<?php if (CONFIG_INC == 0) { define('CONFIG_INC', 1); // IgnoreFiles should contain any names of files or folders // which should be ignored by the function inclusion system. $IgnoreFiles = array('.DS_Store', 'CVS', '.svn'); if (file_exists("data.php")) { include "data.php"; } include "database.inc.php"; include "upgrade.inc.php"; $CentrePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $CentreVersion = Version(); $builddate = BuildDate(); //"November 3, 2008"; $htmldocPath = ""; $OutputType = "HTML"; //options are HTML or PDF $htmldocPath = ''; $htmldocAssetsPath = ''; // way htmldoc accesses the assets/ directory, possibly different than user - empty string means no translation $StudentPicturesPath = 'assets/StudentPhotos/'; $UserPicturesPath = 'assets/UserPhotos/'; $CentreTitle = 'openSIS Student Information System'; $CentreAdmins = '1'; // can be list such as '1,23,50' - note, these should be id's in the DefaultSyear, otherwise they can't login anyway $CentreNotifyAddress = ''; $CentreModules = array('School_Setup' => true, 'Students' => true, 'Users' => true, 'Scheduling' => true, 'Grades' => true, 'Attendance' => true, 'Eligibility' => true, 'Food_Service' => false, 'Discipline' => false, 'Billing' => false, 'EasyCom' => false, 'Tools' => true, 'Student_Billing' => false, 'State_Reports' => false, 'Custom' => false); // If session isn't started, start it. if (!isset($SessionStart)) {
$config = array("server" => array('short' => 's', 'max' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'desc' => "server URL", 'default' => ""), "debug" => array('short' => 'd', 'max' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'desc' => "debug level", 'default' => "0")); $args =& Console_Getargs::factory($config); if (PEAR::isError($args)) { die(Console_Getargs::getHelp($config) . "\n"); } echo "PHP Fedora Client class version " . FedoraClient::VERSION . "\n"; $client = new FedoraPkgdb(array('debug' => intval($args->getValue('debug')), 'server' => $args->getValue('server'))); echo "pkgdb version " . $client->getVersion() . "\n"; } error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); $cmd = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']); $cmd = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']); switch ($cmd) { case 'branches': Branches(); break; case 'branch': Branch(); break; case 'critpath': CritPath(); break; case 'package': Package(); break; case 'version': Version(); break; default: Help(); }