Example #1
*   Diaplay the product catalog items.
*   @return string      HTML for product catalog.
function PAYPAL_ProductList($cat_id = 0, $search = '')
    if (SEC_hasRights('paypal.admin')) {
        $isAdmin = true;
    } else {
        $isAdmin = false;
    $my_groups = implode(',', $_GROUPS);
    $cat_name = '';
    $breadcrumbs = '';
    $cat_img_url = '';
    $display = '';
    if ($cat_id != 0) {
        $Cat = new Category($cat_id);
        if ($Cat->isNew || !$Cat->hasAccess()) {
            echo COM_refresh(PAYPAL_URL);
        $breadcrumbs = PAYPAL_Breadcrumbs($cat_id);
        $cat_name = $Cat->name;
        $cat_desc = $Cat->description;
        $cat_img_url = $Cat->ImageUrl();
    // Display categories
    if (isset($_PP_CONF['cat_columns']) && $_PP_CONF['cat_columns'] > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT cat.cat_id, cat.cat_name, count(prod.id) AS cnt\n            FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.categories']} cat\n            LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['paypal.products']} prod\n                ON prod.cat_id = cat.cat_id\n            WHERE cat.enabled = '1' AND cat.parent_id = '{$cat_id}'\n                AND prod.enabled = '1' " . PAYPAL_buildAccessSql('AND', 'cat.grp_access') . " GROUP BY cat.cat_id\n            ORDER BY cat.cat_name";
        //HAVING cnt > 0
        //echo $sql;die;
        $res = DB_query($sql);
        $A = array();
        while ($C = DB_fetchArray($res, false)) {
            $A[$C['cat_id']] = array($C['cat_name'], $C['cnt']);
        // Now get categories from plugins
        foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) {
            $function = 'USES_' . $pi_name . '_paypal';
            if (function_exists($function)) {
                $function = 'plugin_paypal_getcategories_' . $pi_name;
                if (function_exists($function)) {
                    $pi_cats = $function();
                    foreach ($pi_cats as $catid => $data) {
                        $A[$catid] = $data;
        $i = 1;
        $catrows = count($A);
        if ($catrows > 0) {
            $CT = new Template(PAYPAL_PI_PATH . '/templates');
            $CT->set_file(array('table' => 'category_table.thtml', 'row' => 'category_row.thtml', 'category' => 'category.thtml'));
            //$CT->set_var('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs);
            if ($cat_img_url != '') {
                $CT->set_var('catimg_url', $cat_img_url);
            $CT->set_var('width', floor(100 / $_PP_CONF['cat_columns']));
            foreach ($A as $category => $info) {
                $CT->set_var(array('category_name' => $info[0], 'category_link' => PAYPAL_URL . '/index.php?category=' . urlencode($category)));
                /*if ($category == $cat) {
                      $CT->set_var('curr', 'current');
                      $cat_name = $info[0];
                  } else {
                      $CT->set_var('curr', 'other');
                $CT->parse('catrow', 'category', true);
                if ($i % $_PP_CONF['cat_columns'] == 0) {
                    $CT->parse('categories', 'row', true);
                    $CT->set_var('catrow', '');
            if ($catrows % $_PP_CONF['cat_columns'] != 0) {
                $CT->parse('categories', 'row', true);
            $display .= $CT->parse('', 'table');
    //$sortdir = $_REQUEST['sortdir'] == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
    //$sql_sortdir = $sortdir;
    $sortby = isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) ? $_REQUEST['sortby'] : $_PP_CONF['order'];
    switch ($sortby) {
        case 'price_l2h':
            // price, low to high
            $sql_sortby = 'price';
            $sql_sortdir = 'ASC';
        case 'price_h2l':
            $sql_sortby = 'price';
            $sql_sortdir = 'DESC';
        case 'top_rated':
            $sql_sortby = 'rating';
            $sql_sortdir = 'DESC';
        case 'newest':
            $sql_sortby = 'dt_add';
            $sql_sortdir = 'DESC';
        case 'name':
            $sql_sortby = 'short_description';
            $sql_sortdir = 'ASC';
            /*case 'price':
              case 'dt_add':
                  $sql_sortby = $sortby;
              case 'rating':
                  $sql_sortby = 'rating';
        /*case 'price':
          case 'dt_add':
              $sql_sortby = $sortby;
          case 'rating':
              $sql_sortby = 'rating';
            $sortby = $_PP_CONF['order'];
            $sql_sortby = $sortby;
            $sql_sortdir = 'ASC';
    $sortby_options = '';
    foreach ($LANG_PP['list_sort_options'] as $value => $text) {
        $sel = $value == $sortby ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $sortby_options .= "<option value=\"{$value}\" {$sel}>{$text}</option>\n";
