Example #1
function get_db_info($db_name)
    // Carl grabbed this from the mysql.com boards http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-table-status.html
    $result = _mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM {$db_name}");
    // SQL output
    // mysql> show table status from [table_name];
    // | Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows
    // | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length
    // | Index_length | Data_free  | Auto_increment | Create_time
    // | Update_time | Check_time | Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
    $gdata = 0;
    $gindex = 0;
    $gtotal = 0;
    $grows = 0;
    $i = 0;
    $db_rec = array();
    while ($myarr = _mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        // sum grand totals
        $total = $myarr["Data_length"] + $myarr["Index_length"];
        $gindex += $myarr["Index_length"];
        $gdata += $myarr["Data_length"];
        $grows += $myarr["Rows"];
        $gtotal += $total;
        $db_rec[$i] = new DB_REC($myarr["Name"], $myarr["Data_length"], $myarr["Index_length"], $total, $myarr["Rows"], $myarr["Avg_row_length"]);
    $db_rec[$i] = new DB_REC("Total", $gdata, $gindex, $gtotal, $grows, "");
    return $db_rec;
Example #2

include 'includes/corefuncs.inc.php';
include '../includes/sqlfunctions.inc.php';
include 'includes/adminconnection.inc.php';
if (function_exists('nukeMagicQuotes')) {
$conn = dbConnect();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM announcements WHERE active = "1" ORDER BY displayorder, enddate';
$result = _mysql_query($conn, $sql);
$strReturn = '';
while ($row = _mysql_fetch_assoc($conn, $result)) {
    $strReturn .= '<tr><td><div class="plaintext">' . $row['description'] . '</div></td><td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 50px;">' . $row['displayorder'] . '</td><td>' . $row['startdate'] . '</td><td>' . $row['enddate'] . '</td><td style="text-align: right;"><a class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" href="#" role="button" disabled="false" id="edit' . $row['id'] . '" onclick="javascript:msgedit(\'' . $row['id'] . '\'); return false;"><span class="ui-button-text">Edit</span></a> <a class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" href="#" role="button" disabled="false" id="del' . $row['id'] . '" onclick="javascript:msgdelete(\'' . $row['id'] . '\'); return false;"><span class="ui-button-text">Delete</span></a></td></tr>';
    // $strReturn .= '<tr><td><div class="plaintext">'.$row['description'].'</div></td><td style="text-align: right; padding-right: 50px;">'.$row['displayorder'].'</td><td>'.$row['startdate'].'</td><td>'.$row['enddate'].'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" id="edit'.$row['id'].'" ng-click="msgedit(\''.$row['id'].'\');"><span class="ui-button-text">Edit</span></button> <button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" id="del'.$row['id'].'" ng-click="msgdelete(\''.$row['id'].'\');"><span class="ui-button-text">Delete</span></button></td></tr>';
print $strReturn;
Example #3
//<!-- <div class="row memberlist"> -->
//run the query to get the current membership
//get the tag to see if we are sorting by member name or
//call sign
if (!empty($_GET["sort"])) {
    $findrecords = "SELECT *\n     , SUBSTRING(fcccall\n       , LEAST(\n          if (Locate('0',fcccall) >0,Locate('0',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('1',fcccall) >0,Locate('1',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('2',fcccall) >0,Locate('2',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('3',fcccall) >0,Locate('3',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('4',fcccall) >0,Locate('4',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('5',fcccall) >0,Locate('5',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('6',fcccall) >0,Locate('6',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('7',fcccall) >0,Locate('7',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('8',fcccall) >0,Locate('8',fcccall),99),\n          if (Locate('9',fcccall) >0,Locate('9',fcccall),99)\n         )+1,3\n       ) AS fccsuffix " . "FROM members, paid " . "Where (`members`.`member_id` = `paid`.`member_id`) AND " . "(year > '{$yearfull}') " . "ORDER BY (CASE WHEN fcccall IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ASC" . ",(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(fcccall,1,1) = ' ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ASC," . " fccsuffix, lname, fname;";
    //echo $findrecords . '<br>';
} else {
    $findrecords = "select * from members, paid " . "Where (`members`.`member_id` = `paid`.`member_id`) AND " . "(year > '{$yearfull}') " . "ORDER BY lname, fname, fcccall";
