function getLayoutLogo($layout) { if ($layout['imglogo_use']) { return '<a href="' . RW(0) . '" style="margin:' . $layout['title_t'] . 'px 0 ' . $layout['title_b'] . 'px 0;"><img src="' . $GLOBALS['g']['s'] . '/layouts/' . $layout['dir'] . '/_var/' . $layout['imglogo'] . '" width="' . $layout['imglogo_w'] . '" height="' . $layout['imglogo_h'] . '" alt="" /></a>'; } else { return '<h1><a href="' . RW(0) . '" style="margin:' . $layout['title_t'] . 'px 0 ' . $layout['title_b'] . 'px 0;color:' . $layout['title_color'] . ';" id="_layout_title_">' . $layout['title'] . '</a></h1>'; } }
function getRWurl($url) { global $_HS, $g; if ($_HS['rewrite']) { return 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace('./', '/', RW($url)); } else { return $g['url_root'] . htmlspecialchars(str_replace('&', '&', str_replace('./', '/', RW($url)))); } }
function getMenuWidgetTree($site, $table, $is_child, $parent, $depth, $id, $w, $_C) { global $_CA; if ($depth < $w['limit']) { $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'hidden=0 and parent=' . $parent . ' and depth=' . ($depth + 1) . ($w['mobile'] ? ' and mobile=1' : '') . ' order by gid asc', '*'); echo "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { echo "\t"; } if ($is_child) { echo "<ul" . ($w['dropdown'] ? ' class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel"' : '') . ">\n"; if ($w['dropdown'] && $w['dispfmenu']) { echo $_C['link']; echo '<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>' . "\n"; } } while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) { $_newTree = ($id ? $id . '/' : '') . $C['id']; $_href = $w['link'] == 'bookmark' ? ' data-scroll href="#' . ($C['is_child'] && $w['limit'] > 1 && !$parent && $w['dropdown'] ? '' : str_replace('/', '-', $_newTree)) . '"' : ' href="' . RW('c=' . $_newTree) . '"'; $_dropdown = $w['dropdown'] && $C['is_child'] && $C['depth'] == $w['depth'] + 1 && $w['olimit'] > 1 ? ' class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"' : ''; $_name = $C['name'] . ($_dropdown ? ' <i class="caret"></i>' : ''); $_target = $C['target'] == '_blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; $_addattr = $C['addattr'] ? ' ' . $C['addattr'] : ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $C['depth']; $i++) { echo "\t"; } if ($_dropdown) { echo '<li class="dropdown' . (in_array($C['id'], $_CA) ? ' active' : '') . '"><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_dropdown . $_target . '>' . $_name . '</a>'; } else { echo '<li' . (in_array($C['id'], $_CA) ? ' class="active"' : '') . '><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_dropdown . $_target . '>' . $_name . '</a>'; } if ($C['is_child']) { $C['link'] = '<li><a' . $_addattr . $_href . $_target . '>' . $C['name'] . '</a></li>'; getMenuWidgetTree($site, $table, $C['is_child'], $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $_newTree, $w, $C); } echo "</li>\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { echo "\t"; } if ($is_child) { echo "</ul>\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { echo "\t"; } } }
?> <?php $adddata = unserialize($infoArticle['adddata']); ?> <a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&bid=event&uid=" . $infoArticle['uid']); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $_thumbimg; ?> " alt="<?php echo $infoArticle['subject']; ?> " /></a> <h2><a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&uid=" . $infoArticle['uid']); ?> "><?php echo $infoArticle['subject']; ?> </a></h2> <!-- <p class="event"><?php echo getStrCut(strip_tags(urldecode($adddata['desc'])), 100, ""); ?> </p> --> <p class="event" style="width:310px;height:45px;"><?php echo getStrCut(strip_tags(urldecode($adddata['desc'])), 100, ""); ?> </p> </li> <?php