    //$sortby = $_PP_CONF['order'];
    //$sortdir = 'ASC';
    // Get products from database. "c.enabled is null" is to allow products
    // with no category defined
    $today = $_PP_CONF['now']->toMySQL();
    $sql = " FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.products']} p\n            LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['paypal.categories']} c\n                ON p.cat_id = c.cat_id\n            WHERE p.enabled=1\n            AND p.avail_beg <= '{$today}' AND p.avail_end >= '{$today}'\n            AND (\n                (c.enabled=1 " . PAYPAL_buildAccessSql('AND', 'c.grp_access') . ")\n                OR c.enabled IS NULL\n                )\n            AND (\n                p.track_onhand = 0 OR p.onhand > 0 OR p.oversell < 2\n                )";
    // Add search query, if any
    if (isset($_REQUEST['query']) && !empty($_REQUEST['query']) && !isset($_REQUEST['clearsearch'])) {
        $srchitem = DB_escapeString($_REQUEST['query']);
        $fields = array('p.name', 'c.cat_name', 'p.short_description', 'p.description', 'p.keywords');
        $srches = array();
        foreach ($fields as $fname) {
            $srches[] = "{$fname} like '%{$srchitem}%'";
        $srch = ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $srches) . ')';
        $sql .= $srch;
    $pagenav_args = array();
    // If applicable, limit by category
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['category'])) {
        $cat_list = $_REQUEST['category'];
        $cat_list .= PAYPAL_recurseCats('PAYPAL_callbackCatCommaList', 0, $_REQUEST['category']);
        if (!empty($cat_list)) {
            $sql .= " AND c.cat_id IN ({$cat_list})";
        $pagenav_args[] = 'category=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['category']);
    } else {
        $cat_list = '';
        // If applicable, limit by search string
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['search_name'])) {
            $srch = DB_escapeString($_REQUEST['search_name']);
            $sql .= " AND (p.name like '%$srch%' OR
                    p.short_description like '%$srch%' OR
                    p.description like '%$srch%' OR
                    p.keywords like '%$srch%')";
            //if (!$isAdmin) $sql .= " AND p.grp_access IN ($my_groups) ";
            $pagenav_args[] = 'search_name=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['search_name']);
    // If applicable, order by
    $sql .= " ORDER BY {$sql_sortby} {$sql_sortdir}";
    //echo $sql;die;
    // If applicable, handle pagination of query
    if (isset($_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']) && $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page'] > 0) {
        // Count products from database
        $res = DB_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt ' . $sql);
        $x = DB_fetchArray($res, false);
        if (isset($x['cnt'])) {
            $count = (int) $x['cnt'];
        } else {
            $count = 0;
        // Make sure page requested is reasonable, if not, fix it
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['page']) || $_REQUEST['page'] <= 0) {
            $_REQUEST['page'] = 1;
        $page = (int) $_REQUEST['page'];
        $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page'];
        if ($start_limit > $count) {
            $page = ceil($count / $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']);
        // Add limit for pagination (if applicable)
        if ($count > $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']) {
            $sql .= " LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']}";
    // Re-execute query with the limit clause in place
    $res = DB_query('SELECT DISTINCT p.id ' . $sql);
    // Create product template
    if (empty($_PP_CONF['list_tpl_ver'])) {
        $_PP_CONF['list_tpl_ver'] = 'v1';
    $product = new Template(PAYPAL_PI_PATH . '/templates');
    $product->set_file(array('start' => 'product_list_start.thtml', 'end' => 'product_list_end.thtml', 'product' => 'list/' . $_PP_CONF['list_tpl_ver'] . '/product_list_item.thtml', 'download' => 'buttons/btn_download.thtml', 'login_req' => 'buttons/btn_login_req.thtml', 'btn_details' => 'buttons/btn_details.thtml'));
    $product->set_var(array('pi_url' => PAYPAL_URL, 'user_id' => $_USER['uid'], 'currency' => $_PP_CONF['currency'], 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'search_text' => $srchitem, 'uikit' => $_PP_CONF['_is_uikit'] ? 'true' : '', 'tpl_ver' => $_PP_CONF['list_tpl_ver']));
    if (!empty($cat_name)) {
        $product->set_var('title', $cat_name);
        $product->set_var('cat_desc', $cat_desc);
