<?php /*********************************************** DAVE PHP API https://github.com/evantahler/PHP-DAVE-API Evan Tahler | 2011 I will create a new lobby for folks to chat within ***********************************************/ if ($ERROR == 100) { $LobbyKey = md5($PARAMS['LobbyName'] . time() . rand()); } if ($ERROR == 100) { $resp = _ADD("lobbies", array("LobbyName" => $PARAMS['LobbyName'], "LobbyKey" => $LobbyKey)); if ($resp[0] == false) { $ERROR = $resp[1]; } else { $LobbyID = $resp[1]["LobbyID"]; $details = _VIEW("lobbies", array("LobbyID" => $LobbyID)); $OUTPUT["LobbyID"] = $LobbyID; $OUTPUT["LobbyName"] = $details[1][0]["LobbyName"]; $OUTPUT["LobbyKey"] = $details[1][0]["LobbyKey"]; } }
function create_session() { $key = md5(uniqid()); _ADD("sessions", array("KEY" => $key, "DATA" => serialize(array()), "created_at" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "updated_at" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); return $key; }
***********************************************/ if ($ERROR == 100) { if (empty($PARAMS["LobbyKey"])) { $ERROR = "Please Provide a LobbyKey"; } } if ($ERROR == 100) { if (empty($PARAMS["Speaker"])) { $ERROR = "Please Provide a Speaker. Who are you?"; } } if ($ERROR == 100) { if (empty($PARAMS["Message"])) { $ERROR = "Please Provide a Message"; } } if ($ERROR == 100) { $resp = _VIEW("lobbies", array("LobbyKey" => $PARAMS['LobbyKey'])); if ($resp[0] == false) { $ERROR = $resp[1]; } if (count($resp[1]) != 1) { $ERROR = "That Lobby cannot be found"; } else { $LobbyID = $resp[1][0]["LobbyID"]; } } if ($ERROR == 100) { $resp = _ADD("messages", array("LobbyID" => $LobbyID, "Speaker" => $PARAMS["Speaker"], "Message" => $PARAMS["Message"])); $OUTPUT["MessageID"] = $resp["1"]["MessageID"]; }
if ($func_out != 100) { $ERROR = $func_out; } } if ($ERROR == 100 && strlen($PARAMS["PhoneNumber"]) > 0) { list($fun_out, $PARAMS["PhoneNumber"]) = validate_PhoneNumber($PARAMS["PhoneNumber"]); // baisc format checking if ($func_out != 100) { $ERROR = $func_out; } } if ($ERROR == 100) { if (strlen($PARAMS["Password"]) > 0) { $Salt = md5(rand(1, 999) . microtime() / rand(1, 999) . rand(1, 999)); $PasswordHash = md5($PARAMS["Password"] . $Salt); } else { $ERROR = "Please provide a Password"; } } // use the DAVE Add to take care of the actual DB checks and adding if ($ERROR == 100) { $UserData = only_table_columns($PARAMS, "users"); $UserData["PasswordHash"] = $PasswordHash; $UserData["Salt"] = $Salt; list($pass, $result) = _ADD("users", $UserData); if (!$pass) { $ERROR = $result; } else { $OUTPUT[$TABLES['users']['META']['KEY']] = $result[$TABLES['users']['META']['KEY']]; } }
public function ADD() { $resp = _ADD($this->DaveTableObject->table(), $this->DATA); $this->DATA = $this->VIEW(); //load in generated data and remove non-col data return $resp[1]; }