function math_filter($courseid, $text)
    global $TAGS;
    global $CFG;
    return WF_filter_math($text, FALSE);
function wiris_filter($courseid, $text)
    // Perform transformations if necessary
    $text = WF_filter_fix($text);
    $text = WF_filter_applet($text);
    $text = WF_filter_math($text, FALSE);
    return $text;
Example #3
echo $TRANSLATION['Test 5: testing getting wiris cache'];
preg_match("/(\\S{32}).png\"/", $imageCode, $md5);
// Gets md5 code from <img> posted
$wrscache = get_record("cache_filters", "filter", "wiris", "md5key", $md5[1]);
// Finally, php search in database the same md5. If exists in database, it doesn't create the image, only it reloads the saved image.
print $TRANSLATION['Raw text from database (parsed)'] . ': ' . $wrscache->rawtext . "<br>\n";
print "md5: " . $wrscache->md5key . "<br>\n";
print $TRANSLATION['Image'] . ": <img align='middle' src='./filter/wrs_showimage.php/" . $wrscache->md5key . ".png'>\n";
echo $TRANSLATION['Test 6: testing creating image'];
$mathml = "«math xmlns=¨¨»«mrow»«mn»" . rand(0, 9999) . "«/mn»«/mrow»«/math»";
// At first, we create random image (is very improbable that exists in wiris cache)
print $TRANSLATION['Raw text'] . $mathml . "<br>\n";
$imageCode = WF_filter_math($mathml, TRUE);
print $TRANSLATION['Image'] . $imageCode . "\n";
// WF_filter_math parses your text to right format. Then, checks its md5sum and creates the image. The md5sum is about mathml PARSED text.

ini_set("display_errors", $displ_err);