public function buildUptoken($bucket, $key) { $accessKey = C('QINIU_ACCESS_KEY'); $secretKey = C('QINIU_SECRET_KEY'); Qiniu_setKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); $putPolicy = new \Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket . ':' . $key); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); echo $upToken; }
function __construct($config = array()) { global $_G; $this->set_error(0); $this->config = !$config ? getglobal('setting/ftp') : $config; $this->enabled = false; if (empty($this->config['on']) || empty($this->config['host']) && empty($_G['config']['extend']['storage']['curstorage'])) { $this->set_error(FTP_ERR_CONFIG_OFF); } else { if ($_G['config']['extend']['storage']['curstorage'] != '') { $this->curstorage = $_G['config']['extend']['storage']['curstorage']; $this->config_ext = $_G['config']['extend']['storage'][$this->curstorage]; C::import('storage/' . $this->curstorage, 'vendor', true, true); switch ($this->curstorage) { case 'upyun': $this->curobj = new UpYun($this->config_ext['bucket'], $this->config_ext['username'], $this->config_ext['password']); break; case 'aliyun': $this->curobj = new ALIOSS($this->config_ext['access_id'], $this->config_ext['access_key'], $this->config_ext['hostname']); $this->curobj->set_debug_mode(FALSE); break; case 'qiniu': $GLOBALS['QINIU_UP_HOST'] = ''; $GLOBALS['QINIU_RS_HOST'] = ''; $GLOBALS['QINIU_RSF_HOST'] = ''; Qiniu_setKeys($this->config_ext['accesskey'], $this->config_ext['secretkey']); $this->curobj = true; break; case 'grand': break; } !empty($this->curobj) && ($this->enabled = true); return true; } $this->func = $this->config['ssl'] && function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect') ? 'ftp_ssl_connect' : 'ftp_connect'; if ($this->func == 'ftp_connect' && !function_exists('ftp_connect')) { $this->set_error(FTP_ERR_SERVER_DISABLED); } else { $this->config['host'] = discuz_ftp::clear($this->config['host']); $this->config['port'] = intval($this->config['port']); $this->config['ssl'] = intval($this->config['ssl']); $this->config['username'] = discuz_ftp::clear($this->config['username']); $this->config['password'] = authcode($this->config['password'], 'DECODE', md5(getglobal('config/security/authkey'))); $this->config['timeout'] = intval($this->config['timeout']); $this->enabled = true; } } }
function picThumb($accessKey, $secretKey, $key1, $width, $height) { // --------------------------压缩图片 start // require_once('qiniu/rs.php'); require_once 'qiniu/fop.php'; $key1 = $key1; $domain = ''; Qiniu_setKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); //$baseUrl 就是您要访问资源的地址 $baseUrl = Qiniu_RS_MakeBaseUrl($domain, $key1); $getPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_GetPolicy(); $imgView = new Qiniu_ImageView(); $imgView->Mode = 1; $imgView->Width = $width; $imgView->Height = $height; //生成fopUrl $imgViewUrl = $imgView->MakeRequest($baseUrl); //对fopUrl 进行签名,生成privateUrl。 公有bucket 此步可以省去。 $imgViewPrivateUrl = $getPolicy->MakeRequest($imgViewUrl, null); echo "\n\n====> imageView privateUrl: \n"; echo $imgViewPrivateUrl . "\n"; // ------------------------------------ end }
/** * $filename 七牛可以手动填写路径 */ function sendToQiniu($path, $filename) { Qiniu_setKeys(self::$qiniuAccessKey, self::$qiniuSecretKey); $qiniu = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy(self::$bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); $putExtra = new Qiniu_PutExtra(); $putExtra->Crc32 = 1; list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_PutFile($upToken, $filename, $path, $putExtra); if ($err) { return array('code' => -2, 'msg' => $err); } else { $file = $ret['key']; $domain = self::$bucket . ''; $baseUrl = Qiniu_RS_MakeBaseUrl($domain, $file); $private = false; if ($private) { $getPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_GetPolicy(); $baseUrl = $getPolicy->MakeRequest($baseUrl, null); } return array('code' => 0, 'msg' => $baseUrl); } }
?> " size="60"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"></th> <td> <p><?php _e('If the settings are correct, will upload a image to your Qiniu Bucket and appear here.', 'wp-autopost'); ?> </p> <?php if ($Qiniu['domain'] != '' && $Qiniu['bucket'] != '' && $Qiniu['access_key'] != '' && $Qiniu['secret_key'] != '') { $upload_image = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images/watermark.png'; Qiniu_setKeys($Qiniu['access_key'], $Qiniu['secret_key']); list($ret, $err) = Qinniu_upload_to_bucket($Qiniu['bucket'], $upload_image, 'wp-autopost-logo.png'); if ($err !== null) { echo '<div style="background-color:#ffebe8;border-color:#cc0000;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;padding:10px;">'; //var_dump($err); echo $err->Err; echo '</div>'; $Qiniu['set_ok'] = 0; update_option('wp-autopost-qiniu-options', $Qiniu); } else { $Qiniu['set_ok'] = 1; update_option('wp-autopost-qiniu-options', $Qiniu); $baseUrl = Qiniu_RS_MakeBaseUrl($Qiniu['domain'], $ret['key']); echo '<div class="view_img"><img src=' . $baseUrl . ' /></div>'; echo __('The image URL', 'wp-autopost') . ' : <a href="' . $baseUrl . '" target="_blank">' . $baseUrl . '</a>'; }
