/** * display * * @return void */ public function display() { $id = (int) $_GET['avatar']; // Get user info $sql = "SELECT `id`, `fname`, `lname`, `maiden`, `avatar`, `gravatar`\n FROM `fcms_users`\n WHERE `id` = ?"; $row = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $id); if ($row === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $name = cleanOutput($row['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($row['lname']); echo ' <form id="frm" name="frm" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="?avatar=' . $id . '" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend><span>' . sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a persons full name', 'Picture for %s'), $name) . '</span></legend> <div class="field-row"> <div class="field-label"><b>' . T_('Current Picture') . '</b></div> <div class="field-widget"> <img src="' . getCurrentAvatar($id) . '"/> </div> </div>'; $this->displayUploadArea(); echo ' <p> <input type="hidden" name="avatar_orig" value="' . cleanOutput($row['avatar']) . '"/> <input class="sub1" type="submit" name="submitUpload" id="submitUpload" value="' . T_('Submit') . '"/> <a href="familytree.php">' . T_('Cancel') . '</a> </p> </fieldset> </form>'; }
/** * displayHeader * * @return void */ function displayHeader() { print ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the name of the website', 'Register for %s.'), getSiteName()) . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="author" content="Ryan Haudenschilt" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui/css/fcms-core.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/livevalidation.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#username") .focus() .change(checkAvailability); }); function checkAvailability() { $("#username").next("span").remove(); $.ajax({ type : "GET", url : "register.php", data : { ajax : 1, username : $("#username").val(), } }) .success (function (data) { if (data === "available") { $("#username").after("<span class=\\"available\\">' . T_('Available') . '</span>"); } else if (data === "unavailable") { $("#username").addClass("LV_invalid_field"); $("#username").after("<span class=\\"LV_validation_message LV_invalid\\">' . T_('That username has already been taken.') . '</span>"); } else { alert("' . T_('Could not check availability of username.') . '"); } }) .error (function() { alert("' . T_('There was an error with the connection.') . '"); }); } </script> </head> <body>'; }
/** * displayHeader * * @return void */ function displayHeader() { echo ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . getSiteName() . ' - ' . T_('powered by') . ' ' . getCurrentVersion() . '</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/fcms.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui/css/fcms-core.css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { initAttendingEvent(); }); </script> </head> <body id="invitation" class="clearfix"> <img id="logo" src="ui/img/logo.gif" alt="' . getSiteName() . '"/>'; }
/** * displayHeader * * @return void */ function displayHeader() { echo ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . getSiteName() . ' - ' . T_('powered by') . ' ' . getCurrentVersion() . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="author" content="Ryan Haudenschilt" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . URL_PREFIX . 'ui/themes/default/style.css"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . URL_PREFIX . 'ui/themes/favicon.ico"/>'; // TODO // Move css to fcms-core echo ' <style type="text/css"> html { background: #fff; } body { width: 600px; margin: 0; padding: 20px; text-align: left; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; border: none; background: #fff; } form div, form { display: inline; } td.n { padding: 2px; text-align: right; width: 75px; } td.v { text-align: center; width: 30px; } td.file { padding: 0 5px; text-align: left; width: 150px; } tr.alt { background-color: #f4f4f4; } .delbtn, .viewbtn { padding: 0 } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function insertUpImage(str) { var textarea = window.opener.document.getElementById(\'post\'); if (textarea) { if (textarea.value == "message") { textarea.value = str + " "; } else { textarea.value += str + " "; } textarea.focus(); } javascript:window.close(); return true; } //]]> </script> </head> <body>'; }
