Example #1
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2000-     APP - Another PHP Program                    |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2 of the GPL,                 |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
// | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.                                |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Alexander Mieland <dma147 at mieland-programming dot de>    |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Header $
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$HEADER_LOCATION_STRING .= '&nbsp; &nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp; <a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . "?s=admin" . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['admin_desc']) . '>' . $_LANGUAGE['admincenter'] . '</a>';
$TITLE_LOCATION = $_LANGUAGE['admincenter'];
/** Anzeige des Standortes auf UserOnline */
$ONLINE_ANZEIGE = $_LANGUAGE['is_in_the'] . ' {#if#can_access_admin#}<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '?s=admin"{#if#enable_helpsys#}' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['admin_desc']) . '{#endif#enable_helpsys#}>{#endif#can_access_admin#}' . $_LANGUAGE['admincenter'] . '{#if#can_access_admin#}</a>{#endif#can_access_admin#}.';
/** Alle User-Online-Updates durchzühren (den User betreffend) */
/** Prüfen ob Aktion "apcms" active, also eingeschalten ist */
if (!_APCMS_ActionIsActive('can_access_admin')) {
    _APCMS_MsgBox($_LANGUAGE['admin_is_deactivated'], $_LANGUAGE['admin_is_deactivated_desc'], $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . $_SESSION['SID1'], 3, 1, $_SESSION['APCMS']['TABLE']['WIDTH']);
/** Prüfen ob der User die Aktion "apcms" ausführen darf */
if (!_APCMS_UserAccess('can_access_admin')) {
    _APCMS_MsgBox($_LANGUAGE['no_access'], $_LANGUAGE['no_access_desc'], $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . $_SESSION['SID1'], 3, 1, $_SESSION['APCMS']['TABLE']['WIDTH']);
/** Include der Smarty-Klassen */
require_once $_SESSION['APCMS']['LIB_DIR'] . "/smarty-libs/Smarty.class." . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'];
/** Neues Template starten */
$ADMINMAIN = _APCMS_StartNewTemplate();
        $BOX_C = $BOX->fetch('content.portal.navbox.html');
        if ($BOXARRAY[$bcount]['side'] == 1) {
            $NAV_BOXES_LEFT .= $BOX_C;
        } else {
            $NAV_BOXES_RIGHT .= $BOX_C;
/** News-Boxen auslesen und anzeigen */
$query = "SELECT  \r\n                        news.`id` AS newsid, \r\n                        news.`userid` AS userid, \r\n                        news.`publicname` AS publicname, \r\n                        news.`time` AS time, \r\n                        news.`titel` AS titel, \r\n                        news.`text` AS text, \r\n                        newskats.`katpic` AS katpic, \r\n                        newskats.`groups` AS newsgroups, \r\n                        kats.`groups` AS katgroups \r\n        FROM  \r\n                        `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_portal_news` AS news, \r\n                        `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_portal_newskats` AS newskats, \r\n                        `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_portal_newskats` AS kats \r\n        WHERE  \r\n                        news.`katid`=newskats.`id` \r\n                AND \r\n                        newskats.`parentid`=kats.`id`  \r\n                AND  \r\n                        newskats.`active`='1' \r\n        ORDER BY         \r\n                        news.`time` DESC \r\n        LIMIT \r\n                        0," . $_SESSION['APCMS']['news_num'] . " \r\n        ";
$newsselect = $db->unbuffered_getAll_row($query);
$NEWSBOX_C = "";
for ($ncount = 0; $ncount < count($newsselect); $ncount++) {
    if (_APCMS_CanAccess(stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][7])))) && _APCMS_CanAccess(stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][8]))))) {
        $NEWSBOX = _APCMS_StartNewTemplate();
        $NEWS_INFOS = 'written by ' . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '?s=userdetails&userid=' . $newsselect[$ncount][1] . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem("<b>UserDetails</b><br />Klicken Sie hier, um sich Einzelheiten über diesen User anzusehen..") . '>' : '') . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][2])))) . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '</a>' : '') . ' @ ' . date("d.m.Y, H:i", $newsselect[$ncount][3]) . '';
        $NEWSBOX->assign("NEWS_TITEL", stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][4]))));
        $NEWSBOX->assign("NEWS_TEXT", nl2br(stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][5])))));
        $NEWSBOX->assign("NEWS_INFOS", $NEWS_INFOS);
        $NEWSBOX->assign("shownewskatpic", chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][6])) != "" ? "1" : "");
        $NEWSBOX->assign("ICON_NEWS_KAT", stripslashes(chop(trim($newsselect[$ncount][6]))));
        $NEWSBOX_C .= $NEWSBOX->fetch('content.portal.newsbox.html');
/** Linke Navigation */
/** Mittlerer Inhalt */
/** Rechte Navigation */
Example #3
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | APCMS v0.0.2                                                         |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2000-     APP - Another PHP Program                    |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2 of the GPL,                 |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
// | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.                                |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Alexander Mieland <dma147 at mieland-programming dot de>    |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Header $
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
/** Anzeige des Standortes auf UserOnline */
$ONLINE_ANZEIGE = $_LANGUAGE['is_on_the'] . ' <a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '"{#if#enable_helpsys#}' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['click_to_firstpage']) . '{#endif#enable_helpsys#}>' . $_LANGUAGE['firstpage'] . '</a>.';
/** Alle User-Online-Updates durchzühren (den User betreffend) */
$TITLE_LOCATION = $_LANGUAGE['firstpage'];
/** UserOnline-Statistik für index-seite */
if (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('index_useronlinestats') && _APCMS_UserAccess('index_useronlinestats') && (isset($contentinclude) && $contentinclude == "index")) {
    $OnlineUserIndexStats = _APCMS_GetUserOnline('indexstats');
if (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('index_usertodayonline') && _APCMS_UserAccess('index_usertodayonline') && (isset($contentinclude) && $contentinclude == "index")) {
    $TodayOnlineUserStats = _APCMS_GetUserOnline('indextodayonline');
/** Include der Smarty-Klassen */
require_once $_SESSION['APCMS']['LIB_DIR'] . "/smarty-libs/Smarty.class." . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'];
/** Neues Template starten */
$INDEX = _APCMS_StartNewTemplate();
Example #4
include $_SESSION['APCMS']['LIB_DIR'] . "/proconfig.lib." . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'];
/** Include der Basis-Funktionen des Systems */
include $_SESSION['APCMS']['LIB_DIR'] . "/apcms_general.func." . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'];
/** Überprüft Variablen in der URL auf SQL-Injection oder sonstige unerlaubte Zeichenfolgen */
$CONTENT = "";
$target_url = "";
$OnlineUserIndexStats = array();
$TodayOnlineUserStats = array();
if (!isset($_SESSION['APCMS']['CONFIG']['cache_aktiv']) || $_SESSION['APCMS']['CONFIG']['cache_aktiv'] == 0 || ($contentinclude == "handler" || $contentinclude == "queryresults" || $contentinclude == "admin") || isset($must_update_cached_file) && $must_update_cached_file == 1 || $CACHEDFILE['lastupdate'] <= $akt_time - $_SESSION['APCMS']['CONFIG']['cache_aktinterval']) {
    /** Include der Smarty-Klassen */
    require_once $_SESSION['APCMS']['LIB_DIR'] . "/smarty-libs/Smarty.class." . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'];
    $HEADER_LOCATION_STRING = '&nbsp; &nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp; <a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . $_SESSION['SID1'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['click_to_firstpage']) . '>' . $_LANGUAGE['firstpage'] . '</a>';
    //  Die eigentliche Abarbeitung von Funktionen und Variablen, beginnt hier
    /** Prüfen ob Aktion "apcms" active, also eingeschalten ist */
    if (!_APCMS_ActionIsActive('apcms')) {
        _APCMS_MsgBox($_LANGUAGE['apcms_is_deactivated'], $_LANGUAGE['apcms_is_deactivated_desc'], '', '', 1, $_SESSION['APCMS']['TABLE']['WIDTH']);
    /** Prüfen ob der User die Aktion "apcms" ausführen darf */
    if (!_APCMS_UserAccess('apcms')) {
        _APCMS_MsgBox($_LANGUAGE['no_access'], $_LANGUAGE['no_access_desc'], '', '', 1, $_SESSION['APCMS']['TABLE']['WIDTH']);
    include $firstinclude;
    //  Die eigentliche Abarbeitung von Funktionen und Variablen, endet hier
 * Holt alle Informationen über OnlineUser 
 * @param          string $whichstats Type der abzurufenden UserOnline-Daten 
 * @since          0.0.1 
 * @version        0.0.1 
 * @access         private 
 * @return         array 
 * @author         Alexander Mieland 
 * @copyright      2000-2004 by APP - Another PHP Program 
function _APCMS_GetUserOnline($whichstats = "indexstats")
    global $db, $_LANGUAGE;
    $OnlineUserArray = array();
    switch ($whichstats) {
        case "indexstats":
            $query = "SELECT COUNT(`sessid`) FROM `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_user_online`";
            $seluo_gesnum = $db->unbuffered_query_first($query);
            $gesnum = intval($seluo_gesnum[0]);
            $query = "SELECT COUNT(`sessid`) as num FROM `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_user_online` WHERE `userid`>='1'";
            $seluo_mnum = $db->unbuffered_query_first($query);
            $mnum = intval($seluo_mnum[0]);
            $guestnum = $gesnum - $mnum;
            $uomnun = 'Es ' . ($gesnum >= 2 || $gesnum <= 0 ? $_LANGUAGE['sind'] : $_LANGUAGE['ist']) . ' ' . $_LANGUAGE['at_this_time'] . ' ' . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('useronline') && _APCMS_UserAccess('useronline') ? '<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . "?s=useronline" . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['help_useronline_desc']) . '>' : '') . '<strong>' . $gesnum . ' ' . $_LANGUAGE['user'] . '</strong> ' . $_LANGUAGE['on_this_site_online'] . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('useronline') && _APCMS_UserAccess('useronline') ? '</a>' : '') . ' (';
            $uomnun .= $mnum . ' ' . ($mnum >= 2 || $mnum <= 0 ? $_LANGUAGE['members'] : $_LANGUAGE['member']);
