public function get_code() { $codeurl = "" . $this->wxappid . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($this->redirect_uri) . "&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=STATE#wechat_redirect"; $redirect_uri = UrlEncode(""); $url = "{$this->appid}&redirect_uri={$redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_login&state=STATE#wechat_redirect"; header("location:" . $url); }
function GetIpLocation($ip, &$location) { $location = array(); if (!strcmp($ip, "")) { $this->error = "{$ip} is not a valid public Internet address!"; return 0; } $domain = ""; if (!($connection = $this->timeout ? @fsockopen($domain, 80, $errno, $error, $this->timeout) : @fsockopen($domain, 80))) { switch ($error = $this->timeout ? strval($errno) : "??") { case "-3": $this->error = "-3 socket could not be created"; break; case "-4": $this->error = "-4 dns lookup on hostname \"" . $host_name . "\" failed"; break; case "-5": $this->error = "-5 connection refused or timed out"; break; case "-6": $this->error = "-6 fdopen() call failed"; break; case "-7": $this->error = "-7 setvbuf() call failed"; break; default: $this->error = $error . " could not connect to the host \"" . $domain . "\""; break; } return 0; } if ($this->timeout && (function_exists($function = "stream_set_timeout") || function_exists($function = "socket_set_timeout") || function_exists($function = "set_socket_timeout"))) { $function($connection, $this->timeout); } $uri = "/host/" . UrlEncode($ip) . ".html"; if (!fputs($connection, "GET {$uri} HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: {$domain}\r\n" . "User-Agent: " . $this->http_user_agent . "\r\n" . "\r\n")) { $this->error = "could not retrieve the hostipinfo site request response"; fclose($connection); return 0; } $entrada = ""; while (!feof($connection)) { $entrada = $entrada . fgets($connection, 1024); } fclose($connection); //$entrada = str_replace(" ","",$entrada); $location['LAT'] = ""; $location['LONG'] = ""; $location['CITY'] = ""; $location['STATE'] = ""; if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "<td class=\"rqhost\" width=\"35%\"><b>")) { $posicion1 += 34; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "</b>", $posicion1); $location['COUNTRY'] = trim(substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1)); } else { $location['COUNTRY'] = ""; } return 1; }
function __construct($username, $password, $debug = 0, $httpClientDebug = 0) { $this->client->debug = $httpClientDebug; // prepare the login url $authentication = strlen($username) ? UrlEncode($username) . ":" . UrlEncode($password) . "@" : ""; $this->SWS_URL = $this->PROTOCOL . $authentication . $this->SERVER_NAME . $this->SWS_PATH . $this->SWS_BUTLER_NAME; if ($debug >= 1) { echo "SWS_URL=" . $this->SWS_URL . "\n"; } $this->client = new http_class(); $this->client->prefer_curl = 1; $this->client->user_agent = 'SWS PHP Client - (httpclient - $Revision: 1.76 $'; $this->client->follow_redirect = 1; $this->client->authentication_mechanism = 'Basic'; }
public function setValues($id, $pw, $dnr, $snr, $msg, $customer_id, $campaign_id, $delivery_receipt, $unique_msg_id) { $ActionResult = false; if (160 < strlen($msg)) { $NearestSpace = strpos($msg, ' ', 160); $Message = substr($msg, 0, $NearestSpace); $SecondMessage = substr($msg, $NearestSpace, strlen($msg)); } else { $Message = $msg; $SecondMessage = ""; } $url = "" . "id={$id}" . "&pw=" . UrlEncode($pw) . "&drep=" . $delivery_receipt . "&dnr=" . UrlEncode($dnr) . "&snr=" . UrlEncode($snr) . "&dtag=" . $unique_msg_id . "&msg=" . UrlEncode($Message); if ($f = @fopen($url, "r")) { $answer = fgets($f, 255); if (substr($answer, 0, 1) == "+") { $res = "success: {$answer}"; $ActionResult = true; } else { $res = "failure: {$answer}"; $ActionResult = $res; } } else { $res = "failure: error opening URL"; } if ($SecondMessage != "") { $url = "" . "id={$id}" . "&pw=" . UrlEncode($pw) . "&drep=" . $delivery_receipt . "&dnr=" . UrlEncode($dnr) . "&snr=" . UrlEncode($snr) . "&dtag=" . $unique_msg_id . "&msg=" . UrlEncode($SecondMessage); if ($f = @fopen($url, "r")) { $answer = fgets($f, 255); if (substr($answer, 0, 1) == "+") { $res = "success: {$answer}"; $ActionResult = true; } else { $res = "failure: {$answer}"; $ActionResult = $res; } } else { $res = "failure: error opening URL"; } } $db = new DatabaseManager(DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $SQL = 'INSERT INTO MessagingOutGoingLog(AdminCustomerID,CampaignCampaignID,MessagingMessageTypeID,DeliveryReceipt,Destination,Message,MessageKey,Result) VALUES(' . $customer_id . ', ' . $campaign_id . ', 4, "' . $delivery_receipt . '", "' . $dnr . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($msg) . '", "' . $unique_msg_id . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($res) . '")'; $db->setQuery($SQL); $db->Query(); return $ActionResult; }
private function GenerateSignatureBase($url, $consumerKey, $token, $httpMethod, $timeStamp, $nonce, $signatureType, &$normalizedUrl, &$normalizedRequestParameters) { $parameters = array(); $elements = explode('?', $url); $parameters = $this->GetQueryParameters($elements[1]); $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_VERSION] = OAuthBase::$OAUTH_VERSION_NUMBER; $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_NONCE] = $nonce; $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_TIMESTAMP] = $timeStamp; $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD] = $signatureType; $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY] = $consumerKey; if (!empty($token)) { $parameters[OAuthBase::$OAUTH_TOKEN] = $token; } $normalizedUrl = $elements[0]; $normalizedRequestParameters = $this->NormalizeRequestParameters($parameters); return $httpMethod . '&' . UrlEncode($normalizedUrl) . '&' . UrlEncode($normalizedRequestParameters); }
function send_ewm() { //-----获取access_token $access_token = get_access_token(); //----生成二维码 $ewmid = I('ewmid'); $postUrl = '' . $access_token; $postJson = '{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": ' . $ewmid . '}}}'; $return = json_decode(http_post($postUrl, $postJson), true); if ($return['errcode'] == 0) { $ticket = $return['ticket']; $qr_code = '' . UrlEncode($ticket); $this->qr_code_save($qr_code, $ewmid); $this->success('生成二维码成功'); } else { $this->error('生成二维码失败,错误的返回码是:' . $res['errcode'] . ', 错误的提示是:' . $res['errmsg']); } }
"' . CUtil::JSEscape($arFields['PROPERTY_TYPE']) . '", "' . CUtil::JSEscape($arFields['USER_TYPE']) . '" ); top.BX.closeWait(); top.BX.WindowManager.Get().AllowClose(); top.BX.WindowManager.Get().Close(); </script>'; die; } if (strlen($return_url) > 0) { LocalRedirect($return_url); } else { LocalRedirect('iblock_property_admin.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&IBLOCK_ID=' . $intIBlockID . ($_REQUEST["admin"] == "Y" ? "&admin=Y" : "&admin=N")); } } LocalRedirect("iblock_edit_property.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&IBLOCK_ID=" . $IBLOCK_ID . "&find_section_section=" . intval($find_section_section) . '&ID=' . intval($str_PROPERTY_ID) . (strlen($return_url) > 0 ? "&return_url=" . UrlEncode($return_url) : "") . ($_REQUEST["admin"] == "Y" ? "&admin=Y" : "&admin=N")); } } $strReceiver = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["PARAMS"]['RECEIVER'])) { $strReceiver = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_:]/", "", htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST["PARAMS"]['RECEIVER'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['saveresult'])) { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_js.php"; unset($_POST['saveresult']); $PARAMS = $_POST['PARAMS']; unset($_POST['PARAMS']); $arProperty = array(); $arFieldsList = $DB->GetTableFieldsList("b_iblock_property"); foreach ($arFieldsList as $strFieldName) { if (!in_array($strFieldName, $arDisabledPropFields)) {
function SendRequest($arguments) { // support ::fetch, ::wget //$this->_redirects = array(); if (strlen($this->error)) { return $this->error; } if (isset($arguments["ProxyUser"])) { $this->proxy_request_user = $arguments["ProxyUser"]; } elseif (isset($this->proxy_user)) { $this->proxy_request_user = $this->proxy_user; } if (isset($arguments["ProxyPassword"])) { $this->proxy_request_password = $arguments["ProxyPassword"]; } elseif (isset($this->proxy_password)) { $this->proxy_request_password = $this->proxy_password; } if (isset($arguments["ProxyRealm"])) { $this->proxy_request_realm = $arguments["ProxyRealm"]; } elseif (isset($this->proxy_realm)) { $this->proxy_request_realm = $this->proxy_realm; } if (isset($arguments["ProxyWorkstation"])) { $this->proxy_request_workstation = $arguments["ProxyWorkstation"]; } elseif (isset($this->proxy_workstation)) { $this->proxy_request_workstation = $this->proxy_workstation; } switch ($this->state) { case "Disconnected": return $this->SetError("1 connection was not yet established"); case "Connected": $connect = 0; break; case "ConnectedToProxy": if (strlen($error = $this->ConnectFromProxy($arguments, $headers))) { return $error; } $connect = 1; break; default: return $this->SetError("2 can not send request in the current connection state"); } if (isset($arguments["RequestMethod"])) { $this->request_method = $arguments["RequestMethod"]; } if (isset($arguments["User-Agent"])) { $this->user_agent = $arguments["User-Agent"]; } if (!isset($arguments["Headers"]["User-Agent"]) && strlen($this->user_agent)) { $arguments["Headers"]["User-Agent"] = $this->user_agent; } if (strlen($this->request_method) == 0) { return $this->SetError("3 it was not specified a valid request method"); } if (isset($arguments["RequestURI"])) { $this->request_uri = $arguments["RequestURI"]; } if (strlen($this->request_uri) == 0 || substr($this->request_uri, 0, 1) != "/") { return $this->SetError("4 it was not specified a valid request URI"); } $this->request_arguments = $arguments; $this->request_headers = isset($arguments["Headers"]) ? $arguments["Headers"] : array(); $body_length = 0; $this->request_body = ""; $get_body = 1; if ($this->request_method == "POST" || $this->request_method == "PUT") { if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) { $get_body = 0; $this->request_headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"; } elseif (isset($arguments["PostFiles"]) || $this->force_multipart_form_post && isset($arguments["PostValues"])) { $boundary = "--" . md5(uniqid(time())); $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" . $boundary . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : ""); $post_parts = array(); if (isset($arguments["PostValues"])) { $values = $arguments["PostValues"]; if (GetType($values) != "array") { return $this->SetError("5 it was not specified a valid POST method values array"); } for (Reset($values), $value = 0; $value < count($values); Next($values), $value++) { $input = Key($values); $headers = "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" . $input . "\"\r\n\r\n"; $data = $values[$input]; $post_parts[] = array("HEADERS" => $headers, "DATA" => $data); $body_length += strlen($headers) + strlen($data) + strlen("\r\n"); } } $body_length += strlen("--" . $boundary . "--\r\n"); $files = isset($arguments["PostFiles"]) ? $arguments["PostFiles"] : array(); Reset($files); $end = GetType($input = Key($files)) != "string"; for (; !$end;) { if (strlen($error = $this->GetFileDefinition($files[$input], $definition))) { return "3 " . $error; } $headers = "--" . $boundary . "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" . $input . "\"; filename=\"" . $definition["NAME"] . "\"\r\nContent-Type: " . $definition["Content-Type"] . "\r\n\r\n"; $part = count($post_parts); $post_parts[$part] = array("HEADERS" => $headers); if (isset($definition["FILENAME"])) { $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"] = $definition["FILENAME"]; $data = ""; } else { $data = $definition["DATA"]; } $post_parts[$part]["DATA"] = $data; $body_length += strlen($headers) + $definition["Content-Length"] + strlen("\r\n"); Next($files); $end = GetType($input = Key($files)) != "string"; } $get_body = 0; } elseif (isset($arguments["PostValues"])) { $values = $arguments["PostValues"]; if (GetType($values) != "array") { return $this->SetError("5 it was not specified a valid POST method values array"); } for (Reset($values), $value = 0; $value < count($values); Next($values), $value++) { $k = Key($values); if (GetType($values[$k]) == "array") { for ($v = 0; $v < count($values[$k]); $v++) { if ($value + $v > 0) { $this->request_body .= "&"; } $this->request_body .= UrlEncode($k) . "=" . UrlEncode($values[$k][$v]); } } else { if ($value > 0) { $this->request_body .= "&"; } $this->request_body .= UrlEncode($k) . "=" . UrlEncode($values[$k]); } } $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : ""); $get_body = 0; } } if ($get_body && (isset($arguments["Body"]) || isset($arguments["BodyStream"]))) { if (isset($arguments["Body"])) { $this->request_body = $arguments["Body"]; } else { $stream = $arguments["BodyStream"]; $this->request_body = ""; for ($part = 0; $part < count($stream); $part++) { if (isset($stream[$part]["Data"])) { $this->request_body .= $stream[$part]["Data"]; } elseif (isset($stream[$part]["File"])) { if (!($file = @fopen($stream[$part]["File"], "rb"))) { return $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $stream[$part]["File"], $php_errormsg); } while (!feof($file)) { if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") { $error = $this->SetPHPError("could not read body stream file " . $stream[$part]["File"], $php_errormsg); fclose($file); return $error; } $this->request_body .= $block; } fclose($file); } else { return "5 it was not specified a valid file or data body stream element at position " . $part; } } } if (!isset($this->request_headers["Content-Type"])) { $this->request_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" . (isset($arguments["CharSet"]) ? "; charset=" . $arguments["CharSet"] : ""); } } if (isset($arguments["AuthUser"])) { $this->request_user = $arguments["AuthUser"]; } elseif (isset($this->user)) { $this->request_user = $this->user; } if (isset($arguments["AuthPassword"])) { $this->request_password = $arguments["AuthPassword"]; } elseif (isset($this->password)) { $this->request_password = $this->password; } if (isset($arguments["AuthRealm"])) { $this->request_realm = $arguments["AuthRealm"]; } elseif (isset($this->realm)) { $this->request_realm = $this->realm; } if (isset($arguments["AuthWorkstation"])) { $this->request_workstation = $arguments["AuthWorkstation"]; } elseif (isset($this->workstation)) { $this->request_workstation = $this->workstation; } if (strlen($this->proxy_host_name) == 0 || $connect) { $request_uri = $this->request_uri; } else { switch (strtolower($this->protocol)) { case "http": $default_port = 80; break; case "https": $default_port = 443; break; } $request_uri = strtolower($this->protocol) . "://" . $this->host_name . ($this->host_port == 0 || $this->host_port == $default_port ? "" : ":" . $this->host_port) . $this->request_uri; } if ($this->use_curl) { $version = GetType($v = curl_version()) == "array" ? isset($v["version"]) ? $v["version"] : "0.0.0" : (preg_match("#^libcurl/([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)#", $v, $m) ? $m[1] : "0.0.0"); $curl_version = 100000 * intval($this->Tokenize($version, ".")) + 1000 * intval($this->Tokenize(".")) + intval($this->Tokenize("")); $protocol_version = $curl_version < 713002 ? "1.0" : $this->protocol_version; } else { $protocol_version = $this->protocol_version; } $this->request = $this->request_method . " " . $request_uri . " HTTP/" . $protocol_version; if ($body_length || ($body_length = strlen($this->request_body))) { $this->request_headers["Content-Length"] = $body_length; } for ($headers = array(), $host_set = 0, Reset($this->request_headers), $header = 0; $header < count($this->request_headers); Next($this->request_headers), $header++) { $header_name = Key($this->request_headers); $header_value = $this->request_headers[$header_name]; if (GetType($header_value) == "array") { for (Reset($header_value), $value = 0; $value < count($header_value); Next($header_value), $value++) { $headers[] = $header_name . ": " . $header_value[Key($header_value)]; } } else { $headers[] = $header_name . ": " . $header_value; } if (strtolower(Key($this->request_headers)) == "host") { $this->request_host = strtolower($header_value); $host_set = 1; } } if (!$host_set) { $headers[] = "Host: " . $this->host_name; $this->request_host = strtolower($this->host_name); } if (count($this->cookies)) { $cookies = array(); $this->PickCookies($cookies, 0); if (strtolower($this->protocol) == "https") { $this->PickCookies($cookies, 1); } if (count($cookies)) { $h = count($headers); $headers[$h] = "Cookie:"; for (Reset($cookies), $cookie = 0; $cookie < count($cookies); Next($cookies), $cookie++) { $cookie_name = Key($cookies); $headers[$h] .= " " . $cookie_name . "=" . $cookies[$cookie_name]["value"] . ";"; } } } $next_state = "RequestSent"; if ($this->use_curl) { if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) { return $this->SetError("Streaming request data is not supported when using Curl"); } if ($body_length && strlen($this->request_body) == 0) { for ($request_body = "", $success = 1, $part = 0; $part < count($post_parts); $part++) { $request_body .= $post_parts[$part]["HEADERS"] . $post_parts[$part]["DATA"]; if (isset($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"])) { if (!($file = @fopen($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], "rb"))) { $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], $php_errormsg); $success = 0; break; } while (!feof($file)) { if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") { $this->SetPHPError("could not read upload file", $php_errormsg); $success = 0; break; } $request_body .= $block; } fclose($file); if (!$success) { break; } } $request_body .= "\r\n"; } $request_body .= "--" . $boundary . "--\r\n"; } else { $request_body = $this->request_body; } $this->_last_ip = ''; // multihome if ($this->_use_multihome && !empty($this->_use_multihome)) { $mip = is_array($this->_use_multihome) ? $this->_use_multihome[mt_rand(0, count($this->_use_multihome) - 1)] : $this->_use_multihome; $this->_last_ip = $mip; curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $mip); } if ($this->_headers) { // curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->_headers); $headers = array_merge($headers, $this->_headers); } curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if ($this->timeout) { curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout); } curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $request = $this->request . "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $headers) . "\r\n\r\n" . $request_body; curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request); if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug("C " . $request); } if (!($success = strlen($this->response = curl_exec($this->connection)) != 0)) { $error = curl_error($this->connection); $this->SetError("Could not execute the request" . (strlen($error) ? ": " . $error : "")); } } else { if ($success = $this->PutLine($this->request)) { for ($header = 0; $header < count($headers); $header++) { if (!($success = $this->PutLine($headers[$header]))) { break; } } if ($success && ($success = $this->PutLine(""))) { if (isset($arguments['StreamRequest'])) { $next_state = "SendingRequestBody"; } elseif ($body_length) { if (strlen($this->request_body)) { $success = $this->PutData($this->request_body); } else { for ($part = 0; $part < count($post_parts); $part++) { if (!($success = $this->PutData($post_parts[$part]["HEADERS"])) || !($success = $this->PutData($post_parts[$part]["DATA"]))) { break; } if (isset($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"])) { if (!($file = @fopen($post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], "rb"))) { $this->SetPHPError("could not open upload file " . $post_parts[$part]["FILENAME"], $php_errormsg); $success = 0; break; } while (!feof($file)) { if (GetType($block = @fread($file, $this->file_buffer_length)) != "string") { $this->SetPHPError("could not read upload file", $php_errormsg); $success = 0; break; } if (!($success = $this->PutData($block))) { break; } } fclose($file); if (!$success) { break; } } if (!($success = $this->PutLine(""))) { break; } } if ($success) { $success = $this->PutLine("--" . $boundary . "--"); } } if ($success) { $sucess = $this->FlushData(); } } } } } if (!$success) { return $this->SetError("5 could not send the HTTP request: " . $this->error); } $this->state = $next_state; return ""; }
