public function draw_getexy($a, $b, $d) { $d = deg2rad($d); $arrayXY = array(round($a * Cos($d)), round($b * Sin($d))); //var_dump($arrayXY); return $arrayXY; }
function toGps($x, $y, $h = 0) { global $kon; $y = ($y - 500000) / 0.9999; $x = (1 * $x + 5000000) / 0.9999; // 1*x !!!!!!!!!!! $ab = 1 * $kon['bessel_a'] + 1 * $kon['bessel_b']; $fi0 = 2 * $x / $ab; $dif = 1.0; $p1 = $kon['bessel_a'] * (1 - $kon['bessel_e2']); $n = 25; while (abs($dif) > 0 && $n > 0) { $L = $p1 * ($kon['A'] * $fi0 - $kon['B'] * sin(2 * $fi0) + $kon['C'] * sin(4 * $fi0) - $kon['D'] * sin(6 * $fi0) + $kon['E'] * sin(8 * $fi0)); $dif = 2 * ($x - $L) / $ab; $fi0 = $fi0 + $dif; $n--; } $N = $kon['bessel_a'] / sqrt(1 - $kon['bessel_e2'] * pow(sin($fi0), 2)); $t = tan($fi0); $t2 = pow($t, 2); $t4 = pow($t2, 2); $cosFi = cos($fi0); $ni2 = $kon['bessel_e2_'] * pow($cosFi, 2); $lambda = 0.261799387799149 + $y / ($N * $cosFi) - (1 + 2 * $t2 + $ni2) * pow($y, 3) / (6 * pow($N, 3) * $cosFi) + (5 + 28 * $t2 + 24 * $t4) * pow($y, 5) / (120 * pow($N, 5) * $cosFi); $fi = $fi0 - $t * (1 + $ni2) * pow($y, 2) / (2 * pow($N, 2)) + $t * (5 + 3 * $t2 + 6 * $ni2 - 6 * $ni2 * $t2) * pow($y, 4) / (24 * pow($N, 4)) - $t * (61 + 90 * $t2 + 45 * $t4) * pow($y, 6) / (720 * pow($N, 6)); $N = $kon['bessel_a'] / sqrt(1 - $kon['bessel_e2'] * pow(Sin($fi), 2)); $X = ($N + $h) * cos($fi) * cos($lambda); $Y = ($N + $h) * cos($fi) * sin($lambda); $Z = ($kon['bessel_b2'] / $kon['bessel_a2'] * $N + $h) * sin($fi); $X -= $kon['dX']; $Y -= $kon['dY']; $Z -= $kon['dZ']; $X /= 1 + $kon['dm']; $Y /= 1 + $kon['dm']; $Z /= 1 + $kon['dm']; $X1 = $X - $kon['M0'][1] * $Y - $kon['M0'][2] * $Z; $Y1 = -1 * $kon['M1'][0] * $X + $Y - $kon['M1'][2] * $Z; $Z1 = -1 * $kon['M2'][0] * $X - $kon['M2'][1] * $Y + $Z; $p = sqrt(pow($X1, 2) + pow($Y1, 2)); $O = atan2($Z1 * $kon['wgs84_a'], $p * $kon['wgs84_b']); $SinO = sin($O); $Sin3O = pow($SinO, 3); $CosO = cos($O); $Cos3O = pow($CosO, 3); $fif = atan2($Z1 + $kon['wgs84_e2_'] * $kon['wgs84_b'] * $Sin3O, $p - $kon['wgs84_e2'] * $kon['wgs84_a'] * $Cos3O); $lambdaf = atan2($Y1, $X1); $N = $kon['wgs84_a'] / sqrt(1 - $kon['wgs84_e2'] * pow(sin($fif), 2)); $hf = $p / cos($fif) - $N; $fif = $fif * 180 / pi(); $lambdaf = $lambdaf * 180 / pi(); $retVal = array($fif, $lambdaf, $hf); return $retVal; }
function getSunTimes($fh, $La, $Lo, $mois, $jour) { $returnArray = array("sunrise" => null, "sunset" => null); if ($fh == "") { $fh = date("H") - gmdate("H"); } if ($La == "") { $La = 48.833; } if ($Lo == "") { $Lo = -2.333; } if ($mois == "") { $mois = date("m"); } if ($jour == "") { $jour = date("d"); } // Fuseau horaire et coordonnées géographiques $k = 0.0172024; $jm = 308.67; $jl = 21.55; $e = 0.0167; $ob = 0.4091; $PI = 3.1415926536; //Hauteur du soleil au lever et au coucher $dr = $PI / 180; $hr = $PI / 12; $ht = -40 / 60; $ht = $ht * $dr; $La = $La * $dr; $Lo = $Lo * $dr; //Date if ($mois < 3) { $mois = $mois + 12; } //Heure TU du milieu de la journée $h = 12 + $Lo / $hr; //Nombre de jours écoulés depuis le 1 Mars O h TU $J = floor(30.61 * ($mois + 1)) + $jour + $h / 24 - 