            $uomnun .= ($guestnum >= 1 ? " " . $_LANGUAGE['and'] . " " . $guestnum . " " : "") . ($guestnum >= 2 ? $_LANGUAGE['guests'] : "") . ($guestnum == 1 ? $_LANGUAGE['guest'] : "");
            $uomnun .= '):<br />';
            $query = "SELECT `userid`,`publicname` FROM `apcms_" . $_SESSION['MYSQLDATA']['SUFFIX'] . "_user_online` WHERE `userid`>='1' ORDER BY `zeit` DESC";
            $seluomembers = $db->unbuffered_getAll_row($query);
            $UserNames = '';
            for ($a = 0; $a < count($seluomembers); $a++) {
                if ($UserNames != "") {
                    $UserNames .= ", ";
                $UserNames .= (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '?s=userdetails&userid=' . $seluomembers[$a][0] . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['help_userdetails_desc']) . '>' : '') . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($seluomembers[$a][1])) . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '</a>' : '');
            $OnlineUserArray['useronline_onlinenum'] = $gesnum;
            $OnlineUserArray['useronline_onlinenum_formatted'] = $uomnun;
            $OnlineUserArray['useronline_onlineuser_formatted'] = $UserNames;
        case "indextodayonline":
            $todayonlinearray = array();
            $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_num_formatted'] = 0;
            $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_user_formatted'] = "";
            $toac = 0;
            $todayonlinefile = $_SESSION['APCMS']['LOG_DIR'] . "/users_today_online.log";
            if (file_exists($todayonlinefile)) {
                $todayonlinearray = file($todayonlinefile);
                if (count($todayonlinearray) >= 1) {
                    for ($lcount = 0; $lcount < count($todayonlinearray); $lcount++) {
                        $thisline = chop(trim($todayonlinearray[$lcount]));
                        $linearray = explode("|", $thisline);
                        if (trim($OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_user_formatted']) != "") {
                            $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_user_formatted'] .= ", ";
                        $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_user_formatted'] .= (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '?s=userdetails&userid=' . $linearray[1] . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['help_userdetails_desc']) . '>' : '') . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($linearray[2])) . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '</a>' : '') . ' (' . date("H:i.s", $linearray[0]) . ')';
                    $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_num_formatted'] .= ($OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_num_formatted'] >= 2 || $OnlineUserArray['usertodayonline_num_formatted'] <= 0 ? " Mitglieder" : " Mitglied") . ":<br>";
    return $OnlineUserArray;
$CONTENTINHALT .= ' <tr class="tC2L">';
$CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td width="160"><strong>' . $_LANGUAGE['user'] . '</strong></td>';
if (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_uo_location') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_uo_location')) {
    $CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td><strong>' . $_LANGUAGE['location'] . '</strong></td>';
$CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td width="100"><strong>' . $_LANGUAGE['last_activity'] . '</strong></td>';
$CONTENTINHALT .= ' </tr>';
$guestnum = 1;
for ($a = 0; $a < count($seluo); $a++) {
    $class = isset($class) && $class == "A" ? "B" : "A";
    $lastact = date("H:i:s", $seluo[$a][0]) . " " . $_LANGUAGE['uhr'];
    if ($seluo[$a][2] <= 0 && trim($seluo[$a][3]) == "") {
        $publicname = $_LANGUAGE['guest_number'] . $guestnum . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_ips') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_ips') ? " (" . $seluo[$a][1] . ")" : "");
    } else {
        $publicname = (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '<a href="' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['REL_URL'] . '/index.' . $_SESSION['APCMS']['SUFFIX'] . '?s=userdetails&userid=' . $seluo[$a][2] . $_SESSION['SID2'] . '"' . _APCMS_HelpSystem($_LANGUAGE['show_userdetails_desc']) . '>' : '') . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($seluo[$a][3])) . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_userdetails') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_userdetails') ? '</a>' : '') . (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_ips') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_ips') ? " (" . $seluo[$a][1] . ")" : "");
    $CONTENTINHALT .= ' <tr class="t' . $class . '2L">';
    $CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td width="220">' . $publicname . '</td>';
    if (_APCMS_ActionIsActive('show_uo_location') && _APCMS_UserAccess('show_uo_location')) {
        $onlineanzeige = stripslashes($seluo[$a][4]);
        /** Parst einen String nach APCMS-eigenen Access-Vars und baut ihn entsprechend der aktuellen Userrechte um */
        $onlineanzeige = _APCMS_ParseAccessVars($onlineanzeige);
        $CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td>' . $onlineanzeige . '</td>';
    $CONTENTINHALT .= '     <td width="100">' . $lastact . '</td>';
    $CONTENTINHALT .= ' </tr>';
$CONTENTINHALT .= ' </table>';