function write_type_relation_type_counts($fh, $counts) { global $options; if ($counts !== null) { foreach ($counts as $pred => $count) { fwrite($fh, Quad("" . md5($options['url']), "", "" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"))); fwrite($fh, Quad("" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"), "", $pred)); fwrite($fh, Quad("" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"), "", $count["count"]["subject_type"])); fwrite($fh, QuadLiteral("" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"), "", $count["count"]["subject_count"])); fwrite($fh, Quad("" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"), "", $count["count"]["object_type"])); fwrite($fh, QuadLiteral("" . md5($options['url'] . $pred . "type_relation_type_count"), "", $count["count"]["object_count"])); } } }
function rdfize_counts($counts_arr, $dataset_name) { $rdf = ""; foreach ($counts_arr as $i => $nscount) { $ns1 = $nscount['ns1']; $ns2 = $nscount['ns2']; $count = $nscount['count']; $dataset_uri = "" . md5("http://" . $dataset_name . ""); $count_uri = "" . md5($dataset_name . $ns1 . $ns2 . $count); $rdf .= Quad($dataset_uri, "", $count_uri); $rdf .= Quad($count_uri, "", ""); $rdf .= Quad($count_uri, "", "" . $ns1); $rdf .= Quad($count_uri, "", "" . $ns2); $rdf .= QuadLiteral($count_uri, "http://bio2rdforg/dataset_vocabulary:has_nsns_count_value", $count); } return $rdf; }
function addDatasetPropertyDatasetCount() { global $options; $sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?stype ?otype (COUNT(?s) AS ?n)\n" . $options['from-graph'] . " \n{\n\t?s ?p ?o .\n\t?s a ?stype .\n\t?o a ?otype .\n\tFILTER regex (?stype, \"vocabulary:Resource\")\n\tFILTER regex (?otype, \"vocabulary:Resource\")\n\tFILTER (?stype != ?otype)\n}"; $r = query($sparql); foreach ($r as $c) { $id = getID($c); preg_match("/http:\\/\\/\\/([^_]+)_vocabulary/", $c->stype->value, $m1); preg_match("/http:\\/\\/\\/([^_]+)_vocabulary/", $c->otype->value, $m2); if (isset($m1[1]) and isset($m2[1])) { $d1 = $m1[1]; $d2 = $m2[1]; $r = $c->p->value; $label = "{$d1} connected to {$d2} through " . $c->n->value . " <{$r}> in " . $options['dataset_name']; write(Quad($options['uri'], "", $id) . Quad($id, "", "") . Quad($id, "", "") . QuadLiteral($id, "", $label, null, "en") . Quad($id, "", $c->p->value) . Quad($id, "", $c->stype->value) . Quad($id, "", $c->otype->value) . QuadLiteral($id, "", $c->n->value, "long") . Quad("", "", "")); } } }
function QQuadL($subject, $predicate, $literal, $lang = null, $graph = null) { global $gns; $s = explode(":", $subject); $p = explode(":", $predicate); if (!isset($gns[$s[0]])) { trigger_error("Invalid subject qname " . $s[0]); exit; } if (!isset($gns[$p[0]])) { trigger_error("Invalid predicate qname " . $s[0]); exit; } return QuadLiteral($gns[$s[0]] . $s[1], $gns[$p[0]] . $p[1], $literal, $lang, $graph); }