  * Constructor
  * Sets whether to globally enable the XSS processing
  * and whether to allow the $_GET array
  * @access	public
 function CI_Input()
     $CFG =& _load_class('CI_Config');
     $this->use_xss_clean = $CFG->item('global_xss_filtering') === TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $this->allow_get_array = $CFG->item('enable_query_strings') === TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE;
     log_message('debug', "Input Class Initialized");
  * Constructor
 function CI_Hooks()
     log_message('debug', "Hooks Class Initialized");
     $CFG =& _load_class('CI_Config');
     // If hooks are not enabled in the config file
     // there is nothing else to do
     if ($CFG->item('enable_hooks') == FALSE) {
     // Grab the "hooks" definition file.
     // If there are no hooks, we're done.
     @(include APPPATH . 'config/hooks' . EXT);
     if (!isset($hook) or !is_array($hook)) {
     $this->hooks =& $hook;
     $this->enabled = TRUE;
  *  Parse a template
  * Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template, 
  * replacing them with the data in the second param
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @param	array
  * @param	bool
  * @return	string
 function parse($template, $data, $return = FALSE)
     $OUT =& _load_class('CI_Output');
     $obj =& get_instance();
     $template = $obj->load->view($template, $data, TRUE);
     if ($template == '') {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
         if (!is_array($val)) {
             $template = $this->_parse_single($key, $val, $template);
         } else {
             $template = $this->_parse_pair($key, $val, $template);
     if ($return == FALSE) {
         $OUT->final_output = $template;
     return $template;
Example #4
 function sh_contact_form_submit()
     if (!count($_POST)) {
     _load_class('validation', 'helpers', true);
     $t =& $GLOBALS['_sh_base'];
     $settings = get_option(SH_NAME . '_theme_options');
     /** set validation rules for contact form */
     $t->validation->set_rules('contact_name', '<strong>' . __('Name', SH_NAME) . '</strong>', 'required|min_length[4]|max_lenth[30]');
     $t->validation->set_rules('contact_email', '<strong>' . __('Email', SH_NAME) . '</strong>', 'required|valid_email');
     //$t->validation->set_rules('contact_name','<strong>'.__('Phone', SH_NAME).'</strong>', 'required|min_length[5]');
     $t->validation->set_rules('contact_message', '<strong>' . __('Message', SH_NAME) . '</strong>', 'required|min_length[10]');
     if (sh_set($settings, 'captcha_status') == 'on') {
         if (sh_set($_POST, 'contact_captcha') !== sh_set($_SESSION, 'captcha')) {
             $t->validation->_error_array['captcha'] = __('Invalid captcha entered, please try again.', SH_NAME);
     $messages = '';
     if ($t->validation->run() !== FALSE && empty($t->validation->_error_array)) {
         $name = $t->validation->post('contact_name');
         $email = $t->validation->post('contact_email');
         $message = $t->validation->post('contact_message');
         $contact_to = sh_set($settings, 'contact_email') ? sh_set($settings, 'contact_email') : get_option('admin_email');
         $headers = 'From: ' . $name . ' <' . $email . '>' . "\r\n";
         wp_mail($contact_to, __('Contact Us Message', SH_NAME), $message, $headers);
         $message = sh_set($settings, 'success_message') ? $settings['success_message'] : sprintf(__('Thank you <strong>%s</strong> for using our Contact form! Your email was successfully sent and we will be in touch with you soon.', SH_NAME), $name);
         $messages = '<div class="alert alert-success">' . __('SUCCESS! ', SH_NAME) . $message . '</div>';
     } else {
         if (is_array($t->validation->_error_array)) {
             foreach ($t->validation->_error_array as $msg) {
                 $messages .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><span class="red">' . __('Error! ', SH_NAME) . '</span>' . $msg . '</div>';
     echo $messages;
     return $messages;
Example #5
include_once 'includes/common/require.php';
//include_once ('includes/classes/cpanel.class.php');
//check user login
global $DB;
//form action
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && _post('task') == 'save_acc') {
    $host = isset($_POST['cpanel_host']) ? $_POST['cpanel_host'] : '';
    $domain = isset($_POST['cpanel_domain']) ? $_POST['cpanel_domain'] : '';
    $user = isset($_POST['cpanel_user']) ? $_POST['cpanel_user'] : '';
    $pass = isset($_POST['cpanel_pass']) ? $_POST['cpanel_pass'] : '';
    $email = isset($_POST['cpanel_email']) ? $_POST['cpanel_email'] : '';
    //update acc
    $data = array('cpanel_host' => $host, 'cpanel_domain' => $domain, 'cpanel_user' => $user, 'cpanel_pass' => encrypt($pass), 'cpanel_email' => $email);
    $res = update_cpacct($data, isset($_POST['acc_id']) ? $_POST['acc_id'] : '');
//edit acc
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && _get('do') == 'edit') {
    $current = get_cpanel_acc(_get('id'));
    if (!count($current)) {
//delete acc
if (isset($_GET['id']) && _get('do') == 'delete') {
//list rows
  * Constructor
  * Runs the route mapping function. 
 function CI_Router()
     $this->config =& _load_class('CI_Config');
     log_message('debug', "Router Class Initialized");
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 *  Note: Due to the poor object handling in PHP 4 we'll
 *  contditionally load different versions of the base
 *  class.  Retaining PHP 4 compatibility requires a bit of a hack.