$val = $arImage["IMG"]; } break; case 'TIME_ZONE': if ($arResult["User"]["AUTO_TIME_ZONE"] != "N") { continue 2; } break; case 'LAST_LOGIN': if (StrLen($val) > 0) { $val = FormatDate($DB->DateFormatToPHP(FORMAT_DATETIME), MakeTimeStamp($val, FORMAT_DATETIME)); } break; default: if (in_array($userFieldName, $arParams["SONET_USER_FIELDS_SEARCHABLE"])) { $strSearch = $arParams["PATH_TO_SEARCH_INNER"] . (StrPos($arParams["PATH_TO_SEARCH_INNER"], "?") !== false ? "&" : "?") . "flt_" . StrToLower($userFieldName) . "=" . UrlEncode($val); } break; } if (in_array($userFieldName, $arParams["USER_FIELDS_MAIN"])) { $arResult["UserFieldsMain"]["DATA"][$userFieldName] = array("NAME" => GetMessage("SONET_UP1_" . $userFieldName), "VALUE" => $val, "SEARCH" => $strSearch); } if (in_array($userFieldName, $arParams["USER_FIELDS_CONTACT"])) { $arResult["UserFieldsContact"]["DATA"][$userFieldName] = array("NAME" => GetMessage("SONET_UP1_" . $userFieldName), "VALUE" => $val, "SEARCH" => $strSearch); } if (in_array($userFieldName, $arParams["USER_FIELDS_PERSONAL"])) { $arResult["UserFieldsPersonal"]["DATA"][$userFieldName] = array("NAME" => GetMessage("SONET_UP1_" . $userFieldName), "VALUE" => $val, "SEARCH" => $strSearch); } } } if (count($arResult["UserFieldsMain"]["DATA"]) > 0) {
function ActivateCoupon($_283989430, &$_2132833962, $_570174288 = false, $_1009125337 = "Y") { $_1272261578 = ___1498308727(155); CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(156)); $_2050725472 = CUpdateClient::CollectRequestData($_1272261578, $_570174288, $_1009125337, array(), array(), array()); if ($_2050725472 === False || StrLen($_2050725472) <= 1352 / 2 - 676 || StrLen($_1272261578) > min(156, 0, 52)) { if (StrLen($_1272261578) <= min(40, 0, 13.333333333333)) { $_1272261578 = ___1498308727(157) . GetMessage(___1498308727(158)) . ___1498308727(159); } } if (StrLen($_1272261578) <= 190 * 2 - 380) { $_2050725472 .= ___1498308727(160) . UrlEncode($_283989430) . ___1498308727(161); CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($GLOBALS['____467353288'][39](___1498308727(162), ___1498308727(163), $_2050725472)); $_145565738 = CUpdateClient::getmicrotime(); $_1501652390 = CUpdateClient::GetHTTPPage(___1498308727(164), $_2050725472, $_1272261578); if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][40]($_1501652390) <= min(48, 0, 16)) { if (StrLen($_1272261578) <= min(242, 0, 80.666666666667)) { $_1272261578 = ___1498308727(165) . GetMessage(___1498308727(166)) . ___1498308727(167); } } CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(168) . Round(CUpdateClient::getmicrotime() - $_145565738, round(0 + 1.5 + 1.5)) . ___1498308727(169)); } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][41]($_1272261578) <= 1100 / 2 - 550) { $_1322185471 = array(); CUpdateClient::ParseServerData($_1501652390, $_1322185471, $_1272261578); } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][42]($_1272261578) <= 183 * 2 - 366) { if (isset($_1322185471[___1498308727(170)][___1498308727(171)][___1498308727(172)]) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][43]($_1322185471[___1498308727(173)][___1498308727(174)][___1498308727(175)]) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][44]($_1322185471[___1498308727(176)][___1498308727(177)][___1498308727(178)]) > 142 * 2 - 284) { for ($_774284784 = min(66, 0, 22), $_1749022688 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][45]($_1322185471[___1498308727(179)][___1498308727(180)][___1498308727(181)]); $_774284784 < $_1749022688; $_774284784++) { if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][46]($_1322185471[___1498308727(182)][___1498308727(183)][___1498308727(184)][$_774284784][___1498308727(185)][___1498308727(186)]) > 1168 / 2 - 584) { $_1272261578 .= ___1498308727(187) . $_1322185471[___1498308727(188)][___1498308727(189)][___1498308727(190)][$_774284784][___1498308727(191)][___1498308727(192)] . ___1498308727(193); } $_1272261578 .= $_1322185471[___1498308727(194)][___1498308727(195)][___1498308727(196)][$_774284784][___1498308727(197)] . ___1498308727(198); } } } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][47]($_1272261578) <= 772 - 2 * 386) { if (isset($_1322185471[___1498308727(199)][___1498308727(200)][___1498308727(201)]) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][48]($_1322185471[___1498308727(202)][___1498308727(203)][___1498308727(204)])) { COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][5](___1498308727(205), ___1498308727(206), ___1498308727(207)); CUpdateClient::__944347844($_1322185471[___1498308727(208)][___1498308727(209)][___1498308727(210)][min(92, 0, 30.666666666667)][___1498308727(211)]); } } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][49]($_1272261578) > 160 * 2 - 320) { CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($_1272261578, ___1498308727(212)); $_2132833962 .= $_1272261578; return False; } else { return True; } }'none';'none'; __CHRow(x3); } } function __NewDocTempl(id) { window.location='/bitrix/admin/fileman_html_edit.php?lang=<?php echo LANG; ?> &site=<?php echo Urlencode($site); ?> &path=<?php echo UrlEncode($path); ?> &new=y&template='+id; new_doc_list.PopupHide(); } BX.ready(function() { BX.addCustomEvent(document.forms.ffilemanedit, 'onAutoSavePrepare', function (ob, handler) { BX.bind(document.forms.ffilemanedit.propeditmore, 'click', handler); }); BX.addCustomEvent(document.forms.ffilemanedit, 'onAutoSaveRestore', function (ob, data) { var i = <?php echo count($arAllPropFields);
?> &<?php echo bitrix_sessid_get(); ?> &ts=" + ts + "&completed=" + completed + "&startpoint=" + startPoint + "&updRand=" + updRand; <?php } elseif ($action == "collect") { ?> data = "fcajax=cl®ion=<?php echo IntVal($region); ?> &exts=<?php echo UrlEncode($_REQUEST['checker_exts']); ?> &pwd=<?php echo UrlEncode($_REQUEST['checker_pwd']); ?> &tm=<?php echo IntVal($_REQUEST['checker_time']); ?> &<?php echo bitrix_sessid_get(); ?> &ts=" + ts + "&completed=" + completed + "&startpoint=" + startPoint + "&updRand=" + updRand; <?php } ?>"/bitrix/admin/security_file_verifier.php", data, callback); } function __FCLoadCollectDataResult(result)
function GetIpLocation($ip, &$location) { $location = array(); if (!strcmp($ip, "")) { $this->error = "{$ip} is not a valid public Internet address!"; return 0; } $domain = ""; if (!($connection = $this->timeout ? @fsockopen($domain, 80, $errno, $error, $this->timeout) : @fsockopen($domain, 80))) { switch ($error = $this->timeout ? strval($errno) : "??") { case "-3": $this->error = "-3 socket could not be created"; break; case "-4": $this->error = "-4 dns lookup on hostname \"" . $host_name . "\" failed"; break; case "-5": $this->error = "-5 connection refused or timed out"; break; case "-6": $this->error = "-6 fdopen() call failed"; break; case "-7": $this->error = "-7 setvbuf() call failed"; break; default: $this->error = $error . " could not connect to the host \"" . $domain . "\""; break; } return 0; } if ($this->timeout && (function_exists($function = "stream_set_timeout") || function_exists($function = "socket_set_timeout") || function_exists($function = "set_socket_timeout"))) { $function($connection, $this->timeout); } $uri = "/ip2geo?url=" . UrlEncode($ip); if (!fputs($connection, "GET {$uri} HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: {$domain}\r\n" . "User-Agent: " . $this->http_user_agent . "\r\n" . "\r\n")) { $this->error = "could not retrieve the freeipservices site request response"; fclose($connection); return 0; } $entrada = ""; while (!feof($connection)) { $entrada = $entrada . fgets($connection, 1024); } fclose($connection); $entrada = str_replace(" ", "", $entrada); if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "functiongetLat(){return'")) { $posicion1 += 24; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "';}", $posicion1); $location['LAT'] = substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1); } else { return 0; } if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "functiongetLng(){return'")) { $posicion1 += 24; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "';}", $posicion1); $location['LONG'] = substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1); } else { return 0; } if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "functiongetCity(){return'")) { $posicion1 += 25; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "';}", $posicion1); $location['CITY'] = substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1); } else { $location['CITY'] = ""; } if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "functiongetState(){return'")) { $posicion1 += 26; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "';}", $posicion1); $location['STATE'] = substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1); } else { $location['STATE'] = ""; } if ($posicion1 = strpos($entrada, "functiongetCountry(){return'")) { $posicion1 += 28; $posicion2 = strpos($entrada, "';}", $posicion1); $location['COUNTRY'] = substr($entrada, $posicion1, $posicion2 - $posicion1); } else { $location['COUNTRY'] = ""; } return 1; }
?> "> <input type="hidden" name="extended" value="Y"> </table> <?endif//if($bSimple):?> </td> </tr> <?$tabControl->EndTab();?> <? $tabControl->Buttons( array( "disabled" => false, "back_url" => ((strlen($back_url)>0 && strpos($back_url, "/freetrix/admin/fileman_menu_edit.php")!==0) ? htmlspecialcharsex($back_url) : "/freetrix/admin/fileman_admin.php?".$addUrl."&site=".Urlencode($site)."&path=".UrlEncode($arParsedPath["FULL"])) ) ); ?> <?$tabControl->End();?> </form> <?endif?> <?php echo BeginNote(); ?> <span class="required"><sup>1</sup></span> - <?php echo GetMessage("MAIN_PERIOD_NOTE"); echo EndNote();
function AddActionParameter(&$form, $parameter, $value) { $url = $form->ACTION . (GetType(strpos($form->ACTION, '?')) == 'integer' ? strlen($form->ACTION) > 1 ? '&' : '' : '?') . UrlEncode($parameter) . '=' . UrlEncode($value); $p = $this->custom_parameters; $tc = count($p); for (Reset($p), $c = 0; $c < $tc; Next($p), ++$c) { $k = Key($p); $url .= '&' . UrlEncode($k) . '=' . UrlEncode($p[$k]); } $p = $this->external_parameters; $tc = count($p); for (Reset($p), $c = 0; $c < $tc; Next($p), ++$c) { $k = Key($p); $this->external_parameters[$k] = $form->GetInputValue($k); $url .= '&' . UrlEncode($k) . '=' . UrlEncode($this->external_parameters[$k]); } return $url; }
function get_img() { if ($this->tickets()) { return '' . UrlEncode($this->ticket); } else { return ''; } }
