function PromptX($title = _('Confirm'), $question = '', $message = '', $pdf = '') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('delete_ok'), $pdf == true ? array('_CENTRE_PDF' => true) : array()); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>'; PopTable('header', $title); echo "<CENTER><h4>{$question}</h4><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&delete_ok=1 METHOD=POST>{$message}<BR><BR><INPUT type=submit value=\"" . _('OK') . "\"><INPUT type=button name=delete_cancel value=\"" . _('Cancel') . "\" onClick='javascript:history.back()'></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function PromptX($title = 'Confirm', $question = '', $message = '', $pdf = '') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('delete_ok'), $pdf == true ? array('_ROSARIO_PDF' => true) : array()); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR />'; PopTable('header', $title); echo '<span class="center"><h4>' . $question . '</h4><FORM action="' . $PHP_tmp_SELF . '&delete_ok=1" METHOD="POST">' . $message . '<BR /><BR /><INPUT type="submit" value="' . _('OK') . '"><INPUT type="button" name="delete_cancel" value="' . _('Cancel') . '" onClick="javascript:history.back()"></FORM></span>'; PopTable('footer'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function Prompt($title = 'Confirm', $question = '', $message = '', $pdf = '') { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['delete_ok']); if ($pdf == true) { $tmp_REQUEST['_CENTRE_PDF'] = true; } $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>'; PopTable('header', $title); echo "<CENTER><h4>{$question}</h4><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&delete_ok=1 METHOD=POST>{$message}<BR><BR><INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=OK> <INPUT type=button class=btn_medium name=delete_cancel value=Cancel onclick='javascript:history.go(-1);'></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function UnableDeletePromptX($title) { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>'; PopTable('header', 'Unable to Delete'); echo "<CENTER><h4>{$title}</h4><br><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF} METHOD=POST><INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium name=delete_cancel value=Cancel></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return ''; } if ($_REQUEST['delete_ok']) { unset($_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return true; } unset($_REQUEST['delete_cancel']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return false; }
function DeletePromptX($title, $action = 'Delete') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('delete_ok', 'delete_cancel')); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR />'; //modif Francois: add translation PopTable('header', _('Confirm') . (mb_strpos($action, ' ') === false ? ' ' . ($action == 'Delete' ? _('Delete') : $action) : '')); echo '<span class="center"><h4>' . sprintf(_('Are you sure you want to %s that %s?'), $action == 'Delete' ? _('Delete') : $action, $title) . '</h4><FORM action="' . $PHP_tmp_SELF . '" METHOD="POST"><INPUT type="submit" name="delete_ok" value="' . _('OK') . '"><INPUT type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="' . _('Cancel') . '"></FORM></span>'; PopTable('footer'); return ''; } if ($_REQUEST['delete_ok']) { unset($_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return true; } unset($_REQUEST['delete_cancel']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return false; }
function DeletePromptX($title, $action = 'Delete') { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['delete_cancel']); $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>'; PopTable('header', 'Confirm' . (!substr(' ', ' ' . $action) ? $action : '')); echo "<CENTER><h4>Are You Sure You Want to {$action} that {$title}?</h4><br><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF} METHOD=POST><INPUT type=submit name=delete_ok class=btn_medium value=OK> <INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium name=delete_cancel value=Cancel></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return ''; } if ($_REQUEST['delete_ok']) { unset($_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return true; } unset($_REQUEST['delete_cancel']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return false; }
function DeletePromptX($title, $action = null) { if (empty($action)) { $action = _('delete'); } $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('delete_ok', 'delete_cancel')); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>'; PopTable('header', _('Confirm') . (!substr(' ', ' ' . $action) ? $action : '')); echo "<CENTER><h4>" . _('Are You Sure You Want to') . " {$action} " . _('that') . " {$title}?</h4><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF} METHOD=POST><INPUT type=submit name=delete_ok value=" . _('OK') . "><INPUT type=submit name=delete_cancel value=" . _('Cancel') . "></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return ''; } if ($_REQUEST['delete_ok']) { unset($_REQUEST['delete_ok']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return true; } unset($_REQUEST['delete_cancel']); unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); return false; }