 *  Note: The Loader class needs to be included first
_load_class('CI_Loader', FALSE);
if (floor(phpversion()) < 5) {
    require BASEPATH . 'codeigniter/Base4' . EXT;
} else {
    require BASEPATH . 'codeigniter/Base5' . EXT;
_load_class('CI_Controller', FALSE);
require APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $RTR->fetch_directory() . $RTR->fetch_class() . EXT;
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 *  Security check
 * ------------------------------------------------------
 *  None of the functions in the app controller or the
 *  loader class can be called via the URI, nor can 
 *  controller functions that begin with an underscore
$class = $RTR->fetch_class();
$method = $RTR->fetch_method();
if (!class_exists($class) or $method == 'controller' or substr($method, 0, 1) == '_' or in_array($method, get_class_methods('Controller'))) {
Example #8
    function post()
        _load_class('validation', 'helpers', true);
        $t = _WSH();
        $settings = $t->option();
        $message = '';
        foreach ($this->fields as $f) {
            $field_name = sh_set($f, 'name');
            $validation = array();
            $placehold = sh_set($f, 'placeholder');
            foreach (sh_set($f, 'validation') as $valid) {
                $validation[] = $valid;
            /** set validation rules for contact form */
            $t->validation->set_rules($field_name, '<strong>' . sh_set($f, 'placeholder') . '</strong>', implode('|', $validation));
            $message .= "{$placehold}\t" . $t->validation->post($field_name) . "\r\n";
        if (sh_set($_POST, 'form_secret') !== $this->_old_hash) {
            $t->validation->_error_array['form_secret'] = __('There is form validation error or spamming issue', SH_NAME);
        if ($t->validation->run() !== FALSE && empty($t->validation->_error_array)) {
            $contact_to = sh_set($this->meta, 'form_email') ? sh_set($this->meta, 'form_email') : get_option('admin_email');
            $headers = 'From: ' . get_option('name') . ' <' . get_option('admin_email') . '>' . "\r\n";
            wp_mail($contact_to, sprintf(__('%s - Form Submitted', SH_NAME), get_the_title($this->id)), $message, $headers);
            $response = sh_set($this->meta, 'form_success_msg') ? $this->meta['form_success_msg'] : sprintf(__('Form is successfully submitted, we\'ll response you shortly.', SH_NAME), $name);
            return "<div id='success_page' class=\"alert-success\">" . "<h1>" . __("Successful", SH_NAME) . "</h1>" . "<p>" . $response . "</p>" . "</div>";
        } else {
            $messages = '';
            if (is_array($t->validation->_error_array)) {
                foreach ($t->validation->_error_array as $msg) {
                    $messages .= '<div class="alert error_message alert-error">
										<p>' . __('Error! ', SH_NAME) . $msg . '</p>
            return $messages;
        return '';
  * Loader
  * This function isn't called directly.  It's called from
  * the two functions above.  It's used to load views and files
  * @access	private
  * @param	array
  * @return	void
 function _ci_load($data)
     $OUT =& _load_class('CI_Output');
     // This allows anything loaded using $this->load (viwes, files, etc.)
     // to become accessible from within the Controller and Model functions.
     $obj =& get_instance();
     foreach ($obj->ci_is_loaded as $val) {
         if (!isset($this->{$val})) {
             $this->{$val} =& $obj->{$val};
     // Set the default data variables
     foreach (array('view', 'vars', 'path', 'return') as $val) {
         ${$val} = !isset($data[$val]) ? FALSE : $data[$val];
      * Extract and cached variables
      * You can either set variables using the dedicated
      * $this->load_vars() function or via the second
      * parameter of this function. We'll
      * merge the two types and cache them so that
      * views that are embedded within other views
      * can have access to these variables.
     if (is_array($vars)) {
         $this->cached_vars = array_merge($this->cached_vars, $vars);
     // Set the path to the requested file
     if ($path == '') {
         $ext = pathinfo($view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $file = $ext == '' ? $view . EXT : $view;
         $path = $this->view_path . $file;
     } else {
         $x = explode('/', $path);
         $file = end($x);
      * Buffer the output
      * We buffer the output for two reasons:
      * 1. Speed. You get a significant speed boost.