        $product->set_var('cat_img_url', $cat_img_url);
    } else {
        $product->set_var('title', $LANG_PP['blocktitle']);
    $product->set_var('sortby_options', $sortby_options);
    /*if ($sortdir == 'DESC') {
          $product->set_var('sortdir_desc_sel', ' selected="selected"');
      } else {
          $product->set_var('sortdir_asc_sel', ' selected="selected"');
    $product->set_var('sortby', $sortby);
    //$product->set_var('sortdir', $sortdir);
    $display .= $product->parse('', 'start');
    // Create an empty product object
    $P = new Product();
    if ($_PP_CONF['ena_ratings'] == 1) {
        $PP_ratedIds = RATING_getRatedIds('paypal');
    // Display each product
    $prodrows = 0;
    while ($A = DB_fetchArray($res, false)) {
        if ($_PP_CONF['ena_ratings'] == 1 && $P->rating_enabled == 1) {
            // can't rate from list page, messes with product links
            $static = true;
            $rating_box = RATING_ratingBar('paypal', $A['id'], $P->votes, $P->rating, $voted, 5, $static, 'sm');
            $product->set_var('rating_bar', $rating_box);
        } else {
            $product->set_var('rating_bar', '');
        $pic_filename = DB_getItem($_TABLES['paypal.images'], 'filename', "product_id = '{$A['id']}'");
        $product->set_var(array('id' => $A['id'], 'name' => htmlspecialchars($P->name), 'short_description' => htmlspecialchars(PLG_replacetags($P->short_description)), 'img_cell_width' => $_PP_CONF['max_thumb_size'] + 20, 'encrypted' => '', 'item_url' => COM_buildURL(PAYPAL_URL . '/detail.php?id=' . $A['id']), 'img_cell_width' => $_PP_CONF['max_thumb_size'] + 20, 'track_onhand' => $P->track_onhand ? 'true' : '', 'qty_onhand' => $P->onhand, 'has_discounts' => $P->hasDiscounts() ? 'true' : '', 'price' => $P->getPrice() > 0 ? $P->currency->Format($P->price) : '', 'sale_price' => $P->currency->Format($P->sale_price), 'on_sale' => $P->isOnSale() ? 'true' : '', 'small_pic' => $pic_filename ? PAYPAL_ImageUrl($pic_filename) : '', 'tpl_ver' => $_PP_CONF['list_tpl_ver']));
        if ($isAdmin) {
            $product->set_var(array('is_admin' => 'true', 'pi_admin_url' => PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL, 'edit_icon' => "{$_CONF['layout_url']}/images/edit.{$_IMAGE_TYPE}"));
        // FIXME: If a user purchased once with no expiration, this query
        // will not operate correctly
        /*$time = DB_getItem($_TABLES['paypal.purchases'],
                      "user_id = {$_USER['uid']} AND product_id ='{$A['id']}'");
        $product->set_block('product', 'BtnBlock', 'Btn');
        if (!$P->hasAttributes()) {
            // Buttons only show in the list if there are no options to select
            $buttons = $P->PurchaseLinks();
            foreach ($buttons as $name => $html) {
                $product->set_var('button', $html);
                $product->parse('Btn', 'BtnBlock', true);
        } else {
            if ($_PP_CONF['ena_cart']) {
                // If the product has attributes, then the cart must be
                // enabled to allow purchasing
                $button = $product->parse('', 'btn_details') . '&nbsp;';
                $product->set_var('button', $button);
                $product->parse('Btn', 'BtnBlock', true);
        $display .= $product->parse('', 'product');
    // Get products from plugins.
    // For now, this hack shows plugins only on the first page, since
    // they're not included in the page calculation.
    if ($page == 1 && empty($cat_list)) {
        // Get the currency class for formatting prices
        $Cur = new ppCurrency($_PP_CONF['currency']);
        // no ratings for plugins (yet)
        foreach ($_PLUGINS as $pi_name) {
            $status = LGLIB_invokeService($pi_name, 'getproducts', array(), $plugin_data, $svc_msg);
            if ($status != PLG_RET_OK || empty($plugin_data)) {
            foreach ($plugin_data as $A) {
                // Reset button values
                $buttons = '';
                $product->set_var(array('id' => $A['id'], 'name' => $A['name'], 'short_description' => $A['short_description'], 'display' => '; display: none', 'small_pic' => '', 'encrypted' => '', 'item_url' => $A['url'], 'track_onhand' => '', 'small_pic' => !empty($A['image']) ? PAYPAL_ImageUrl($A['image']) : ''));
                if ($A['price'] > 0) {
                    $product->set_var('price', $Cur->Format($A['price']));
                } else {
                if ($A['price'] > 0 && $_USER['uid'] == 1 && !$_PP_CONF['anon_buy']) {
                    $buttons .= $product->set_var('', 'login_req') . '&nbsp;';
                } elseif ($A['prod_type'] > PP_PROD_PHYSICAL && $A['price'] == 0) {
                    // Free items or items purchases and not expired, download.