function WrapTabs($tabs, $selected = '', &$selected_key = '') { $row = 0; $characters = 0; //modif Francois: css WPadmin if (count($tabs)) { $rows[0] = '<div class="h3multi">'; foreach ($tabs as $key => $tab) { if (mb_substr($tab['title'], 0, 1) != '<') { $tab_len = mb_strlen($tab['title']); } else { $tab_len = 0; } if ($tab['link'] == PreparePHP_SELF() || $tab['link'] == $selected) { $rows[$row] .= '<!--BOTTOM-->' . '<span class="h3selected">' . DrawTab($tab['title'], $tab['link']) . '</span>'; $selected_key = $key; } else { $rows[$row] .= DrawTab($tab['title'], $tab['link']); } $characters += $tab_len + 6; } } $rows[$row] .= "\n\n"; $i = 0; $row_count = count($rows) - 1; for ($key = $row_count; $key >= 0; $key--) { //modif Francois: remove ereg // if(!ereg("<!--BOTTOM-->",$rows[$key])) if (mb_strpos($rows[$key], "<!--BOTTOM-->") === FALSE) { $table .= $rows[$key]; $i++; } else { $bottom = $key; } } $table .= $rows[$bottom] . '</div>'; return $table; }
foreach ($_REQUEST['attendance'] as $student_id => $values) { foreach ($values as $school_date => $columns) { $sql = 'UPDATE attendance_period SET ADMIN=\'Y\','; foreach ($columns as $column => $value) { $sql .= $column . '=\'' . str_replace("\\'", "''", $value) . '\','; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ' WHERE SCHOOL_DATE=\'' . $school_date . '\' AND PERIOD_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST['period_id'] . '\' AND STUDENT_ID=\'' . $student_id . '\''; DBQuery($sql); UpdateAttendanceDaily($student_id, $school_date); } } $current_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ATTENDANCE_TEACHER_CODE,ATTENDANCE_CODE,ATTENDANCE_REASON,STUDENT_ID,ADMIN,COURSE_PERIOD_ID FROM attendance_period WHERE SCHOOL_DATE=\'' . $date . '\''), array(), array('STUDENT_ID', 'COURSE_PERIOD_ID')); unset($_REQUEST['attendance']); } if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] || $_REQUEST['student_id'] || UserStudentID() || User('PROFILE') == 'parent' || User('PROFILE') == 'student') { $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF(); $extraM .= ""; $period_select = "<SELECT name=period_id onchange='this.form.submit();'><OPTION value=\"\">Daily</OPTION>"; if (!UserStudentID() && !$_REQUEST['student_id']) { $periods_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT PERIOD_ID,TITLE FROM school_periods WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER')); if (count($periods_RET) > 1) { foreach ($periods_RET as $period) { $period_select .= "<OPTION value=" . $period['PERIOD_ID'] . ($_REQUEST['period_id'] == $period['PERIOD_ID'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $period['TITLE'] . '</OPTION>'; } } elseif (count($periods_RET) == 1) { foreach ($periods_RET as $period) { $period_select .= "<OPTION value=" . $period['PERIOD_ID'] . ($_REQUEST['period_id'] == $period['PERIOD_ID'] || !isset($_REQUEST['period_id']) ? ' SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $period['TITLE'] . '</OPTION>'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['period_id'])) { $_REQUEST['period_id'] = $period['PERIOD_ID']; }
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; echo "<FORM name=scheaddr id=scheaddr action=" . PreparePHP_SELF() . " method=POST>"; DrawBC("Scheduling > " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['day_start'] && $_REQUEST['month_start'] && $_REQUEST['year_start']) { $_REQUEST['placed_From'] = $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_start']; $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['placed_From'])); } else { $start_date = date("Y-m") . '-01'; } if ($_REQUEST['day_end'] && $_REQUEST['month_end'] && $_REQUEST['year_end']) { $_REQUEST['placed_End'] = $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_end']; $end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['placed_End'])); } else { $end_date = date("Y-m-d"); } if ($_REQUEST['flag'] != 'list') { DrawHeaderHome(PrepareDateSchedule($start_date, '_start') . '<div style="padding:0px 6px; float:left;">-</div>' . PrepareDateSchedule($end_date, '_end'), '<INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=Go >');
$grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= $sep . $comments_RET[$comment['REPORT_CARD_COMMENT_ID']][1]['SORT_ORDER']; if ($comment['COMMENT']) { $grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= '(' . ($comment['COMMENT'] != ' ' ? $comment['COMMENT'] : '·') . ')'; } $sep = ', '; } if ($mps[$last_mp][1]['COMMENT_TITLE']) { $grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= $sep . $mps[$last_mp][1]['COMMENT_TITLE']; } } } } if (count($_REQUEST['mp_arr']) == 1) { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['modfunc']); $link['remove']['link'] = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&modfunc=delete"; //$link['remove']['link'] = "Modules.php?modname=$_REQUEST[modname]&modfunc=delete"; $link['remove']['variables'] = array('student_id' => 'STUDENT_ID', 'course_period_id' => 'COURSE_PERIOD_ID', 'marking_period_id' => 'MARKING_PERIOD_ID'); } ListOutput($grades_RET, $columns, '', '', $link); } else { // BackPrompt('No Students were found.'); ShowErr('No Students were found.'); for_error(); } } else { // BackPrompt('You must choose at least one student and marking period'); ShowErr('You must choose at least one student and marking period'); for_error(); } }