/** * displayHeader * * @return void */ function displayHeader() { echo ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>Family Connections ' . T_('Installation') . '</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui/css/fcms-core.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/livevalidation.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui/css/datechooser.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/js/datechooser.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var objDatePicker = new DateChooser(); objDatePicker.setUpdateField({"day":"j", "month":"n", "year":"Y"}); objDatePicker.setIcon("ui/themes/default/img/datepicker.jpg", "year"); return true; }); </script> </head> <body>'; }
/** * getWhatsNewDataAddressEditTextInfo * * @param array $data * @todo this should probably just say 'updated address' * then the object info should show the details below * * @return string */ function getWhatsNewDataAddressEditTextInfo($data) { $titleType = T_('address'); if ($data['title'] == 'email') { $titleType = T_('email address'); } elseif ($data['title'] == 'home') { $titleType = T_('home phone number'); } elseif ($data['title'] == 'work') { $titleType = T_('work phone number'); } elseif ($data['title'] == 'cell') { $titleType = T_('cell phone number'); } $address = '<a href="addressbook.php?address=' . (int) $data['id'] . '">' . $titleType . '</a>'; if ($data['id2'] != $data['userid']) { $user = getUserDisplayName($data['userid']); $text = sprintf(T_pgettext('Example: "Updated the <address/phone/email> for <name>."', 'Updated the %s for %s.'), $address, $user); } else { if ($data['id3'] == 'F') { $text = sprintf(T_pgettext('Example: "Updated her <address/phone/email>."', 'Updated her %s.'), $address); } else { $text = sprintf(T_pgettext('Example: "Updated his <address/phone/email>."', 'Updated his %s.'), $address); } } return $text; }
<?php session_start(); define('URL_PREFIX', '../'); require URL_PREFIX . 'fcms.php'; setLanguage(); isLoggedIn('inc/'); $currentUserId = (int) $_SESSION['fcms_id']; echo ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . getSiteName() . ' - ' . T_('powered by') . ' ' . getCurrentVersion() . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="author" content="Ryan Haudenschilt" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ui/themes/default/style.css"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../ui/favicon.ico"/>'; // TODO // Move css to fcms-core echo ' <style type="text/css"> html { background: #fff; } body { width: 350px; margin: 0; padding: 15px; text-align: left; font: 14px/20px Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; border: none; background: #fff; } h1 { font: bold 20px/30px Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; } h2 { font: bold 18px/30px Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; } h3 { font: bold 16px/30px Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>' . T_('BBCode Help') . '</h1> <p>' . T_('BBCode is a easy way to format text. Check out the examples below, the first line shows the bbcode and the second line show the output.') . '</p>
/** * displayProfile * * @return void */ function displayProfile() { $memberId = (int) $_GET['member']; $this->displayHeader($memberId); // handle unknown user if ($memberId == 0) { echo ' <p class="error-alert"> <b>' . T_('Unknown member.') . '</b><br/> </p>'; $this->displayFooter(); return; } $sql = "SELECT u.fname, u.lname, u.email, u.`bio`, u.`dob_year`, u.`dob_month`, u.`dob_day`, \n u.`dod_year`, u.`dod_month`, u.`dod_day`, u.avatar, u.username, u.joindate, \n u.`activity`, u.`sex`, a.`id` AS aid, a.`address`, a.`city`, a.`state`, a.`zip`, \n a.`home`, a.`cell`, a.`work` \n FROM fcms_users AS u, fcms_address AS a \n WHERE u.id = ?\n AND u.id = a.user"; $row = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $memberId); if ($row === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } $tzOffset = getTimezone($memberId); $joinDate = fixDate(T_('F j, Y'), $tzOffset, $row['joindate']); $address = formatAddress($row); $contact = ''; $activityDate = T_('Never visited'); $points = getUserParticipationPoints($memberId); $level = getUserParticipationLevel($points); // Contacts - Email if (!empty($row['cell'])) { $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Email') . '</span> ' . $row['email'] . '</p>'; } // Contacts - Phone if (!empty($row['cell'])) { $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Cell') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['cell']) . '</p>'; } if (!empty($row['home'])) { $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_pgettext('The beginning or starting place.', 'Home') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['home']) . '</p>'; } if (!empty($row['work'])) { $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Work') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['work']) . '</p>'; } // Call $hasPhone = false; $call = ''; $tel = ''; if (!empty($row['cell'])) { $tel = $row['cell']; $hasPhone = true; } else { if (!empty($row['home'])) { $tel = $row['home']; $hasPhone = true; } else { if (!empty($row['work'])) { $tel = $row['work']; $hasPhone = true; } } } if ($hasPhone) { $call = '<li><a class="call" href="tel:' . $tel . '">' . sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the name of a person. Call Bob. etc.', 'Call %s'), $row['fname']) . '</a></li>'; } // Activity if ($row['activity'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $activityDate = fixDate(T_('F j, Y g:i a'), $tzOffset, $row['activity']); } $bday = formatDate('F j, Y', $row['dob_year'] . '-' . $row['dob_month'] . '-' . $row['dob_day']); $age = getAge($row['dob_year'], $row['dob_month'], $row['dob_day']); $gender = $row['sex'] == 'M' ? T_('Male') : T_('Female'); echo ' <div id="avatar"> <h1><img class="avatar" src="' . getCurrentAvatar($memberId) . '" alt="avatar"/></h1> ' . $level . ' </div> <div class="name-contacts"> <h1>' . cleanOutput($row['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($row['lname']) . '</h1> <h2>' . cleanOutput($row['username']) . '</h2> <ul> ' . $call . ' <li><a class="email" href="mailto:' . $row['email'] . '">' . T_('Send Email') . '</a></li> <li><a class="pm" href="privatemsg.php?compose=new&id=' . $memberId . '">' . T_('Send Private Message') . '</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul> <li> <ul> <li> <b>' . T_('Birthday') . '</b> <div>' . $bday . ' (' . sprintf(T_('%s years old'), $age) . ')</div> </li> <li> <b>' . T_('Gender') . '</b> <div>' . $gender . '</div> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> <b>' . T_('Location') . '</b> <div>' . $address . '</div> </li> <li> <b>' . T_('Contact') . '</b> <div>' . $contact . '</div> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <b>' . T_('Bio') . '</b> <div>' . cleanOutput($row['bio']) . '</div> </li> <li> <ul> <li> <b>' . T_('Join Date') . '</b> <div>' . $joinDate . '</div> </li> <li> <b>' . T_('Last Visit') . '</b> <div>' . $activityDate . '</div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul>'; $this->displayFooter($memberId); }
/** * displayAddress * * Displays the address details. * * @param int $aid Id of the address * @param string $cat Category name * * @return void */ function displayAddress($aid, $cat) { $aid = (int) $aid; $cat = cleanOutput($cat); $sql = "SELECT a.`id`, a.`user`, `fname`, `lname`, `avatar`, `updated`, `country`, `address`, `city`, `state`, \n `zip`, `home`, `work`, `cell`, `email`, `phpass` \n FROM `fcms_address` AS a, `fcms_users` AS u \n WHERE a.`user` = u.`id` \n AND a.`id` = ?"; $r = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $aid); if ($r === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } if (count($r) <= 0) { echo ' <p class="error-alert">' . sprintf(T_('Could not find address (%s)'), $aid) . '</p>'; return; } // Edit / Delete links $edit_del = ''; if ($this->fcmsUser->id == $r['user'] || $this->fcmsUser->access < 2) { $edit_del = '<li id="edit"><a href="?cat=' . $cat . '&edit=' . $r['id'] . '">' . T_('Edit') . '</a></li>'; if ($r['phpass'] == 'NONMEMBER' || $r['phpass'] == 'PRIVATE') { $edit_del .= ' <li id="delete"><a id="del_address" href="?cat=' . $cat . '&delete=' . $r['id'] . '">' . T_('Delete') . '</a></li>'; } } // Address $address = formatAddress($r); $addressUrl = formatAddressUrl($address); if ($address == '') { $str = "<i>(" . T_('none') . ")</i>"; } $map_link = !empty($addressUrl) ? '<br/><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' . $addressUrl . '"/>' . T_('Map') . '</a>' : ''; // Email if (empty($r['email'])) { $email = "<i>(" . T_('none') . ")</i>"; } else { $email = cleanOutput($r['email']) . ' <a class="email" href="mailto:' . cleanOutput($r['email']) . '" title="' . T_('Email This Member') . '"> </a>'; } // Phone Number $home = empty($r['home']) ? '<i>(' . T_('none') . ')</i>' : formatPhone($r['home'], $r['country']); $work = empty($r['work']) ? '<i>(' . T_('none') . ')</i>' : formatPhone($r['work'], $r['country']); $cell = empty($r['cell']) ? '<i>(' . T_('none') . ')</i>' : formatPhone($r['cell'], $r['country']); // Display address echo ' <div id="leftcolumn">'; $this->displayCategories($cat); echo ' </div> <div id="maincolumn"> <div id="address-options"> <ul> <li id="back"><a href="?cat=' . $cat . '">' . T_('Back to Addresses') . '</a></li> <li id="email"><a href="mailto:' . cleanOutput($r['email']) . '">' . T_('Email') . '</a></li> ' . $edit_del . ' </ul> </div> <div id="address-details"> <p> <img alt="avatar" src="' . getCurrentAvatar($r['user']) . '"/> <b class="name">' . cleanOutput($r['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($r['lname']) . '</b> </p> <p> <b class="label">' . T_('Address') . ':</b> <span class="data">' . $address . ' ' . $map_link . '</span> </p> <p> <b class="label">' . T_('Email') . ':</b> <span class="data">' . $email . '</span> </p> <p> <b class="label">' . T_pgettext('The dwelling where you live.', 'Home') . ':</b> <span class="data">' . $home . '</span> </p> <p> <b class="label">' . T_('Work') . ':</b> <span class="data">' . $work . '</span> </p> <p> <b class="label">' . T_('Mobile') . ':</b> <span class="data">' . $cell . '</span> </p> </div> </div>'; }
