Example #1
function GetImage($file, $width = -1, $maxWidth = -1, $maxHeight = -1) {
	header("Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT");
	header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
	header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
	header("Pragma: no-cache");
	ini_set("memory_limit", "-1");

	$ext = StringToUpper(substr($file, strrpos($file, "."), 20));

	if (($ext == ".JPG") or ($ext == ".JPEG"))
		GetImageJpg($file, $width, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);

	if ($ext == ".GIF")
		GetImageGif($file, $width, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);

	if ($ext == ".PNG")
		GetImagePng($file, $width, $maxWidth, $maxHeight);
Example #2
	public function setSql($value) {
		$this->sql = StringToUpper($value);
Example #3
function GetWindowsLoginName($upper = false) {
  $cred = explode("\\", $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]);
  if (count($cred) == 1)
    array_unshift($cred, "No hay información disponible sobre el dominio donde Ud. está logueado.");
  list($domain, $user) = $cred;

	if ($upper)
  	return StringToUpper($user);
  	return $user;
Example #4
	$params[":vigenciadesde"] = $_REQUEST["fechaVigenciaDesde"];
	$where2.= " AND co_vigenciadesde >= TO_DATE(:vigenciadesde, 'dd/mm/yyyy')";

if ($_REQUEST["sector"] == "pr") {
	$filtros.= "<tr><td>- Sector: <b>Privado</b></td></tr>";
	$where2.= " AND em_sector = 4";
if ($_REQUEST["sector"] == "pu") {
	$filtros.= "<tr><td>- Sector: <b>Público</b></td></tr>";
	$where2.= " AND em_sector IN (1, 2, 3, 5)";

if ($_REQUEST["holding"] != "") {
	$filtros.= "<tr><td>- Holding: <b>".$_REQUEST["holding"]."</b></td></tr>";
	$params[":holding"] = StringToUpper($_REQUEST["holding"])."%";
	$where2.= " AND ge_descripcion LIKE :holding";

if (isset($_REQUEST["carteraMorosa"])) {
	$filtros.= "<tr><td>- Cartera Morosa: <b>Sí.</b></td></tr>";
	$where2.= " AND art.deuda.get_deudatotalconsolidada(co_contrato) > 0";

if (isset($_REQUEST["solicitudTraspaso"])) {
	$filtros.= "<tr><td>- Con Solicitud de Traspaso (últimos 3 meses): <b>Sí.</b></td></tr>";
	$where2.= " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
														FROM ate_traspasoegreso
													 WHERE te_codigo = '001'
														 AND te_fechabaja IS NULL
														 AND te_fecha > SYSDATE - 90
Example #5
$params = array(":id" => $_REQUEST["id"]);
$sql =
	"SELECT bn_html, bn_nombre
		 FROM rrhh.rbn_beneficios
		WHERE bn_fechabaja IS NULL
			AND bn_idmenu = :id";
$stmt = DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);

if (DBGetRecordCount($stmt) == 0) {
	echo '<h2 id="divError">Este beneficio no está disponible.</h2>';
$row = DBGetQuery($stmt);
<div style="margin-right:24px;"><?php 
echo preg_replace("/[\n|\r|\n\r]/i", "", $row["BN_HTML"]->load());
<script type="text/javascript">
	document.getElementById('divTituloSeccion').innerText = 'BENEFICIOS - <?php 
echo StringToUpper($row["BN_NOMBRE"]);