function WrapTabs($tabs, $selected = '', $title = '', $use_blue = false, $type = '') { if ($color == '' || $color == '#FFFFFF') { $color = "#FFFFCC"; } $row = 0; $characters = 0; $rows[0] = "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=><TR>"; if (count($tabs)) { foreach ($tabs as $tab) { if (substr($tab['title'], 0, 1) != '<') { $tab_len = strlen($tab['title']); } else { $tab_len = 0; } if ($characters + $tab_len >= 180) { $rows[$row] .= "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n\n"; $row++; $rows[$row] .= "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >\n\t<TR>"; $characters = 0; } if ($tab['link'] == PreparePHP_SELF() || $tab['link'] == $selected) { $rows[$row] .= "<!--BOTTOM-->\n\t\t<TD>" . DrawTab($tab['title'], $tab['link'], '#333366', '#436477', $type) . "</TD>"; } elseif ($use_blue !== true) { $rows[$row] .= "\n\t\t<TD >" . DrawinactiveTab($tab['title'], $tab['link'], '#DDDDDD', '#000000', $type) . "</TD>"; } else { $rows[$row] .= "\n\t\t<TD >" . DrawinactiveTab($tab['title'], $tab['link'], '#333366', '#f2a30b', $type) . "</TD>"; } $characters += $tab_len + 6; } } $rows[$row] .= "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n\n"; $i = 0; $row_count = count($rows) - 1; if ($use_blue === true) { $table .= "<TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ><TR><TD width=100%></TD><TD align=right>"; } elseif ($use_blue == 'center') { $table .= "<TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><TR><TD align=center>"; } for ($key = $row_count; $key >= 0; $key--) { if (!ereg("<!--BOTTOM-->", $rows[$key])) { $table .= "<TABLE border=0 width=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ><TR><TD>"; $table .= "<IMG SRC=assets/pixel_trans.gif width=" . ($row_count - $i) * 6 . " height=1>"; if ($key != 0 || $bottom) { $table .= "</TD><TD>{$rows[$key]}</TD><TD rowspan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD height=1></TD><TD height=5 valign=top></TD></TR></TABLE>"; } else { $table .= "</TD><TD>{$rows[$key]}</TD><TD rowspan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD height=0></TD><TD height=0 valign=top></TD></TR></TABLE>"; } $i++; } else { $bottom = $key; } } $table .= "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ><TR><TD></TD><TD>" . $rows[$bottom] . "</TD><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>"; if ($use_blue) { $table .= "</TD></TR><TR><TD colspan=2>"; } if ($title != '') { $table .= "<TABLE width=100% bgcolor={$color} border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD bgcolor={$color} width=100%> <font class=FontBox>{$title}</font></TD></TR></TABLE>"; } if ($use_blue) { $table .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>"; } return $table; }
function ListOutputFloat($result, $column_names, $singular = '', $plural = '', $link = false, $group = false, $options = false) { if (!isset($options['save'])) { $options['save'] = true; } if (!isset($options['print'])) { $options['print'] = true; } if (!isset($options['search'])) { $options['search'] = true; } if (!isset($options['center'])) { $options['center'] = true; } if (!isset($options['count'])) { $options['count'] = true; } if (!isset($options['sort'])) { $options['sort'] = true; } if (!$link) { $link = array(); } if (!isset($options['add'])) { if (!AllowEdit() || $_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) { if ($link) { unset($link['add']); unset($link['remove']); } } } // PREPARE LINKS --- $result_count = $display_count = count($result); $num_displayed = 100000; $extra = "page={$_REQUEST['page']}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['page']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_sort']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_direction']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_search']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_prompt']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_name']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_save']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); // END PREPARE LINKS --- // UN-GROUPING $group_count = count($group); if (!is_array($group)) { $group_count = false; } //$side_color = Preferences('COLOR'); $side_color = '#dfe8ee'; if ($group_count && $result_count) { $color = '#f5f5f5'; $group_result = $result; unset($result); $result[0] = ''; foreach ($group_result as $item1) { if ($group_count == 1) { if ($color == '#F8F8F9') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = '#F8F8F9'; } } foreach ($item1 as $item2) { if ($group_count == 1) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item2[$column] = str_replace('<!-- <!--', '<!--', '<!-- ' . str_replace('-->', '--><!--', $item2[$column])) . ' -->'; } } $item2['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item2; } else { if ($group_count == 2) { if ($color == '#F8F8F9') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = '#F8F8F9'; } } foreach ($item2 as $item3) { if ($group_count == 2) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } if (count($group[1]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[1] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } $item3['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item3; } else { if ($group_count == 3) { if ($color == '#F8F8F9') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = '#F8F8F9'; } } foreach ($item3 as $item4) { if ($group_count == 3) { $i++; if (count($group[2]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[2] as $column) { unset($item4[$column]); } } $item4['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item4; } } } } } } $i = 0; } unset($result[0]); $result_count = count($result); unset($_REQUEST['LO_sort']); } // END UN-GROUPING $_LIST['output'] = true; // PRINT HEADINGS, PREPARE PDF, AND SORT THE LIST --- if ($_LIST['output'] != false) { if ($result_count != 0) { $count = 