Example #1

// Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved.
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// 技術版API編號098 綁定手機號 ##參考015和096
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-18#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = '电话号码已注册!';
} else {
    $fields = array('username_d' => Assign($params[KEY_PHONE]), 'password' => Assign($params['pwd']));
    $num = StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', $fields, $params['uid']);
    if ($num <= 0) {
        $result['msg'] = '绑定失败!';
    } else {
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => '绑定成功!');
Example #2

// Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved.
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// 技術版API編號075 提交案例評分
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-18#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING;
} else {
    $data = array('ofuser' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'createdat' => 'NOW()', 'ofanli' => Assign($params['cid'], 0), 'score' => Assign($params['score'], 0));
    $id = StorageAdd('car_anli_score', $data);
    if (empty($id) == TRUE) {
        $result['msg'] = '重复保存!';
    } else {
        $avg = "(SELECT SUM(score)/COUNT(id) FROM car_anli_score WHERE ofanli='%d')";
        $fields = array('score_avg' => sprintf($avg, $params['cid']));
        StorageEditByID('search_result', $fields, $params['cid']);
        ## 更新用戶積分
        Techuser_setScore(Assign($params['uid'], 0), 5);
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
Example #3
function RefreshMsg($uid)
    if (empty($uid)) {
    $messages = array('msg1' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techforum WHERE pubuser='******' AND isnewmsg=1 AND type=1)", 'msg2' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techforum WHERE pubuser='******' AND isnewmsg=1 AND type=2)", 'msg3' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techqzhi  WHERE pubuser='******' AND isnewmsg=1)", 'msg4' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techforum_list WHERE at='{$uid}' AND isnewat=1  AND type=1)", 'msg5' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techforum_list WHERE at='{$uid}' AND isnewat=1  AND type=2)", 'msg6' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techqzhi_list  WHERE at='{$uid}' AND isnewat=1)", 'msg7' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_zhaopin        WHERE ofuser='******' AND isnewmsg=1)", 'msg8' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_zhaopin_list   WHERE at='{$uid}' AND isnewat=1)", 'msg9_0' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 1, 0), 'msg9_1' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 1, 1), 'msg10_0' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 2, 0), 'msg10_1' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 2, 1), 'msg11_0' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 3, 0), 'msg11_1' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 3, 1), 'msg12_0' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 4, 0), 'msg12_1' => RefreshMsgByDianzan($uid, 4, 1), 'msg9' => "msg9_0+msg9_1", 'msg10' => "msg10_0+msg10_1", 'msg11' => "msg11_0+msg11_1", 'msg12' => "msg12_0+msg12_1");
    foreach ($messages as $key => $sql) {
        $fields = array($key => $sql);
        StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', $fields, $uid);
Example #4
                if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) {
                    foreach ($buf as $number => $row_img) {
                        $msg['mdata'][] = array('mid' => $row_img['id'], 'type' => 0, 'mname' => 'image' . ($number + 1), 'mpic' => $row_img['id'] . '_s.png', 'url' => '');
                $buffer['messages'][] = $msg;
        $result['data'][] = $buffer;
        $schema = 'hh_techqzhi';
        $filter0 = array('tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'pubuser' => Assign($params['uid'], 0));
        $filter1 = array('tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'at' => Assign($params['uid'], 0));
        $buffer_host = StorageFindID($schema, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        if (is_array($buffer_host) and empty($buffer_host) == FALSE) {