      * 2. So that the final rendered template can be 
      * post-processed by the output class.  Why do we
      * need post processing?  For one thing, in order to 
      * show the elapsed page load time.  Unless we
      * can intercept the content right before it's sent to
      * the browser and then stop the timer, it won't be acurate.
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         show_error('Unable to load the requested file: ' . $file);
     include $path;
     log_message('debug', 'File loaded: ' . $path);
     // Return the file data if requested to
     if ($return === TRUE) {
         $buffer = ob_get_contents();
         return $buffer;
      * Flush the buffer... or buff the flusher?
      * In order to permit templates (views) to be nested within
      * other views, we need to flush the content back out whenever 
      * we are beyond the first level of output buffering so that 
      * it can be seen and included  properly by the first included 
      * template and any subsequent ones. Oy!
     if (ob_get_level() > $this->ob_level + 1) {
     } else {
 public function CI_Base()
     $instance =& _load_class('Instance');
Example #11
include_once 'library/form_helper.php';
include_once 'library/functions.php';
include_once 'library/widgets.php';
_load_class('post_types', 'helpers', false);
_load_class('taxonomies', 'helpers', false);
_load_class('ajax', 'helpers', false);
_load_class('forms', 'helpers', false);
_load_class('enqueue', 'helpers', false);
_load_class('validation', 'helpers', true);
_load_class('seo', 'helpers', true);
_load_class('update_theme', 'update', false);
_load_class('donation', 'helpers');
_load_class('shortcodes', 'helpers', true);
_load_class('bootstrap_walker', 'helpers', false);
if (sh_set($_GET, 'sh_shortcode_editor_action')) {
    include_once 'resource/shortcode_output.php';
 * Include Vafpress Framework
require_once 'vafpress/bootstrap.php';
 * Include Custom Data Sources
require_once 'vafpress/admin/data_sources.php';
 * Load options, metaboxes, and shortcode generator array templates.
* Exception Handler
* This is the custom exception handler we defined at the
* top of this file. The main reason we use this is permit 
* PHP errors to be logged in our own log files since we may 
* not have access to server logs. Since this function
* effectively intercepts PHP errors, however, we also need
* to display errors based on the current error_reporting level.
* We do that with the use of a PHP error template.
* @access	private
* @return	void
function _exception_handler($severity, $message, $filepath, $line)
    // We don't bother with "strict" notices since they will fill up
    // the log file with information that isn't normally very
    // helpful.  For example, if you are running PHP 5 and you
    // use version 4 style class functions (without prefixes
    // like "public", "private", etc.) you'll get notices telling
    // you that these have been deprecated.
    if ($severity == E_STRICT) {
    $error =& _load_class('CI_Exceptions');
    // Should we display the error?
    // We'll get the current error_reporting level and add its bits
    // with the severity bits to find out.
    if (($severity & error_reporting()) == $severity) {
        $error->show_php_error($severity, $message, $filepath, $line);
    // Should we log the error?  No?  We're done...
    $config =& _get_config();
    if ($config['log_errors'] === FALSE) {
    $error->log_exception($severity, $message, $filepath, $line);
Example #13

//include libs
include_once 'includes/common/require.php';
_load_class('ftp', 'cpanel');
//check user login
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (_post('acc') == '') {
        add_message("Please select which account you want to use ?");
        goto invalid_form;
    //get cpanel credentials
    /*$acc = get_cpanel_acc(_post('acc'));
      $host = isset($acc['cpanel_host'])? $acc['cpanel_host']: '';
      $cpaneluser = isset($acc['cpanel_user'])? $acc['cpanel_user']:"";
      $cpaneluser_pass= isset($acc['cpanel_pass'])? decrypt($acc['cpanel_pass']) :'';
      $email_domain= isset($acc['cpanel_email'])? $acc['cpanel_email']:'*****@*****.**';
    #$cpanel = new HW_CPanel($host, $cpaneluser, $cpaneluser_pass,false);
    $cpanel = HW_CPanel::loadacct_instance(_post('acc'), 0);
    //add an ftp
    if (_post('task') == 'add_ftp') {
        #$cpanel_ftp = new HW_CPanel_Ftp($host, $cpaneluser, $cpaneluser_pass);
        $cpanel_ftp = HW_CPanel_Ftp::init($cpanel);
        $ftp = array('user' => _post('ftp_username'), 'pass' => _post('ftp_passwd'), 'quota' => _post('ftp_quota'), 'homedir' => _post('ftp_homedir'));
Example #14
include_once 'includes/common/require.php';