0; $remove = count($link['remove']['variables']); $cols = count($column_names); // HANDLE SEARCHES --- if ($result_count && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search') { $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = str_replace('\\\\"', '"', $_REQUEST['LO_search']); $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _"]*', '', strtolower($search_term)); if (substr($search_term, 0, 0) != '"' && substr($search_term, -1) != '"') { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); while ($space_pos = strpos($search_term, ' ')) { $terms[strtolower(substr($search_term, 0, $space_pos))] = 1; $search_term = substr($search_term, $space_pos + 1); } $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } else { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } unset($terms['of']); unset($terms['the']); unset($terms['a']); unset($terms['an']); unset($terms['in']); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = 0; foreach ($value as $name => $val) { $val = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _]+', '', strtolower($val)); if (strtolower($_REQUEST['LO_search']) == $val) { $values[$key] += 25; } foreach ($terms as $term => $one) { if (ereg($term, $val)) { $values[$key] += 3; } } } if ($values[$key] == 0) { unset($values[$key]); unset($result[$key]); $result_count--; $display_count--; } } if ($result_count) { array_multisort($values, SORT_DESC, $result); $result = ReindexResults($result); $values = ReindexResults($values); $last_value = 1; $scale = 100 / $values[$last_value]; for ($i = $last_value; $i <= $result_count; $i++) { $result[$i]['RELEVANCE'] = '<!--' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . '--><IMG SRC="assets/pixel_grey.gif" width=' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . ' height=10>'; } } $column_names['RELEVANCE'] = "Relevance"; if (is_array($group) && count($group)) { $options['count'] == false; $display_zero = true; } } // END SEARCHES --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort']) { foreach ($result as $sort) { if (substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 0, 4) != '<!--') { $sort_array[] = $sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']]; } else { $sort_array[] = substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 4, strpos($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], '-->') - 5); } } if ($_REQUEST['LO_direction'] == -1) { $dir = SORT_DESC; } else { $dir = SORT_ASC; } if ($result_count > 1) { if (is_int($sort_array[1]) || is_double($sort_array[1])) { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, SORT_NUMERIC, $result); } else { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, $result); } for ($i = $result_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $result[$i + 1] = $result[$i]; } unset($result[0]); } } } // HANDLE SAVING THE LIST --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_save'] == '1') { if (!$options['save_delimiter'] && Preferences('DELIMITER') == 'CSV') { $options['save_delimiter'] = 'comma'; } switch ($options['save_delimiter']) { case 'comma': $extension = 'csv'; break; case 'xml': $extension = 'xml'; break; default: $extension = 'xls'; break; } ob_end_clean(); if ($options['save_delimiter'] != 'xml') { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { $output .= str_replace(' ', ' ', eregi_replace('<BR>', ' ', ereg_replace('<!--.*-->', '', $value))) . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' ? ',' : "\t"); } $output .= "\n"; } foreach ($result as $item) { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { if ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' && !$options['save_quotes']) { $item[$key] = str_replace(',', ';', $item[$key]); } $item[$key] = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*SELECTED\\>([^<]+)<.*</SELECT\\>', '\\1', $item[$key]); $item[$key] = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*</SELECT\\>', '', $item[$key]); $output .= ($options['save_quotes'] ? '"' : '') . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'xml' ? '<' . str_replace(' ', '', $value) . '>' : '') . ereg_replace('<[^>]+>', '', ereg_replace("<div onclick='[^']+'>", '', ereg_replace(' +', ' ', ereg_replace('&[^;]+;', '', str_replace('<BR>·', ' : ', str_replace(' ', ' ', $item[$key])))))) . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'xml' ? '</' . str_replace(' ', '', $value) . '>' . "\n" : '') . ($options['save_quotes'] ? '"' : '') . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' ? ',' : "\t"); } $output .= "\n"; } header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Pragma: "); header("Content-Type: application/{$extension}"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . ProgramTitle() . ".{$extension}\"\n"); if ($options['save_eval']) { eval($options['save_eval']); } echo $output; exit; } // END SAVING THE LIST --- if ($options['center']) { echo '<CENTER>'; } if ($result_count > $num_displayed || ($options['count'] || $display_zero) && (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural || ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0))) { echo "<TABLE width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1"; if (isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { // echo " width=100%"; echo "><TR><TD align=center>"; } } if ($options['count'] || $display_zero) { if (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural) { echo "<table class=alert_center><tr><td class=alert_center_padding><b>No {$plural} were found.