            if ($params['uid'] == $buffer_host['pubuser']) {
                StorageEditByID($schema, array('isnewmsg' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $params['tid']);
        StorageEdit($schema . '_list', array('isnew' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $filter0);
        StorageEdit($schema . '_list', array('isnew' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $filter1);
        ## 取消點贊狀態
        RefreshMsgByCDZ($buffer_host['pubuser'], 3, 0);
        RefreshMsgByCDZ($buffer_host['pubuser'], 3, 1);
        RefreshMsg(Assign($buffer_host['pubuser'], 0));
    ## 清除點贊狀態
    StorageEditByID('hh_techqzhi', array('isnewdz' => 0), Assign($params['tid'], 0));
    RefreshMsgByCDZ($params['uid'], 3, 0);
    RefreshMsgByCDZ($params['uid'], 3, 1);
    RefreshMsg(Assign($params['uid'], 0));
Example #5
        $record = StorageFindID($schema, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        ## 更新更貼統計數據
        $fields = array();
        $column = '';
        switch ($params['tag']) {
            case '3':
                $column = 'pubuser';
                $fields = array('maxno' => 'maxno+1', 'replycount' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$schema}_list WHERE tid='{$params['tid']}')", 'isnewmsg' => $record[$column] == $params['uid'] ? 0 : 1, 'isnewat' => empty($params['touid']) ? 0 : 1);
            case '4':
                $column = 'ofuser';
                $fields = array('maxno' => 'maxno+1', 'replycount' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$schema}_list WHERE tid='{$params['tid']}')", 'isnewmsg' => $record[$column] == $params['uid'] ? 0 : 1, 'isnewat' => empty($params['touid']) ? 0 : 1);
                $column = 'pubuser';
                $fields = array('maxno' => 'maxno+1', 'replycount' => "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$schema}_list WHERE tid='{$params['tid']}')", 'isnewmsg' => $record[$column] == $params['uid'] ? 0 : 1, 'isnewat' => empty($params['touid']) ? 0 : 1);
        StorageEditByID($schema, $fields, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array());
        ## 獲取更貼人信息
        $condition = array('schema' => "{$schema}_list", 'fields' => array('pubtime', 'no', 'id', "(SELECT {$column} FROM {$schema} WHERE id={$schema}_list.id) AS h_pubuser"), 'filter' => array('id' => $id));
        $buf = StorageFindOne($condition);
        if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) {
            $result['data'][] = array('posttime' => $buf['pubtime'], 'index' => $buf['no'], 'listid' => $buf['id']);
        ## 更新相關用戶消息
        RefreshMsg(Assign($parmas['uid'], 0));
        RefreshMsg(Assign($params['touid'], 0));
        RefreshMsg(Assign($buf['h_pubuser'], 0));
Example #6
     $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => $message);
 } else {
     $data = array('uid' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'tag' => Assign($params['tag'], 0), 'type' => Assign($params['type'], 0), 'deviceid' => Assign($params['deviceid']), 'touid' => 0);
     $id = StorageAdd('hh_techuser_dianzan', $data);
     if (empty($id) == FALSE) {
         $message = empty($params['type']) ? '取消成功!' : '点赞成功!';
         $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => $message);
 ## 更新點贊通知
 $schemas = array('1' => 'hh_techforum', '2' => 'hh_techforum', '3' => 'hh_techqzhi', '4' => 'hh_zhaopin');
 $info = StorageFindID($schemas[$params['tag']], Assign($params['tid'], 0));
 $pubuser = $params['tag'] == '4' ? 'ofuser' : 'pubuser';
 if (empty($schemas[$params['tag']]) == FALSE and $info[$pubuser] != $params['uid']) {
     $isnewdz = array('isnewdz' => $params['type'] === '1' ? 1 : 0);
     StorageEditByID($schemas[$params['tag']], $isnewdz, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
     ## 被點贊的樓主更新通知
     RefreshMsg(Assign($info[$pubuser], 0));
 ## 推送消息
 if ($params['type'] == '1') {
     $schema = 'hh_techforum';
     switch ($params['tag']) {
         case '3':
             $schema = 'hh_techqzhi';
         case '4':
             $schema = 'hh_zhaopin';