/** * displayHeader * * @param boolean $login Are we displaying the login screen? * * @return void */ function displayHeader($login = true) { if ($login) { $sitename = getSiteName() . ' - ' . T_('powered by') . ' ' . getCurrentVersion(); $js = ' onload="document.getElementById(\'user\').focus()"'; } else { // Don't translate $sitename = 'Family Connections'; $js = ''; } echo ' <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . $sitename . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="author" content="Ryan Haudenschilt"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="ui/favicon.ico"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui/css/fcms-core.css"/> </head> <body' . $js . '>'; }
/** * getAjaxAddRelativeMenu * * @return void */ function getAjaxAddRelativeMenu() { $userId = (int) $_POST['id']; $sql = "SELECT `id`, `fname`, `mname`, `lname`\n FROM `fcms_users`\n WHERE `id` = ?"; $user = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $userId); if ($user === false) { $this->error->add(array('type' => 'operation', 'message' => 'getAjaxAddRelativeMenu() - could not get user info.', 'error' => $_POST, 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__)); header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); return; } $father = array(); $mother = array(); // Get parents $parents = $this->fcmsFamilyTree->getParentsOfUsers(array($userId)); if ($parents === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } foreach ($parents as $parent) { if ($parent['sex'] == 'M') { $father[] = $parent; } else { $mother[] = $parent; } } $addFather = ''; $addMother = ''; $addBrother = ''; $addSister = ''; if (empty($father)) { $addFather = '<li><a id="father" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=father">' . T_('Father') . '</a></li>'; } else { $addBrother = '<li><a id="brother" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=brother">' . T_('Brother') . '</a></li>'; $addSister = '<li><a id="sister" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=sister">' . T_('Sister') . '</a></li>'; } if (empty($mother)) { $addMother = '<li><a id="mother" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=mother">' . T_('Mother') . '</a></li>'; } elseif (strlen($addBrother) == 0) { $addBrother = '<li><a id="brother" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=brother">' . T_('Brother') . '</a></li>'; $addSister = '<li><a id="sister" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=sister">' . T_('Sister') . '</a></li>'; } $name = $user['fname'] . ' ' . $user['mname'] . ' ' . $user['lname']; $legend = sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the name of a person', 'Add family member for %s'), $name); echo '<ul id="add_relative_menu">'; echo '<li class="close">' . T_pgettext('x as in the symbol to close or exit out of something', 'X') . '</li>'; echo '<li class="header">' . $legend . '</li>'; echo $addFather; echo $addMother; echo $addBrother; echo $addSister; echo '<li><a id="spouse" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=spouse">' . T_('Spouse') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li><a id="child" href="?view=' . $userId . '&add=' . $userId . '&type=child">' . T_('Child') . '</a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo '$("#add_relative_menu .close").each(function() { $(this).click(function() { $("#add_relative_menu").remove(); }); });'; echo '</script>'; }