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); if ($type == 'pc') { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], "layout='" . $layout . "/main.php'", 'uid=' . $s); getWindow(RW(0), 'PC모드 대표 레이아웃으로 적용되었습니다.', '', '', ''); exit; } else { getDbUpdate($table['s_site'], "m_layout='" . $layout . "/main.php'", 'uid=' . $s); getLink('', '', '모바일웹 대표레이아웃으로 적용되었습니다. \\n\\n모바일기기나 에뮬레이터로 확인하세요.', ''); }
</ul> </div> <div class="quick"> <h3><img src="/pages/image/trainfomain/title_quick.gif" alt="주요여행정보 바로가기" /></h3> <ul> <li><a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&bbsid=travelinfo2&uid=1032"); ?> "><img src="/pages/image/trainfomain/quick_01.gif" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&bbsid=travelinfo2&uid=1025"); ?> "><img src="/pages/image/trainfomain/quick_02.gif" alt="" /></a></li> <?php if ($r == "maldives") { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&bbsid=travelinfo2&uid=1060"); ?> "><img src="/pages/image/trainfomain/quick_03_01.gif" alt="" /></a></li> <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="/?r=mexico&m=bbs&bid=travelinfo2&uid=2529"><img src="/pages/image/trainfomain/quick_03_02.gif" alt="" /></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>
echo _LANG('a2029', 'site'); ?> </button> </span> <div id="guide_menucode" class="collapse rb-guide"> <ul> <li><?php echo _LANG('a2030', 'site'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _LANG('a2031', 'site'); ?> <code><?php echo RW('c=<span class="b">CODE</span>'); ?> </code></li> <li><?php echo _LANG('a2032', 'site'); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($is_fcategory && $CINFO['is_child']) {
$_date = $d['layout']['bbs4_day'] != '' ? date('YmdHis', mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($date['today'], 4, 2), substr($date['today'], 6, 2) - $d['layout']['bbs4_day'], $date['year'])) : 0; ?> <?php $_RCD = getDbArray($table['bbsdata'], 'bbs=' . $d['layout']['bbs4'] . ' and display=1 and d_regis > ' . $_date, '*', $_sort[0], $_sort[1], $d['layout']['bbs4_num'], 1); ?> <?php $_R = db_fetch_array($_RCD); ?> <div class="tt"> <div class="ts"><?php echo $_B['name']; ?> </div> <div class="tmore"><a href="<?php echo RW('m=bbs&bid=' . $_B['id']); ?> ">더보기</a></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php if ($_R['uid']) { ?> <?php $_IMG = getImgs($_R['content'], 'jpg|jpeg'); ?> <div class="thumb"><a href="<?php echo getPostLink($_R); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $_IMG[0] ? $_IMG[0] : $g['img_core'] . '/blank.gif';
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$mod) { getLink(RW(0), '', '', ''); } include_once $g['dir_module'] . 'var/var.php'; $iframe = 'Y'; $g['dir_module_skin'] = $g['dir_module'] . 'theme/' . $d['upload']['theme'] . '/'; $g['url_module_skin'] = $g['url_module'] . '/theme/' . $d['upload']['theme']; $g['img_module_skin'] = $g['url_module_skin'] . '/image'; $g['dir_module_mode'] = $g['dir_module_skin'] . $mod; $g['url_module_mode'] = $g['url_module_skin'] . '/' . $mod; $g['main'] = $g['dir_module_mode'] . '.php';
"<?php if (!$R['uid'] && !$g['device']) { ?> autofocus<?php } ?> > <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default rb-help-btn" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bbs_name-guide" data-tooltip="tooltip" title="도움말"><i class="fa fa-question-circle fa-lg"></i></button> </span> <?php if ($R['uid']) { ?> <span class="input-group-btn"> <a href="<?php echo RW('m=' . $module . '&bid=' . $R['id']); ?> " target="_blank" class="btn btn-default" data-tooltip="tooltip" title="게시판 보기"> <i class="fa fa-link fa-lg"></i> </a> </span> <?php } ?> </div> <p class="help-block collapse alert alert-warning" id="bbs_name-guide"> <small> 게시판제목에 해당되며 한글,영문등 자유롭게 등록할 수 있습니다.</small> </p> </div> </div> <div class="form-group">
