Example #1
//                      Model_Extension interface
// 2009-05-20   SLH     Added tests for auto-conversion of model fields
// 2009-05-20   SLH     Added some fundamental tests for Model
// 2009-05-21   SLH     Extensions are now passed as objects, not classes
// 2009-05-26   SLH     Extensions now use the generic mixin / decorator
//                      support
// 2009-06-04   SLH     Updated to support latest mixin API
// 2009-07-10	SLH	Updated to fix test case failures
// 2009-09-15	SLH	Renamed from Model to DataModel
// ========================================================================
// bootstrap the framework
define('UNIT_TEST', true);
define('APP_TOPDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'));
require_once APP_TOPDIR . '/mf/mf.inc.php';
// load additional files we explicitly require
class Test_DataModel_Requirement extends DataModel
class Test_DataModel_Project extends DataModel
class Test_DataModel_Proposal extends DataModel
class Test_DataModel_Note extends DataModel
class Test_DataModel_Author extends DataModel
Example #2
// Datastore/Datastore.inc.php
//              Include file for the Datastore component
//              Part of the Methodosity Framework for PHP applications
//              http://blog.stuartherbert.com/php/mf/
// Author       Stuart Herbert
//              (stuart@stuartherbert.com)
// Copyright    (c) 2007-2010 Stuart Herbert
//              Released under v3 of the GNU Affero Public License
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
// When         Who     What
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2007-08-11   SLH     Created
// 2008-05-22   SLH     Added Datastore.funcs.php
// ========================================================================
// load our dependencies
// who we are
$componentDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$componentName = 'Datastore';
// load our files
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.exceptions.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.classes.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.funcs.php';
// support for different languages
App::$languages->moduleSpeaks($componentName, $componentDir, 'en-us');
Example #3
// Routing/Routing.inc.php
//              Include file for the Routing component
//              Part of the Methodosity Framework for PHP applications
//              http://blog.stuartherbert.com/php/mf/
// Author       Stuart Herbert
//              (stuart@stuartherbert.com)
// Copyright    (c) 2007-2010 Stuart Herbert
//              Released under v3 of the GNU Affero Public License
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
// When         Who     What
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2007-11-19   SLH     Created
// 2009-05-19   SLH     Added support for routing-related functions
// ========================================================================
// pull in our dependencies
// who we are
$componentDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$componentName = 'Routing';
// load our files
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.exceptions.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.classes.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.funcs.php';
// support for the user's chosen language
App::$languages->moduleSpeaks($componentName, $componentDir, 'en-us');
Example #4
// ========================================================================
// User/User.inc.php
//              The include file for the User component
//              Part of the Methodosity Framework for PHP applications
//              http://blog.stuartherbert.com/php/mf/
// Author       Stuart Herbert
//              (stuart@stuartherbert.com)
// Copyright    (c) 2007-2010 Stuart Herbert
//              Released under v3 of the GNU Affero Public License
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
// When         Who     What
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2007-07-20   SLH     Created
// 2007-08-06   SLH     Added loading of Users.funcs.php
// 2009-06-02   SLH     Added dependency on Email component
// ========================================================================
// load our dependencies
// who are we?
$componentDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$componentName = 'User';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.funcs.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.models.php';
require_once $componentDir . $componentName . '.classes.php';
App::$languages->moduleSpeaks($componentName, $componentDir, 'en-us');