/** * displayAddBrotherSisterForm * * @param int $userId * @param string $type * * @return void */ function displayAddBrotherSisterForm($userId, $type) { // Get user info $sql = "SELECT `id`, `fname`, `mname`, `lname`\n FROM `fcms_users`\n WHERE `id` = ?"; $user = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $userId); if ($user === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $name = $user['fname'] . ' ' . $user['mname'] . ' ' . $user['lname']; // Get possible children if ($type == 'brother') { $members = $this->getPossibleBrotherList($userId); $legend = sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a persons name', 'Add new brother for %s'), $name); $label = T_('Brother'); $createText = T_('Create brother not listed above.'); $createLink = '?create=brother&user='******'%s is a persons name', 'Add new sister for %s'), $name); $label = T_('Sister'); $createText = T_('Create sister not listed above.'); $createLink = '?create=sister&user='******'t send header because we already started printing to the page echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $createLink . '">'; return; } echo ' <form action="familytree.php?add=' . $userId . '" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend><span>' . $legend . '</span></legend> <div class="field-row"> <div class="field-label"> <label for="rel_user"><b>' . $label . '</b></label> </div> <div class="field-widget"> <select name="rel_user"> ' . $members . ' </select><br/> <a href="' . $createLink . '">' . $createText . '</a> </div> </div> <p> <input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" value="' . $userId . '"/> <input type="hidden" id="type" name="type" value="' . $type . '"/> <input class="sub1" type="submit" id="add-relative" name="additional-options" value="' . T_('Add') . '"/> <a href="familytree.php?view=' . $this->currentTreeUserId . '">' . T_('Cancel') . '</a> </p> </fieldset> </form>'; }
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</div><!--/.centercontent --> </div><!--/#content--> <div id="footer"> <p> <a href="<?php echo $TMPL['path']; ?> index.php" class="ft"><?php echo T_pgettext('The beginning or starting place.', 'Home'); ?> </a> | <a href="http://support.familycms.com/" class="ft"><?php echo T_('Support'); ?> </a> | <a href="<?php echo $TMPL['path']; ?> help.php" class="ft"><?php echo T_('Help'); ?> </a><br /> <a href="http://www.familycms.com"><?php echo $TMPL['version']; ?> </a> - Copyright © 2006-<?php echo $TMPL['year']; ?> Ryan Haudenschilt.
/** * displayInvitationSubmit * * @return void */ function displayInvitationSubmit() { $this->displayHeader(); $calendarId = (int) $_POST['calendar']; // make sure the user submitted atleast one email address if (!isset($_POST['all-members']) && !isset($_POST['email']) && !isset($_POST['non-member-emails'])) { $error = T_('You must invite at least one guest.'); displayInvitationForm($calendarId, $error); return; } // Get any invitations already sent for this event $invitations = $this->getInvitations($calendarId, true); if ($invitations === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } if (!isset($invitations['_current_user'])) { // add the current user (host) to the invite as attending $sql = "INSERT INTO `fcms_invitation` \n (`event_id`, `user`, `created`, `updated`, `attending`)\n VALUES \n (?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), 1)"; $params = array($calendarId, $this->fcmsUser->id); if (!$this->fcmsDatabase->insert($sql, $params)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } } // Get the calendar event title $sql = "SELECT `title` \n FROM `fcms_calendar` \n WHERE `id` = ?"; $r = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $calendarId); if ($r === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } $title = $r['title']; $invitees = array(); $nonMembers = array(); $members = array(); // get emails from textarea if (isset($_POST['non-member-emails'])) { $nonMembers = explode("\n", $_POST['non-member-emails']); } // get any members that have been invited if (isset($_POST['all-members'])) { $sql = "SELECT `id`, `email` \n FROM `fcms_users` \n WHERE `activated` > 0\n AND `phpass` != 'NONMEMBER'\n AND `id` != ?"; $rows = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $this->fcmsUser->id); if ($rows === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } foreach ($rows as $r) { array_push($members, array('id' => $r['id'], 'email' => $r['email'])); } } elseif (isset($_POST['member'])) { foreach ($_POST['member'] as $id) { array_push($members, array('id' => $id, 'email' => $_POST["id{$id}"])); } } // merge all emails into one big list $invitees = array_merge($nonMembers, $members); // Create the invite and send the emails to each invitee foreach ($invitees as $invitee) { if (empty($invitee)) { continue; } // create a code for this user $code = uniqid(''); $user = 0; $email = ''; $toEmail = ''; $toName = ''; $fromName = getUserDisplayName($this->fcmsUser->id); $url = getDomainAndDir(); // member if (is_array($invitee)) { $user = (int) $invitee['id']; $toEmail = rtrim($invitee['email']); $toName = getUserDisplayName($user); $email = null; $url .