Example #1
 public function login()
     $user = $this->userinfo;
     if ($user) {
         header("Location:" . G_WEB_PATH);
     } else {
         if (!$this->segment(4)) {
             global $_cfg;
             $url = WEB_PATH . '/' . $_cfg['param_arr']['url'];
             $url = rtrim($url, '/');
             $url .= '/' . base64_encode(trim(G_HTTP_REFERER));
             if ($url != get_web_url()) {
                 header("Location:" . $url);
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $username = $_POST['username'];
         $password = md5($_POST['password']);
         $logintype = '';
         if (strpos($username, '@') == false) {
             $logintype = 'mobile';
             if (!_checkmobile($username)) {
         } else {
             $logintype = 'email';
             if (!_checkemail($username)) {
         $member = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `{$logintype}`='{$username}' and `password`='{$password}'");
         if (!$member) {
         $check = $logintype . 'code';
         if ($member[$check] != 1) {
             $strcode = _encrypt($member['email']);
             _message("帐号未认证", WEB_PATH . "/member/user/" . $logintype . "check/" . _encrypt($member[$logintype]));
         if (!is_array($member)) {
             _message("帐号或密码错误", NULL, 3);
         } else {
             $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
             $this->db->GetOne("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `user_ip` = '{$user_ip}' where `uid` = '{$member['uid']}'");
             _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
             _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
         _message("登录成功", base64_decode($this->segment(4)), 2);
     include templates("user", "login");
Example #2
 private function set_dingdan($pay_type = '', $dingdanzhui = '')
     $uid = $this->members['uid'];
     $uphoto = $this->members['img'];
     $username = get_user_name($this->members);
     $insert_html = '';
     $this->dingdancode = $dingdancode = pay_get_dingdan_code($dingdanzhui);
     if (count($this->shoplist) > 1) {
         $dingdancode_tmp = 1;
     } else {
         $dingdancode_tmp = 0;
     $ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
     $time = sprintf("%.3f", microtime(true));
     $this->MoenyCount = 0;
     foreach ($this->shoplist as $key => $shop) {
         $ret_data = array();
         pay_get_shop_codes($shop['cart_gorenci'], $shop, $ret_data);
         $this->dingdan_query = $ret_data['query'];
         if (!$ret_data['query']) {
             $this->dingdan_query = false;
         $codes = $ret_data['user_code'];
         $codes_len = intval($ret_data['user_code_len']);
         $money = $codes_len * $shop['yunjiage'];
         $this->MoenyCount += $money;
         $status = '未付款,未发货,未完成';
         $shop['canyurenshu'] = intval($shop['canyurenshu']) + $codes_len;
         $shop['goods_count_num'] = $codes_len;
         $this->shoplist[$key] = $shop;
         if ($codes_len) {
             $insert_html .= "('{$dingdancode}','{$dingdancode_tmp}','{$uid}','{$username}','{$uphoto}','{$shop['id']}','{$shop['title']}','{$shop['qishu']}','{$codes_len}','{$money}','{$codes}','{$pay_type}','{$ip}','{$status}','{$time}'),";
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member_go_record` (`code`,`code_tmp`,`uid`,`username`,`uphoto`,`shopid`,`shopname`,`shopqishu`,`gonumber`,`moneycount`,`goucode`,`pay_type`,`ip`,`status`,`time`) VALUES ";
     $sql .= trim($insert_html, ',');
     if (empty($insert_html)) {
         return false;
     //$this->db->Query("set global max_allowed_packet = 2*1024*1024*10");
     return $this->db->Query($sql);
Example #3
 public function register()
     $config_email = System::load_sys_config("email");
     $config_mobile = System::load_sys_config("mobile");
     $regconfig = System::load_app_config("user_reg_type", "", ROUTE_M);
     if ($this->userinfo) {
         header("Location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/home/");
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : "";
         $userpassword = isset($_POST['userpassword']) ? $_POST['userpassword'] : "";
         $userpassword2 = isset($_POST['userpassword2']) ? $_POST['userpassword2'] : "";
         if ($name == null or $userpassword == null or $userpassword2 == null) {
             _message("帐号密码不能为空", null, 3);
         if (!(_checkmobile($name) or _checkemail($name))) {
             _message("帐号不是手机或邮箱", null, 3);
         if (strlen($userpassword) < 6 || strlen($userpassword) > 20) {
             _message("密码小于6位或大于20位", null, 3);
         if ($userpassword != $userpassword2) {
