Example #1
    if (!is_singular()) {
        if (strpos($content, 'class="more-link') && strpos($content, 'href="#fn')) {
            global $post;
            $content = str_replace('href="#fn', 'href="' . get_permalink() . '#fn', $content);
    return $content;
// == TRANSFORM == //
// A simple hack for using Markdown in term descriptions, widgets, and any other place you wish to transform on demand
// Requires: Jetpack or JP Markdown
// Warning 1: Markdown is left as raw text in the database; conversion only happens when filter runs so you're effectively locked in once you start using this!
// Warning 2: this is also a security risk on multi-user blogs!
function transform($content)
    if (class_exists('WPCom_Markdown')) {
        $markdown = \WPCom_Markdown::get_instance();
        $content = $markdown->transform($content, ['unslash' => false]);
    return $content;
// Additional Markdown transforms in various places; requires JP Markdown or equivalent
if ($options['transform']) {
    \Ubik\add_filters(array_merge($options['transform'], $options['transform_more']), __NAMESPACE__ . '\\transform');
// == VARIOUS == //
// Check whether Markdown is enabled in comments (set by Jetpack and JP Markdown plugins among others)
function comments_enabled()
    return (bool) get_option('wpcom_publish_comments_with_markdown');
Example #2
    return '%s';
if ($options['clean_post_title_private']) {
    add_filter('private_title_format', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\clean_post_title_format');
if ($options['clean_post_title_protected']) {
    add_filter('protected_title_format', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\clean_post_title_format');
// Clean unnecessary self-closing tags; originally via Soil: https://github.com/roots/soil/
function clean_self_closing_tags($input)
    return str_replace(' />', '>', $input);
if ($options['clean_self_closing_tags']) {
    \Ubik\add_filters(['comment_id_fields', 'get_avatar', 'post_thumbnail_html'], __NAMESPACE__ . '\\clean_self_closing_tags');
// Clean up output of stylesheet <link> tags; via Soil: https://github.com/roots/soil/
function clean_style_tag($input)
    preg_match_all("!<link rel='stylesheet'\\s?(id='[^']+')?\\s+href='(.*)' type='text/css' media='(.*)' />!", $input, $matches);
    if (empty($matches[2])) {
        return $input;
    $media = $matches[3][0] !== '' && $matches[3][0] !== 'all' ? ' media="' . $matches[3][0] . '"' : '';
    // Only display media if it is meaningful
    return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $matches[2][0] . '"' . $media . '>' . "\n";
if ($options['clean_style_tag']) {
    add_filter('style_loader_tag', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\clean_style_tag');