public function findpassword() { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $txtRegSN = strtoupper($_POST['txtRegSN']); if (md5($txtRegSN) != _getcookie('checkcode')) { _message("验证码错误"); } $regtype = null; if (_checkmobile($name)) { $regtype = 'mobile'; } if (_checkemail($name)) { $regtype = 'email'; } if ($regtype == null) { _message("帐号类型不正确!", null, 3); } $info = $this->DB()->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE {$regtype} = '{$name}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$info) { _message("帐号不存在"); } header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/finduser/find" . $regtype . "check" . "/" . _encrypt($name)); } $title = "找回密码"; include templates("user", "findpassword"); }
private function goods_user($uid = null, $gid = null, $num = null) { if ($uid == 'system_rand') { $uid = 0; } if ($uid == 'system_rand') { $username_email = array(0 => "", 1 => "", 2 => "", 3 => "", 4 => "", 5 => ""); $username = rand(12345678, 987654321) . rand(1, 9) . $username_email[rand(0, 5)]; $user_time = time(); $user = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member` (`email`,`password`,`img`,`time`) VALUES ('{$username}','','photo/member.jpg','{$user_time}')"); if (!$user) { _message("随机会员添加失败!"); } return $this->db->insert_id(); } else { if (_checkemail($uid)) { $so = 'email'; } else { if (_checkmobile($uid)) { $so = 'mobile'; } else { $so = 'uid'; $uid = intval($uid); } } $good_info = $gid; $reg = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `{$so}` = '{$uid}' limit 1"); $money = $good_info['yunjiage'] * $num; if ($reg && $reg['money'] >= $money) { return $reg; } else { _message("没有该会员或该会员账户资金不够购买 {$num} 次商品"); } } }
public function quanzi_update() { $id = intval($this->segment(4)); $quanzi = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_quanzi` where `id`='{$id}'"); $member = $this->db->GetOne("select email,mobile from `@#_member` where `uid`='{$quanzi['guanli']}'"); if (!$quanzi) { _message("参数错误"); } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if ($_POST['title'] == null) { _message("圈子名不能为空"); } $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']); $glfatie = htmlspecialchars($_POST['glfatie']); $guanli = htmlspecialchars($_POST['guanli']); $checkemail = _checkemail($guanli); $checkemobile = _checkmobile($guanli); if ($checkemail === false && $checkemobile === false) { _message("圈子管理员信息填写错误"); } $res = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT uid FROM `@#_member` WHERE `email`='{$guanli}' or `mobile`='{$guanli}'"); if (empty($res)) { _message("圈子管理员不存在"); } else { $guanli = $res['uid']; } $jiaru = $_POST['jiaru']; $jianjie = htmlspecialchars($_POST['jianjie']); $gongao = htmlspecialchars($_POST['gongao']); $time = time(); $img = htmlspecialchars($_POST['img']); $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_quanzi` SET title='{$title}',img='{$img}',glfatie='{$glfatie}',guanli='{$guanli}',jianjie='{$jianjie}',gongao='{$gongao}',jiaru='{$jiaru}',time='{$time}' where`id`='{$id}'"); _message("修改成功"); } include $this->tpl(ROUTE_M, 'quanzi.update'); }
public function register() { $config_email = System::load_sys_config("email"); $config_mobile = System::load_sys_config("mobile"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $userpassword = isset($_POST['userpassword']) ? $_POST['userpassword'] : ""; $userpassword2 = isset($_POST['userpassword2']) ? $_POST['userpassword2'] : ""; if ($name == null or $userpassword == null or $userpassword2 == null) { _message("帐号密码不能为空", null, 3); } if (!(_checkmobile($name) or _checkemail($name))) { _message("帐号不是手机或邮箱", null, 3); } if (strlen($userpassword) < 6 || strlen($userpassword) > 20) { _message("密码小于6位或大于20位", null, 3); } if ($userpassword != $userpassword2) { _message("两次密码不一致", null, 3); } $regtype = null; if (_checkmobile($name)) { $regtype = 'mobile'; $cfg_mobile_type = 'cfg_mobile_' . $config_mobile['cfg_mobile_on']; $config_mobile = $config_mobile[$cfg_mobile_type]; if (empty($config_mobile['mid']) && empty($config_email['mpass'])) { _message("系统短信配置不正确!"); } } if (_checkemail($name)) { $regtype = 'email'; if (empty($config_email['user']) && empty($config_email['pass'])) { _message("系统邮箱配置不正确!"); } } if ($regtype == null) { _message("注册类型不正确!", null, 3); } $member = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `{$regtype}` = '{$name}' or `reg_key` = '{$name}' LIMIT 1"); if (is_array($member)) { _message("该账号已被注册!", WEB_PATH . '/register'); } $time = time(); $userpassword = md5($userpassword); $codetype = $regtype . 