= 'calendar.php?event=' . $calendarId; } else { $user = 0; $toEmail = rtrim($invitee); $toName = $toEmail; $email = $toEmail; $url .= 'invitation.php?event=' . $calendarId . '&code=' . $code; } // Skip email address that have already been invited if (isset($invitations[$toEmail])) { continue; } // add an invitation to db $sql = "INSERT INTO `fcms_invitation` \n (`event_id`, `user`, `email`, `created`, `updated`, `code`)\n VALUES \n (?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)"; $params = array($calendarId, $user, $email, $code); if (!$this->fcmsDatabase->insert($sql, $params)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } // Send email invitation $subject = sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the title of an event', 'Invitation: %s'), $title); $msg = sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the name of a person, like Dear Bob,', 'Dear %s,'), $toName) . ' ' . sprintf(T_pgettext('The first %s is the name of a person, the second is the title of an event', '%s has invited you to %s.'), $fromName, $title) . ' ' . T_('Please visit the link below to view the rest of this invitation.') . ' ' . $url . ' ---- ' . T_('This is an automated response, please do not reply.') . ' '; $email_headers = getEmailHeaders(); mail($toEmail, $subject, $msg, $email_headers); } displayOkMessage(); $this->fcmsCalendar->displayEvent($calendarId); $this->displayFooter(); }
/** * checkSiteStatus * * @return void */ function checkSiteStatus() { // Site is on if (!file_exists(INC . 'siteoff')) { return; } global $upgrading; include INC . 'siteoff'; // If the $upgrading timestamp is older than 10 minutes, don't die. if (time() - $upgrading >= 600) { return; } echo ' <html> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '" lang="' . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . '"> <head> <title>' . T_('Site is currently turned off...') . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="author" content="Ryan Haudenschilt" /> </head> <body> <h1>' . T_('Hold On a Second!') . '</h1> <p>' . T_('The site has been closed by an administrator.') . '</p> <p>' . T_('Please come back later.') . '</p> </body> </html>'; die; }
/** * displayUserVideosPage * * @return void */ function displayUserVideosPage() { $this->displayHeader(); $userId = (int) $_GET['u']; if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { $this->displayMessage($_SESSION['message']); } // Get user info $sql = "SELECT 'id', `fname`, `lname`, `avatar`, `gravatar`\n FROM `fcms_users`\n WHERE `id` = ?"; $row = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $userId); if ($row === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } if (empty($row)) { echo '<div class="error-alert">' . T_('Member not found.') . '</div>'; $this->displayFooter(); return; } $name = cleanOutput($row['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($row['lname']); $avatarPath = getAvatarPath($row['avatar'], $row['gravatar']); echo ' <div id="sections_menu"> <ul> <li><a href="video.php">Latest Videos</a></li> <li><a href="video.php?members=all">Members</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="video_content"> <div id="member"> <img src="' . $avatarPath . '" titl="' . $name . '"/> <span>' . T_('Videos For:') . '</span> <h2>' . $name . '</h2> </div> <ul class="categories">'; // Get videos $sql = "SELECT `id`, `source_id`, `title`, `active`, `created`, `created_id`\n FROM `fcms_video`\n WHERE `created_id` = ?\n ORDER BY `updated` DESC"; $rows = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $userId); if ($rows === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } if (count($rows) <= 0) { echo '<div class="error-alert">' . T_('No videos found.') . '</div>'; $this->displayFooter(); return; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $class = ''; if ($row['active'] == '0') { if ($row['created_id'] != $this->fcmsUser->id) { continue; } $class = 'removed'; } $date = fixDate('Y-m-d', '', $row['created'], $this->fcmsUser->id); echo ' <li class="category ' . $class . '"> <a href="?u=' . $userId . '&id=' . $row['id'] . '"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/' . $row['source_id'] . '/default.jpg"/></a> <span> <strong>' . cleanOutput($row['title']) . '</strong> <i>' . sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a date', 'on %s'), $date) . '</i> </span> </li>'; } $this->displayFooter(); }