</b></td></tr></table>"; } elseif ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) { echo '<table class=alert_center><tr><td class=alert_center_padding><b>None were found.</b></td></tr></table>'; } } if ($result_count != 0 || $_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { if (!$_REQUEST['page']) { $_REQUEST['page'] = 1; } if (!$_REQUEST['LO_direction']) { $_REQUEST['LO_direction'] = 1; } $start = ($_REQUEST['page'] - 1) * $num_displayed + 1; $stop = $start + ($num_displayed - 1); if ($stop > $result_count) { $stop = $result_count; } if ($result_count > $num_displayed) { $where_message = "<SMALL>Displaying {$start} through {$stop}</SMALL>"; echo "Go to Page "; if (ceil($result_count / $num_displayed) <= 10) { for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil($result_count / $num_displayed); $i++) { if ($i != $_REQUEST['page']) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . "<BR>"; } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { if ($i != $_REQUEST['page']) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . " ... "; for ($i = ceil($result_count / $num_displayed) - 2; $i <= ceil($result_count / $num_displayed); $i++) { if ($i != $_REQUEST['page']) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . " <A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page=" . ($_REQUEST['page'] + 1) . 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' height=20 style="height: 20; min-height: 20; position: relative;">'; } if ($link[$key]['js'] === true) { echo "<A HREF=# onclick='\"{$link[$key][link]}"; if (count($link[$key]['variables'])) { foreach ($link[$key]['variables'] as $var => $val) { echo "&{$var}=" . urlencode($item[$val]); } } echo "\",\"\",\"scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=400\");'"; if ($link[$key]['extra']) { echo ' ' . $link[$key]['extra']; } echo ">"; } else { echo "<A HREF={$link[$key][link]}"; if (count($link[$key]['variables'])) { foreach ($link[$key]['variables'] as $var => $val) { echo "&{$var}=" . urlencode($item[$val]); } } if ($link[$key]['extra']) { echo ' ' . $link[$key]['extra']; } echo ">"; } if ($color == Preferences('HIGHLIGHT')) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo $item[$key]; echo ''; if (!$item[$key]) { echo '***'; } echo "</A>"; if ($key == 'FULL_NAME') { echo '</DIV>'; } echo "</TD>"; } else { echo "<TD bgcolor={$color} class=LO_field>"; if ($key == 'FULL_NAME') { echo '<DIV id=LOy' . 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"</TD>"; } echo "</TR>"; } } if ($result_count != 0) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $stop - $start > 10) { echo '</TBODY>'; } echo "</TABLE>"; // SHADOW if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; } echo "</TD></TR>"; echo "</TABLE>"; if ($options['center']) { echo '</CENTER>'; } } // END PRINT THE LIST --- } if ($result_count == 0) { // mab - problem with table closing if not opened above - do same conditional? if ($result_count > $num_displayed || ($options['count'] || $display_zero) && (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural || ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0))) { echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; } if ($link['add']['link'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo '<div class=break style=width:300px></div><center>' . button('add', $link['add']['title'], $link['add']['link']) . 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'><A class=column_heading><b>' . str_replace('controller', '', $value) . '</b></A></TD>'; $i++; } } echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</div>'; } } }
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DrawHeader(ProgramTitle()); if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { $extra['link'] = array('FULL_NAME' => false); $extra['SELECT'] = ",CAST (NULL AS CHAR(1)) AS CHECKBOX"; if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=save METHOD=POST>"; DrawHeader('', SubmitButton(_('Save'))); echo '<BR>'; if ($_REQUEST['category_id']) { $fields_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE,TYPE,SELECT_OPTIONS FROM CUSTOM_FIELDS WHERE CATEGORY_ID='{$_REQUEST['category_id']}'"), array(), array('TYPE')); } else { $fields_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE,TYPE,SELECT_OPTIONS FROM CUSTOM_FIELDS"), array(), array('TYPE')); } $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE FROM STUDENT_FIELD_CATEGORIES")); echo '<CENTER><TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFCC><TR><TD>'; echo '<CENTER><SELECT name=category_id onchange="document.location.href=\'' . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('category_id')) . '&category_id=\'+this.form.category_id.value;"><OPTION value="">' . _('All Categories') . '</OPTION>'; foreach ($categories_RET as $category) { echo '<OPTION value=' . $category['ID'] . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == $category['ID'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . ParseMLField($category['TITLE']) . '</OPTION>'; } echo '</SELECT>'; echo '<TABLE></CENTER><HR>'; if (count($fields_RET['text'])) { foreach ($fields_RET['text'] as $field) { echo '<TR><TD align=right><small><b>' . ParseMLField($field['TITLE']) . '</b></small></TD><TD>' . _makeTextInput('CUSTOM_' . $field['ID']) . '</TD></TR>'; } } if (count($fields_RET['numeric'])) { foreach ($fields_RET['numeric'] as $field) { echo '<TR><TD align=right><small><b>' . ParseMLField($field['TITLE']) . '</b></small></TD><TD>' . _makeTextInput('CUSTOM_' . $field['ID'], true) . '</TD></TR>'; } }
