protected function _journal_create() { if (!_button()) { redirect(_link_bio($this->a('bio_alias'))); } global $bio, $core; $v = $this->__(array('subject', 'content', 'locked' => 0, 'draft' => 0)); foreach ($v as $k => $j) { if (!f($j)) { $this->_error('#NO_', $k); } } $sql_insert = array('bio' => (int) $this->a('bio_id'), 'subject' => _subject($v->subject), 'content' => _prepare($v->content), 'poster' => (int) $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'modified' => time(), 'locked' => (int) $v->locked, 'draft' => (int) $v->draft, 'ip' => $bio->v('ip')); $blog_id = sql_put('_bio_journal', prefix('blog', $sql_insert)); $bio->notify->store('blog', $blog_id); return redirect(_link('alias', $this->a('a_alias'))); }
function _prepare($s) { $s = _subject($s); $df = get_defined_functions(); if (count($df) && isset($df['user'])) { $f_list = array_filter($df['user'], '_filter_prepare'); foreach ($f_list as $row) { $s = $row($s); } } return $s; }
protected function _publish_home() { global $bio; $v = $this->__(w('address key subject content playing f 0 p 0')); // TODO: Implement bio authorization $this->_bio_publish($v->address, $v->key); // if (!$v->forum && !$v->post) { $warning->now(); } if ($v->forum) { if (empty($v->subject)) { $this->_error('NO_TOPIC_SUBJECT'); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _board_forums WHERE forum_id = ?'; if (!($forum = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v->forum)))) { $warning->now(); } $v->subject = _subject($v->subject); } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _board_posts WHERE post_id = ?'; if (!($post = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v->post)))) { $warning->now(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _board_topics WHERE topic_id = ?'; if (!($topic = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $post->post_topic)))) { $warning->now(); } } if ($v->forum) { if ($forum->forum_locked && !$this->auth_forum($forum, 'create')) { $warning->now(); } } if (empty($v->content)) { $this->_error('NO_TOPIC_CONTENT'); } $v->content = _prepare($v->content); // Start insert transaction sql_transaction(); $sql_commit = false; if ($v->forum) { // Insert topic $sql_insert = array('forum' => $v->forum, 'subject' => $v->subject, 'author' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed')); $v->topic_next = sql_put('_board_topics', prefix('topic', $sql_insert)); // Insert post $sql_insert = array('forum' => $v->forum, 'topic' => $v->topic_next, 'parent' => 0, 'bio' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed'), 'message' => $v->content, 'playing' => $v->playing); $v->post_next = sql_put('_board_posts', prefix('post', $sql_insert)); if ($v->topic_next && $v->post_next) { $sql_commit = true; } } else { $sql_insert = array('forum' => $topic->topic_forum, 'topic' => $topic->topic_id, 'parent' => $v->post, 'bio' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed'), 'message' => $v->content, 'playing' => $v->playing); $v->post_next = sql_put('_board_posts', prefix('post', $sql_insert)); $sql_update = w(); $sql = 'UPDATE _board_topics SET topic_replies = topic_replies + 1' . sql_build('UPDATE', $sql_update) . sql_filter(' WHERE topic_id = ?', $topic->topic_id); $updated = sql_affected($sql); if ($v->post_next && $updated) { $sql_commit = true; } } if (!$sql_commit) { sql_transaction('rollback'); $this->_error('ROLLBACK_MESSAGE'); } sql_transaction('commit'); if (is_ghost() && $v->post) { if ($bio->v('bio_confirmed')) { $response = array('show' => 1, 'parent' => $v->post, 'post' => $v->post_next, 'content' => _message($v->content), 'time' => _format_date(), 'profile' => array('link' => _link_bio($bio->v('bio_alias')), 'name' => $bio->v('bio_name'))); } else { $response = array('show' => 0, 'legend' => _lang('PUBLISH_TOPIC_GUEST')); } $this->output(json_encode($response)); } return redirect(_link('board', array('topic', $v->topic))); }
protected function _ticket_home() { global $user, $core; if (!$core->v('cron_enabled')) { return $this->e('CRON_DISABLED'); } foreach (w('mail pop3 emailer htmlparser') as $row) { require_once XFS . 'core/' . $row . '.php'; } $pop3 = new pop3(); if (!$pop3->connect($core->v('mail_server'), $core->v('mail_port'))) { return $this->e('MAIL_NO_CONNECT'); } if (!($total_mail = $pop3->login('recent:' . $core->v('mail_ticket_login'), $core->v('mail_ticket_key')))) { return $this->e('MAIL_NEW_MAIL'); } // $mail = new _mail(); $emailer = new emailer(); // if (!($blacklist = $core->cache_load('ticket_blacklist'))) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _tickets_blacklist ORDER BY list_id'; $blacklist = $core->cache_store(_rowset($sql, 'list_address', 'list_id')); } if (!