Example #1
* Parse an URL from bulk input which can optionally have a label
* <url>
* or
* <label>=<url>
* @param mixed $line
function ParseBulkUrl($line)
    $entry = null;
    global $settings;
    $noscript = 0;
    $pos = stripos($line, 'noscript');
    if ($pos !== false) {
        $line = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos));
        $noscript = 1;
    $equals = strpos($line, '=');
    $query = strpos($line, '?');
    $slash = strpos($line, '/');
    $label = null;
    $url = null;
    if ($equals === false || $query !== false && $query < $equals || $slash !== false && $slash < $equals) {
        $url = $line;
    } else {
        $label = trim(substr($line, 0, $equals));
        $url = trim(substr($line, $equals + 1));
    if ($url && ValidateURL($url, $err, $settings)) {
        $entry = array();
        $entry['u'] = $url;
        if ($label) {
            $entry['l'] = $label;
        $entry['ns'] = $noscript;
    return $entry;
Example #2
    } else {
        return false;
 *	Greeting and check for arguments
echo Greeting();
if (empty($argv[1])) {
    exit("No URL is specified. Exiting...");
// Grab the URL from the input parameter
$URL = $argv[1];
echo "\r\nChecking " . $URL . "...\r\n";
// Check the server headers
if ($Check = CheckHeaders(ValidateURL($URL))) {
    $ServerInfo = $Check['Server'];
    if (preg_match('/301/', $Check[0]) || preg_match('/302/', $Check[0])) {
        $URL = $Check['Location'];
        $ServerInfo = $Check['Server'][0];
} else {
    print_r("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\tNo response on Target URL. Exiting...\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
// Show some information regarding the current target
$TargetInformation = "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n    Target : " . $URL . "\n    Status : " . $Check[0] . "\n    Server : " . $ServerInfo . "\n    Start Scan : " . ($StartScan = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r\n");
// Something to store the results in for later use
$Result = array();
foreach ($Queries as $Query) {
Example #3
* Validate the test options and set intelligent defaults
* @param mixed $test
* @param mixed $locations
function ValidateParameters(&$test, $locations, &$error)
    if (strlen($test['url'])) {
        $settings = parse_ini_file('./settings/settings.ini');
        $maxruns = (int) $settings['maxruns'];
        if (!$maxruns) {
            $maxruns = 10;
        // make sure the url starts with http://
        if (strncasecmp($test['url'], 'http:', 5) && strncasecmp($test['url'], 'https:', 6)) {
            $test['url'] = 'http://' . $test['url'];
        ValidateURL($test, $error, $settings);
        if (!$error) {
            // make sure the test runs are between 1 and 200
            if ($test['runs'] > $maxruns) {
                $test['runs'] = $maxruns;
            } elseif ($test['runs'] < 1) {
                $test['runs'] = 1;
            // if fvonly is set, make sure it is to an explicit value of 1
            if ($test['fvonly'] > 0) {
                $test['fvonly'] = 1;
            // make sure private is explicitly 1 or 0
            if ($test['private']) {
                $test['private'] = 1;
            } else {
                $test['private'] = 0;
            // make sure web10 is explicitly 1 or 0
            if ($test['web10']) {
                $test['web10'] = 1;
            } else {
                $test['web10'] = 0;
            // make sure the number of connections is in a sensible range
            if ($test['connections'] > 20) {
                $test['connections'] = 20;
            } elseif ($test['connections'] < 0) {
                $test['connections'] = 0;
            // use the default location if one wasn't specified
            if (!strlen($test['location'])) {
                $test['location'] = $locations['locations']['default'];
            // filter out a SPAM bot that is hitting us
            //  for scripted tests, the block command will be in the script
            if (strlen($test['script']) && strlen($test['block'])) {
                $error = 'Your test request was flagged by our system as potentially spam-related.  Please contact us if you think this was an error.';
            // figure out what the location working directory and friendly name are
            $test['locationText'] = $locations[$test['location']]['label'];
            $test['workdir'] = $locations[$test['location']]['localDir'];
            $test['remoteUrl'] = $locations[$test['location']]['remoteUrl'];
            $test['remoteLocation'] = $locations[$test['location']]['remoteLocation'];
            if (!strlen($test['workdir']) && !strlen($test['remoteUrl'])) {
                $error = "Invalid Location, please try submitting your test request again.";
            // if the speed wasn't specified and there is one for the location, pass it on
            if (!$test['speed'] && $locations[$test['location']]['speed']) {
                $test['speed'] = $locations[$test['location']]['speed'];
            if ($test['script']) {
                ValidateScript($test, $error);
    } else {
        $error = "Invalid URL, please try submitting your test request again.";
    return $ret;
  * Update the widget settings.
 function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
     /* global $wr_max_row; */
     global $wr_class;
      * added simple url validation
      * @since 1.0.1
     if (!function_exists('ValidateURL')) {
         function ValidateURL($url)
             return $url ? preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $url) ? $url : 'http://' . $url : '';
     $instance = $old_instance;
     $wr_max_row = $instance['wr_max_row'];
     /* css id for custom style support for multiple instance
      * strip tags for less headache
      * remove spaces for less headache
      * @since 1.2
     $instance['wr_id'] = str_replace(" ", "", wp_filter_nohtml_kses($new_instance['wr_id']));
     /* custom number of rows
      * @since 1.2
     $instance['wr_max_row'] = intval($new_instance['wr_max_row']);
     /* tool tip
      * @since 1.3
     $instance['wr_tooltip'] = $new_instance['wr_tooltip'];
     /* item width
      * @since 1.4
     $instance['wr_width'] = $new_instance['wr_width'];
     /* no tag striping to support inline style if needed, hope it wont break
      * @since 1.2
     $instance['title'] = $new_instance['title'];
     /* Strip tags for title and title_url to remove HTML (important for text inputs). */
     $instance['title_url'] = ValidateURL(strip_tags($new_instance['title_url']));
     /* recruitment message
      * @since 1.2
     $instance['message'] = $new_instance['message'];
      * Discard 1.0 data if present
      * @since 1.1
     foreach ($wr_class as $k => $v) {
         unset($instance[$k . '_status']);
         unset($instance[$k . '_note']);
     //updating $instance
     for ($r = 0; $r < $wr_max_row; $r++) {
         $instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_class'] = $new_instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_class'];
         $instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_status'] = $new_instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_status'];
         $instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_note'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($new_instance['wr_row_' . $r . '_note']);
     return $instance;