_load_class('mysql', 'cpanel');
_load_class('user', 'cpanel');
//check user login
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (_post('acc') == '') {
        add_message("Please select which account you want to use ?");
        goto invalid;
    //get cpanel credentials
    $acc_id = _post('acc');
    $acc = get_cpanel_acc($acc_id);
    $host = isset($acc['cpanel_host']) ? $acc['cpanel_host'] : '';
    $cpaneluser = isset($acc['cpanel_user']) ? $acc['cpanel_user'] : "";
    $cpaneluser_pass = isset($acc['cpanel_pass']) ? decrypt($acc['cpanel_pass']) : '';
    $email_domain = isset($acc['cpanel_email']) ? $acc['cpanel_email'] : '*****@*****.**';
    //db info
    $databaseuser = isset($_POST['dbuser']) ? $_POST['dbuser'] : "";
    $databasepass = isset($_POST['dbpass']) ? $_POST['dbpass'] : '';
    $databasename = isset($_POST['dbname']) ? $_POST['dbname'] : '';
    $task = _post('task');
    $cpanel = new HW_CPanel($host, $cpaneluser, $cpaneluser_pass);
    if ($task == 'adddb') {
        //create database
        if (!empty($databasename)) {
            $cpanel_mysql = HW_CPanel_Mysql::init($cpanel);
  * Assign the core classes to the global $CI object
  * By assigning all the classes instantiated by the front controller
  * local class variables we enable everything to be accessible using
  * $this->class->function()
  * @access	private
  * @return	void
 function _ci_assign_core()
     foreach (array('Config', 'Input', 'Benchmark', 'URI', 'Output') as $val) {
         $class = strtolower($val);
         $this->{$class} =& _load_class('CI_' . $val);
         $this->ci_is_loaded[] = $class;
     $this->lang =& _load_class('CI_Language');
     $this->ci_is_loaded[] = 'lang';
     // In PHP 4 the Controller class is a child of CI_Loader.
     // In PHP 5 we run it as its own class.
     if (floor(phpversion()) >= 5) {
         $this->load = new CI_Loader();
     $this->ci_is_loaded[] = 'load';
  * Update/serve a cached file 
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 function _display_cache(&$CFG, &$RTR)
     $CFG =& _load_class('CI_Config');
     $RTR =& _load_class('CI_Router');
     $cache_path = $CFG->item('cache_path') == '' ? BASEPATH . 'cache/' : $CFG->item('cache_path');
     if (!is_dir($cache_path) or !is_writable($cache_path)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Build the file path.  The file name is an MD5 hash of the full URI
     $uri = $CFG->item('base_url') . $CFG->item('index_page') . $RTR->uri_string;
     $filepath = $cache_path . md5($uri);
     if (!@file_exists($filepath)) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!($fp = @fopen($filepath, 'rb'))) {
         return FALSE;
     flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
     $cache = '';
     if (filesize($filepath) > 0) {
         $cache = fread($fp, filesize($filepath));
     flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
     // Strip out the embedded timestamp
     if (!preg_match("/(\\d+TS--->)/", $cache, $match)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Has the file expired? If so we'll delete it.
     if (time() >= trim(str_replace('TS--->', '', $match['1']))) {
         log_message('debug', "Cache file has expired. File deleted");
         return FALSE;
     // Display the cache
     $this->_display(str_replace($match['0'], '', $cache));
     log_message('debug', "Cache file is current. Sending it to browser.");
     return TRUE;
Example #17
//include libs
include_once 'includes/common/require.php';
_load_class('fileman', 'cpanel');
//check user login
global $DB;
$task = _post('task');
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (_post('acc') == '') {
        add_message("Please select which account you want to use ?");
        goto invalid_form;
    //get cpanel credentials
    $acc_id = _post('acc');
    $acc = get_cpanel_acc($acc_id);
    $host = isset($acc['cpanel_host']) ? $acc['cpanel_host'] : '';
    $cpaneluser = isset($acc['cpanel_user']) ? $acc['cpanel_user'] : "";
    $cpaneluser_pass = isset($acc['cpanel_pass']) ? decrypt($acc['cpanel_pass']) : '';
    $email_domain = isset($acc['cpanel_email']) ? $acc['cpanel_email'] : '*****@*****.**';
    $cpanel = new HW_CPanel($host, $cpaneluser, $cpaneluser_pass);
if (isset($cpanel)) {
     * upload file
    if ($task == 'upload') {
        #$cpanel_file = HW_CPanel_Fileman::init($cpanel);
Example #18
  * Constructor
  * Simply globalizes the $RTR object.  The front
  * loads the Router class early on so it's not available
  * normally as other classes are. 
  * @access	public
 function CI_URI()
     $this->router =& _load_class('CI_Router');
     log_message('debug', "URI Class Initialized");