/** * displayMergeSubmit * * Merges two members together. * * @return void */ function displayMergeSubmit() { $this->displayHeader(); $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $merge = (int) $_POST['merge']; $year = substr($_POST['birthday'], 0, 4); $month = substr($_POST['birthday'], 5, 2); $day = substr($_POST['birthday'], 8, 2); // Update member $sql = "UPDATE `fcms_users`\n SET `fname` = ?,\n `mname` = ?,\n `lname` = ?,\n `maiden` = ?,\n `bio` = ?,\n `email` = ?,\n `dob_year` = ?,\n `dob_month` = ?,\n `dob_day` = ?\n WHERE `id` = ?"; $params = array($_POST['fname'], $_POST['mname'], $_POST['lname'], $_POST['maiden'], $_POST['bio'], $_POST['email'], $year, $month, $day, $id); if (!$this->fcmsDatabase->update($sql, $params)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } echo sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a name of a table that gets updated.', 'Update [%s] complete.'), 'fcms_users') . '<br/>'; // Update member address $sql = "UPDATE `fcms_address`\n SET `address` = ?,\n `city` = ?,\n `state` = ?,\n `zip` = ?,\n `home` = ?,\n `work` = ?,\n `cell` = ?\n WHERE `user` = ?"; $params = array($_POST['address'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['state'], $_POST['zip'], $_POST['home'], $_POST['work'], $_POST['cell'], $id); if (!$this->fcmsDatabase->update($sql, $params)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } echo sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a name of a table that gets updated.', 'Update [%s] complete.'), 'fcms_address') . '<br/>'; // Update all occurences of merge id with id if (!$this->fcmsAdminMembers->mergeMember($id, $merge)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } // Delete merge id $sql = "DELETE FROM `fcms_users`\n WHERE `id` = ?"; if (!$this->fcmsDatabase->delete($sql, $merge)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } echo sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is a name of a table that is deleted.', 'Delete [%s] complete.'), 'fcms_users') . '<br/>'; $this->displayFooter(); }
/** * getMeridiem * * Given a meridiem (am pm AM PM), returns the translated version. * * @param string $a * * @return string */ function getMeridiem($a) { $meridiem['am'] = T_pgettext('Lowercase Ante meridiem.', 'am'); $meridiem['pm'] = T_pgettext('Lowercase Post meridiem.', 'pm'); $meridiem['AM'] = T_pgettext('Uppercase Ante meridiem.', 'AM'); $meridiem['PM'] = T_pgettext('Uppercase Post meridiem.', 'PM'); return $meridiem[$a]; }
/** * displayAward * * Displays details about the given award type. * Along with who the award was awarded to and any other awards they own. * * @param int $userid * @param int $type * * @return void */ function displayAward($userid, $type) { $userid = (int) $userid; $sql = "SELECT a.`id`, a.`user`, a.`award`, a.`month`, a.`date`, a.`item_id`, a.`count`, u.`fname`\n FROM `fcms_user_awards` AS a,\n `fcms_users` AS u\n WHERE a.`user` = '{$userid}'\n AND a.`award` = '{$type}'\n AND a.`user` = u.`id`"; $rows = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, array($userid, $type)); if ($rows === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } if (count($rows) <= 0) { echo ' <p class="error-alert">' . T_('Invalid Member/Award.') . '</p>'; return; } $awardList = array(); foreach ($rows as $r) { $awardList[] = $r; $fname = $r['fname']; } $currentAward = array('id' => $awardList[0]['id'], 'award' => $awardList[0]['award'], 'month' => $awardList[0]['month'], 'date' => $awardList[0]['date'], 'item_id' => $awardList[0]['item_id'], 'count' => $awardList[0]['count']); $awardsInfo = $this->getAwardsInfoList(); $totalTimesAwarded = count($awardList); $string = T_ngettext('%s has been given this award %d time.', '%s has been given this award %d times.', $totalTimesAwarded); $awardedCount = sprintf($string, $fname, $totalTimesAwarded) . '</h5>'; if ($userid == $this->fcmsUser->id) { $string = T_ngettext('You have been given this award %d time.', 'You have been given this award %d times.', $totalTimesAwarded); $awardedCount = sprintf($string, $totalTimesAwarded) . '</h5>'; } echo ' <div id="current-award"> <div class="' . $currentAward['award'] . '"></div> <h1>' . $awardsInfo[$currentAward['award']]['name'] . '</h1> <h2>' . $awardsInfo[$currentAward['award']]['description'] . '</h2> </div> <h5 class="times-awarded">' . $awardedCount . '</h5>'; foreach ($awardList as $r) { $details = ''; $date = ''; if (strlen($r['month']) == 6) { $year = substr($r['month'], 0, 4); $month = substr($r['month'], 4, 2); $date = date('F, Y', strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01")); } switch ($r['award']) { case 'board': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 posts', '%s - %s posts'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'gallery': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 photos', '%s - %s