123; //Anomalie et longitude moyenne $M = $k * ($J - $jm); $L = $k * ($J - $jl); //Longitude vraie $S = $L + 2 * $e * Sin($M) + 1.25 * $e * $e * Sin(2 * $M); //Coordonnées rectangulaires du soleil dans le repère équatorial $X = Cos($S); $Y = Cos($ob) * Sin($S); $Z = Sin($ob) * Sin($S); //Equation du temps et déclinaison $R = $L; $rx = Cos($R) * $X + Sin($R) * $Y; $ry = -Sin($R) * $X + Cos($R) * $Y; $X = $rx; $Y = $ry; $ET = atan($Y / $X); $DC = atan($Z / Sqrt(1 - $Z * $Z)); //Angle horaire au lever et au coucher $cs = (Sin($ht) - Sin($La) * Sin($DC)) / Cos($La) / Cos($DC); $CalculSol = ""; if ($cs > 1) { $CalculSol = "Ne se lève pas"; } if ($cs < -1) { $CalculSol = "Ne se couche pas"; } if ($cs == 0) { $ah = $PI / 2; } else { $ah = atan(Sqrt(1 - $cs * $cs) / $cs); } if ($cs < 0) { $ah = $ah + $PI; } //Lever du soleil $Pm = $h + $fh + ($ET - $ah) / $hr; if ($Pm < 0) { $Pm = $Pm + 24; } if ($Pm > 24) { $Pm = $Pm - 24; } $hs = floor($Pm); $Pm = floor(60 * ($Pm - $hs)); if (strlen($hs) < 2) { $hs = "0" . $hs; } if (strlen($Pm) < 2) { $Pm = "0" . $Pm; } if ($CalculSol == "") { $lev = $hs . ":" . $Pm; } else { $lev = "00:00"; } //Coucher du soleil $Pm = $h + $fh + ($ET + $ah) / $hr; if ($Pm > 24) { $Pm = $Pm - 24; } if ($Pm < 0) { $Pm = $Pm + 24; } $hs = floor($Pm); $Pm = floor(60 * ($Pm - $hs)); if (strlen($hs) < 2) { $hs = "0" . $hs; } if (strlen($Pm) < 2) { $Pm = "0" . $Pm; } if ($CalculSol == "") { $couch = $hs . ":" . $Pm; } else { $couch = "00:00"; } $returnArray["sunrise"] = date("d/M/y G:i:s", strtotime($lev)); $returnArray["sunset"] = date("d/M/y G:i:s", strtotime($couch)); $returnArray["sunrise"] = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i', $lev); $returnArray["sunset"] = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i', $couch); return $returnArray; }
/** * 求角度$d对应的椭圆上的点坐标,$a为横轴长,$b为纵轴长。 * 先通过百分比得到弧度,再通过得到的弧度得出终点坐标。 * 最后将图形画上去。 * @param [type] $a [椭圆横轴长] * @param [type] $b [椭圆纵轴长] * @param [type] $d [要画的弧度] * @return [type] [反回弧度终点的坐标] */ public function draw_getexy($a, $b, $d) { $d = deg2rad($d); return array(round($a * Cos($d)), round($b * Sin($d))); }
<?php $obrazek = imagecreatetruecolor(600, 600); $white = imagecolorallocate($obrazek, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($obrazek, 0, 0, 0); $red = imagecolorallocate($obrazek, 255, 0, 0); $green = imagecolorallocate($obrazek, 0, 255, 0); $blue = imagecolorallocate($obrazek, 0, 0, 255); imagefilledrectangle($obrazek, 0, 0, 600, 600, $white); imageline($obrazek, 300, 0, 300, 600, $black); imageline($obrazek, 0, 300, 600, 300, $black); for ($i = 0; $i <= 600; $i = $i + 20) { imageline($obrazek, $i, 297, $i, 303, $black); imageline($obrazek, 297, $i, 303, $i, $black); } for ($i = -600; $i < 600; $i += 0.01) { $y = Sin($i * (M_PI / 180)) * 50; imagesetpixel($obrazek, 300 + $i, 300 - $y, $black); } header("Content-type:image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($obrazek); imagedestroy($obrazek);
