _xsrfCheck(true)) { if (mb_strlen($search_query) >= 3) { // priprava $search_query_sql = DB::esc('%' . $search_query . '%'); $results = array(); // polozka: array(link, titulek, perex) $public = !_loginindicator; // funkce na skladani vyhledavaciho dotazu function _tmpSearchQuery($alias, $cols) { $output = '('; for ($i = 0, $last = sizeof($cols) - 1; isset($cols[$i]); ++$i) { $output .= $alias . '.' . $cols[$i] . ' LIKE \'' . $GLOBALS['search_query_sql'] . '\''; if ($i !== $last) { $output .= ' OR '; }
if ($i !== $last) { $sql .= ','; } ++$ord; } $sql .= ''; DB::query($sql); } // message $done = isset($last) ? $last + 1 : count($done); $message = _formMessage($done === $total ? 1 : 2, sprintf($_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.upload.msg'], $done, $total)); break; } } /* --- odstraneni obrazku --- */ if (isset($_GET['del']) && _xsrfCheck(true) && $continue) { $del = intval($_GET['del']); _tmpGalStorageCleanOnDel('id=' . $del . ' AND home=' . $g); DB::query("DELETE FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-images` WHERE id=" . $del . " AND home=" . $g); if (DB::affectedRows() === 1) { $message = _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.done']); } } /* --- vystup --- */ if ($continue) { $output .= "\n<a href='index.php?p=content-editgallery&id=" . $g . "' class='backlink'>< návrat zpět</a>\n<h1>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.title'] . "</h1>\n<p class='bborder'>" . str_replace("*galtitle*", $galdata['title'], $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.p']) . "</p>\n\n" . $message . "\n\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n/* <![CDATA[ */\n\$(document).ready(function(){\n \$('.hs_fieldset').each(function(){\n var fieldset = this;\n var link = \$(fieldset).find('legend > a').get(0);\n var form = \$(fieldset).children('form');\n \$(form).hide();\n \$(link).click(function(){\n \$(form).slideToggle('fast');\n\n return false;\n });\n });\n});\n/* ]]> */\n</script>\n\n<fieldset>\n<legend>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.upload'] . "</legend>\n<form action='index.php?p=content-manageimgs&g=" . $g . "' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n <p>" . sprintf($_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.upload.text'], _galuploadresize_w, _galuploadresize_h) . "</p>\n <input type='hidden' name='xaction' value='7' />\n <div id='fmanFiles'><input type='file' name='uf0[]' multiple='multiple' /> <a href='#' onclick='return _sysFmanAddFile();'>" . $_lang['admin.fman.upload.addfile'] . "</a></div>\n <div class='hr'><hr /></div>\n <p>\n <input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.upload.submit'] . "' />" . (($uplimit = _getUploadLimit(true)) !== null ? " <small>" . $_lang['global.uploadlimit'] . ": <em>" . _getUploadLimit() . "MB</em>, " . $_lang['global.uploadext'] . ": <em>" . implode(', ', SL::$imageExt) . "</em></small>" : '') . "<br />\n <label><input type='checkbox' value='1' name='moveords' checked='checked' /> " . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.moveords'] . "</label>\n </p>\n" . _xsrfProtect() . "</form>\n</fieldset>\n\n<fieldset class='hs_fieldset'>\n<legend><a href='#'>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.insert'] . "</a> <small>(" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.insert.tip'] . ")</small></legend>\n<form action='index.php?p=content-manageimgs&g=" . $g . "' method='post' name='addform' onsubmit='_sysGalTransferPath(this);'>\n<input type='hidden' name='xaction' value='1' />\n\n<table>\n<tr class='valign-top'>\n\n<td>\n <table>\n <tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.form.title'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='title' class='inputmedium' maxlength='64' /></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.form.ord'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='ord' class='inputsmall' disabled='disabled' /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='moveords' value='1' checked='checked' onclick=\"_sysDisableField(this.checked, 'addform', 'ord');\" /> " . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.moveords'] . "</label></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.prev'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='prev' class='inputsmall' disabled='disabled' /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='autoprev' value='1' checked='checked' onclick=\"_sysDisableField(this.checked, 'addform', 'prev');\" /> " . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.autoprev'] . "</label></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.full'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='full' class='inputmedium' /></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td></td>\n <td><input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['global.insert'] . "' /></td>\n </tr>\n\n </table>\n</td>\n\n<td>\n" . (_loginright_adminfman ? "<div id='gallery-browser'>\n " . (!isset($_GET['browserpath']) ? "<a href='#' onclick=\"return _sysGalBrowse('" . urlencode(_upload_dir) . (_loginright_adminfmanlimit ? _loginname . '%2F' : '') . "');\"><img src='images/icons/loupe.png' alt='browse' class='icon' />" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.insert.browser.link'] . "</a>" : "<script type='text/javascript'>_sysGalBrowse('" . _htmlStr($_GET['browserpath']) . "');</script>") . "\n</div>" : '') . "\n</td>\n\n</tr>\n</table>\n\n" . _xsrfProtect() . "</form>\n</fieldset>\n\n"; // strankovani $paging = _resultPaging("index.php?p=content-manageimgs&g=" . $g, $galdata['var2'], "images", "home=" . $g); $s = $paging[2]; $output .= "\n<fieldset>\n<legend>" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.current'] . "</legend>\n<form action='index.php?p=content-manageimgs&g=" . $g . "&page=" . $s . "' method='post' name='editform'>\n<input type='hidden' name='xaction' value='4' />\n\n<input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['admin.content.manageimgs.savechanges'] . "' class='gallery-savebutton' />\n" . $paging[0] . "\n<div class='cleaner'></div>"; // vypis obrazku
<?php /* --- incializace jadra --- */ require '../../require/load.php'; SL::init('../../'); /* --- hlasovani --- */ // nacteni promennych if (isset($_POST['pid']) and isset($_POST['option']) and _xsrfCheck()) { $pid = intval($_POST['pid']); $option = intval($_POST['option']); // ulozeni hlasu $query = DB::query("SELECT locked,answers,votes FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-polls` WHERE id=" . $pid); if (DB::size($query) != 0) { $query = DB::row($query); $answers = explode("#", $query['answers']); $votes = explode("-", $query['votes']); if (_loginright_pollvote and $query['locked'] == 0 and _iplogCheck(4, $pid) and isset($votes[$option])) { $votes[$option] += 1; $votes = implode("-", $votes); DB::query("UPDATE `" . _mysql_prefix . "-polls` SET votes='" . $votes . "' WHERE id=" . $pid); _iplogUpdate(4, $pid); } } } // presmerovani _returnHeader();
// nacteni dat if ($new) { if (!isset($q)) { $q = array(); } $q += array('id' => null, 'old' => '', 'new' => '', 'active' => '1'); } else { $q = DB::query_row('SELECT * FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-redir` WHERE id=' . $edit_id); if ($q === false) { break; } } // formular $output .= $message . "\n<form action='' method='post'>\n<table class='formtable'>\n\n<tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.old'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='old' value='" . $q['old'] . "' class='inputmedium' maxlength='255' /></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.new'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='text' name='new' value='" . $q['new'] . "' class='inputmedium' maxlength='255' /></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr>\n <td class='rpad'><strong>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.act'] . "</strong></td>\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='act' value='1'" . _checkboxActivate($q['active']) . " /></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr>\n <td></td>\n <td><input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['global.' . ($new ? 'create' : 'save')] . "' /></td>\n</tr>\n\n</table>\n" . _xsrfProtect() . "</form>"; } while (false); } elseif (isset($_GET['del']) && _xsrfCheck(true)) { // smazani DB::query('DELETE FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-redir` WHERE id=' . intval($_GET['del'])); $output .= _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.done']); } elseif (isset($_GET['wipe'])) { // smazani vsech if (isset($_POST['wipe_confirm'])) { DB::query('TRUNCATE TABLE `' . _mysql_prefix . '-redir`'); $output .= _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.done']); } else { $output .= "\n<form action='' method='post' class='formbox'>\n" . _formMessage(2, $_lang['admin.content.redir.act.wipe.confirm']) . "\n<input type='submit' name='wipe_confirm' value='" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.act.wipe.submit'] . "' />\n" . _xsrfProtect() . "</form>\n"; } } // tabulka $output .= "<table class='list'>\n<thead><tr><td>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.old'] . "</td><td>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.new'] . "</td><td>" . $_lang['admin.content.redir.act'] . "</td><td>" . $_lang['global.action'] . "</td></tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n"; // vypis
<?php /* --- incializace jadra --- */ if (!defined('_core')) { require '../require/load.php'; SL::init('../'); } /* --- odhlaseni a presmerovani --- */ if (_xsrfCheck(true)) { _userLogout(); } _returnHeader();