     $params['touid'] = 0;
Example #7
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING;
} else {
    if ($params['reward'] == 1) {
        $result['msg'] = '该回复已经被采纳!';
    } else {
        $info_tid = StorageFindID('hh_techforum_list', Assign($params['tolistid'], 0));
        $user_uid = StorageFindID('hh_techuser', Assign($params['uid'], 0));
        $user_touid = StorageFindID('hh_techuser', Assign($params['touid'], 0));
        $info_tid = StorageFindID('hh_techforum', Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        if ($info_tid['rewarded'] == 1) {
            die(JsonEncode(array('code' => '100', 'msg' => '该回复已经被采纳!')));
        ## 設置回帖的採納狀態
        $fields_tolist = array('adopt' => 1);
        StorageEditByID('hh_techforum_list', $fields_tolist, Assign($params['tolistid'], 0));
        ## 添加會貼者之可兌換積分
        $message = sprintf(RANKSCORE_ADOPTED, $info_tid['title'], SafeUsername($user_uid), Techuser_viewRankScore($params['reward']));
        //Techuser_setRankscore(Assign($params['touid'], 0), $params['reward'], $message, TRUE);
        Techuser_setRankByScore(Assign($params['touid'], 0), Techuser_viewRankScore($params['reward']), $message);
        ## 設置主題悬赏狀態
        $fields_tid = array('rewarded' => 1);
        StorageEditByID('hh_techforum', $fields_tid, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        ## 記錄樓主採納日誌
        $message = sprintf(RANKSCORE_ADOPT, SafeUsername($user_touid), Techuser_viewRankScore($params['reward']));
        Techuser_setRankscore(Assign($params['uid'], 0), 0, $message);
        ## 添加回帖者經驗值
        Techuser_setRank($params['touid'], 2);
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
Example #8
    $old_img = $record['headerimg'];
} else {
    $img_path = get_threeimg($params['uid'], $params['iconurl']);
    $data = array('thirduid' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'nick' => Assign($params['nick']), 'city' => Assign($params['city']), 'tag' => Assign($params['tag'], 0), 'headerimg' => $img_path);
    $uid = StorageAdd('hh_techuser', $data);
if (empty($uid) == TRUE) {
    $result['msg'] = '登陆不存在!';
} else {
    $record = StorageFindOne($condition);
    if (is_array($record) == FALSE or empty($record) == TRUE) {
        $result['msg'] = '登陆失败!';
    } else {
        $fields = array('loginid' => md5($params['uid'] . $params['pwd'] . time()), 'deviceid' => Assign($params['deviceid']));
        StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', $fields, $uid);
        if (empty($old_img) == TRUE) {
            $img_path = get_threeimg($params['uid'], $params['iconurl']);
            StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', array('headerimg' => $img_path), $uid);
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array());
        $condition_user = array('schema' => 'hh_techuser', 'fields' => array('*', '(SELECT title FROM hh_score WHERE dengji=grade)    AS h_grade'), 'filter' => array('id' => $uid));
        $record_user = StorageFindOne($condition_user);
        $icon_path = $record_user['headerimg'];
        if (empty($icon_path) or strpos($icon_path, 'http') > -1) {
            $icon_path = $img_path;
        $rankinfo = StorageFindID('hh_rank', $record_user['rankname'] + 1);
        $result['data'][] = array('uid' => Assign($record_user['id'], 0), 'phone' => Assign($record_user['username_d']), 'openid' => Assign($record_user['loginid']), 'image' => $icon_path, 'nick' => Assign($record_user['nick']), 'grade' => Assign($record_user['h_grade']), 'score' => Assign($record_user['score']), 'city' => Assign($record_user['city']), 'cars' => Assign($record_user['cars']), 'job' => Assign($record_user['job']), 'level' => Assign($record_user['level']), 'experience' => Assign($record_user['experience']), 'percent' => Assign($record_user['percent']), 'needscore' => Assign($record_user['needscore']), 'official' => Assign($record_user['type'], 0), 'identified' => Assign($record_user['identified'], 0), 'rank' => Assign($record_user['rank'], 0), 'rankname' => $rankinfo['title']);
        Techuser_setScore($uid, 1);
Example #9

// Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved.