<?php $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); ?> <?php if ($ID <= 0 && !is_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $fname)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo GetMessage("FLOW_TEMPLATE"); ?> </td> <td><select name="template" onchange="window.location='/bitrix/admin/workflow_edit.php?lang=<?php echo LANG; ?> &fname=<?php echo UrlEncode($fname); ?> &template='+escape(this[this.selectedIndex].value)"><?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($arTemplates); $i++) { ?> <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arTemplates[$i]["file"]); ?> "<?php if ($template == $arTemplates[$i]["file"]) { echo " selected"; } ?> ><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arTemplates[$i]["name"]); ?>
public static function ActivateCoupon($coupon, &$strError, $lang = false, $stableVersionsOnly = "Y") { $strError_tmp = ""; CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("exec CUpdateClientPartner::ActivateCoupon"); $strQuery = CUpdateClientPartner::__CollectRequestData($strError_tmp, $lang, $stableVersionsOnly, array(), array()); if ($strQuery === False || StrLen($strQuery) <= 0 || StrLen($strError_tmp) > 0) { if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strError_tmp = "[RV01] " . GetMessage("SUPZ_NO_QSTRING") . ". "; } } if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strQuery .= "&coupon=" . UrlEncode($coupon) . "&query_type=coupon"; CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log(preg_replace("/LICENSE_KEY=[^&]*/i", "LICENSE_KEY=X", $strQuery)); /* foreach ($arFields as $key => $value) $strQuery .= "&".$key."=".urlencode($value); */ $stime = CUpdateClientPartner::__GetMicroTime(); $content = CUpdateClientPartner::__GetHTTPPage("ACTIV", $strQuery, $strError_tmp); if (strlen($content) <= 0) { if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strError_tmp = "[GNSU02] " . GetMessage("SUPZ_EMPTY_ANSWER") . ". "; } } CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("TIME ActivateCoupon(request) " . Round(CUpdateClientPartner::__GetMicroTime() - $stime, 3) . " sec"); } if (strlen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $arRes = array(); CUpdateClientPartner::__ParseServerData($content, $arRes, $strError_tmp); } if (strlen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { if (isset($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) && is_array($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) && count($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) > 0) { for ($i = 0, $n = count($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]); $i < $n; $i++) { if (strlen($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["@"]["TYPE"]) > 0) { $strError_tmp .= "[" . $arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["@"]["TYPE"] . "] "; } $strError_tmp .= $arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["#"] . ". "; } } } if (strlen($strError_tmp) > 0) { CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log($strError_tmp, "AC"); $strError .= $strError_tmp; return False; } else { return True; } }
} else { $sDocTitle = GetMessage("SALE_NEW_RECORD"); } $APPLICATION->SetTitle($sDocTitle); require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php"; /*********************************************************************/ /******************** BODY *****************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ ?> <?php $aMenu = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("SSEN_2FLIST"), "ICON" => "btn_list", "LINK" => "/bitrix/admin/sale_status.php?lang=" . LANG . GetFilterParams("filter_"))); if (strlen($ID) > 0 && $saleModulePermissions >= "W") { $aMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y"); $aMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("SSEN_NEW_STATUS"), "ICON" => "btn_new", "LINK" => "/bitrix/admin/sale_status_edit.php?lang=" . LANG . GetFilterParams("filter_")); $aMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("SSEN_DELETE_STATUS"), "ICON" => "btn_delete", "LINK" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessage("SSEN_DELETE_STATUS_CONFIRM") . "')) window.location='/bitrix/admin/sale_status.php?action=delete&ID[]=" . UrlEncode($ID) . "&lang=" . LANG . "&" . bitrix_sessid_get() . "#tb';"); } $context = new CAdminContextMenu($aMenu); $context->Show(); ?> <?php CAdminMessage::ShowMessage($strError); ?> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); ?> ?" name="fform"> <?php echo GetFilterHiddens("filter_");
<hr /> <?php require 'mime_parser.php'; require 'rfc822_addresses.php'; require 'pop3.php'; stream_wrapper_register('pop3', 'pop3_stream'); /* Register the pop3 stream handler class */ $user = UrlEncode(""); $password = UrlEncode(""); $realm = UrlEncode(""); /* Authentication realm or domain */ $workstation = UrlEncode(""); /* Workstation for NTLM authentication */ $apop = 0; /* Use APOP authentication */ $authentication_mechanism = UrlEncode("USER"); /* SASL authentication mechanism */ $debug = 1; /* Output debug information */ $html_debug = 1; /* Debug information is in HTML */ $message = 1; $message_file = 'pop3://' . $user . ':' . $password . '@localhost/' . $message . '?debug=' . $debug . '&html_debug=' . $html_debug . '&realm=' . $realm . '&workstation=' . $workstation . '&apop=' . $apop . '&authentication_mechanism=' . $authentication_mechanism; /* * Access Gmail POP account */ /* $message_file='pop3://'.$user.':'.$password.''; */ $mime = new mime_parser_class(); /*
"> <input type="hidden" name="extended" value="Y"> </table> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndTab(); ?> <?php $tabControl->Buttons(array("disabled" => false, "back_url" => strlen($back_url) > 0 && strpos($back_url, "/bitrix/admin/fileman_menu_edit.php") !== 0 ? htmlspecialcharsex($back_url) : "/bitrix/admin/fileman_admin.php?" . $addUrl . "&site=" . Urlencode($site) . "&path=" . UrlEncode($arParsedPath["FULL"]))); ?> <?php $tabControl->End(); ?> </form> <?php } echo BeginNote(); ?> <span class="required"><sup>1</sup></span> - <?php echo GetMessage("MAIN_PERIOD_NOTE"); echo EndNote();
if (IntVal($arParams["USERGROUPS_MODIFY"]) > 0) { $arParams["USERGROUPS_MODIFY"] = array($arParams["USERGROUPS_MODIFY"]); } else { $arParams["USERGROUPS_MODIFY"] = array(); } } if (!Is_Array($arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"])) { if (IntVal($arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"]) > 0) { $arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"] = array($arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"]); } else { $arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"] = array(); } } $meetingId = IntVal($arParams["MEETING_ID"]); if ($meetingId <= 0) { $meetingId = IntVal($_REQUEST[$arParams["MEETING_VAR"]]); } $arResult["Page"] = Trim($arParams["PAGE_ID"]); if (StrLen($arResult["Page"]) <= 0) { $arResult["Page"] = Trim($_REQUEST[$arParams["PAGE_VAR"]]); } $arResult["Urls"]["MeetingList"] = $arParams["PATH_TO_MEETING_LIST"]; $arResult["Urls"]["ModifyMeeting"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_MODIFY_MEETING"], array("meeting_id" => $meetingId)); $arResult["Urls"]["CreateMeeting"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_MODIFY_MEETING"], array("meeting_id" => 0)); $arResult["Urls"]["Meeting"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_MEETING"], array("meeting_id" => $meetingId)); $arResult["Urls"]["Meeting"] .= (StrPos($arResult["Urls"]["Meeting"], "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "week_start=" . UrlEncode($_REQUEST["week_start"]); $arResult["Urls"]["ReserveMeeting"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_RESERVE_MEETING"], array("meeting_id" => $meetingId, "item_id" => 0)); $arResult["Urls"]["Search"] = $arParams["PATH_TO_SEARCH"]; $arResult["Perms"]["CanModify"] = $GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized() && ($GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAdmin() || Count(Array_Intersect($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray(), $arParams["USERGROUPS_MODIFY"])) > 0); $arResult["Perms"]["CanReserve"] = $GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized() && ($GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAdmin() || Count(Array_Intersect($GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray(), $arParams["USERGROUPS_RESERVE"])) > 0); $this->IncludeComponentTemplate();
</td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo GetMessage("MURL_RULE"); ?> :</td> <td> <input type="text" name="RULE" size="50" maxlength="250" value="<?php echo $str_RULE; ?> "> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndTab(); ?> <?php $tabControl->Buttons(array("disabled" => !$isAdmin, "back_url" => "/bitrix/admin/urlrewrite_list.php?lang=" . LANG . "&filter_site_id=" . UrlEncode($site_id) . "&" . GetFilterParams("filter_", false))); $tabControl->End(); ?> </form> <?php $tabControl->ShowWarnings("form1", $message); ?> <?php require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php";
<option value="<?php echo $id; ?> "<?if($id == $inh_taskId) echo" selected";?>> <?echo htmlspecialcharsbx($ar['title'])?> <?if($id=="NOT_REF") echo "[".$arPermTypes[$pr_taskId]['title']."]";?> </option> <?endforeach;?> </select> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <?endif; //if($USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_permission',$arPath)):?> <? $tabControl->EndTab(); $tabControl->Buttons( array( "disabled" => (!$USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_existent_folder',$arPath)), "back_url" => (strlen($back_url) > 0 ? $back_url : "fileman_admin.php?".$addUrl."&site=".$site."&path=".UrlEncode($path)) ) ); $tabControl->End(); ?> </form> <?endif?> <?require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/freetrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php");?>