photos'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'recipes': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 recipes', '%s - %s recipes'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'news': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 posts', '%s - %s posts'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'docs': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 documents', '%s - %s documents'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'icebreaker': $thread = (int) $r['item_id']; $replies = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 21 replies', '%d replies'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - <a href="messageboard.php?thread=' . $thread . '">' . $this->fcmsMessageBoard->getThreadSubject($thread) . '</a> - ' . $replies; break; case 'shutterbug': $id = (int) $r['item_id']; $photo = $this->fcmsPhotoGallery->getPhotoInfo($id); $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 210 views', '%d views'), $r['count']); $photoSrc = $this->fcmsPhotoGallery->getPhotoSource($photo); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; $details .= '<a href="gallery/index.php?uid=' . $photo['user'] . '&cid=' . $photo['category'] . '&pid=' . $photo['id'] . '">'; $details .= '<img src="' . $photoSrc . '"/>'; $details .= '</a>'; break; case 'interesting': $id = (int) $r['item_id']; $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 21 comments', '%d comments'), $r['count']); $sql = "SELECT `title`\n FROM `fcms_news`\n WHERE `id` = '{$id}'"; $news = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $id); if ($news === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $title = cleanOutput($news['title']); $details = $date . ' - <a href="familynews.php?getnews=' . $r['user'] . '&newsid=' . $id . '">' . $title . '</a> - ' . $views; break; case 'secretive': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 210 private messages', '%d private messages'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; case 'planner': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 53 events', '%d events'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; case 'photogenic': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 53 photos', '%d photos'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; } echo ' <p>' . $details . '</p>'; } }
/** * displayFeedPhotoGallery * * @return void */ function displayFeedPhotoGallery() { $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance(); $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError); $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $urlroot = $url; $pos = strrpos($url, "/"); if ($pos === false) { $pos = strrpos($url, "\\"); } if (!($pos === false)) { $urlroot = substr($url, 0, $pos); } $lastday = time() - 84 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 12 weeks $sql = "SELECT `caption`, p.`user`, `filename`, p.`date`, `name` \n FROM `fcms_gallery_photos` AS p, `fcms_category` As c\n WHERE p.`category` = c.`id` \n AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.`date`) >= ?\n ORDER BY p.`date`"; $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, $lastday); if ($rows === false) { print "Error getting data."; return; } $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?" . "> \n<rss version=\"2.0\"> \n<channel> \n<title>" . getSiteName() . " - " . T_('Photo Gallery') . "</title> \n<link>" . $url . "</link> \n<description>" . getSiteName() . " - " . T_('Photo Gallery') . " " . T_('RSS Feed') . "</description> \n<language>" . T_pgettext('Language Code for this translation', 'lang') . "</language> \n<managingEditor>" . getContactEmail() . "</managingEditor> \n"; if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $line) { $title = htmlentities($line['caption']); if ($title == "") { $title = htmlentities($line['name']); } $output .= "<item><title><![CDATA[{$title}]]></title> \n<pubDate>" . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime($line['date'])) . " GMT</pubDate> \n<link>" . htmlentities($urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "</link> \n<description><![CDATA[<img src=\"{$urlroot}/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "\" border=\"0\" />]]></description> \n<enclosure url=\"" . $urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "\" type=\"" . returnMIMEType("./gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "\" length=\"" . filesize("./gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename']) . "\" /> \n<guid isPermaLink=\"true\"><![CDATA[" . $urlroot . "/gallery/photos/member" . $line['user'] . "/" . $line['filename'] . "]]></guid> \n</item> \n"; } } $output .= "</channel></rss>"; echo $output; }