function getArcCords($cords, $start, $end, $dir, $prev_lat = 0, $prev_lon = 0) { $start = modulo($start, 360); $end = modulo($end, 360); $out = ""; $out2 = ""; $angularDistance = $cords[2] / 6371000; $count = 0; if ($dir < 0) { $total_angle = -($end - $start); } else { $total_angle = $end - $start; } $total_angle = modulo($total_angle, 360); if ($total_angle == 0) { $total_angle = 360; } for ($i = $start; $count <= 48; $i += $dir * $total_angle / 48) { //$out.= "$i"; $bearing = deg2rad($i); $lat = Asin(Sin($cords[0]) * Cos($angularDistance) + Cos($cords[0]) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($bearing)); $dlon = Atan2(Sin($bearing) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($cords[0]), Cos($angularDistance) - Sin($cords[0]) * Sin($lat)); $lon = fmod($cords[1] + $dlon + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI; $latOut = rad2deg($lat); $lonOut = rad2deg($lon); $out .= encode($latOut - $prev_lat) . encode($lonOut - $prev_lon); $out2 .= "{$lonOut},{$latOut},0 "; $prev_lat = $latOut; $prev_lon = $lonOut; $count++; } return array($out, $out2); }
/** * @param $coord * @return string */ public function get_circle_cords($coord) { $out = ""; $angularDistance = $coord->radius / 6378137; $center_lat = deg2rad($coord->lat); $center_lon = deg2rad($coord->lon); for ($i = 0; $i <= 360; $i++) { $bearing = deg2rad($i); $lat = Asin(Sin($center_lat) * Cos($angularDistance) + Cos($center_lat) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($bearing)); $dlon = Atan2(Sin($bearing) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($center_lat), Cos($angularDistance) - Sin($center_lat) * Sin($lat)); $lon = fmod($center_lon + $dlon + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI; $latOut = rad2deg($lat); $lonOut = rad2deg($lon); $out .= $lonOut . ',' . $latOut . ',' . 0 . ' '; } return $out; }
function _effect_distort($image, $factor = 40, $grad = 1, $method = 0) { // from Farshid Hosseini $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); $fact = $factor / 25; $disx = rand(4, 10) * (rand(0, 1) ? 1 : -1) * $fact; $disy = rand(4, 12) * (rand(0, 1) ? 1 : -1) * $fact; $yf = rand(30, 45) * $fact; $xf = rand(80, 95) * $fact; // from // KCAPTCHA randomize // periods $rand1 = mt_rand(750000, 1200000) / 10000000; $rand2 = mt_rand(750000, 1200000) / 10000000; $rand3 = mt_rand(750000, 1200000) / 10000000; $rand4 = mt_rand(750000, 1200000) / 10000000; // phases $rand5 = mt_rand(0, 31415926) / 10000000; $rand6 = mt_rand(0, 31415926) / 10000000; $rand7 = mt_rand(0, 31415926) / 10000000; $rand8 = mt_rand(0, 31415926) / 10000000; // amplitudes $rand9 = mt_rand(330, 420) / 110; $rand10 = mt_rand(330, 450) / 110; // make new canvas img $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height); $bgcolor = imagecolorsforindex($image, 0); $new = imagecolorallocate($canvas, $bgcolor['red'], $bgcolor['green'], $bgcolor['blue']); $fgcolor = imagecolorsforindex($image, 1); $new = imagecolorallocate($canvas, $fgcolor['red'], $fgcolor['green'], $fgcolor['blue']); imagepalettecopy($canvas, $image); for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) { if (empty($method)) { // Adds a simple wave $newX = $x + $disx * Sin(3.141592 * $y / $xf); $t = ($x - $width / 2) / $yf * 2.4; $t = $t * $t; $newY = $y + $disy * exp(-$t) * sin(3.141592 * $x / $yf); } else { // KCAPTCHA method $newX = $x + (sin($x * $rand1 + $rand5) + sin($y * $rand3 + $rand6)) * $rand9; $newY = $y + (sin($x * $rand2 + $rand7) + sin($y * $rand4 + $rand8)) * $rand10; } if ($grad) { # with gradient effect based on above functions if ($newY > $height or $newY < 0) { $newY = 0; } if ($newX < 0) { $newX = 0; } else { if ($newX > $width) { $newX = $width; } } $newcolor = _antialias_color($image, $x, $y, $newX, $newY); if ($newcolor === false) { // this is background color $newcolor = $bgcolor; } $r = $newcolor['red']; $g = $newcolor['green']; $b = $newcolor['blue']; $gratio = 120; $bratio = 100; $pratio = 125; $red = (int) $r; $green = (int) ($newX / $width * $gratio + $g / 255 * $pratio); $blue = (int) ($newY / $height * $bgatio + $b / 255 * $pratio); $new = imagecolorallocate($canvas, $red, $green, $blue); $new = imagecolorclosest($canvas, $red, $green, $blue); imageSetPixel($canvas, $x, $y, $new); } else { if ($newX < 0 || $newY < 0 || $newX >= $width - 1 || $newY >= $height - 1) { continue; } $newcolor = _antialias_color($image, $x, $y, $newX, $newY); // ignore background if ($newcolor === false) { continue; } $red = $newcolor['red']; $green = $newcolor['green']; $blue = $newcolor['blue']; $new = imagecolorallocate($canvas, $red, $green, $blue); $new = imagecolorclosest($canvas, $red, $green, $blue); imageSetPixel($canvas, $x, $y, $new); } } } imageCopy($image, $canvas, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); }
function E_N_to_Long($East, $North, $a, $b, $e0, $n0, $f0, $PHI0, $LAM0) { #Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to longitude. #Input: - _ #eastings (East) and northings (North) in meters; _ #ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _ #eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _ #central meridian scale factor (f0) and _ #latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees. #REQUIRES THE "Marc" AND "InitialLat" FUNCTIONS #Convert angle measures to radians $Pi = 3.14159265358979; $RadPHI0 = $PHI0 * ($Pi / 180); $RadLAM0 = $LAM0 * ($Pi / 180); #Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et $af0 = $a * $f0; $bf0 = $b * $f0; $e2 = (pow($af0, 2) - pow($bf0, 2)) / pow($af0, 2); $n = ($af0 - $bf0) / ($af0 + $bf0); $Et = $East - $e0; #Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians $PHId = $this->InitialLat($North, $n0, $af0, $RadPHI0, $n, $bf0); #Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId $nu = $af0 / sqrt(1 - $e2 * pow(sin($PHId), 2)); $rho = $nu * (1 - $e2) / (1 - $e2 * pow(Sin($PHId), 2)); $eta2 = $nu / $rho - 1; #Compute Longitude $X = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / $nu; $XI = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / (6 * pow($nu, 3)) * ($nu / $rho + 2 * pow(tan($PHId), 2)); $XII = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / (120 * pow($nu, 5)) * (5 + 28 * pow(tan($PHId), 2) + 24 * pow(tan($PHId), 4)); $XIIA = pow(Cos($PHId), -1) / (5040 * pow($nu, 7)) * (61 + 662 * pow(tan($PHId), 2) + 1320 * pow(Tan($PHId), 4) + 720 * pow(tan($PHId), 6)); $E_N_to_Long = 180 / $Pi * ($RadLAM0 + $Et * $X - pow($Et, 3) * $XI + pow($Et, 5) * $XII - pow($Et, 7) * $XIIA); return $E_N_to_Long; }
