Example #1
if ($_GET['proc'] == "del") {
    foreach ($_POST['frmDelete'] as $key => $value) {
        $query = "DELETE FROM " . $phpml['dbMsgs'] . "\n                WHERE msgid = {$key}";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . mysql_error());
        echo $PHPML_LANG["campaign"] . " ID " . $key . " " . $PHPML_LANG["deleted"] . "<br>";
    echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=index.php?pg=campaigns" />';
} elseif ($_POST['sendemail'] || $_POST['savenosend']) {
    if ($_POST['sendemail']) {
        $query = "SELECT *\n                 FROM " . $phpml['dbLists'] . "\n                WHERE listid    = " . $_SESSION['def_list'];
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $phpml['FromName'] = $row['listowner'];
        $phpml['FromAddy'] = $row['listemail'];
        $mail = new MyMailer();
        $mail->Subject = stripslashes($_POST['emailtitle']);
        $message_org = stripslashes(stripslashes($_POST['frmEditor'])) . "</div>";
        $query = "SELECT *\n                 FROM " . $phpml['dbMembers'] . "\n                WHERE listid = '" . $_SESSION['def_list'] . "'\n                  AND confirmed = '1'\n                  AND deleted   = '0'";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die($PHPML_LANG["error_query"] . mysql_error());
        $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
        $x_ok = 0;
        // current count of sent in emails processed
        $x_errors = 0;
        // current count of errors in emails processed
        $xi = 0;
        // current count of emails processed
        $width = 0;
        //  the starting width of the progress bar
        $percentage = 0;
Example #2
function send_message($address, $message)
    global $phpml;
    require_once $phpml['PHPMailer_path'] . "/class.html2text.php";
    // added by Steve Morton
    $rc = false;
    if ($phpml['EmailSend']) {
        if (!class_exists("MyMailer")) {
        // code added by Steve Morton
        $h2t =& new html2text($message);
        $textmsg = $h2t->get_text();
        // end of code added by Steve Morton
        $mail = new MyMailer();
        $mail->Subject = stripslashes('[' . $phpml['ListName'] . '] Mailing List');
        // code added by Steve Morton
        $mail->AltBody = $textmsg;
        // end of code added by Steve Morton
        if (!$mail->Send()) {
            $_SESSION['return_msg'] = "There has been a mail error sending to " . $address . ": " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
        } else {
            $rc = true;
    return $rc;