$result = _mysql_query($connection1, $findrecords);
//if query is successful display the member list
//use bold type for current paid memmbers based on the expiration
//date in the database
if ($result) {
    while ($row = _mysql_fetch_assoc($connection1, $result)) {
        //$datenow = time();
        $current = 'current';
        echo '<div class="row memberlist">';
        echo '<div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-3 col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-0 string ' . $current . '">';
        echo '</div><div class="col-md-2 col-xs-3 ' . $current . '">';
        echo '</div><div class="col-md-2 col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-1 string ' . $current . '">';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
    //end while
//end if
Example #4
 function UploadSyncClick($sender, $params)
     //upload the file
     //test if the working directory exists
     $dir = 'dbsync';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         //create the directory
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Directory ' . $dir . ' does not exist. Creating.';
     //upload the file
     $uploaddoc = $dir . '/' . $this->Upload1->FileName;
     if (@move_uploaded_file($this->Upload1->FileTmpName, $uploaddoc)) {
         //show success to the user
         $this->UploadStatus->Font->Color = Green;
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Upload successful.';
     } else {
         //exit on failure
         $this->UploadStatus->Font->Color = Red;
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Upload failure.';
     //stage 1
     //parse the file
     //create the working file on the server
     //add the database to be using
     //show progress to the user as we go along
     try {
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Parsing file.';
         //create the work file
         $sqlworkingfile = fopen($dir . '/uploadsync.sql', "w");
         $sqluploadedfile = fopen($uploaddoc, "r");
         //get the number of lines in the file
         $numorginallines = count(file($uploaddoc));
         //set the progress bar to the max count of the lines
         $this->SyncProgress->Max = $numorginallines;
         //loop through the lines from the uploaded file
         for ($x = 0; $x <= $numorginallines; $x++) {
             $line = fgets($sqluploadedfile);
             //remove the comment lines
             //test for the following
             //comment lines beginning with /* AND
             //comment lines beginning with --
             $findcomment1 = strpos($line, '/*');
             $findcomment2 = strpos($line, '--');
             if ($findcomment1 === false && $findcomment2 === false) {
                 //if this line doesn't have these comments write to the
                 //sql command temp file
                 fwrite($sqlworkingfile, $line);
             $this->SyncProgress->Position = $x;
         //close the original file and the working file since inside a try block
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->UploadStatus->Font->Color = Red;
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Trouble in stage 1.' . $e;
     //stage 2
     //connect to the database
     $dbconnection = dbConnect();
     try {
         //for testing login previously required will handle this
         //copy the entire file into a query
         $sqlstatement = file_get_contents($dir . '/uploadsync.sql');
         //start a transaction (all or nothing change)
         $result = _mysql_begin_transaction($dbconnection, $param);
         _mysql_query($dbconnection, 'use w3oiworkinprog;');
         $this->SyncProgress->Max = strlen($sqlstatement);
         while (strlen($sqlstatement) > 0) {
             //update the progress bar position
             $positionnow = $this->SyncProgress->Max - strlen($sqlstatement);
             $this->SyncProgress->Position = $positionnow;
             //break apart the sql commands
             $position = strpos($sqlstatement, ";\n");
             if ($position === false) {
             $sqlcommand = substr($sqlstatement, 0, $position + 1);
             //run the query
             $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlcommand);
             //now strip this done command from the the sql statement
             $sqlstatement = substr($sqlstatement, $position + 1);
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'SQL statement update successful.';
         //end the transaction
         $result = _mysql_commit($dbconnection);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->UploadStatus->Font->Color = Red;
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Trouble in stage 2. ' . $e;