} $staff_select .= '</SELECT>'; $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF(); echo "<FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF} method=POST>"; DrawHeader(PrepareDate($date, '_date') . ' : ' . $type_select . ' : ' . $staff_select . ' : <INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Go') . '>', CheckBoxOnclick('by_name') . _('Sort by Name')); echo '</FORM>'; if ($_REQUEST['type_select']) { $where = "AND fst.SHORT_NAME='" . $_REQUEST['type_select'] . "' "; } if ($_REQUEST['staff_select']) { $where = "AND fst.SELLER_ID='" . $_REQUEST['staff_select'] . "' "; } if ($_REQUEST['detailed_view'] != 'true') { DrawHeader("<A HREF=" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('detailed_view' => 'true')) . '>' . _('Detailed View') . '</A>'); } else { DrawHeader("<A HREF=" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('detailed_view' => 'false')) . '>' . _('Original View') . '</A>'); } include 'modules/Food_Service/' . ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'staff' ? 'Users' : 'Students') . '/ActivityReport.php'; //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($RET); echo '</pre>'; //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($types); echo '</pre>'; if ($_REQUEST['detailed_view'] == 'true') { $LO_types = array(array(array())); foreach ($types as $type) { if ($type['COUNT']) { $LO_types[] = array(array('DESCRIPTION' => $type['DESCRIPTION'], 'DETAIL' => '', 'COUNT' => $type['COUNT'], 'AMOUNT' => number_format($type['AMOUNT'], 2))); foreach ($type['ITEMS'] as $item) { if ($item[1]['COUNT']) { $LO_types[last($LO_types)][] = array('DESCRIPTION' => $type['DESCRIPTION'], 'DETAIL' => $item[1]['DESCRIPTION'], 'COUNT' => $item[1]['COUNT'], 'AMOUNT' => number_format($item[1]['AMOUNT'], 2)); } } }
} } $calendar_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,'%d-%b-%y') as SCHOOL_DATE,MINUTES,BLOCK FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d', $time) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $last, $_REQUEST['year'])) . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND CALENDAR_ID='" . $_REQUEST['calendar_id'] . "'"), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); unset($_REQUEST['blocks']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['blocks']); } echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} METHOD=POST>"; $link = ''; $title_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT CALENDAR_ID,TITLE FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' ORDER BY DEFAULT_CALENDAR ASC")); foreach ($title_RET as $title) { $options[$title['CALENDAR_ID']] = $title['TITLE']; } if (AllowEdit()) { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['calendar_id']); $link = "<table><tr><td>" . SelectInput($_REQUEST['calendar_id'], 'calendar_id', '', $options, false, " onchange='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . '&calendar_id="+this.form.calendar_id.value;\' ', false) . " </td><td><a href='#' onclick='load_link(\"Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=create\");'>" . button('add') . "</a></td><td><a href='#' onclick='load_link(\"Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=create\");'>Create a new calendar</a> </td><td> | </td><td><a href='#' onclick='load_link(\"Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=delete_calendar&calendar_id={$_REQUEST['calendar_id']}\");'>" . button('remove') . "</a></td><td><a href='#' onclick='load_link(\"Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=delete_calendar&calendar_id={$_REQUEST['calendar_id']}\");'>Delete this calendar</a></td></tr></table>"; } DrawHeaderHome(PrepareDate(strtoupper(date("d-M-y", $time)), '', false, array('M' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'submit' => true)) . ' <A HREF=Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=list_events&month=' . $_REQUEST['month'] . '&year=' . $_REQUEST['year'] . '>List Events</A>', SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium')); DrawHeaderHome($link); // <A HREF=Modules.php?modname='.$_REQUEST['modname'].'&modfunc=list_events&month='.$_REQUEST['month'].'&year='.$_REQUEST['year'].'>List Events</A> if (count($error)) { if ($isajax != "ajax") { echo ErrorMessage($error, 'fatal'); } else { echo ErrorMessage1($error, 'fatal'); } } echo '<BR>'; $events_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,DATE_FORMAT(SCHOOL_DATE,'%d-%b-%y') AS SCHOOL_DATE,TITLE FROM CALENDAR_EVENTS WHERE SCHOOL_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d', $time) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $last, $_REQUEST['year'])) . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'"), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE')); if (User('PROFILE') == 'parent' || User('PROFILE') == 'student') { $assignments_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ASSIGNMENT_ID AS ID,DATE_FORMAT(a.DUE_DATE,'%d-%b-%y') AS SCHOOL_DATE,a.TITLE,'Y' AS ASSIGNED FROM GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENTS a,SCHEDULE s WHERE (a.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=s.COURSE_PERIOD_ID OR a.COURSE_ID=s.COURSE_ID) AND s.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND (a.DUE_DATE BETWEEN s.START_DATE AND s.END_DATE OR s.END_DATE IS NULL) AND (a.ASSIGNED_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE OR a.ASSIGNED_DATE IS NULL) AND a.DUE_DATE BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d', $time) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $last, $_REQUEST['year'])) . "'"), array(), array('SCHOOL_DATE'));
