Example #1
    $sql_option_id = mysql_query("SELECT options FROM sohorepro_plotting_set WHERE company_id = '" . $company_id_view_plot . "' AND user_id = '" . $user_id_add_set . "' AND order_id = '0' ORDER BY options DESC LIMIT 1");
    $object_option = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_option_id);
    if (count($object_option['options']) > 0) {
        $options = $object_option['options'] + 1;
    } else {
        $options = '1';
    $query = "INSERT INTO sohorepro_plotting_set\n\t\t\tSET     referece_id     = '" . $job_reference . "',\n                                origininals     = '" . $original . "',\n                                options         = '" . $options . "',  \n                                print_ea        = '" . $print_ea . "',\n                                size            = '" . $size . "',\n                                custome_details = '" . $size_custom . "',    \n                                output          = '" . $output . "',\n                                media           = '" . $media . "',\n                                binding         = '" . $binding . "',\n                                folding         = '" . $folding . "',\n                                plot_arch       = '" . $plot_arch . "',\n                                spl_instruction = '" . $special_instruction . "',\n                                custom_size     = '" . $size_custom_val . "',\n                                output_both     = '" . $output_both_val . "',\n                                pick_up         = '" . $pickup_date . "', \n                                pick_up_time    = '" . $pickup_time . "',\n                                drop_off        = '" . $drop_val . "',\n                                ftp_link        = '" . $ftp_link_val . "', \n                                user_name       = '" . $user_name_val . "',\n                                password        = '******',\n                                company_id      = '" . $company_id_view_plot . "',\n                                user_id         = '" . $user_id_add_set . "' ";
    $sql_result = mysql_query($query);
    $enteredPlotPrimay = EnteredPlotttingPrimary($company_id_view_plot, $user_id_add_set);
    $count_option = count($enteredPlotPrimay) + 1;
    $_SESSION['ref_val'] = $_POST['job_reference'];
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($enteredPlotPrimay as $plot) {
        $job_type = $plot['plot_arch'] == '1' ? 'Plotting' : 'Architecture';
        $file_upload_exist = UploadFileExist($_SESSION['sohorepro_companyid'], $_SESSION['sohorepro_userid']);
        <div class="plot_container" style="width: 100%;float: left;border: 1px #FF7E00 solid;margin-bottom: 20px;">
            <div class="plot_wrap" style="padding: 5px;">
                <div style="width: 100%;float: left;margin-bottom: 10px;">
                    <div style="float: left;width: 45%;font-weight: bold;">Job Option - <?php 
        echo $i;
                    <div style="float: left;width: 50%;font-weight: bold;text-align: right;cursor: pointer;" onclick="return delete_added_job(<?php 
        echo $plot['id'];
);"><span style="background: #D84B36;color: #FFF;padding: 2px 8px;border-radius: 5px;margin-top: 3px;font-weight: bold;">Delete</span></div>
                    <li><label>Job Type </label><p>: <?php 
Example #2
       <input type="hidden" name="jobref_id" id="jobref_id" value="" />
       <input type="hidden" name="company_id" id="company_id" value="" />   
       <input type="hidden" name="drop_off_select_val" id="drop_off_select_val" value="" />
       <input type="hidden" name="continue_ok" id="continue_ok" value="0" />
   <div  id="set">
       <input type="hidden" name="pri_inc_val" id="pri_inc_val" value="1" />
 <li class="clear">
     <!-- FOR EACH START -->  
   $user_id_add_set        = $_SESSION['sohorepro_userid'];
   $company_id_view_plot   = $_SESSION['sohorepro_companyid']; 
   $check_plotting         = PlottingSetWithoutOrderId($company_id_view_plot, $user_id_add_set);
   $check_plotting_needed  = PlottingNeededSetWithoutOrderId($company_id_view_plot, $user_id_add_set);   
   $check_plotting_files   = UploadFileExist($company_id_view_plot, $user_id_add_set);
   if(count($check_plotting) > 0){
       $delete_empty = "DELETE FROM sohorepro_plotting_set WHERE company_id = '".$company_id_view_plot."' AND user_id = '".$user_id_add_set."' AND order_id = '0'";
   if(count($check_plotting_needed) > 0){
       $delete_empty = "DELETE FROM sohorepro_sets_needed WHERE comp_id = '".$company_id_view_plot."' AND usr_id = '".$user_id_add_set."' AND order_id = '0'";
   if(count($check_plotting_files) > 0){
       $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM sohorepro_upload_files_set WHERE comp_id = '".$company_id_view_plot."' AND user_id = '".$user_id_add_set."' AND order_id = '0' ";
 <div id="content_output-data" style="margin-bottom:20px;">  
<!--- TABLE START -->
<?php // include "./service_nav.php"; ?>
<div id="orderWapper">
<div class="orderBreadCrumb">

$user_session_comp      = $_SESSION['sohorepro_companyid'];
$user_session            = $_SESSION['sohorepro_userid'];
$entered_needed_sets     = NeededSets($user_session_comp, $user_session);
$total_sets              = SetsOrderedFinalizeCountOfSetsCustomer($user_session_comp, $user_session);
$upload_file_exist       = UploadFileExist($user_session_comp, $user_session);

  <h2 class="headline-interior orange">
	Delivery Job Reference: <?php echo $_SESSION['ref_val']; ?>
<div style="float: left;margin-top: 12px;margin-bottom: 20px;" class="shaddows">
                            <div class="ribbon" id="ribbon_final"><span style="background: #79A70A !important;">ORIGINAL</span></div>
                        <div style="width: 100%;float: left;margin-top: 25px;margin-bottom: 10px;">
                <div class="details_div">
                <!-- Customer Details Start -->
                <div style="float: left;width: 65%;margin-left: 30px;margin-top: 7px;font-weight: bold;">Customer Details: </div>
                <div style="float: left;width: 33%;margin-left: 30px;">