Example #1
  * Constructor
  * Sets up private search variables
  * @author Tony Bibbs, tony AT geeklog DOT net
 public function __construct()
     global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
     // Set search criteria
     if (isset($_GET['query'])) {
         $query = COM_stripslashes($_GET['query']);
         $query = GLText::remove4byteUtf8Chars($query);
         $this->_query = strip_tags($query);
     if (isset($_GET['topic'])) {
         // see if topic exists
         $tid = COM_applyFilter($_GET['topic']);
         // If it exists and user has access to it, it will return itself else an empty string
         $tid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', "tid = '{$tid}'" . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2));
         $this->_topic = $tid;
     } else {
         if ($_CONF['search_use_topic']) {
             $last_topic = SESS_getVariable('topic');
             if ($last_topic != '') {
                 $this->_topic = $last_topic;
     if (isset($_GET['datestart'])) {
         $this->_dateStart = COM_applyFilter($_GET['datestart']);
     if (isset($_GET['dateend'])) {
         $this->_dateEnd = COM_applyFilter($_GET['dateend']);
     if (isset($_GET['author'])) {
         $this->_author = COM_applyFilter($_GET['author']);
         // In case we got a username instead of uid, convert it.  This should
         // make custom themes for search page easier.
         if (!is_numeric($this->_author) && !preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/', $this->_author) && $this->_author != '') {
             $this->_author = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', 'username=\'' . DB_escapeString($this->_author) . '\'');
         if ($this->_author < 1) {
             $this->_author = '';
     $this->_type = isset($_GET['type']) ? COM_applyFilter($_GET['type']) : 'all';
     $this->_keyType = isset($_GET['keyType']) ? COM_applyFilter($_GET['keyType']) : $_CONF['search_def_keytype'];
     $this->_titlesOnly = isset($_GET['title']) ? true : false;
Example #2
* Figure out the current topic for a plugin. If permissions or language wrong
* will find default else end with a '' topic (which is all). Needs to be run
* on page that is affected by the topic after lib-common.php so it can grab
* topic in url if need be. Also if pass blank $type and $id then return just last topic
* @param    string          $type   Type of object to find topic access about.
* @param    string/array    $id     ID of object
* @return   void
function TOPIC_getTopic($type = '', $id = '')
    global $_TABLES, $topic;
    $find_another = false;
    $found = false;
    // Double check
    $topic = COM_applyFilter($topic);
    if ($topic == TOPIC_ALL_OPTION) {
        $topic = '';
        // Do not use 'all' option. Nothing is the same thing
    // See if user has access to view topic
    if ($topic != '') {
        $test_topic = DB_getItem($_TABLES['topics'], 'tid', "tid = '{$topic}' " . COM_getPermSQL('AND'));
        if (strtolower($topic) != strtolower($test_topic)) {
            $topic = '';
        } else {
            // Make it equal to the db version since case maybe different
            $topic = $test_topic;
    // Check and return Previous topic
    if ($topic == '') {
        // Blank could mean all topics or that we do not know topic
        // retrieve previous topic
        $last_topic = SESS_getVariable('topic');
    } else {
        $last_topic = $topic;
    // ***********************************
    // Special Cases
    if ($type == '') {
        // used by search, submit, etc to find last topic
        $topic = $last_topic;
        $found = true;
    } elseif ($type == 'comment') {
        if ($id != '') {
            // Find comment objects topic
            $sql = "SELECT type, sid\n                FROM {$_TABLES['comments']}\n                WHERE cid = '{$id}'";
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($nrows > 0) {
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                // Found comment object so now reset type and id variables
                $type = $A['type'];
                $id = $A['sid'];
            } else {
                // Could not find comment so set topic to nothing (all)
                $topic = '';
                $found = true;
        } else {
            // If no id then probably a submit form
            $topic = $last_topic;
            $found = true;
    // ***********************************
    if (!$found) {
        if ($last_topic != '') {
            // see if object belongs to topic or any child inherited topics
            $tid_list = TOPIC_getChildList($last_topic);
            $sql = "SELECT ta.tid\n                FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} t, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n                WHERE t.tid = ta.tid\n                AND ta.type = '{$type}' AND ta.id = '{$id}'\n                AND (ta.tid IN({$tid_list}) AND (ta.inherit = 1 OR (ta.inherit = 0 AND ta.tid = '{$last_topic}')))\n                " . COM_getLangSQL('tid', 'AND', 't') . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 't') . " ORDER BY tdefault DESC, tid ASC";
            // Order by default first and then tid alphabetically since no defined sort order of topics. This needs to be the same as when topics are displayed (index.php)
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($nrows > 0) {
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $topic = $A['tid'];
                // Default topic if returned else first topic in order by tid
                // Need to check if topic assignment exists for last topic if so make that the topic instead
                while ($A = DB_fetchArray($result)) {
                    if ($last_topic == $A['tid']) {
                        $topic = $A['tid'];
            } else {
                $find_another = true;
        } else {
            $find_another = true;
        if ($find_another) {
            // Find another topic to set, most likely default
            $sql = "SELECT ta.*\n                FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} t, {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta\n                WHERE t.tid = ta.tid\n                AND ta.type = '{$type}' AND ta.id = '{$id}'\n                " . COM_getLangSQL('tid', 'AND', 't') . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2, 't') . "\n                ORDER by ta.tdefault DESC";
            $result = DB_query($sql);
            $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
            if ($nrows > 0) {
                $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
                $topic = $A['tid'];
            } else {
                $topic = '';