Example #1
    return $str;
$browscap = ini_get('browscap');
if (!empty($browscap)) {
    $browser = get_browser();
    $HTTP_USER_AGENT = "Browser information is not available.";
$body_top = "I subscribe to the squirrelmail-users mailing list.\n" . "  [ ]  True - No need to CC me when replying\n" . "  [ ]  False - Please CC me when replying\n" . "\n" . "This bug occurs when I ...\n" . "  ... view a particular message\n" . "  ... use a specific plugin/function\n" . "  ... try to do/view/use ....\n" . "\n\n\n" . "The description of the bug:\n\n\n" . "I can reproduce the bug by:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got bored and found the bug occurs in:\n\n\n" . "(Optional) I got really bored and here's a fix:\n\n\n" . "----------------------------------------------\n" . "\nMy browser information:\n" . '  ' . $HTTP_USER_AGENT . "\n";
if (isset($browser)) {
    $body_top .= "  get_browser() information (List)\n" . Show_Array((array) $browser);
$body_top .= "\nMy web server information:\n" . "  PHP Version " . phpversion() . "\n" . "  PHP Extensions (List)\n" . Show_Array(get_loaded_extensions()) . "\nSquirrelMail-specific information:\n" . "  Version:  {$version}\n" . "  Plugins (List)\n" . Show_Array($plugins);
if (isset($ldap_server) && $ldap_server[0] && !extension_loaded('ldap')) {
    $warning = 1;
    $warnings['ldap'] = "LDAP server defined in SquirrelMail config, " . "but the module is not loaded in PHP";
    $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure PHP with the option '--with-ldap'";
    $corrections['ldap'][] = "Then recompile PHP and reinstall";
    $corrections['ldap'][] = "-- OR --";
    $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure SquirrelMail to not use LDAP";
$body = "\nMy IMAP server information:\n" . "  Server type:  {$imap_server_type}\n";
/* check imap server's mapping */
$imapServerAddress = sqimap_get_user_server($imapServerAddress, $username);
 * add tls:// prefix, if tls is used.
 * No need to check for openssl.
 * User can't use SquirrelMail if this part is misconfigured
Example #2
 * Retrieve long text string containing semi-formatted (simple text
 * with newlines and spaces for indentation) SquirrelMail system
 * specs
 * @return array A three-element array, the first element containing
 *               the string of system specs, the second one containing 
 *               a list of any warnings that may have occurred, keyed
 *               by a warning "type" (which is used to key the corrections
 *               array next), and the third element of which is a list
 *               of sub-arrays keyed by warning "type": the sub-arrays
 *               are lists of correction messages associated with the
 *               warnings.  The second and third return elements may
 *               be empty arrays if no warnings were found.
 * @since 1.5.2
function get_system_specs()
    //FIXME: configtest and this plugin should be using the same code to generate the basic SM system specifications and setup detection
    global $imapServerAddress, $username, $imapPort, $imap_server_type, $use_imap_tls, $ldap_server;
    // load required libraries
    include_once SM_PATH . 'functions/imap_general.php';
    $browscap = ini_get('browscap');
    if (!empty($browscap)) {
        $browser = get_browser();
    $warnings = array();
    $corrections = array();
    if (!sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $HTTP_USER_AGENT, SQ_SERVER)) {
        $HTTP_USER_AGENT = "Browser information is not available.";
    $body_top = "My browser information:\n" . '  ' . $HTTP_USER_AGENT . "\n";
    if (isset($browser)) {
        $body_top .= "  get_browser() information (List)\n" . Show_Array((array) $browser);
    $body_top .= "\nMy web server information:\n" . "  PHP Version " . phpversion() . "\n" . "  PHP Extensions (List)\n" . Show_Array(get_loaded_extensions()) . "\nSquirrelMail-specific information:\n" . "  Version:  " . SM_VERSION . "\n" . "  Plugins (List)\n" . br_show_plugins() . "\n";
    if (!empty($ldap_server[0]) && $ldap_server[0] && !extension_loaded('ldap')) {
        $warnings['ldap'] = "LDAP server defined in SquirrelMail config, " . "but the module is not loaded in PHP";
        $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure PHP with the option '--with-ldap'";
        $corrections['ldap'][] = "Then recompile PHP and reinstall";
        $corrections['ldap'][] = "-- OR --";
        $corrections['ldap'][] = "Reconfigure SquirrelMail to not use LDAP";
    $body = "\nMy IMAP server information:\n" . "  Server type:  {$imap_server_type}\n";
    $imapServerAddress = sqimap_get_user_server($imapServerAddress, $username);
    $imap_stream = sqimap_create_stream($imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $use_imap_tls);
    if ($imap_stream) {
        $body .= '  Capabilities: ';
        if ($imap_capabilities = sqimap_capability($imap_stream)) {
            foreach ($imap_capabilities as $capability => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    foreach ($value as $val) {
                        $body .= $capability . "={$val} ";
                } else {
                    $body .= $capability . (is_bool($value) ? ' ' : "={$value} ");
        $body .= "\n";
    } else {
        $body .= "  Unable to connect to IMAP server to get information.\n";
        $warnings['imap'] = "Unable to connect to IMAP server";
        $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure you specified the correct mail server";
        $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the mail server is running IMAP, not POP";
        $corrections['imap'][] = "Make sure the server responds to port {$imapPort}";
    $warning_num = 0;
    if (!empty($warnings)) {
        foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) {
            if ($warning_num == 0) {
                $body_top .= "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP:\n";
                $body_top = "WARNINGS WERE REPORTED WITH YOUR SETUP -- SEE BELOW\n\n{$body_top}";
            $body_top .= "\n{$value}\n";
            foreach ($corrections[$key] as $corr_val) {
                $body_top .= "  * {$corr_val}\n";
        $body_top .= "\n{$warning_num} warning(s) reported.\n";
        $body_top .= "----------------------------------------------\n";
    $body = $body_top . $body;
    return array($body, $warnings, $corrections);