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// 技術版API編號015 發送用戶註冊請求 ##已取消 新接口096
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-17#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
$data = array('username' => Assign($params['phone']), 'password' => Assign($params['pwd']), 'createdat' => 'NOW()', 'deviceid' => Assign($params['deviceid']), 'username_d' => Assign($params[KEY_PHONE]));
$id = StorageAdd('hh_techuser', $data);
if (empty($id) == TRUE) {
    $result['msg'] = '电话号码已注册!';
} else {
    $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
    $num = StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', array('withcode' => WithCode($username, $id)), $id);
    if (empty($num) == TRUE) {
        StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', array('withcode' => WithCode($username, $id, 9999999)), $id);
    Techuser_setScore($id, 7);
Example #10
// @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-16#
// @version 1.0.0
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) {
    $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING;
} else {
    $num = 0;
    switch ($params['type']) {
        case '1':
            $fields = array('lockby' => $params['uid'], 'locktime' => 'NOW()', 'zhuangtai' => 1);
            $filter = array('id' => Assign($params['qid'], 0), 'lockby' => 0, 'zhuangtai' => 0);
            $num = StorageEdit('hh_questions', $fields, $filter);
        case '2':
            $data = array('ofq' => Assign($params['qid'], 0), 'ofuser' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'createdat' => 'NOW()');
            $id = StorageAdd('hh_questions_diff', $data);
            if (empty($id) == FALSE) {
                $num = StorageEditByID('hh_questions', array('difficulty' => 'difficulty+1'), $params['qid']);
    if (empty($num) == FALSE) {
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
    } else {
        $result['msg'] = '问题已被其他人抢答!';
Example #11
                if (is_array($recordset_img) and empty($recordset_img) == FALSE) {
                    foreach ($recordset_img as $number_img => $row_img) {
                        $buf['mdata'][] = array('mid' => $row_img['id'], 'type' => 0, 'mname' => 'image' . ($number_img + 1), 'mpic' => $row_img['id'] . '_s.png', 'url' => '');
                $buffer['messages'][] = $buf;
        $result['data'][] = $buffer;
        $schema = 'hh_zhaopin';
        $filter0 = array('tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'pubuser' => Assign($params['uid'], 0));
        $filter1 = array('tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'at' => Assign($params['uid'], 0));
        $buffer_host = StorageFindID($schema, Assign($params['tid'], 0));
        if (is_array($buffer_host) and empty($buffer_host) == FALSE) {
            if ($params['uid'] == $buffer_host['ofuser']) {
                StorageEditByID($schema, array('isnewmsg' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $params['tid']);
        StorageEdit($schema . '_list', array('isnew' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $filter0);
        StorageEdit($schema . '_list', array('isnew' => 0, 'isnewat' => 0), $filter1);
        ## 取消點贊狀態
        RefreshMsgByCDZ($buffer_host['ofuser'], 4, 0);
        RefreshMsgByCDZ($buffer_host['ofuser'], 4, 1);
        RefreshMsg(Assign($buffer_host['ofuser'], 0));
    ## 清除點贊狀態
    StorageEditByID('hh_zhaopin', array('isnewdz' => 0), Assign($params['tid'], 0));
    RefreshMsgByCDZ($params['uid'], 4, 0);
    RefreshMsgByCDZ($params['uid'], 4, 1);
    RefreshMsg(Assign($params['uid'], 0));
Example #12
// @package hhxc
if (!defined('HHXC')) {
    die('Permission denied');
$condition = array('schema' => 'hh_techuser', 'filter' => array('username_d' => Assign($params[KEY_PHONE])));
$record = StorageFindOne($condition);
if (is_array($record) == FALSE or empty($record) == TRUE) {
    $result['msg'] = "用户{$params[KEY_PHONE]}不存在!";
} else {
    $condition['filter']['password'] = Assign($params['pwd']);
    $record = StorageFindOne($condition);
    if (is_array($record) == FALSE or empty($record) == TRUE) {
        $result['msg'] = '密码不正确!';
    } else {
        $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => $params[KEY_PHONE], 'data' => array());
        ## 更新OPENID
        $fields = array('loginid' => md5($record['uid'] . $params['password'] . time()), 'deviceid' => Assign($params['deviceid']));
        StorageEditByID('hh_techuser', $fields, $record['id']);
        ## 獲取當前用戶信息
        $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'hh_techuser', 'fields' => array('*', '(SELECT title FROM hh_score WHERE dengji=grade) AS h_grade', '(SELECT title FROM hh_rank WHERE dengji=rankname) AS h_rankname'), 'filter' => array('id' => $record['id']));
        $buf = StorageFindOne($condition_sub);
        if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) {
            $result['data'][] = array('uid' => $buf['id'], 'openid' => $buf['loginid'], 'image' => $buf['headerimg'], 'nick' => $buf['nick'], 'grade' => $buf['h_grade'], 'score' => $buf['score'], 'city' => $buf['city'], 'cars' => $buf['cars'], 'job' => $buf['job'], 'level' => $buf['level'], 'experience' => $buf['experience'], 'percent' => $buf['percent'], 'needscore' => $buf['needscore'], 'official' => Assign($buf['type'], 0), 'identified' => Assign($buf['identified'], 0), 'rank' => Assign($buf['rank'], 0), 'rankname' => Assign($buf['h_rankname']));
            ## 可兌換積分激活
            ## 更新登陸積分
            Techuser_setScore($record['id'], 1);