             _message("两次密码不一致", null, 3);
         $regtype = null;
         if (_checkmobile($name)) {
             $regtype = 'mobile';
             $cfg_mobile_type = 'cfg_mobile_' . $config_mobile['cfg_mobile_on'];
             $config_mobile = $config_mobile[$cfg_mobile_type];
             if (empty($config_mobile['mid']) && empty($config_email['mpass'])) {
         if (_checkemail($name)) {
             $regtype = 'email';
             if (empty($config_email['user']) && empty($config_email['pass'])) {
         $regtype_arr = System::load_app_config("user_reg_type", "", ROUTE_M);
         $regtypes = 'reg_' . $regtype;
         if (empty($regtype) || $regtype_arr[$regtypes] == 0) {
             if ($regtype == 'email') {
                 _message("网站未开启邮箱注册!", null, 3);
             if ($regtype == 'mobile') {
                 _message("网站未开启手机注册!", null, 3);
             _message("您注册的类型不正确!", null, 3);
         $member = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `{$regtype}` = '{$name}' or `reg_key` = '{$name}' LIMIT 1");
         if (is_array($member) && $member[$regtype] == $name) {
             _message("该账号已被注册!", WEB_PATH . '/register');
         $register_type = 'def';
         if (is_array($member) && $member['reg_key'] == $name) {
             $b_uid = $member['uid'];
             $b_user = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member_band` WHERE `b_uid` = '{$b_uid}' LIMIT 1");
             if (is_array($b_user)) {
                 _message("该账号已被注册!", WEB_PATH . '/register');
             $register_type = 'for';
         $time = time();
         $userpassword = md5($userpassword);
         $codetype = $regtype . 'code';
         $regcode = $this->segment(4);
         $regcode = !empty($regcode) ? $regcode : $_COOKIE['regcode'];
         $decode = _encrypt($regcode, "DECODE");
         $decode = intval($decode);
         //邮箱验证 -1 代表未验证, 1 验证成功 都不等代表等待验证
         if ($register_type == 'def') {
             $ip = _get_ip();
             $day_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
             $member_reg_num = $this->db->GetNum("SELECT uid FROM `@#_member` where `time` > '{$day_time}' and `user_ip` LIKE '%{$ip}%'");
             if ($member_reg_num >= $regconfig['reg_num']) {
             $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(password,user_ip,img,emailcode,mobilecode,reg_key,yaoqing,time)VALUES('{$userpassword}','{$user_ip}','photo/member.jpg','-1','-1','{$name}','{$decode}','{$time}')";
             $sqlreg = $this->db->Query($sql);
             $check_code = serialize(array("name" => $name, "time" => $time));
             $check_code = _encrypt($check_code, "ENCODE", '', 3600 * 24);
         } elseif ($register_type == 'for') {
             $sqlreg = true;
             $check_code = serialize(array("name" => $name, "time" => $member['time']));
             $check_code = _encrypt($check_code, "ENCODE", '', 3600 * 24);
         if ($sqlreg) {
             header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/user/" . $regtype . "check" . "/" . $check_code);
         } else {
             _message("注册失败!", WEB_PATH . '/register');
     $p_c = $this->segment(4);
     if (!empty($p_c)) {
         setcookie("regcode", $p_c, time() + 3600 * 24 * 7);
     $title = "注册" . _cfg("web_name");
     include templates("user", "register");
Example #4
 public function singleinsert()
     $member = $this->userinfo;
     $uid = _getcookie('uid');
     $ushell = _getcookie('ushell');
     $title = "添加晒单";
     $recordid = intval($this->segment(4));
     $shopid = $recordid;
     $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_go_record` where `id`='{$recordid}' and `uid` = '{$member['uid']}'");
     if (!$shaidan) {
     $shaidanyn = $this->db->GetOne("select sd_id from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_shopid`='{$recordid}' and `sd_userid` = '{$member['uid']}'");
     if ($shaidanyn) {
     $ginfo = $this->db->GetOne("select id,sid,qishu from `@#_shoplist` where `id`='{$shaidan['shopid']}' LIMIT 1");
     if (!$ginfo) {
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         if ($_POST['title'] == null) {
         if ($_POST['content'] == null) {
         System::load_sys_class('upload', 'sys', 'no');
         $img = $_POST['fileurl_tmp'];
         $num = count($img);
         $pic = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
             $pic .= trim($img[$i]) . ";";
         $src = trim($img[0]);
         $size = getimagesize(G_UPLOAD . $src);
         $width = 220;
         $height = $size[1] * ($width / $size[0]);
         $src_houzhui = upload::thumbs($width, $height, false, G_UPLOAD . '/' . $src);
