function _likebtn_get_markup($entity_name, $entity_id, $values = null, $use_entity_name = '', $use_entity_settings = true, $wrap = true, $include_script = false, $like_box = false) { global $wp_version; global $likebtn_settings_deprecated; $prepared_settings = array(); if (!$use_entity_name) { $use_entity_name = $entity_name; } // Cut excerpt flag from entity_name if ($entity_id !== 'demo') { $entity_name = _likebtn_cut_list_flag($entity_name); } if ($values && isset($values['identifier']) && $values['identifier'] !== '') { $identifier = $values['identifier']; } else { $identifier = _likebtn_entity_to_identifier($entity_name, $entity_id); } $data = ' data-identifier="' . $identifier . '" '; // Site ID if (get_option('likebtn_site_id')) { $data .= ' data-site_id="' . get_option('likebtn_site_id') . '" '; } // Authorization check if (get_option('likebtn_user_logged_in_' . $use_entity_name) == LIKEBTN_USER_LOGGED_IN_MODAL && !is_user_logged_in()) { $values['voting_enabled'] = '0'; $data .= ' data-clk_modal="' . htmlspecialchars(_likebtn_get_user_logged_in_alert($use_entity_name)) . '" '; } if (get_option('likebtn_voting_author_' . $use_entity_name) == '1' && get_current_user_id()) { $author_id = _likebtn_get_author_id($use_entity_name, $entity_id); if ($author_id == get_current_user_id()) { $values['voting_enabled'] = '0'; } } $likebtn_settings = _likebtn_get_all_settings(); foreach ($likebtn_settings as $option_name => $option_info) { if ($values && isset($values[$option_name])) { // if values passed $option_value = $values[$option_name]; } elseif (!$use_entity_settings && !in_array($option_name, $likebtn_settings_deprecated)) { // Do not use entity value - use default. Usually in shortcodes. $option_value = $option_info['default']; } else { $option_value = get_option('likebtn_settings_' . $option_name . '_' . $use_entity_name); } $option_value_prepared = _likebtn_prepare_option($option_name, $option_value); $prepared_settings[$option_name] = $option_value_prepared; // do not add option if it has default value if (isset($likebtn_settings[$option_name]['default']) && $option_value == $likebtn_settings[$option_name]['default'] || $option_value === '' && (isset($likebtn_settings[$option_name]['default']) && $likebtn_settings[$option_name]['default'] == '0')) { // option has default value } else { // Some options need extra procession if ($option_name == 'event_handler') { $option_name = 'custom_eh'; } $data .= ' data-' . $option_name . '="' . $option_value_prepared . '" '; } } // Add item options $entity = null; $entity_url = ''; $entity_title = ''; $entity_image = ''; $entity_date = ''; if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT) { $entity = get_comment($entity_id); if ($entity) { $entity_url = get_comment_link($entity->comment_ID); $entity_title = _likebtn_shorten_title($entity->comment_content); } } else { if (in_array($entity_name, array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC))) { $entity_title = _likebtn_shorten_title(_likebtn_bp_get_activity_title($entity_id)); if (function_exists('bp_activity_get_permalink')) { $entity_url = bp_activity_get_permalink($entity_id); } } else { if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER || $entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_USER || $entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER) { if (function_exists('bp_core_get_user_displayname')) { $entity_title = bp_core_get_user_displayname($entity_id); } else { $entity_title = get_the_author_meta('user_nicename', $entity_id); } if (function_exists('bp_core_get_user_domain')) { $entity_url = bp_core_get_user_domain($entity_id); } else { $entity_url = get_author_posts_url($entity_id); } $entity_image = _likebtn_get_avatar_url($entity_id); $user_info = get_userdata($entity_id); if (!empty($user_info) && !empty($user_info->user_registered)) { $entity_date = mysql2date("c", $user_info->user_registered); } } else { $entity = get_post($entity_id); if ($entity) { $entity_url = get_permalink($entity->ID); $entity_title = $entity->post_title; $entity_image = _likebtn_get_entity_image($entity_name, $entity_id); $entity_date = mysql2date("c", $entity->post_date); } } } } if ($entity_url && !$prepared_settings['item_url']) { $data .= ' data-item_url="' . $entity_url . '" '; } if ($entity_title && !$prepared_settings['item_title']) { $entity_title = strip_shortcodes($entity_title); $entity_title = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $entity_title); $entity_title = htmlspecialchars($entity_title); $data .= ' data-item_title="' . $entity_title . '" '; } if ($entity_image && !$prepared_settings['item_image']) { $data .= ' data-item_image="' . $entity_image . '" '; } if ($entity_date && !$prepared_settings['item_date']) { $data .= ' data-item_date="' . $entity_date . '" '; } // Set engine and plugin info $data .= ' data-engine="WordPress" '; $data .= ' data-engine_v="' . $wp_version . '" '; $plugin_v = LIKEBTN_VERSION; if ($plugin_v) { $data .= ' data-plugin_v="' . $plugin_v . '" '; } if (get_option('likebtn_acc_data_correct') == '1') { // Proxy $prx = admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '?action=likebtn_prx'; $data .= ' data-prx="' . $prx . '" '; } // Event handler $data .= ' data-event_handler="likebtn_eh" '; $data .= ' data-engine_v="' . $wp_version . '" '; $public_url = _likebtn_get_public_url(); if ($include_script) { $markup = <<<MARKUP <!-- BEGIN --><span class="likebtn-wrapper" {$data}></span><script>(function(d, e, s) {a = d.createElement(e);m = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];a.async = 1;a.src = s;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)})(document, 'script', '//'); if (typeof(LikeBtn) != "undefined") { LikeBtn.init(); }</script><!