     //if the database has been successfully updated syncronize the data
     try {
         //delete the member table
         $sqlstatement = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS members;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         //copy from the old style table
         $sqlstatement = 'CREATE TABLE members LIKE w3oi_mbr;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         //insert members into the new table
         $sqlstatement = 'INSERT members SELECT * FROM w3oi_mbr;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         //drop the unwanted columns
         $sqlstatement = 'ALTER TABLE `members`' . 'CHANGE `id` `member_id` INT,' . 'DROP `pd00`,' . 'DROP `pd01`,' . 'DROP `pd02`,' . 'DROP `pd03`,' . 'DROP `pd04`,' . 'DROP `pd05`,' . 'DROP `pd06`,' . 'DROP `pd07`,' . 'DROP `pd08`,' . 'DROP `pd09`,' . 'DROP `pd10`,' . 'DROP `pd11`,' . 'DROP `pd12`,' . 'DROP `pd13`,' . 'DROP `pd14`,' . 'DROP `pd15`,' . 'DROP `pd16`,' . 'DROP `pd17`,' . 'DROP `pd18`,' . 'DROP `pd19`,' . 'DROP `bogpos`,' . 'DROP `acode`,' . 'DROP `xchg`,' . 'DROP `fone`,' . 'DROP `csz`,' . 'DROP `cty_st`,' . 'DROP `fullname`,' . 'DROP `pid`,' . 'DROP `expires`;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         $sqlstatement = 'DELETE FROM `paid`;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         //loop through each year
         $sqlstatementarray = array();
         for ($year = 0; $year <= 16; $year++) {
             $yearastwodec = sprintf("%1\$02d", $year);
             $sqlstatement = 'SELECT `id` AS `member_id`, `pd' . $yearastwodec . '` FROM `w3oi_mbr`' . ' WHERE `pd' . $yearastwodec . "` <> ''";
             //echo '<p>' . $sqlstatement . '</p>';
             $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
             while ($row = _mysql_fetch_assoc($dbconnection, $result)) {
                 //get the member id
                 $memberid = $row['member_id'];
                 //get the paid status
                 $paidtype = $row["pd{$yearastwodec}"];
                 //convert to a 4 decimal year
                 $yearpull = '20' . $yearastwodec . '-12-31';
                 //now push the record
                 //echo $memberid . ' ' . $yearpull . '<br>';
                 $sqlupdate = 'insert into `paid` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$paidtype}');";
                 //echo $sqlupdate . '<br>';
                 array_push($sqlstatementarray, $sqlupdate);
         foreach ($sqlstatementarray as $sqlstatement) {
             //now loop through the array and post the updates
             $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         $sqlstatement = 'DELETE FROM `officersboard`;';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         //check the board records
         $sqlstatement = 'SELECT * FROM boghistory;';
         //echo '<p>' . $sqlstatement . '</p>';
         $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         $sqlstatementboardarray = array();
         //loop through each year
         while ($row = _mysql_fetch_assoc($dbconnection, $result)) {
             //get the year, common to all the data
             $year = $row['year'];
             $yearpull = $year . '-12-31';
             $memberid = $row['pid'];
             $type = 'P';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['vid'];
             $type = 'V';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['sid'];
             $type = 'S';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['tid'];
             $type = 'T';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['m1id'];
             $type = 'B';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['m2id'];
             $type = 'B';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['m3id'];
             $type = 'B';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['m4id'];
             $type = 'B';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
             $memberid = $row['m5id'];
             $type = 'B';
             $sqlupdate = 'insert into `officersboard` ' . '(`year`, `member_id`, `type`) ' . "VALUES ('{$yearpull}', '{$memberid}', '{$type}');";
             array_push($sqlstatementboardarray, $sqlupdate);
         foreach ($sqlstatementboardarray as $sqlstatement) {
             //now loop through the array and post the updates
             $result = _mysql_query($dbconnection, $sqlstatement);
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'SQL transfer successful.';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo $sqlupdate . '<br>';
         $this->UploadStatus->Font->Color = Red;
         $this->UploadStatus->Caption = 'Trouble in stage 2. ' . $e;