($ticket_status = $core->cache_load('ticket_status_default'))) { $sql = 'SELECT status_id FROM _tickets_status WHERE status_default = 1'; $ticket_status = $core->cache_store(_field($sql, 'status_id', 0)); } $sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_email FROM _groups ORDER BY group_email'; $groups = _rowset($sql, 'group_email', 'group_id'); $sql = 'SELECT group_email, group_name FROM _groups ORDER BY group_email'; $groups_name = _rowset($sql, 'group_email', 'group_name'); $sql = 'SELECT gg.group_email, m.user_email FROM _groups gg, _groups_members g, _members m WHERE g.member_mod = ? AND g.member_uid = m.user_id AND gg.group_id = g.member_group ORDER BY m.user_email'; $groups_mods = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1), 'group_email', 'user_email', true); foreach ($groups as $a_group_email => $a_group_id) { if (!isset($groups_mods[$a_group_email])) { $groups_mods[$a_group_email] = w(); } } $sql = 'SELECT s.a_assoc, s.a_value FROM _members_fields f, _members_store s WHERE s.a_field = f.field_id AND f.field_alias LIKE ? ORDER BY s.a_value'; $email_alt = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 'email%'), 'a_value', 'a_assoc'); // Pre mail process $recv = w(); $now = time(); $line_orig = array(' '); $line_repl = array(' '); $_v = w('from from_d to ticket subject body date mod ip spam blacklist reply other'); $_c = w('normal reply other blacklist spam', 0); for ($i = 1; $i <= $total_mail; $i++) { foreach ($_v as $row) { ${'recv_' . $row} = 0; } $s_header = $mail->parse_header(split("\r\n", implode('', $pop3->top($i)))); $recv_from = $mail->parse_address($s_header['from']); if (isset($blacklist[$recv_from])) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } if ($recv_from == $core->v('mail_ticket_login')) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } _dvar($s_header['to'], ''); _dvar($s_header['cc'], ''); if (f($s_header['cc'])) { $s_header['to'] .= (f($s_header['to']) ? ', ' : '') . $s_header['cc']; } $to_part = array_map('trim', explode(strpos($s_header['to'], ',') ? ',' : ';', $s_header['to'])); foreach ($to_part as $row) { if (strpos($row, '<') !== false) { $row = preg_replace('#.*?<(.*?)>#is', '\\1', $row); } if (isset($blacklist[$row])) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } else { $recv_blacklist = 0; $row_first = array_key(explode('@', $row), 0); if (isset($groups[$row_first])) { $recv_to = $row_first; } } } if (strstr($s_header['to'], _lang('MAIL_TO_UNKNOWN')) !== false) { $recv_to = array_key(explode('@', $core->v('mail_ticket_login')), 0); } if (!$recv_to) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } if (!$recv_blacklist) { $recv_subject = htmlencode(trim($s_header['subject'])); if (preg_match('#\\[\\#(.*?)\\]#is', $recv_subject, $p_subject)) { $sql = 'SELECT ticket_id FROM _tickets WHERE ticket_code = ?'; if ($recv_subject_d = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $p_subject[1]))) { $recv_ticket = $recv_subject_d['ticket_id']; $recv_reply = $p_subject[1]; $recv_subject = substr(strrchr($recv_subject, ']'), 3); } } if ($recv_to . '@' . $core->v('domain') == $recv_from && $recv_from == $core->v('mail_ticket_login') && $recv_reply) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } } if (!$recv_blacklist) { if (isset($email_alt[$recv_from])) { $sql_field = 'id'; $sql_value = $email_alt[$recv_from]; } else { $sql_field = 'username'; $sql_value = array_key(explode('@', $recv_from), 0); } $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_username, user_firstname, user_lastname FROM _members WHERE user_?? = ?'; if ($recv_from_d = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $sql_field, $sql_value))) { $recv_from_d = serialize(array_row($recv_from_d)); } else { $recv_other = 1; } $d_body = $mail->body($s_header, $pop3->fbody($i), true); $recv_date = $mail->parse_date($s_header['date']); $recv_ip = $mail->parse_ip($s_header['received']); if (isset($groups_email[$recv_to])) { $recv_mod = $groups_email[$recv_to]; } if ($recv_date > $now || $recv_date < $now - 86400) { $recv_date = $now; } if (isset($d_body['text-plain']) && f($d_body['text-plain'])) { $recv_body = trim($d_body['text-plain']); } elseif (isset($d_body['text-html']) && f($d_body['text-html'])) { $htm_text = w(); $tag_open = false; $parser = new HtmlParser($d_body['text-html']); while ($parser->parse()) { $line = trim(str_replace($line_orig, $line_repl, $parser->iNodeValue)); if ($tag_open || strpos($line, '<') !== false) { $tag_open = !