Example #1
if ($_POST['email']) {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
if ($_POST['ota']) {
    $ota = $_POST['ota'];
if ($_POST['web']) {
    $web = $_POST['web'];
if ($_POST['chaincode']) {
    $chaincode = $_POST['chaincode'];
if ($_POST['Save'] && $_POST['tab'] == 'adminhotel') {
    $longitude = $londeg . "." . $lonmin . "." . $lonsec . $londir;
    $latitude = $latdeg . "." . $latmin . "." . $latsec . $latdir;
    Save_HotelSettings($hotel, $altname, $company, $register, $ebridgeid, $tax1, $tax2, $phone, $fax, $IM, $street, $city, $citycode, $state, $postcode, $countrycode, $country, $logo, $latitude, $longitude, $language, $email, $web, $ota, $chaincode);
// Get the current settings
Get_HotelSettings($hotel, $altname, $company, $register, $ebridgeid, $tax1, $tax2, $phone, $fax, $IM, $street, $city, $citycode, $state, $postcode, $countrycode, $country, $logo, $latitude, $longitude, $language, $email, $web, $ota, $chaincode);
if ($latitude) {
    list($latdeg, $latmin, $latsec, $latdir) = sscanf($latitude, "%d.%d.%d%s");
if ($longitude) {
    list($londeg, $lonmin, $lonsec, $londir) = sscanf($longitude, "%d.%d.%d%s");
/** If not saved and the country code changed, then the change back to the new countrycode */
if (!$_POST['Save'] && $countrycode != $newcountrycode && $newcountrycode) {
    $countrycode = $newcountrycode;
// Retrieve the country name for the country code currently set.
$country = Get_Country($countrycode);
Example #2
     $countrycode = "SG";
 $timezones = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countrycode);
 foreach ($timezones as $key => $zone) {
     $cityArr = explode("/", $zone);
     $tempCity = $cityArr[1];
     if (!empty($city) && strcasecmp($tempCity, $city) == 0) {
         $timezone = $zone;
 if (empty($timezone)) {
     $timezone = $timezones[0];
 //Operator Setup
 Save_HotelSettings($hotel, $hotel, $company, $register, $ebridgeid, $taxid1, $taxid2, $phone, $fax, $IM, $street, $city, $citycode, $city, $postcode, $countrycode, $country, 'images/enovate_symbol_sm.JPG', '103.52.28E', '1.18.42N', 'en', $email, 'www.e-novate.asia', 'http://localhost', 'Chain Code');
 //End of Operator Setup
 //Write the confguration.inc file
 $data = "<?php\n";
 $data .= "/**\n";
 $data .= " * @package OTA Hotel Management\n";
 $data .= " * @file admin.php\n";
 $data .= " * @brief admin web page called by OTA Hotel Management\n";
 $data .= " * see readme.txt for credits and references\n";
 $data .= " *\n";
 $data .= " * @addtogroup CODE_MANAGEMENT\n";
 $data .= " * @{\n";
 $data .= " * @defgroup DATABASE_MANAGEMENT Database setup and management page\n";
 $data .= " * @{\n";
 $data .= " * This documentation is for code maintenance, not a user guide.\n";
 $data .= " */\n";