DrawBC("Students > " . ProgramTitle()); if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { $extra['link'] = array('FULL_NAME' => false); $extra['SELECT'] = ',CAST(NULL AS CHAR(1)) AS CHECKBOX'; if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] == 'list') { echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=save METHOD=POST>"; if ($_REQUEST['category_id']) { $fields_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ID,TITLE,TYPE,SELECT_OPTIONS FROM custom_fields WHERE CATEGORY_ID=\'' . $_REQUEST[category_id] . '\''), array(), array('TYPE')); } else { $fields_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ID,TITLE,TYPE,SELECT_OPTIONS FROM custom_fields'), array(), array('TYPE')); } $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ID,TITLE FROM student_field_categories WHERE ID=1 OR ID=2')); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['category_id']); echo '<CENTER><TABLE align=center ><TR><TD align=center>'; echo '<CENTER><SELECT name=category_id onchange="document.location.href=\'' . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . '&category_id=\'+this.form.category_id.value;"><OPTION value="">All Categories</OPTION>'; foreach ($categories_RET as $category) { echo '<OPTION value=' . $category['ID'] . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == $category['ID'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . $category['TITLE'] . '</OPTION>'; } echo '</SELECT><div class=clear ></div>'; PopTable_wo_header('header', ''); echo '<TABLE align=center>'; if (count($fields_RET['text'])) { foreach ($fields_RET['text'] as $field) { $title = strtolower(trim($field['TITLE'])); if (strpos(trim($field['TITLE']), ' ') != 0) { $p1 = substr(trim($field['TITLE']), 0, strpos(trim($field['TITLE']), ' ')); $p2 = substr(trim($field['TITLE']), strpos(trim($field['TITLE']), ' ') + 1); $title = strtolower($p1 . '_' . $p2); } $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM students');
$categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT f.ID,u.TITLE,u.SELECT_OPTIONS,f.DATA_TYPE FROM DISCIPLINE_FIELDS f,DISCIPLINE_FIELD_USAGE u WHERE u.DISCIPLINE_FIELD_ID=f.ID AND f.DATA_TYPE NOT IN ('textarea','text','date') AND u.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND u.SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' ORDER BY u.SORT_ORDER")); $select = '<SELECT name=category_id onchange="this.form.submit();"><OPTION value="">' . _('Please choose a category') . '</OPTION>'; if (count($categories_RET)) { foreach ($categories_RET as $category) { $select .= '<OPTION value="' . $category['ID'] . '"' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == $category['ID'] ? ' SELECTED="SELECTED"' : '') . '>' . $category['TITLE'] . '</OPTION>'; } } $select .= '</SELECT>'; $advanced_link = ' <A HREF="#" onclick=\'remote ="Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=search&category_id=' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '&chart_type=' . $_REQUEST['chart_type'] . '&day_start=' . $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '&day_end=' . $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '&month_start=' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '&month_end=' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '&year_start=' . $_REQUEST['year_start'] . '&year_end=' . $_REQUEST['year_end'] . '&include_top=false","","scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=700,height=600"); remote.opener = window;\'>' . _('Advanced') . '</A>'; DrawHeader($select, _('Timeframe') . ': <label><INPUT type="radio" name=timeframe value=month' . ($_REQUEST['timeframe'] == 'month' ? ' checked' : '') . '> ' . _('Month') . '</label> <label><INPUT type="radio" name=timeframe value=SYEAR' . ($_REQUEST['timeframe'] == 'SYEAR' ? ' checked' : '') . '> ' . _('School Year') . '</label>'); DrawHeader(' <B>' . _('Report Timeframe') . ': </B>' . PrepareDate($start_date, '_start') . ' - ' . PrepareDate($end_date, '_end') . $advanced_link, SubmitButton(_('Go'))); echo '<BR />'; if ($_REQUEST['category_id']) { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['chart_type']); $link = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); $tabs = array(array('title' => _('Column'), 'link' => str_replace($_REQUEST['modname'], $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&chart_type=column', $link)), array('title' => _('List'), 'link' => str_replace($_REQUEST['modname'], $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&chart_type=list', $link))); $_ROSARIO['selected_tab'] = str_replace($_REQUEST['modname'], $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&chart_type=' . str_replace(' ', '+', $_REQUEST['chart_type']), $link); PopTable('header', $tabs, '', 0); if ($_REQUEST['chart_type'] == 'list') { // IGNORE THE 'Series' RECORD $columns = array('TITLE' => _('Option')); foreach ($chart['chart_data'] as $timeframe => $values) { if ($timeframe != 0) { $columns += array($timeframe => $values[0]); unset($values[0]); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $chart_data[$key] += array($timeframe => $value); } } else { unset($values[0]);