# @gist key1 $key1 = 'file_name_1'; # @endgist # @gist key2 $key2 = 'file_name_2'; # @endgist # @gist file $file = 'docs/gist/logo.jpg'; # @endgist # @gist domain $domain = ''; # @endgist # @gist set_keys $accessKey = '<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>'; $secretKey = '<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>'; Qiniu_setKeys($accessKey, $secretKey); # @endgist # @gist mac_client $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); # @endgist Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $key1); Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, $key2); //------------------------------------io----------------------------------------- # @gist putpolicy $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); # @endgist # @gist put list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_Put($upToken, $key1, 'Qiniu Storage!', null); echo "\n\n====> Qiniu_Put result: \n"; if ($err !== null) {
/** * Delete file from qiniu cloud * @param string $fileName file name * @param string $privateBucket whether store file in private bucket */ public function deleteFile($fileName, $privateBucket = false) { if ($privateBucket) { $this->change2Private(); } Qiniu_setKeys(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY); $client = new \Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); return Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $this->bucket, $fileName); }
/** * 调取七牛许可 * * @access public * @return void */ public static function qiniuset($accesskey, $secretkey) { require_once "cloud/qiniu/io.php"; require_once "cloud/qiniu/rs.php"; require_once "cloud/qiniu/rsf.php"; Qiniu_setKeys($accesskey, $secretkey); }
public function authorize() { global $_G, $_GET, $clouds; if (empty($_G['uid'])) { dsetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode(BASESCRIPT . '?mod=connect&op=oauth&bz=qiniu')); showmessage('to_login', '', array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1)); } if (submitcheck('qiniusubmit')) { $access_id = $_GET['access_id']; $access_key = $_GET['access_key']; $hostname = $_GET['hostname']; $bucket = $_GET['bucket']; if (!$access_id || !$access_key) { showmessage('please input qiniu AK and SK', dreferer()); } if (!$bucket || !$hostname) { showmessage('请设置bucket名称和访问域名', dreferer()); } Qiniu_setKeys($access_id, $access_key); try { $putPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_PutPolicy($bucket); $upToken = $putPolicy->Token(null); $putExtra = new Qiniu_PutExtra(); $putExtra->Crc32 = 1; $file = DZZ_ROOT . './dzz/images/b.gif'; list($ret, $err) = Qiniu_PutFile($upToken, 'b.gif', $file, $putExtra); if ($err) { showmessage($err->Code . ':' . $err->Err, dreferer()); } //测试读取图片 $baseUrl = Qiniu_RS_MakeBaseUrl($hostname, 'b.gif'); $getPolicy = new Qiniu_RS_GetPolicy(); $privateUrl = $getPolicy->MakeRequest($baseUrl, null); if (!@getimagesize($privateUrl)) { showmessage('测试读取失败,请检查您设置的访问域名是否正确', dreferer()); } } catch (Exception $e) { showmessage($e->getMessage(), dreferer()); } //删除测试图片 $client = new Qiniu_MacHttpClient(null); Qiniu_RS_Delete($client, $bucket, 'b.gif'); $type = 'qiniu'; $uid = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? 0 : $_G['uid']; $setarr = array('uid' => $uid, 'access_id' => $access_id, 'access_key' => authcode($access_key, 'ENCODE', $type), 'bz' => $type, 'bucket' => $bucket, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); if ($id = DB::result_first("select id from " . DB::table(self::T) . " where uid='{$uid}' and access_id='{$access_id}' and bucket='{$bucket}'")) { DB::update(self::T, $setarr, "id ='{$id}'"); } else { $id = DB::insert(self::T, $setarr, 1); } if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) { $setarr = array('name' => $clouds[$type]['name'] . ':' . ($bucket ? $bucket : cutstr($access_id, 4, '')), 'bz' => $type, 'isdefault' => 0, 'dname' => self::T, 'did' => $id, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); if (!DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from %t where did=%d and dname=%s ", array('local_storage', $id, self::T))) { C::t('local_storage')->insert($setarr); } showmessage('do_success', BASESCRIPT . '?mod=cloud&op=space'); } else { showmessage('do_success', BASESCRIPT . '?mod=connect'); } } else { include template('oauth_qiniu'); } }