<?php /* --- kontrola jadra --- */ if (!defined('_core')) { exit; } /* --- pripava promennych --- */ $levelconflict = false; // id $continue = false; if (isset($_GET['id']) && _xsrfCheck(true)) { $id = DB::esc(_anchorStr($_GET['id'], false)); $query = DB::query("SELECT id FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-users` WHERE username='******'"); if (DB::size($query) != 0) { $query = DB::row($query); if (_levelCheck($query['id'])) { $continue = true; } else { $continue = false; $levelconflict = true; } $id = $query['id']; } } if ($continue) { /* --- odstraneni --- */ if ($query['id'] != 0 and $query['id'] != _loginid) { if (_deleteUser($id)) { $output .= _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.done']); } else { $output .= _formMessage(2, $_lang['global.error']);
$output .= ' <div id="top"> <div id="header">' . $usermenu . _title . ' - ' . $_lang['admin.title'] . '</div> <hr class="hidden" /> ' . $menu . ' </div>'; $output .= "\n\n<div id='content'>\n"; /* --- zprava o odeprenem pristupu --- */ if (_loginindicator and _loginright_administration != 1) { $output .= "<h1>" . $_lang['global.error'] . "</h1>" . _formMessage(3, $_lang['admin.denied']); } /* --- prihlaseni nebo obsah --- */ if (_loginindicator and _loginright_administration) { // xsrf ochrana $xsrf_protect = true; if (!empty($_POST) && !_xsrfCheck()) { // neplatny token $output .= "<h1>" . $_lang['xsrf.title'] . "</h1><br>\n"; $output .= _formMessage(3, $_lang['xsrf.msg'] . '<ul><li>' . str_replace('*domain*', _getDomain(), $_lang['xsrf.warning']) . '</li></ul>'); $output .= "<form action='' method='post'>\n" . _getPostdata(false, null, array('_security_token')) . _xsrfProtect() . "\n<p><input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['xsrf.button'] . "' /></p>\n</form>\n"; } else { // vlozeni modulu if (array_key_exists($getp, $modules)) { if ($modules[$getp][1] == true and ($modules[$getp][2] == null or $modules[$modules[$getp][2]][1] == true)) { /*zpetny odkaz*/ if ($modules[$getp][2] != null and !(isset($modules[$getp][4]) and $modules[$getp][4] == true)) { $output .= "<a href='index.php?p=" . $modules[$getp][2] . "' class='backlink'>< " . $_lang['global.return'] . "</a>"; } /*titulek*/ if (!(isset($modules[$getp][4]) and $modules[$getp][4] == true)) { $output .= "<h1>" . $modules[$getp][0] . "</h1>";
<?php /* --- kontrola jadra --- */ if (!defined('_core')) { exit; } /* --- priprava, odstraneni sloupce --- */ $message = ""; if (isset($_GET['delcolumn']) && _xsrfCheck(true)) { DB::query("DELETE FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-boxes` WHERE `column`='" . DB::esc($_GET['delcolumn']) . "'"); $message = _formMessage(1, $_lang['global.done']); } /* --- vystup --- */ $output .= "<p class='bborder'>" . $_lang['admin.content.boxes.p'] . "</p>\n<p><a href='index.php?p=content-boxes-new'><img src='images/icons/new.png' alt='new' class='icon' />" . $_lang['admin.content.boxes.create'] . "</a></p>" . $message . "\n\n<table class='listable'>\n<thead><tr><td>" . $_lang['admin.content.boxes.column'] . "</td><td>" . $_lang['admin.content.boxes.totalboxes'] . "</td><td>" . $_lang['global.action'] . "</td></tr></thead>\n<tbody>"; $query = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT `column` FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-boxes` ORDER BY `column`"); while ($item = DB::row($query)) { $output .= "<tr><td><a href='index.php?p=content-boxes-edit&c=" . urlencode($item['column']) . "' class='block'><img src='images/icons/dir.png' alt='col' class='icon' /><strong>" . _htmlStr($item['column']) . "</strong></a></td><td>" . DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-boxes` WHERE `column`='" . DB::esc($item['column']) . "'"), 0) . "</td><td><a href='" . _xsrfLink("index.php?p=content-boxes&delcolumn=" . urlencode($item['column'])) . "' onclick='return _sysConfirm();'><img src='images/icons/delete.png' alt='del' class='icon' />" . $_lang['global.delete'] . "</a></td></tr>\n"; } $output .= "</tbody></table>";
<?php /* --- inicializace jadra --- */ require '../../require/load.php'; require_once '../../admin/functions-backup.php'; define('_header', ''); SL::init('../../'); // podminka spusteni if (!_loginright_adminbackup || !_xsrfCheck()) { exit; } // nacteni parametru _checkKeys('_POST', array('type', 'fname', 'compress')); $type = intval($_POST['type']); $fname = basename(trim($_POST['fname'])); if (empty($fname)) { $fname = 'backup'; } $compress = intval($_POST['compress']); $extra_dirs = null; if (in_array($type, array(_backup_partial, _backup_full)) && isset($_POST['dir_upload'])) { $extra_dirs = array('upload'); } // ulozeni na serveru? if ($store = isset($_POST['target_store'])) { // uplnou zalohu nelze ulozit if ($type === _backup_full) { die; } // zpracovat nazev souboru a otevrit $type_ext = _backupExt($type);