$tag_open; continue; } if ($parser->iNodeName == 'Text' && f($line)) { $htm_text[] = preg_replace("/(\r\n){1}/", ' ', $line); } } $recv_body = implode("\n", $htm_text); } if (f($recv_body)) { $recv_body = htmlencode(_utf8($recv_body)); } if (!f($recv_body)) { $recv_blacklist = 1; } } $recv[$i] = w(); foreach ($_v as $row) { $recv[$i][$row] = ${'recv_' . $row}; } } foreach ($recv as $i => $row) { if ($row['spam'] || $row['blacklist']) { $pop3->delete($i); $row_key = $row['spam'] ? 'spam' : 'blacklist'; $_c[$row_key]++; continue; } // Send mail to group admin if ($row['other']) { $_c['other']++; if (count($groups_mods[$row['to']])) { foreach ($groups_mods[$row['to']] as $i => $mod_email) { $email_func = !$i ? 'email_address' : 'cc'; $emailer->{$email_func}($mod_email); } $emailer->from($row['from']); $emailer->replyto($row['from']); $emailer->set_subject(entity_decode($row['subject'])); $emailer->use_template('ticket_other'); $emailer->set_decode(true); $emailer->assign_vars(array('SUBJECT' => entity_decode($row['subject']), 'MESSAGE' => entity_decode($row['body']))); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); } $pop3->delete($i); continue; } $row['code'] = $row['reply'] ? $row['reply'] : substr(md5(unique_id()), 0, 8); $row['from_d'] = unserialize($row['from_d']); $row['group_id'] = $groups[$row['to']]; $row['msubject'] = entity_decode(sprintf('%s [#%s]: %s', $groups_name[$row['to']], $row['code'], $row['subject'])); $row['mbody'] = explode("\n", $row['body']); // $body_const = w(); foreach ($row['mbody'] as $part_i => $part_row) { if (isset($row['mbody'][$part_i - 1]) && f($row['mbody'][$part_i - 1]) && f($row['mbody'][$part_i])) { $row['mbody'][$part_i] = "\n" . $part_row; } } $row['body'] = implode("\n", $row['mbody']); $v_mail = array('USERNAME' => $row['from_d']['user_username'], 'FULLNAME' => entity_decode(_fullname($row['from_d'])), 'SUBJECT' => entity_decode($row['subject']), 'MESSAGE' => entity_decode($row['body']), 'TICKET_URL' => _link('ticket', array('x1' => 'view', 'code' => $row['code']))); if (!$row['reply']) { $_c['normal']++; $sql_insert = array('parent' => 0, 'cat' => 1, 'group' => $row['group_id'], 'title' => _subject($row['subject']), 'text' => _prepare($row['body']), 'code' => $row['code'], 'contact' => $row['from_d']['user_id'], 'aby' => 0, 'status' => $ticket_status, 'start' => $row['date'], 'lastreply' => $row['date'], 'end' => 0, 'ip' => $row['ip']); $sql = 'INSERT INTO _tickets' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('ticket', $sql_insert)); _sql($sql); // Send mail to user $emailer->email_address($row['from']); $emailer->from($row['to'] . '@' . $core->v('domain')); $emailer->set_subject($row['msubject']); $emailer->use_template('ticket_' . $row['to']); $emailer->set_decode(true); $emailer->assign_vars($v_mail); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); // > Send mail to group admin if (count($groups_mods[$row['to']])) { foreach ($groups_mods[$row['to']] as $i => $mod_email) { $address_func = !$i ? 'email_address' : 'cc'; $emailer->{$address_func}($mod_email); } $emailer->from($row['to'] . '@' . $core->v('domain')); $emailer->set_subject($row['msubject']); $emailer->use_template('ticket_' . ($row['reply'] ? 'reply' : 'tech')); $emailer->set_decode(true); $emailer->assign_vars($v_mail); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); } } else { $_c['reply']++; $sql_insert = array('ticket_id' => $row['ticket'], 'user_id' => $row['from_d']['user_id'], 'note_text' => htmlencode($row['body']), 'note_time' => $row['date'], 'note_cc' => 1); $sql = 'INSERT INTO _tickets_notes' . _build_array('INSERT', $sql_insert); _sql($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE _tickets SET ticket_lastreply = ? WHERE ticket_id = ?'; _sql(sql_filter($sql, $row['date'], $row['ticket'])); // Send mail to group members || user $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _tickets_assign a, _members m WHERE a.assign_ticket = ? AND a.user_id = m.user_id AND m.user_username NOT IN (?)'; $tech = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $row['ticket'], $row['from_d']['user_username'])); if ($row['mod'] != $row['from_d']['user_username']) { $tech[] = $row['mod']; } if (count($tech)) { foreach ($tech as $tech_i => $tech_row) { $m_method = !$tech_i ? 'email_address' : 'cc'; $emailer->{$m_method}($tech_row . '@' . $core->v('domain')); } $emailer->from($row['to'] . '@' . $core->v('domain')); $emailer->use_template('ticket_reply'); $emailer->set_subject($row['msubject']); $emailer->set_decode(true); $emailer->assign_vars($v_mail); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); } } // Delete mail from server $pop3->delete($i); } // Quit server $pop3->quit(); $ret = ''; foreach ($_c as $k => $v) { $ret .= "\n" . $k . ' = ' . $v . '<br />'; } return $this->e($ret); }