function Process() { switch (intval($this->oauth_version)) { case 1: $one_a = $this->oauth_version === '1.0a'; if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the OAuth token authorization state'); } if (!$this->GetAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } if (isset($access_token['authorized']) && isset($access_token['value'])) { $expired = isset($access_token['expiry']) && strcmp($access_token['expiry'], gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) <= 0; if (!$access_token['authorized'] || $expired) { if ($this->debug) { if ($expired) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token expired on ' . $access_token['expiry'] . 'UTC'); } else { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token is not yet authorized'); } $this->OutputDebug('Checking the OAuth token and verifier'); } if (!$this->GetRequestToken($token, $verifier)) { return false; } if (!isset($token) || $one_a && !isset($verifier)) { if (!$this->GetRequestDenied($denied)) { return false; } if (isset($denied) && $denied === $access_token['value']) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The authorization request was denied'); } $this->authorization_error = 'the request was denied'; return true; } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Reset the OAuth token state because token and verifier are not both set'); } $access_token = array(); } } elseif ($token !== $access_token['value']) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Reset the OAuth token state because token does not match what as previously retrieved'); } $access_token = array(); } else { if (!$this->GetAccessTokenURL($url)) { return false; } $oauth = array('oauth_token' => $token); if ($one_a) { $oauth['oauth_verifier'] = $verifier; } $this->access_token_secret = $access_token['secret']; if (!$this->SendAPIRequest($url, 'GET', array(), $oauth, array('Resource' => 'OAuth access token'), $response)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->access_token_error)) { $this->authorization_error = $this->access_token_error; return true; } if (!isset($response['oauth_token']) || !isset($response['oauth_token_secret'])) { $this->authorization_error = 'it was not returned the access token and secret'; return true; } $access_token = array('value' => $response['oauth_token'], 'secret' => $response['oauth_token_secret'], 'authorized' => true); if (isset($response['oauth_expires_in'])) { $expires = $response['oauth_expires_in']; if (strval($expires) !== strval(intval($expires)) || $expires <= 0) { return $this->SetError('OAuth server did not return a supported type of access token expiry time'); } $this->access_token_expiry = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time() + $expires); if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Access token expiry: ' . $this->access_token_expiry . ' UTC'); } $access_token['expiry'] = $this->access_token_expiry; } else { $this->access_token_expiry = ''; } if (!$this->StoreAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token was authorized'); } } } elseif ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token was already authorized'); } if (isset($access_token['authorized']) && $access_token['authorized']) { $this->access_token = $access_token['value']; $this->access_token_secret = $access_token['secret']; return true; } } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth access token is not set'); } $access_token = array(); } if (!isset($access_token['authorized'])) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Requesting the unauthorized OAuth token'); } if (!$this->GetRequestTokenURL($url)) { return false; } $url = str_replace('{SCOPE}', UrlEncode($this->scope), $url); if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } $oauth = array('oauth_callback' => $redirect_uri); if (!$this->SendAPIRequest($url, 'GET', array(), $oauth, array('Resource' => 'OAuth request token'), $response)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->access_token_error)) { $this->authorization_error = $this->access_token_error; return true; } if (!isset($response['oauth_token']) || !isset($response['oauth_token_secret'])) { $this->authorization_error = 'it was not returned the requested token'; return true; } $access_token = array('value' => $response['oauth_token'], 'secret' => $response['oauth_token_secret'], 'authorized' => false); if (!$this->StoreAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } } if (!$this->GetDialogURL($url)) { return false; } $url .= '?oauth_token=' . $access_token['value']; if (!$one_a) { if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } $url .= '&oauth_callback=' . UrlEncode($redirect_uri); } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Redirecting to OAuth authorize page ' . $url); } Header('HTTP/1.0 302 OAuth Redirection'); Header('Location: ' . $url); $this->exit = true; return true; case 2: if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking if OAuth access token was already retrieved from ' . $this->access_token_url); } if (!$this->GetAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } if (isset($access_token['value'])) { if (isset($access_token['expiry']) && strcmp($this->access_token_expiry = $access_token['expiry'], gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) < 0) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth access token expired in ' . $this->access_token_expiry); } } else { $this->access_token = $access_token['value']; if (isset($access_token['type'])) { $this->access_token_type = $access_token['type']; } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth access token ' . $this->access_token . ' is valid'); } if (strlen($this->access_token_type) && $this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth access token is of type ' . $this->access_token_type); } return true; } } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the authentication state in URI ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if (!$this->GetStoredState($stored_state)) { return false; } if (strlen($stored_state) == 0) { return $this->SetError('it was not set the OAuth state'); } if (!$this->GetRequestState($state)) { return false; } if ($state === $stored_state) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the authentication code'); } if (!$this->GetRequestCode($code)) { return false; } if (strlen($code) == 0) { if (!$this->GetRequestError($this->authorization_error)) { return false; } if (isset($this->authorization_error)) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Authorization failed with error code ' . $this->authorization_error); } switch ($this->authorization_error) { case 'invalid_request': case 'unauthorized_client': case 'access_denied': case 'unsupported_response_type': case 'invalid_scope': case 'server_error': case 'temporarily_unavailable': case 'user_denied': return true; default: return $this->SetError('it was returned an unknown OAuth error code'); } } return $this->SetError('it was not returned the OAuth dialog code'); } if (!$this->GetAccessTokenURL($url)) { return false; } if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } $values = array('code' => $code, 'client_id' => $this->client_id, 'client_secret' => $this->client_secret, 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'); if (!$this->SendAPIRequest($url, 'POST', $values, null, array('Resource' => 'OAuth access token', 'ConvertObjects' => true), $response)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->access_token_error)) { $this->authorization_error = $this->access_token_error; return true; } if (!isset($response['access_token'])) { if (isset($response['error'])) { $this->authorization_error = 'it was not possible to retrieve the access token: it was returned the error: ' . $response['error']; return true; } return $this->SetError('OAuth server did not return the access token'); } $access_token = array('value' => $this->access_token = $response['access_token'], 'authorized' => true); if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Access token: ' . $this->access_token); } if (isset($response['expires']) || isset($response['expires_in'])) { $expires = isset($response['expires']) ? $response['expires'] : $response['expires_in']; if (strval($expires) !== strval(intval($expires)) || $expires <= 0) { return $this->SetError('OAuth server did not return a supported type of access token expiry time'); } $this->access_token_expiry = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time() + $expires); if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Access token expiry: ' . $this->access_token_expiry . ' UTC'); } $access_token['expiry'] = $this->access_token_expiry; } else { $this->access_token_expiry = ''; } if (isset($response['token_type'])) { $this->access_token_type = $response['token_type']; if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Access token type: ' . $this->access_token_type); } $access_token['type'] = $this->access_token_type; } else { $this->access_token_type = ''; } if (!$this->StoreAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } } else { if (!$this->GetDialogURL($url)) { return false; } if (strlen($url) == 0) { return $this->SetError('it was not set the OAuth dialog URL'); } if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->append_state_to_redirect_uri)) { $redirect_uri .= (strpos($redirect_uri, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . $this->append_state_to_redirect_uri . '=' . $stored_state; } $url = str_replace('{REDIRECT_URI}', UrlEncode($redirect_uri), str_replace('{CLIENT_ID}', UrlEncode($this->client_id), str_replace('{SCOPE}', UrlEncode($this->scope), str_replace('{STATE}', UrlEncode($stored_state), $url)))); if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Redirecting to OAuth Dialog ' . $url); } Header('HTTP/1.0 302 OAuth Redirection'); Header('Location: ' . $url); $this->exit = true; } break; default: return $this->SetError($this->oauth_version . ' is not a supported version of the OAuth protocol'); } return true; }