function getMenuTxt($site, $table, $j, $parent, $depth, $uid, $code) { global $g; static $j, $string; $xdepth = $depth + 1; $CD = getDbSelect($table, ($site ? 'site=' . $site . ' and ' : '') . 'depth=' . $xdepth . ' and parent=' . $parent . ' order by gid asc', '*'); while ($C = db_fetch_array($CD)) { $j++; $code = $code . $C['id'] . '/'; $_code = substr($code, 0, strlen($code) - 1); for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { $string .= "\t"; } $string .= '[' . $xdepth . ']' . ($C['hidden'] ? '[숨김]' : '') . ($C['reject'] ? '[차단]' : '') . ($C['target'] ? '[새창]' : '') . $C['name'] . " = " . RW('c=' . $_code) . "\r\n"; if ($C['isson']) { getMenuTxt($site, $table, $j, $C['uid'], $C['depth'], $uid, $code); } if ($xdepth == 1) { $string .= "\r\n"; } $code = ''; } return $string; }
<li id="top-menu4"><a href="<?php echo $_M1['redirect'] ? $_M1['joint'] : RW('c=' . $_M1['id']); ?> " id="top-menu-head4">메뉴4</a></li> <?php $_M1 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS1); ?> <li id="top-menu5"><a href="<?php echo $_M1['redirect'] ? $_M1['joint'] : RW('c=' . $_M1['id']); ?> " id="top-menu-head5">메뉴5</a></li> <?php $_M1 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS1); ?> <li id="top-menu6"><a href="<?php echo $_M1['redirect'] ? $_M1['joint'] : RW('c=' . $_M1['id']); ?> " id="top-menu-head6">메뉴6</a></li> </ul><script type="text/javascript">initTopmenuByMenuId(0, 0, 0, 0, "menu1")</script> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6')) { ?> <div id="container"><?php } else { ?> <div id="container"><?php
$g['bbs_reply'] = $g['bbs_write'] . '&reply=Y&uid='; $g['bbs_action'] = $g['bbs_list'] . '&a='; $g['bbs_delete'] = $g['bbs_action'] . 'delete&uid='; $g['bbs_print'] = $g['bbs_reset'] . '&iframe=Y&print=Y&uid='; if ($_HS['rewrite'] && $sort == 'gid' && $orderby == 'asc' && $recnum == $d['bbs']['recnum'] && $p == 1 && $bid && !$cat && !$skin && !$type && !$iframe) { $g['bbs_reset'] = $g['r'] . '/b/' . $bid; $g['bbs_list'] = $g['bbs_reset']; $g['bbs_view'] = $g['bbs_list'] . '/'; $g['bbs_write'] = $g['bbs_list'] . '/write'; } $g['dir_module_skin'] = $g['dir_module'] . 'theme/' . $d['bbs']['skin'] . '/'; $g['url_module_skin'] = $g['url_module'] . '/theme/' . $d['bbs']['skin']; $g['img_module_skin'] = $g['url_module_skin'] . '/image'; $g['dir_module_mode'] = $g['dir_module_skin'] . $mod; $g['url_module_mode'] = $g['url_module_skin'] . '/' . $mod; if ($_m != $g['sys_module'] && !$_HM['uid']) { $g['location'] .= ' > <a href="' . $g['bbs_reset'] . '">' . ($B['uid'] ? $B['name'] : '전체게시물') . '</a>'; } if ($d['bbs']['sosokmenu']) { $_CA = explode('/', $d['bbs']['sosokmenu']); $g['location'] = '<a href="' . RW(0) . '">HOME</a>'; $_tmp['count'] = count($_CA); $_tmp['split_id'] = ''; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_tmp['count']; $_i++) { $_tmp['location'] = getDbData($table['s_menu'], "id='" . $_CA[$_i] . "'", '*'); $_tmp['split_id'] .= ($_i ? '/' : '') . $_tmp['location']['id']; $g['location'] .= ' > <a href="' . RW('c=' . $_tmp['split_id']) . '">' . $_tmp['location']['name'] . '</a>'; $_HM['uid'] = $_tmp['location']['uid']; } } $g['main'] = $g['main'] ? $g['main'] : $g['dir_module_mode'] . '.php';
"><?php echo $_M2['name']; ?> </a> <?php if ($_M2['isson']) { ?> <ul> <?php $_MENUS3 = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $s . ' and parent=' . $_M2['uid'] . ' and hidden=0 and depth=3 order by gid asc', '*'); ?> <?php while ($_M3 = db_fetch_array($_MENUS3)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo RW('c=' . $_CA[0] . '/' . $_CA[1] . '/' . $_M3['id']); ?> " target="<?php echo $_M3['target']; ?> "<?php if ($_M3['uid'] == $_HM['uid']) { ?> class="on"<?php } ?> ><?php echo $_M3['name']; ?> </a></li> <?php