                    $buttons .= $product->set_var('', 'download') . '&nbsp;';
                } elseif (is_array($A['buttons'])) {
                    // Buttons for everyone else
                    $product->set_block('product', 'BtnBlock', 'Btn');
                    foreach ($A['buttons'] as $type => $html) {
                        $product->set_var('button', $html);
                        $product->parse('Btn', 'BtnBlock', true);
                //$product->set_var('buttons', $buttons);
                $display .= $product->parse('', 'product');
            // foreach plugin_data
        // foreach $_PLUGINS
    // if page == 1
    if ($catrows == 0 && COM_isAnonUser()) {
        $product->set_var('anon_and_empty', 'true');
    $pagenav_args = empty($pagenav_args) ? '' : '?' . implode('&', $pagenav_args);
    // Display pagination
    if (isset($_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']) && $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page'] > 0 && $count > $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page']) {
        $product->set_var('pagination', COM_printPageNavigation(PAYPAL_URL . '/index.php' . $pagenav_args, $page, ceil($count / $_PP_CONF['prod_per_page'])));
    } else {
        $product->set_var('pagination', '');
    $display .= $product->parse('', 'end');
    return $display;
Example #2
*   Category Admin List View.
*   @return string      HTML for the category listing
function PAYPAL_adminlist_Category()
    global $_CONF, $_PP_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_PP, $_USER, $LANG_ADMIN;
    // Actually used by PAYPAL_getAdminField_Category()
    $sql = "SELECT \n                cat.cat_id, cat.cat_name, cat.description, cat.enabled,\n                parent.cat_name as pcat\n            FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.categories']} cat\n            LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['paypal.categories']} parent\n            ON cat.parent_id = parent.cat_id";
    $header_arr = array(array('text' => 'ID', 'field' => 'cat_id', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['edit'], 'field' => 'edit', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG_PP['enabled'], 'field' => 'enabled', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'), array('text' => $LANG_PP['category'], 'field' => 'cat_name', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_PP['description'], 'field' => 'description', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_PP['parent_cat'], 'field' => 'pcat', 'sort' => true), array('text' => $LANG_ADMIN['delete'], 'field' => 'delete', 'sort' => false, 'align' => 'center'));
    $defsort_arr = array('field' => 'cat_id', 'direction' => 'asc');
    $display .= COM_startBlock('', '', COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'header'));
    $query_arr = array('table' => 'paypal.categories', 'sql' => $sql, 'query_fields' => array('cat.name', 'cat.description'), 'default_filter' => 'WHERE 1=1');
    $text_arr = array('has_extras' => true, 'form_url' => PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php');
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['query_limit'])) {
        $_GET['query_limit'] = 20;
    $display .= ADMIN_list('paypal', 'PAYPAL_getAdminField_Category', $header_arr, $text_arr, $query_arr, $defsort_arr, '', '', '', '');
    $display .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer'));
    return $display;
Example #3
         header('Content-Type: text/xml');
         header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
         //A date in the past
         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
         echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <info>' . "\n";
         echo "<newval>{$newval}</newval>\n";
         echo "<id>{$_REQUEST['id']}</id>\n";
         echo "<type>{$_REQUEST['type']}</type>\n";
         echo "<component>{$_REQUEST['component']}</component>\n";
         echo "<imgurl>{$img_url}</imgurl>\n";
         echo "<baseurl>" . PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL . "</baseurl>\n";
         echo "</info>\n";
     case 'category':
         switch ($_GET['type']) {
             case 'enabled':
                 $newval = Category::toggleEnabled($_REQUEST['oldval'], $_REQUEST['id']);
         $img_url = PAYPAL_URL . '/images/';
         $img_url .= $newval == 1 ? 'on.png' : 'off.png';
         header('Content-Type: text/xml');
         header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
         //A date in the past
         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
         echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <info>' . "\n";