function OnPanelCreate() { global $APPLICATION, $REQUEST_URI; if ($APPLICATION->GetGroupRight("fileman") <= "D") { return; } $cur_page = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(true); $cur_dir = $APPLICATION->GetCurDir(); //access to curent page $page_permission = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($cur_page); // access to current directory $sect_permission = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($cur_dir); $main_sort = 100; $full_src = ""; $default_edit = COption::GetOptionString("fileman", "default_edit", "html"); if ($default_edit == "php") { $editor_type = "file"; $full_src = "&full_src=Y"; } elseif ($default_edit == "text") { $editor_type = "file"; } else { $editor_type = "html"; } $aMenuItems = array('create' => array(), 'create_section' => array(), 'edit' => array(), 'edit_section' => array()); if ($sect_permission >= "W") { // New page $href = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_" . $editor_type . "_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . UrlEncode($APPLICATION->GetCurDir()) . "&new=Y&templateID=" . urlencode(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID) . "&back_url=" . UrlEncode($REQUEST_URI); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('create', array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 99)); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('create', array("TEXT" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_admin"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_new_page_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($href) . "')", "SORT" => 100)); //New folder $href = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_newfolder.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . UrlEncode($APPLICATION->GetCurDir()) . "&back_url=" . UrlEncode($REQUEST_URI); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('create_section', array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 99)); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('create_section', array("TEXT" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_admin"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_new_folder_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($href) . "')")); } // Edit page if ($page_permission >= "W") { $href = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_" . $editor_type . "_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&templateID=" . urlencode(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID) . $full_src . "&path=" . UrlEncode(isset($_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"]) && $_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"] != "" ? $_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"] : $cur_page) . "&back_url=" . UrlEncode($REQUEST_URI); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('edit', array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 99)); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('edit', array("TEXT" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_admin"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_edit_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($href) . "')", "SORT" => 100)); } // Folder properties $alt = GetMessage("FILEMAN_FOLDER_PROPS"); if ($sect_permission >= "W") { $href = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_folder.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . UrlEncode($APPLICATION->GetCurDir()) . "&back_url=" . UrlEncode($REQUEST_URI); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('edit_section', array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 99)); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('edit_section', array("TEXT" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_admin"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("fileman_panel_folder_prop_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($href) . "')", "SORT" => 100)); } //Sticker buttons require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/fileman/classes/general/sticker.php"; if (CSticker::CanDoOperation('sticker_view')) { $useHotKeys = COption::GetOptionString('fileman', "stickers_use_hotkeys", "Y") == "Y"; $arMenu = array(); if (CSticker::CanDoOperation('sticker_new')) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => '<div style="float: left; margin: 0 50px 0 0;">' . GetMessage("FMST_PANEL_STICKER_ADD") . '</div>' . ($useHotKeys ? 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GetMessage("FMST_PANEL_STICKERS_TOOLTIP_TITLE") : GetMessage("FMST_PANEL_STICKERS_SHOW_1"), "TEXT" => CSticker::CanDoOperation('sticker_edit') ? GetMessage("FMST_PANEL_STICKERS_TOOLTIP") . ($useHotKeys ? " (Ctrl+Shift+S)" : "") : GetMessage("FMST_PANEL_STICKERS_ALT") . ($useHotKeys ? " (Ctrl+Shift+X)" : "")))); CSticker::Init(array('curPageCount' => $curPageCount)); } }
$arResult["SecondLine"] = "Y"; } elseif ($perm >= BLOG_PERMS_PREMODERATE) { $arResult["urlToNewPost"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_POST_EDIT"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"], "post_id" => "new")); $arResult["SecondLine"] = "Y"; } if (CBlog::CanUserManageBlog($arBlog["ID"], $user_id)) { $arResult["urlToUserSettings"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER_SETTINGS"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); $arResult["urlToGroupEdit"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_GROUP_EDIT"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); $arResult["urlToCategoryEdit"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_CATEGORY_EDIT"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); $arResult["urlToBlogEdit"] = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_BLOG_EDIT"], array("blog" => $arBlog["URL"])); $arResult["ThirdLine"] = "Y"; } } if (empty($arOwnBlog) || $arOwnBlog["URL"] != $arBlog["URL"]) { if (IntVal($user_id) > 0) { if (!CBlog::IsFriend($arBlog["ID"], $user_id)) { $arResult["urlToBecomeFriend"] = $arResult["urlToCurrentBlog"] . (strpos($arResult["urlToCurrentBlog"], "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "become_friend=Y&" . bitrix_sessid_get(); $arResult["SecondLine"] = "Y"; } if (!empty($arOwnBlog)) { if (!CBlog::IsFriend($arOwnBlog["ID"], $arBlog["OWNER_ID"])) { $tmpUrl = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams["PATH_TO_USER_SETTINGS"], array("blog" => $arOwnBlog["URL"])); $arResult["urlToAddFriend"] = $tmpUrl . (strpos($tmpUrl, "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "add_friend[]=" . UrlEncode($arBlog["URL"]) . "&" . bitrix_sessid_get(); $arResult["SecondLine"] = "Y"; } } } } } } $this->IncludeComponentTemplate();
function Process() { if (strlen($this->access_token) || strlen($this->access_token_secret)) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The Process function should not be called again if the OAuth token was already set manually'); } return $this->SetError('the OAuth token was already set'); } switch (intval($this->oauth_version)) { case 1: $one_a = $this->oauth_version === '1.0a'; if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the OAuth token authorization state'); } if (!$this->GetAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } if (isset($access_token['expiry'])) { $this->access_token_expiry = $access_token['expiry']; } if (isset($access_token['authorized']) && isset($access_token['value'])) { $expired = isset($access_token['expiry']) && strcmp($access_token['expiry'], gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) <= 0; if (!$access_token['authorized'] || $expired) { if ($this->debug) { if ($expired) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token expired on ' . $access_token['expiry'] . 'UTC'); } else { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token is not yet authorized'); } $this->OutputDebug('Checking the OAuth token and verifier'); } if (!$this->GetRequestToken($token, $verifier)) { return false; } if (!isset($token) || $one_a && !isset($verifier)) { if (!$this->GetRequestDenied($denied)) { return false; } if (isset($denied) && $denied === $access_token['value']) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The authorization request was denied'); } $this->authorization_error = 'the request was denied'; return true; } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Reset the OAuth token state because token and verifier are not both set'); } $access_token = array(); } } elseif ($token !== $access_token['value']) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Reset the OAuth token state because token does not match what as previously retrieved'); } $access_token = array(); } else { $this->access_token_secret = $access_token['secret']; $oauth = array('oauth_token' => $token); if ($one_a) { $oauth['oauth_verifier'] = $verifier; } if (!$this->ProcessToken1($oauth, $access_token)) { return false; } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token was authorized'); } } } elseif ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth token was already authorized'); } if (isset($access_token['authorized']) && $access_token['authorized']) { $this->access_token = $access_token['value']; $this->access_token_secret = $access_token['secret']; if (isset($access_token['refresh'])) { $this->refresh_token = $access_token['refresh']; } return true; } } else { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('The OAuth access token is not set'); } $access_token = array(); } if (!isset($access_token['authorized'])) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Requesting the unauthorized OAuth token'); } if (!$this->GetRequestTokenURL($url)) { return false; } $url = str_replace('{SCOPE}', UrlEncode($this->scope), $url); if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } $oauth = array('oauth_callback' => $redirect_uri); $options = array('Resource' => 'OAuth request token', 'FailOnAccessError' => true); $method = strtoupper($this->token_request_method); switch ($method) { case 'GET': break; case 'POST': $options['PostValuesInURI'] = true; break; default: $this->error = $method . ' is not a supported method to request tokens'; break; } if (!$this->SendAPIRequest($url, $method, array(), $oauth, $options, $response)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->access_token_error)) { $this->authorization_error = $this->access_token_error; return true; } if (!isset($response['oauth_token']) || !isset($response['oauth_token_secret'])) { $this->authorization_error = 'it was not returned the requested token'; return true; } $access_token = array('value' => $response['oauth_token'], 'secret' => $response['oauth_token_secret'], 'authorized' => false); if (isset($response['login_url'])) { $access_token['login_url'] = $response['login_url']; } if (!$this->StoreAccessToken($access_token)) { return false; } } if (!$this->GetDialogURL($url)) { return false; } if ($url === 'automatic') { if (!isset($access_token['login_url'])) { return $this->SetError('The request token response did not automatically the login dialog URL as expected'); } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Dialog URL obtained automatically from the request token response: ' . $url); } $url = $access_token['login_url']; } else { $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'oauth_token=' . $access_token['value']; } if (!