-- END --> MARKUP; } else { $markup = <<<MARKUP <!-- BEGIN --><span class="likebtn-wrapper" {$data}></span><!-- END --> MARKUP; } // HTML before $html_before = ''; if (isset($values['html_before'])) { $html_before = $values['html_before']; } elseif (get_option('likebtn_html_before_' . $use_entity_name)) { $html_before = get_option('likebtn_html_before_' . $use_entity_name); } if (trim($html_before)) { $markup = $html_before . $markup; } // HTML after $html_after = ''; if (isset($values['html_after'])) { $html_after = $values['html_after']; } elseif (get_option('likebtn_html_after_' . $use_entity_name)) { $html_after = get_option('likebtn_html_after_' . $use_entity_name); } if (trim($html_after)) { $markup = $markup . $html_after; } if ($wrap) { if (get_option('likebtn_wrap_' . $use_entity_name) != '1') { $wrap = false; } } if ($wrap) { $alignment = get_option('likebtn_alignment_' . $use_entity_name); $newline = get_option('likebtn_newline_' . $use_entity_name); $style = ''; if ($newline == '1') { $style .= 'clear:both;'; } if ($alignment == LIKEBTN_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT) { $style .= 'text-align:right;'; $markup = '<div class="likebtn_container" style="' . $style . '">' . $markup . '</div>'; } elseif ($alignment == LIKEBTN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) { $style .= 'text-align:center;'; $markup = '<div class="likebtn_container" style="' . $style . '">' . $markup . '</div>'; } else { $markup = '<div class="likebtn_container" style="' . $style . '">' . $markup . '</div>'; } } // Like box if ($like_box && !is_admin()) { $like_box = get_option('likebtn_like_box_' . $entity_name); if ($like_box) { $like_box_html = _likebtn_like_box($identifier, get_option('likebtn_like_box_size_' . $entity_name), get_option('likebtn_like_box_text_' . $entity_name), get_option('likebtn_like_box_type_' . $entity_name)); if ($like_box == LIKEBTN_LIKE_BOX_BEFORE) { $markup = $like_box_html . $markup; } else { $markup = $markup . $like_box_html; } } } return $markup; }
function _likebtn_bp_activity_add($entity_name, $entity_id, $voter_id, $vote_type, $hide_sitewide, $snippet, $snippet_html) { if (!$voter_id) { return false; } if ($vote_type == LIKEBTN_VOTE_LIKE) { $type_name = __('liked', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); } else { $type_name = __('disliked', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); } $primary_link = _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_name, $entity_id); $pattern = __('<a href="%user_url%" title="%user_name%">%user_name%</a> %type_name% %entity_name%, <a href="%entity_url%">%entity_title%</a>', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); $title = _likebtn_get_entity_title($entity_name, $entity_id); $action = strtr($pattern, array('%user_url%' => _likebtn_get_entity_url(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER, $voter_id), '%user_name%' => bp_core_get_user_displayname($voter_id), '%type_name%' => $type_name, '%entity_url%' => _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_name, $entity_id), '%entity_name%' => mb_strtolower(_likebtn_get_entity_name_title($entity_name, true)), '%entity_title%' => $title)); // Add snippet $content = "<!--{$entity_name}_{$entity_id}-->"; if ($snippet == '1') { $image_thumbnail = _likebtn_get_entity_image($entity_name, $entity_id, 'thumbnail'); $excerpt = _likebtn_get_entity_excerpt($entity_name, $entity_id); if (!$snippet_html) { $snippet_html = LIKEBTN_BP_SNIPPET_TPL; } $snippet_html = strtr($snippet_html, array('%image_thumbnail%' => $image_thumbnail, '%title%' => $title, '%excerpt%' => $excerpt)); $content .= $snippet_html; // ob_start(); // include(_likebtn_get_template_path(LIKEBTN_TEMPLATE_ACTIVITY_SNIPPET)); // $content .= ob_get_contents(); // ob_get_clean(); } $component = LIKEBTN_BP_COMPONENT_NAME; $item_id = $entity_id; // Determine hide_sitewide $private_group_activity = false; $group_id = 0; // Set hide_sitewide to true: // - BuddyPress forum // - Activity update in private group if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_POST) { $group_post_id = (int) get_post_meta($entity_id, '_bbp_forum_id', true); if ($group_post_id) { $group_id_array = get_post_meta($group_post_id, '_bbp_group_ids', true); if ($group_id_array && isset($group_id_array[0])) { $group_id = (int) $group_id_array[0]; //$group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) ); //$group_permalink = trailingslash*t( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_groups_root_slug() . '/' . $group->slug . '/' ) ); $group_post = get_post($group_post_id); if ($group_post && !empty($group_post->post_status) && $group_post->post_status == 'private') { $private_group_activity = true; } } } } if (in_array($entity_name, array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC))) { $get_activity = bp_activity_get_specific(array('activity_ids' => $entity_id)); if (!empty($get_activity['activities']) && !empty($get_activity['activities'][0])) { $activity = $get_activity['activities'][0]; if ($activity->component == 'groups' && isset($activity->item_id) && (int) $activity->hide_sitewide == 1) { $private_group_activity = true; $group_id = $activity->item_id; } } } if ($private_group_activity && $group_id) { $hide_sitewide = 1; $component = 'groups'; $item_id = $group_id; } bp_activity_add(array('user_id' => $voter_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'secondary_item_id' => $vote_type, 'primary_link' => $primary_link, 'action' => $action, 'content' => $content, 'component' => $component, 'type' => LIKEBTN_BP_ACTIVITY_TYPE, 'hide_sitewide' => (int) $hide_sitewide)); }