?> " maxlength="20"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <?php if ($CINFO['uid']) { ?> 고유키=<code><?php echo sprintf('%05d', $CINFO['uid']); ?> </code> <?php } else { ?> 고유키=자동생성됨 <?php } ?> </span> </div> <span class="help-block"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#guide_menucode"> <i class="fa fa-question-circle fa-fw"></i> 메뉴를 잘 표현할 수 있는 단어로 입력해 주세요. </button> </span> <div id="guide_menucode" class="collapse rb-guide">
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echo RW("m=admin&module=bbs&front=post&account=2&bid=10&year1=2009&month1=01&day1=01&year2=2011&month2=11&day2=28&sort=gid&orderby=asc&recnum=20&where=subject%7Ctag&keyw="); ?> ">1:1 상담 요청</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank">고객관리</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="aright"> <img src="<?php echo $g['img_core']; ?> /_public/ico_user.gif" alt="" /> <a href="<?php echo RW('mod=mypage'); ?> " class="admlink"><?php echo sprintf($lang['top']['admin'], $my[$_HS['nametype']]); ?> </a> <span class="mbox"> <a href="<?php echo $g['s']; ?> /?r=<?php echo $r; ?> &m=admin&module=member">Member</a> <span class="asplit">|</span> <a href="<?php echo $g['s'];
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/_public/ico_q.gif" alt="도움말" title="도움말" class="hand" onclick="__layerShowHide('guide_addr','block','none');" /> </td> <td class="td2"> <span class="addr1"> 물리주소 : <span class="hand" onclick=";" title="접속하기"><?php echo $g['s']; ?> /index.php?r=<?php echo $r; ?> &c=<?php echo $vtype ? substr($catcode, 0, strlen($catcode) - 1) : $catcode . $CINFO['id']; ?> </span><br /> 현재주소 : <span class="link hand" onclick=";" title="접속하기"><?php echo RW($CINFO['uid'] ? 'c=' . ($vtype ? substr($catcode, 0, strlen($catcode) - 1) : $catcode . $CINFO['id']) : 0); ?> </span> </div> <div id="guide_addr" class="guide hide"> <span class="b">물리주소 :</span> 이 메뉴의 물리적인 실제 주소입니다.<br /> <span class="b">현재주소 :</span> 주소줄이기/사이트코드 사용옵션 결과주소입니다. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td1">코드확장</td> <td class="td2 shift"> <input type="checkbox" <?php if ($CINFO['imghead'] || is_file($g['path_page'] . 'menu/' . sprintf('%05d', $CINFO['uid']) . '.header.php')) { ?>
?> &dp=travelinfo"<?php if ($dp == "travelinfo") { ?> class="over"<?php } ?> ><img src="<?php echo $g['img_layout']; ?> /inb_trav_info.gif" alt="여행정보" /><img src="<?php echo $g['img_layout']; ?> /inb_trav_info_over.gif" alt="여행정보" class="over" /></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&bid=epilogue&cat=" . $R['subject']); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $g['img_layout']; ?> /inb_epilogue.gif" alt="여행후기" /><img src="<?php echo $g['img_layout']; ?> /inb_epilogue_over.gif" alt="여행후기" class="over" /></a></li> </ul> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php
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<th scope="col">제목</th> <th scope="col">글쓴이</th> <th scope="col">조회</th> <th scope="col">날짜</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php while ($infoNews = db_fetch_array($resNews)) { ?> <tr> <td class="sbj"><?php if ($my['uid']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo RW("m=bbs&uid=" . $infoNews['uid']); ?> " target="_blank"><?php } echo $infoNews['subject']; if ($my['uid']) { ?> </a><?php } ?> </td> <td class="nic"><?php echo $infoNews['nic']; ?> </td> <td class="hit"><?php
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?> ]</span><?php } ?> <span class="info"> <?php echo getDateFormat($R['d_regis'], 'Y.m.d H:i'); ?> | <?php echo $R[$_HS['nametype']]; ?> | <a href="<?php echo RW('m=bbs&bid=' . $R['bbsid']); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $B['name']; ?> </a> </span> </div> <div class="shotcont"><?php echo getStrCut(str_replace(' ', ' ', strip_tags($R['content'])), 150, '...'); ?> </div> <?php } ?>