         $thumbs = $src . "_" . intval($width) . intval($height) . "." . $src_houzhui;
         $sd_userid = $this->userinfo['uid'];
         $sd_shopid = $ginfo['id'];
         $sd_shopsid = $ginfo['sid'];
         $sd_qishu = $ginfo['qishu'];
         $sd_title = _htmtocode($_POST['title']);
         $path = 'shaidan/';
         $sd_thumbs = $path . $_POST['shaitu'] . '.jpg';
         $sd_content = $_POST['content'];
         $sd_photolist = $path . $_POST['shaitu'] . '.jpg;';
         $sd_time = time();
         $sd_ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
         $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shaidan`(`sd_userid`,`sd_shopid`,`sd_shopsid`,`sd_qishu`,`sd_ip`,`sd_title`,`sd_thumbs`,`sd_content`,`sd_photolist`,`sd_time`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$sd_userid}','{$sd_shopid}','{$sd_shopsid}','{$sd_qishu}','{$sd_ip}','{$sd_title}','{$sd_thumbs}','{$sd_content}','{$sd_photolist}','{$sd_time}')");
         _messagemobile("晒单分享成功", WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home/singlelist");
     include templates("mobile/user", "singleinsert");
Example #5
 private function qq_set_member($uid = null, $type = 'bind_add_login')
     $member_db = System::load_app_class('base', 'member');
     $memberone = $member_db->get_user_info();
     if ($memberone) {
         _message("该QQ号已经被其他用户所绑定!", WEB_PATH . '/login');
     $member = $this->db->GetOne("select uid,password,mobile,email from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
     $_COOKIE['uid'] = null;
     $_COOKIE['ushell'] = null;
     $_COOKIE['UID'] = null;
     $_COOKIE['USHELL'] = null;
     $time = time();
     $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
     $this->db->GetOne("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `user_ip` = '{$user_ip}',`login_time` = '{$time}' where `uid` = '{$uid}'");
     $s1 = _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
     $s2 = _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
     $domain = System::load_sys_config('domain');
     if (isset($domain[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']])) {
         if ($domain[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]['m'] == 'mobile') {
             $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home";
         } else {
             $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/member/home";
     } else {
         $callback_url = WEB_PATH . "/member/home";
     if ($s1 && $s2) {
         if (!$member['email'] || !$member['mobile']) {
             _message("登录成功,请绑定邮箱或手机号和及时修改默认密码!", $callback_url);
         _message("登录成功!", $callback_url);
     } else {
         _message("登录失败请检查cookie!", G_WEB_PATH);
Example #6
 public function singleinsert()
     $member = $this->userinfo;
     $uid = _getcookie('uid');
     $ushell = _getcookie('ushell');
     $title = "添加晒单";
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         if ($_POST['title'] == null) {
         if ($_POST['content'] == null) {
         if (!isset($_POST['fileurl_tmp'])) {
         System::load_sys_class('upload', 'sys', 'no');
         $img = $_POST['fileurl_tmp'];
         $num = count($img);
         $pic = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
             $pic .= trim($img[$i]) . ";";
         $src = trim($img[0]);
         if (!file_exists(G_UPLOAD . $src)) {
         $size = getimagesize(G_UPLOAD . $src);
         $width = 220;
         $height = $size[1] * ($width / $size[0]);
         $src_houzhui = upload::thumbs($width, $height, false, G_UPLOAD . '/' . $src);
         $thumbs = $src . "_" . intval($width) . intval($height) . "." . $src_houzhui;
         $uid = $this->userinfo;
         $sd_userid = $uid['uid'];
         $sd_shopid = $_POST['shopid'];
         $sd_title = $_POST['title'];
         $sd_thumbs = $thumbs;
         $sd_content = $_POST['content'];
         $sd_photolist = $pic;
         $sd_time = time();
         $sd_ip = _get_ip_dizhi();
         $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shaidan`(`sd_userid`,`sd_shopid`,`sd_ip`,`sd_title`,`sd_thumbs`,`sd_content`,`sd_photolist`,`sd_time`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$sd_userid}','{$sd_shopid}','{$sd_ip}','{$sd_title}','{$sd_thumbs}','{$sd_content}','{$sd_photolist}','{$sd_time}')");
         _message("晒单分享成功", WEB_PATH . "/member/home/singlelist");
     $recordid = intval($this->segment(4));
     if ($recordid > 0) {
         $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_go_record` where `id`='{$recordid}'");
         $shopid = $shaidan['shopid'];
         include templates("member", "singleinsert");
     } else {