'code'; $decode = _encrypt($this->segment(4), "DECODE"); $decode = intval($decode); //邮箱验证 -1 代表未验证, 1 验证成功 都不等代表等待验证 $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(password,img,emailcode,mobilecode,reg_key,yaoqing,time)VALUES('{$userpassword}','photo/member.jpg','-1','-1','{$name}','{$decode}','{$time}')"; if ($this->db->Query($sql)) { $check_code = serialize(array("name" => $name, "time" => $time)); $check_code = _encrypt($check_code, "ENCODE", '', 3600 * 24); header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/user/" . $regtype . "check" . "/" . $check_code); exit; } else { _message("注册失败!", WEB_PATH . '/register'); } } $title = "注册" . _cfg("web_name"); include templates("user", "register"); }
public function checkname() { $config_email = System::load_sys_config("email"); $config_mobile = System::load_sys_config("mobile"); $user = array(); $name = $this->segment(4); $regtype = null; if (_checkmobile($name)) { $regtype = 'mobile'; $cfg_mobile_type = 'cfg_mobile_' . $config_mobile['cfg_mobile_on']; $config_mobile = $config_mobile[$cfg_mobile_type]; if (empty($config_mobile['mid']) && empty($config_email['mpass'])) { $user['state'] = 2; //_message("系统短息配置不正确!"); echo json_encode($user); exit; } } $member = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `mobile` = '{$name}' LIMIT 1"); if (is_array($member)) { if ($member['mobilecode'] == 1 || $member['emailcode'] == 1) { $user['state'] = 1; //_message("该账号已被注册"); } else { $sql = "DELETE from`@#_member` WHERE `mobile` = '{$name}'"; $this->db->Query($sql); $user['state'] = 0; } } else { $user['state'] = 0; //表示数据库里没有该帐号 } echo json_encode($user); }
public function register() { $config_email = System::load_sys_config("email"); $config_mobile = System::load_sys_config("mobile"); $regconfig = System::load_app_config("user_reg_type", "", ROUTE_M); if ($this->userinfo) { header("Location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/home/"); exit; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $userpassword = isset($_POST['userpassword']) ? $_POST['userpassword'] : ""; $userpassword2 = isset($_POST['userpassword2']) ? $_POST['userpassword2'] : ""; if ($name == null or $userpassword == null or $userpassword2 == null) { _message("帐号密码不能为空", null, 3); } if (!(_checkmobile($name) or _checkemail($name))) { _message("帐号不是手机或邮箱", null, 3); } if (strlen($userpassword) < 6 || strlen($userpassword) > 20) { _message("密码小于6位或大于20位", null, 3); } if ($userpassword != $userpassword2) { _message("两次密码不一致", null, 3); } $regtype = null; if (_checkmobile($name)) { $regtype = 'mobile'; $cfg_mobile_type = 'cfg_mobile_' . $config_mobile['cfg_mobile_on']; $config_mobile = $config_mobile[$cfg_mobile_type]; if (empty($config_mobile['mid']) && empty($config_email['mpass'])) { _message("系统短信配置不正确!"); } } if (_checkemail($name)) { $regtype = 'email'; if (empty($config_email['user']) && empty($config_email['pass'])) { _message("系统邮箱配置不正确!"); } } //验证注册类型 $regtype_arr = System::load_app_config("user_reg_type", "", ROUTE_M); $regtypes = 'reg_' . $regtype; if (empty($regtype) || $regtype_arr[$regtypes] == 0) { if ($regtype == 'email') { _message("网站未开启邮箱注册!", null, 3); } if ($regtype == 'mobile') { _message("网站未开启手机注册!", null, 3); } _message("您注册的类型不正确!", null, 3); } $member = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `{$regtype}` = '{$name}' or `reg_key` = '{$name}' LIMIT 1"); if (is_array($member) && $member[$regtype] == $name) { _message("该账号已被注册!", WEB_PATH . '/register'); } $register_type = 'def'; if (is_array($member) && $member['reg_key'] == $name) { $b_uid = $member['uid']; $b_user = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member_band` WHERE `b_uid` = '{$b_uid}' LIMIT 1"); if (is_array($b_user)) { _message("该账号已被注册!", WEB_PATH . '/register'); } $register_type = 'for'; //未注册成功在次注册 } $time = time(); $userpassword = md5($userpassword); $codetype = $regtype . 'code'; $regcode = $this->segment(4); $regcode = !empty($regcode) ? $regcode : $_COOKIE['regcode']; $decode = _encrypt($regcode, "DECODE"); $decode = intval($decode); //邮箱验证 -1 代表未验证, 1 验证成功 都不等代表等待验证 if ($register_type == 'def') { $ip = _get_ip(); $day_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); $member_reg_num = $this->db->GetNum("SELECT uid FROM `@#_member` where `time` > '{$day_time}' and `user_ip` LIKE '%{$ip}%'"); if ($member_reg_num >= $regconfig['reg_num']) { _message("您今日注册会员数已经达到上限!"); } $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi(); $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(password,user_ip,img,emailcode,mobilecode,reg_key,yaoqing,time)VALUES('{$userpassword}','{$user_ip}','photo/member.jpg','-1','-1','{$name}','{$decode}','{$time}')"; $sqlreg = $this->db->Query($sql); $check_code = serialize(array("name" => $name, "time" => $time)); $check_code = _encrypt($check_code, "ENCODE", '', 3600 * 24); } elseif ($register_type == 'for') { $sqlreg = true; $check_code = serialize(array("name" => $name, "time" => $member['time'])); $check_code = _encrypt($check_code, "ENCODE", '', 3600 * 24); } if ($sqlreg) { header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/user/" . $regtype . "check" . "/" . $check_code); exit; } else { _message("注册失败!", WEB_PATH . '/register'); } } $p_c = $this->segment(4); if (!empty($p_c)) { setcookie("regcode", $p_c, time() + 3600 * 24 * 7); } $title = "注册" . _cfg("web_name"); include templates("user", "register"); }
public function useraddress() { $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $member = $this->userinfo; $uid = $member['uid']; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = _htmtocode($v); } $sheng = isset($_POST['sheng']) ? $_POST['sheng'] : ""; $shi = isset($_POST['shi']) ? $_POST['shi'] : ""; $xian = isset($_POST['xian']) ? $_POST['xian'] : ""; $jiedao = isset($_POST['jiedao']) ? $_POST['jiedao'] : ""; $youbian = isset($_POST['youbian']) ? $_POST['youbian'] : ""; $shouhuoren = isset($_POST['shouhuoren']) ? $_POST['shouhuoren'] : ""; $tell = isset($_POST['tell']) ? $_POST['tell'] : ""; $mobile = isset($_POST['mobile']) ? $_POST['mobile'] : ""; $time = time(); if ($sheng == null or $jiedao == null or $shouhuoren == null or $mobile == null) { echo "带星号不能为空;"; exit; } if (!_checkmobile($mobile)) { echo "手机号错误;"; exit; } $member_dizhi = $mysql_model->GetOne("select * from `@#_member_dizhi` where `uid`='" . $member['uid'] . "'"); if (!$member_dizhi) { $default = "Y"; } else { $default = "N"; } $mysql_model->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_dizhi`(`uid`,`sheng`,`shi`,`xian`,`jiedao`,`youbian`,`shouhuoren`,`tell`,`mobile`,`default`,`time`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$uid}','{$sheng}','{$shi}','{$xian}','{$jiedao}','{$youbian}','{$shouhuoren}','{$tell}','{$mobile}','{$default}','{$time}')"); _messagemobile("收货地址添加成功", WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home", 3); } }
public function fileaction() { set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(true); //检测用户断开 if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "text/plain" && $_FILES["file"]["size"] < 2000000) { if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />"; return; } } else { echo "文件太大---或者不是txt文件"; return; } //设定统计变量 $tems = 0; $file = fopen($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "r") or exit("Unable to open file!"); while (!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file); //中文处理 $encode = mb_detect_encoding($line, array("ASCII", "UTF-8", "GB2312", "GBK", "BIG5")); if ($encode == "EUC-CN") { $line = iconv("EUC-CN", "UTF-8", $line); } $line = $this->trimall($line); if (!$line) { continue; } $linearray = explode(',', $line); if (count($linearray) != 4) { continue; } $username = $linearray[0]; //用户名 $password = $linearray[1]; //密码 $email = isset($linearray[2]) ? $linearray[2] : -1; //邮箱 $mobile = isset($linearray[3]) ? $linearray[3] : -1; //手机 if (!$password) { $password = md5('111111'); } else { $password = md5($password); } $member_e = array(); $member_m = array(); $sql = ""; $time = time(); if ($email != -1) { if (_checkemail($email)) { $member_e = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `email` = '{$email}' LIMIT 1"); } } if ($mobile != -1) { if (_checkmobile($mobile)) { $member_m = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `mobile` = '{$mobile}' LIMIT 1"); } } if (is_array($member_e)) { if (!is_array($member_m)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(username,password,mobile,img,emailcode,mobilecode,time,auto_user)VALUES('{$username}','{$password}','{$mobile}','photo/member.jpg','-1','1','{$time}','1')"; $this->db->Query($sql); $tems++; } } else { if (is_array($member_m)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(username,password,email,img,emailcode,mobilecode,time,auto_user)VALUES('{$username}','{$password}','{$email}','photo/member.jpg','1','-1','{$time}','1')"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(username,password,email,mobile,img,emailcode,mobilecode,time,auto_user)VALUES('{$username}','{$password}','{$email}','{$mobile}','photo/member.jpg','1','1','{$time}','1')"; } $this->db->Query($sql); $tems++; } } fclose($file); //输出自动注册成功条数 echo "批量执行成功了:" . $tems . "条"; }