$one_a) { if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } $url .= '&oauth_callback=' . UrlEncode($redirect_uri); } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Redirecting to OAuth authorize page ' . $url); } $this->Redirect($url); $this->exit = true; return true; case 2: if ($this->debug) { if (!$this->GetAccessTokenURL($access_token_url)) { return false; } $this->OutputDebug('Checking if OAuth access token was already retrieved from ' . $access_token_url); } if (!$this->RetrieveToken($valid)) { return false; } $expired = strlen($this->access_token_expiry) && strcmp($this->access_token_expiry, gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) <= 0 && strlen($this->refresh_token) === 0; if ($valid && !$expired) { return true; } if ($this->debug) { if (!$valid) { $this->OutputDebug('A valid access token is not available'); } elseif ($expired) { $this->OutputDebug('The access token expired'); } } switch ($this->grant_type) { case 'authorization_code': if (strlen($this->oauth_username) === 0) { break; } case 'password': if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Getting the access token using the username and password'); } return $this->ProcessToken2(null, false); case 'client_credentials': if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Getting the access token using the client credentials'); } return $this->ProcessToken2(null, false); default: return $this->SetError($this->grant_type . ' is not yet a supported OAuth 2 grant type'); } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the authentication state in URI ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if (!$this->GetStoredState($stored_state)) { return false; } if (strlen($stored_state) == 0) { return $this->SetError('it was not set the OAuth state'); } if (!$this->GetRequestState($state)) { return false; } if ($state === $stored_state) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Checking the authentication code'); } if (!$this->GetRequestCode($code)) { return false; } if (strlen($code) == 0) { if (!$this->GetRequestError($this->authorization_error)) { return false; } if (isset($this->authorization_error)) { if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Authorization failed with error code ' . $this->authorization_error); } switch ($this->authorization_error) { case 'invalid_request': case 'unauthorized_client': case 'access_denied': case 'unsupported_response_type': case 'invalid_scope': case 'server_error': case 'temporarily_unavailable': case 'user_denied': return true; default: return $this->SetError('it was returned an unknown OAuth error code'); } } return $this->SetError('it was not returned the OAuth dialog code'); } if (!$this->ProcessToken2($code, false)) { return false; } } else { if (!$this->GetRedirectURI($redirect_uri)) { return false; } if (strlen($this->append_state_to_redirect_uri)) { $redirect_uri .= (strpos($redirect_uri, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . $this->append_state_to_redirect_uri . '=' . $stored_state; } if (!$this->GetDialogURL($url, $redirect_uri, $stored_state)) { return false; } if (strlen($url) == 0) { return $this->SetError('it was not set the OAuth dialog URL'); } if ($this->debug) { $this->OutputDebug('Redirecting to OAuth Dialog ' . $url); } $this->Redirect($url); $this->exit = true; } break; default: return $this->SetError($this->oauth_version . ' is not a supported version of the OAuth protocol'); } return true; }
} else { //$currentSum += ($arItemsList["BASKET_PRICE"] - $arItemsList["BASKET_DISCOUNT_PRICE"]) * $arItemsList["BASKET_QUANTITY"]; $currentSum += $arItemsList["BASKET_PRICE"] * $arItemsList["BASKET_QUANTITY"]; } } while ($arItemsList = $dbItemsList->Fetch()); $arResult["ROWS"][] = array("NAME" => $currentBasketName, "QUANTITY" => $currentQuantity, "SUM" => $currentSum, "CURRENCY" => $affiliateCurrency, "SUM_FORMAT" => SaleFormatCurrency($currentSum, $affiliateCurrency)); $totalQuantity += $currentQuantity; $totalSum += $currentSum; $arResult["TOTAL"] = array("QUANTITY" => $totalQuantity, "SUM" => $totalSum, "CURRENCY" => $affiliateCurrency, "SUM_FORMAT" => SaleFormatCurrency($totalSum, $affiliateCurrency)); } $arResult["FILTER_ID"] = rand(0, 10000); } else { $arResult = false; } $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); } else { LocalRedirect($arParams["REGISTER_PAGE"] . "?REDIRECT_PAGE=" . UrlEncode($APPLICATION->GetCurPage())); die; } } else { LocalRedirect($arParams["REGISTER_PAGE"] . "?REDIRECT_PAGE=" . UrlEncode($APPLICATION->GetCurPage())); die; } } else { ?> <b><?php echo ShowError(GetMessage("SPCAS1_NO_SHOP")); ?> </b> <?php }
/** * * * * * * @return mixed <p></p> * * * <h4>Example</h4> * <pre> * <br><br> * </pre> * * * * <h4>See Also</h4> * <p></p><a name="examples"></a> * * * @static * @link * @author Bitrix */ public static function GetPanelButtons($IBLOCK_ID = 0, $ELEMENT_ID = 0, $SECTION_ID = 0, $arOptions = array()) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $arButtons = array("view" => array(), "edit" => array(), "configure" => array(), "submenu" => array()); if (array_key_exists("SECTION_BUTTONS", $arOptions) && $arOptions["SECTION_BUTTONS"] === false) { $bSectionButtons = false; } else { $bSectionButtons = true; } if (array_key_exists("SESSID", $arOptions) && $arOptions["SESSID"] === false) { $bSessID = false; } else { $bSessID = true; } $IBLOCK_ID = intval($IBLOCK_ID); $ELEMENT_ID = intval($ELEMENT_ID); $SECTION_ID = intval($SECTION_ID); if ($ELEMENT_ID > 0 && ($IBLOCK_ID <= 0 || $bSectionButtons && $SECTION_ID == 0)) { $rsIBlockElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $ELEMENT_ID, "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "Y"), false, false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID")); if ($arIBlockElement = $rsIBlockElement->Fetch()) { $IBLOCK_ID = $arIBlockElement["IBLOCK_ID"]; $SECTION_ID = $arIBlockElement["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]; } } if ($IBLOCK_ID <= 0) { return $arButtons; } $bCatalog = false; if (isset($arOptions["CATALOG"]) && $arOptions["CATALOG"] == true) { if (CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) { $bCatalog = true; } } $return_url = array("add_element" => "", "edit_element" => "", "edit_iblock" => "", "history_element" => "", "edit_section" => "", "add_section" => "", "delete_section" => "", "delete_element" => "", "element_list" => "", "section_list" => ""); if (array_key_exists("RETURN_URL", $arOptions)) { if (is_array($arOptions["RETURN_URL"])) { foreach ($arOptions["RETURN_URL"] as $key => $url) { if (!empty($url) && array_key_exists($key, $return_url)) { $return_url[$key] = $url; } } } elseif (!empty($arOptions["RETURN_URL"])) { foreach ($return_url as $key => $url) { $return_url[$key] = $arOptions["RETURN_URL"]; } } } $str = ""; foreach ($return_url as $key => $url) { if (empty($url)) { if (empty($str)) { if (defined("BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID")) { $str = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("", array(BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID)); } else { $str = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam(); } } $return_url[$key] = $str; } } $arIBlock = CIBlock::GetArrayByID($IBLOCK_ID); $bWorkflow = CModule::IncludeModule("workflow") && $arIBlock["WORKFLOW"] !== "N"; $s = $bWorkflow ? "&WF=Y" : ""; $arLabels = $arOptions["LABELS"]; if ($ELEMENT_ID > 0 && CIBlockElementRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $ELEMENT_ID, "element_edit")) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($IBLOCK_ID, $ELEMENT_ID, array("force_catalog" => $bCatalog, "filter_section" => $SECTION_ID, "bxpublic" => "Y", "from_module" => "iblock", "return_url" => $return_url["edit_element"])) . $s; $action = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => $url, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 700, 'height' => 400, 'resize' => false))); $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_EDIT_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_EDIT_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_EDIT"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_EDIT_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_EDIT_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_EDIT"], "ACTION" => 'javascript:' . $action, "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => $action, "DEFAULT" => $APPLICATION->GetPublicShowMode() != 'configure' ? true : false, "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-edit-icon", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-edit-element"); $arButtons["edit"]["edit_element"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["edit_element"] = $arButton; $url = str_replace("&bxpublic=Y&from_module=iblock", "", $url); $arButton["ACTION"] = "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')"; unset($arButton["ONCLICK"]); $arButtons["submenu"]["edit_element"] = $arButton; if ($bWorkflow) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/iblock_history_list.php?type=" . $arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"] . "&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&IBLOCK_ID=" . $IBLOCK_ID . "&ELEMENT_ID=" . $ELEMENT_ID . "&filter_section=" . $SECTION_ID . "&return_url=" . UrlEncode($return_url["history_element"]); $arButton = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_PANEL_HISTORY_BUTTON"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_PANEL_HISTORY_BUTTON"), "ACTION" => "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ONCLICK" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-history-element"); $arButtons["submenu"]["history_element"] = $arButton; } } if (CIBlockSectionRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID, "section_element_bind")) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($IBLOCK_ID, null, array("force_catalog" => $bCatalog, "filter_section" => $SECTION_ID, "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => $SECTION_ID, "bxpublic" => "Y", "from_module" => "iblock", "return_url" => $return_url["add_element"])); $action = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => $url, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 700, 'height' => 400, 