/** Function for computing the meridional arc - used internally * @access public * @param $bFo * @param $n * @param $P1 * @param $P2 */ private function _marc($bFo, $n, $P1, $P2) { $n2 = $n * $n; $n3 = $n * $n * $n; $Marc = $bFo * ((1 + $n + 5 / 4 * $n2 + 5 / 4 * $n3) * ($P2 - $P1) - (3 * $n + 3 * $n2 + 21 / 8 * $n3) * Sin($P2 - $P1) * Cos($P2 + $P1) + (15 / 8 * $n2 + 15 / 8 * $n3) * Sin(2 * ($P2 - $P1)) * Cos(2 * ($P2 + $P1)) - 35 / 24 * $n3 * Sin(3 * ($P2 - $P1)) * Cos(3 * ($P2 + $P1))); return $Marc; }
/** Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to longitude. * @uses marc * @uses InitialLat * @param string $East easting in metres * @param string $North northing in metres * @param string $a ellipsoid axis in metres * @param string $b ellipsoid axis in metres * @param string $e0 eastings false origin * @param string $n0 northings false origin * @param integer $f0 central meridian scale factor * @param double $PHI0 latitude of false origin in dec degrees * @param double $LAM0 longitude of false origin in dec degrees */ private function _eNtoLong($East, $North, $a, $b, $e0, $n0, $f0, $PHI0, $LAM0) { //Convert angle measures to radians $RadPHI0 = $PHI0 * (self::PI / 180); $RadLAM0 = $LAM0 * (self::PI / 180); //Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et $af0 = $a * $f0; $bf0 = $b * $f0; $e2 = (pow($af0, 2) - pow($bf0, 2)) / pow($af0, 2); $n = ($af0 - $bf0) / ($af0 + $bf0); $Et = $East - $e0; //Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians $PHId = $this->_initialLat($North, $n0, $af0, $RadPHI0, $n, $bf0); //Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId $nu = $af0 / sqrt(1 - $e2 * pow(sin($PHId), 2)); $rho = $nu * (1 - $e2) / (1 - $e2 * pow(Sin($PHId), 2)); $eta2 = $nu / $rho - 1; //Compute Longitude $X = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / $nu; $XI = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / (6 * pow($nu, 3)) * ($nu / $rho + 2 * pow(tan($PHId), 2)); $XII = pow(cos($PHId), -1) / (120 * pow($nu, 5)) * (5 + 28 * pow(tan($PHId), 2) + 24 * pow(tan($PHId), 4)); $XIIA = pow(Cos($PHId), -1) / (5040 * pow($nu, 7)) * (61 + 662 * pow(tan($PHId), 2) + 1320 * pow(Tan($PHId), 4) + 720 * pow(tan($PHId), 6)); $E_N_to_Long = 180 / self::PI * ($RadLAM0 + $Et * $X - pow($Et, 3) * $XI + pow($Et, 5) * $XII - pow($Et, 7) * $XIIA); return $E_N_to_Long; }
private static function solarsystem($tjd, $body, $origin, &$pos, &$vel) { $ierr = 0; $pos2 = array(); $p = array(); //3x3 if (SolarTerm::$tlast == 0.0) { $oblr = 0.40909280420293637; SolarTerm::$sine = sin($oblr); SolarTerm::$cose = cos($oblr); SolarTerm::$tmass = 1.0; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i += 1) { SolarTerm::$tmass += 1.0 / SolarTerm::$pm[(int) $i]; } SolarTerm::$tlast = 1.0; } $pos = array(); $vel = array(); if ($body == 0 || $body == 1 || $body == 10) { for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i += 1) { $pos[(int) $i] = $vel[(int) $i] = 0.0; } } else { if ($body != 2 && $body != 3) { return 2; } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i += 1) { $qjd = $tjd + doubleval($i - 1) * 0.1; $ras = 0; $decs = 0; $diss = 0; SolarTerm::sun_eph($qjd, $ras, $decs, $diss); Novas::radec2vector($ras, $decs, $diss, $pos2); Novas::precession($qjd, $pos2, 2451545.0, $pos); $p[$i][0] = -$pos[0]; $p[$i][1] = -$pos[1]; $p[$i][2] = -$pos[2]; } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i += 1) { $pos[(int) $i] = $p[1][(int) $i]; $vel[(int) $i] = ($p[2][(int) $i] - $p[0][(int) $i]) / 0.2; } } if ($origin == 0) { if (abs($tjd - SolarTerm::$tlast) >= 1.0E-6) { for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i += 1) { SolarTerm::$pbary[(int) $i] = SolarTerm::$vbary[(int) $i] = 0.0; } for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i += 1) { $dlon = SolarTerm::$pl[(int) $i] + SolarTerm::$pn[(int) $i] * ($tjd - 2451545.0); $dlon %= 6.283185307179586; $sinl = Sin($dlon); $cosl = Cos($dlon); $x = SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * $cosl; $y = SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * $sinl * SolarTerm::$cose; $z = SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * $sinl * SolarTerm::$sine; $xdot = -SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * SolarTerm::$pn[(int) $i] * $sinl; $ydot = SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * SolarTerm::$pn[(int) $i] * $cosl * SolarTerm::$cose; $zdot = SolarTerm::$pa[(int) $i] * SolarTerm::$pn[(int) $i] * $cosl * SolarTerm::$sine; $f = 1.0 / (SolarTerm::$pm[(int) $i] * SolarTerm::$tmass); SolarTerm::$pbary[0] += $x * $f; SolarTerm::$pbary[1] += $y * $f; SolarTerm::$pbary[2] += $z * $f; SolarTerm::$vbary[0] += $xdot * $f; SolarTerm::$vbary[1] += $ydot * $f; SolarTerm::$vbary[2] += $zdot * $f; } SolarTerm::$tlast = $tjd; } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i += 1) { $pos[(int) $i] -= SolarTerm::$pbary[(int) $i]; $vel[(int) $i] -= SolarTerm::$vbary[(int) $i]; } } return $ierr; }
function getArcCords($cords, $start, $end, $dir, $prev_lat = 0, $prev_lon = 0) { $out = ""; $out2 = array(); $angularDistance = $cords[2] / geometry::EARTH_RADIUS; $count = 0; if ($dir < 0) { $totat_angle = $end - $start; } else { if ($start > $end) { $end += 360; $totat_angle = -($start - $end); } else { $totat_angle = -($start - $end) - 360; } } for ($i = $start; $count <= 48; $i += $totat_angle / 48) { //$out.= "$i"; $bearing = deg2rad($i); $lat = Asin(Sin($cords[0]) * Cos($angularDistance) + Cos($cords[0]) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($bearing)); $dlon = Atan2(Sin($bearing) * Sin($angularDistance) * Cos($cords[0]), Cos($angularDistance) - Sin($cords[0]) * Sin($lat)); $lon = fmod($cords[1] + $dlon + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI; $latOut = rad2deg($lat); $lonOut = rad2deg($lon); $out .= encode($latOut - $prev_lat) . encode($lonOut - $prev_lon); $out2[] = array($lonOut, $latOut); $prev_lat = $latOut; $prev_lon = $lonOut; $count++; } return array($out, $out2); }