'resize' => false))); $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_ADD_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_ADD_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_ADD"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_ADD_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_ADD_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_ADD"], "ACTION" => 'javascript:' . $action, "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => $action, "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-create-icon", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-add-element"); $arButtons["edit"]["add_element"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["add_element"] = $arButton; $arButtons["intranet"][] = array('TEXT' => $arButton["TEXT"], 'TITLE' => $arButton["TITLE"], 'ICON' => 'add', 'ONCLICK' => $arButton["ACTION"], 'SORT' => 1000); $url = str_replace("&bxpublic=Y&from_module=iblock", "", $url); $arButton["ACTION"] = "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')"; unset($arButton["ONCLICK"]); $arButtons["submenu"]["add_element"] = $arButton; } if ($ELEMENT_ID > 0 && CIBlockElementRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $ELEMENT_ID, "element_delete")) { //Delete Element if (!empty($arButtons["edit"])) { $arButtons["edit"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } if (!empty($arButtons["configure"])) { $arButtons["configure"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } if (!empty($arButtons["submenu"])) { $arButtons["submenu"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } $url = CIBlock::GetAdminElementListLink($IBLOCK_ID, array('action' => 'delete')); if ($bSessID) { $url .= '&' . bitrix_sessid_get(); } $url .= '&ID=' . (preg_match('/^iblock_list_admin\\.php/', $url) ? "E" : "") . $ELEMENT_ID . "&return_url=" . UrlEncode($return_url["delete_element"]); $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . $url; $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_DELETE_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_DELETE_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_DELETE"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENT_DELETE_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENT_DELETE_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENT_DELETE"], "ACTION" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessageJS("IBLOCK_PANEL_ELEMENT_DEL_CONF") . "'))jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => "if(confirm('" . GetMessageJS("IBLOCK_PANEL_ELEMENT_DEL_CONF") . "'))jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-delete-icon", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-delete-element"); $arButtons["edit"]["delete_element"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["delete_element"] = $arButton; $arButtons["submenu"]["delete_element"] = $arButton; } if ($ELEMENT_ID <= 0 && $bSectionButtons) { $rsIBTYPE = CIBlockType::GetByID($arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"]); if (($arIBTYPE = $rsIBTYPE->Fetch()) && $arIBTYPE["SECTIONS"] == "Y") { if ($SECTION_ID > 0 && CIBlockSectionRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID, "section_edit")) { if (!empty($arButtons["edit"])) { $arButtons["edit"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } if (!empty($arButtons["configure"])) { $arButtons["configure"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } if (!empty($arButtons["submenu"])) { $arButtons["submenu"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminSectionEditLink($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID, array("force_catalog" => $bCatalog, "filter_section" => $SECTION_ID, "bxpublic" => "Y", "from_module" => "iblock", "return_url" => $return_url["edit_section"])); $action = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => $url, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 700, 'height' => 400, 'resize' => false))); $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_EDIT_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_EDIT_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_EDIT"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_EDIT_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_EDIT_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_EDIT"], "ACTION" => 'javascript:' . $action, "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-edit-icon", "ONCLICK" => $action, "DEFAULT" => $APPLICATION->GetPublicShowMode() != 'configure' ? true : false, "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-edit-section"); $arButtons["edit"]["edit_section"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["edit_section"] = $arButton; $url = str_replace("&bxpublic=Y&from_module=iblock", "", $url); $arButton["ACTION"] = "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')"; unset($arButton["ONCLICK"]); $arButtons["submenu"]["edit_section"] = $arButton; } if (CIBlockSectionRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID, "section_section_bind")) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminSectionEditLink($IBLOCK_ID, null, array("force_catalog" => $bCatalog, "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => $SECTION_ID, "filter_section" => $SECTION_ID, "bxpublic" => "Y", "from_module" => "iblock", "return_url" => $return_url["add_section"])); $action = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => $url, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 700, 'height' => 400, 'resize' => false))); $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_ADD_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_ADD_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_ADD"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_ADD_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_ADD_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_ADD"], "ACTION" => 'javascript:' . $action, "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-create-icon", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-add-section", "ONCLICK" => $action); $arButtons["edit"]["add_section"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["add_section"] = $arButton; $url = str_replace("&bxpublic=Y&from_module=iblock", "", $url); $arButton["ACTION"] = "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')"; unset($arButton["ONCLICK"]); $arButtons["submenu"]["add_section"] = $arButton; } //Delete section if ($SECTION_ID > 0 && CIBlockSectionRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $SECTION_ID, "section_delete")) { $url = CIBlock::GetAdminSectionListLink($IBLOCK_ID, array('action' => 'delete')); if ($bSessID) { $url .= '&' . bitrix_sessid_get(); } $url .= '&ID[]=' . (preg_match('/^iblock_list_admin\\.php/', $url) ? "S" : "") . $SECTION_ID . "&return_url=" . UrlEncode($return_url["delete_section"]); $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . $url; $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_DELETE_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_DELETE_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_DELETE"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["SECTION_DELETE_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["SECTION_DELETE_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["SECTION_DELETE"], "ACTION" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessageJS("IBLOCK_PANEL_SECTION_DEL_CONF") . "'))jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => "if(confirm('" . GetMessageJS("IBLOCK_PANEL_SECTION_DEL_CONF") . "'))jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ICON" => "bx-context-toolbar-delete-icon", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-delete-section"); $arButtons["edit"]["delete_section"] = $arButton; $arButtons["configure"]["delete_section"] = $arButton; $arButtons["submenu"]["delete_section"] = $arButton; } } } if ($IBLOCK_ID > 0 && CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $IBLOCK_ID, "iblock_admin_display")) { if (!empty($arButtons["submenu"])) { $arButtons["submenu"][] = array("SEPARATOR" => "Y", "HREF" => ""); } if ($SECTION_ID > 0) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminElementListLink($IBLOCK_ID, array('find_section_section' => $SECTION_ID)); } else { $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminElementListLink($IBLOCK_ID, array('find_el_y' => 'Y')); } $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENTS_NAME_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENTS_NAME_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENTS_NAME"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["ELEMENTS_NAME_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["ELEMENTS_NAME_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["ELEMENTS_NAME"], "ACTION" => "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-elements-list"); $arButtons["submenu"]["element_list"] = $arButton; $arButtons["intranet"]["element_list"] = array('TEXT' => $arButton["TEXT"], 'TITLE' => $arButton["TITLE"], 'ICON' => 'settings', 'ONCLICK' => $arButton["ACTION"], 'SORT' => 1010); $url = "/bitrix/admin/" . CIBlock::GetAdminSectionListLink($IBLOCK_ID, array('find_section_section' => $SECTION_ID)); $arButton = array("TEXT" => strlen($arLabels["SECTIONS_NAME_TEXT"]) ? $arLabels["SECTIONS_NAME_TEXT"] : $arIBlock["SECTIONS_NAME"], "TITLE" => strlen($arLabels["SECTIONS_NAME_TITLE"]) ? $arLabels["SECTIONS_NAME_TITLE"] : $arIBlock["SECTIONS_NAME"], "ACTION" => "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-sections-list"); $arButtons["submenu"]["section_list"] = $arButton; if (CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $IBLOCK_ID, "iblock_edit")) { $url = "/bitrix/admin/iblock_edit.php?type=" . $arIBlock["IBLOCK_TYPE_ID"] . "&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&ID=" . $IBLOCK_ID . "&return_url=" . UrlEncode($return_url["edit_iblock"]); $arButton = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_PANEL_EDIT_IBLOCK_BUTTON", array("#IBLOCK_NAME#" => $arIBlock["NAME"])), "TITLE" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_PANEL_EDIT_IBLOCK_BUTTON", array("#IBLOCK_NAME#" => $arIBlock["NAME"])), "ACTION" => "javascript:jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ACTION_URL" => $url, "ONCLICK" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape($url) . "')", "ID" => "bx-context-toolbar-edit-iblock"); $arButtons["submenu"]["edit_iblock"] = $arButton; } } return $arButtons; }