function DeletePromptBigString($title, $queryString) { $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['delete_ok']); $PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (!$_REQUEST['delete_ok'] && !$_REQUEST['delete_cancel']) { echo '<BR>' . $queryString; PopTable('header', 'Confirm Delete'); echo "<CENTER><h4>Are you sure you want to {$action} that " . (strpos($title, ' ') === false ? ucwords($title) : $title) . "?</h4><br><FORM action={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&delete_ok=1 METHOD=POST><INPUT type=submit class=btn_medium value=OK> <INPUT type=button class=btn_medium name=delete_cancel value=Cancel onclick='load_link(\"Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&{$queryString}\");'></FORM></CENTER>"; PopTable('footer'); return false; } else { return true; } }
$month = '11'; } elseif ($month == 'DEC') { $month = '12'; } $final_date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; $date = $final_date; } //echo $date; //--------- if end --------------// //------------------------------ Date Edit End -------------------------------------------// DrawHeader('<TABLE><TR><TD>' . PrepareDate($date, '_date', false, array('submit' => true)) . '</TD><TD> </TD><TD>' . SubmitButton('Go', '', 'class=btn_medium') . '</TD><TR></TABLE>', '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . $current_student_link . button('add', '', "# onclick='javascript:addHTML(\"" . str_replace('"', '\\"', _makeCodeSearch()) . "\",\"code_pulldowns\"); return false;'") . '</TD><TD><DIV id=code_pulldowns>' . $code_pulldowns . '</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>'); $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE FROM ATTENDANCE_CODE_CATEGORIES WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'")); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['table']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['codes']); $tmp_PHP_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (count($categories_RET)) { echo '<center><div style="margin-bottom:-25px;"><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border:1;border-style: none none solid none;"><TR><TD>'; echo '<TABLE height=1><TR><TD height=1></TD></TR></TABLE>'; $header = '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=14><TR>'; if ($_REQUEST['table'] !== '0') { $tabcolor = '#DFDFDF'; $textcolor = '#999999'; } else { $tabcolor = Preferences('HIGHLIGHT'); $textcolor = '#000000'; } $header .= '<TD width=10></TD><TD>' . DrawTab('Attendance', $tmp_PHP_SELF . '&table=0', $tabcolor, $textcolor, '_circle', array('textcolor' => '#000000')) . '</TD>'; foreach ($categories_RET as $category) { if ($_REQUEST['table'] !== $category['ID']) { $tabcolor = '#DFDFDF';
if ($_REQUEST['student_id']) { $assignment_select .= '<OPTION value=' . $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] . ' SELECTED>' . $stu_RET[1]['FULL_NAME'] . '</OPTION>'; } foreach ($assignments_RET as $id => $assignment) { $assignment_select .= '<OPTION value=' . $id . ($_REQUEST['assignment_id'] == $id && !$_REQUEST['student_id'] ? ' SELECTED' : '') . '>' . $assignment[1]['TYPE_TITLE'] . ' - ' . $assignment[1]['TITLE'] . '</OPTION>'; } $assignment_select .= '</SELECT>'; echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&student_id={$_REQUEST['student_id']} method=POST>"; $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['include_inactive']); //----------------------------------- //if(($_REQUEST['assignment_id'] == "all") && count($assignments_RET) == '0') if (count($stu_RET) == 0) { DrawHeaderHome($assignment_select, '', '<INPUT type=checkbox name=include_inactive value=Y' . ($_REQUEST['include_inactive'] == 'Y' ? " CHECKED onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=\";'" : " onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=Y\";'") . '>Include Inactive Students'); } else { DrawHeaderHome($assignment_select, $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] ? SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium') : '', '<INPUT type=checkbox name=include_inactive value=Y' . ($_REQUEST['include_inactive'] == 'Y' ? " CHECKED onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=\";'" : " onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=Y\";'") . '>Include Inactive Students'); } if (!$_REQUEST['student_id'] && $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] == 'all') { $options = array('yscroll' => true); } echo '<div style="overflow:auto; width:850px;">'; ListOutput($stu_RET, $LO_columns, $item, $items, $link, array(), $options); echo '</div>'; if (count($assignments_RET) != 0) { echo $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] ? '<CENTER>' . SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium') . '</CENTER>' : ''; } echo '</FORM>'; function _makeExtraAssnCols($assignment_id, $column) { global $THIS_RET, $total_points, $current_RET, $points_RET, $tabindex, $max_allowed; $rounding = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT VALUE FROM program_user_config WHERE USER_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\' AND TITLE=\'ROUNDING\' AND PROGRAM=\'Gradebook\' '));
# # This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # See license.txt. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; echo "<FORM name=add id=add action=" . PreparePHP_SELF() . " method=POST>"; DrawBC("Students > " . ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['day_start'] && $_REQUEST['month_start'] && $_REQUEST['year_start']) { while (!VerifyDate($start_date = $_REQUEST['day_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_start'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_start'])) { $_REQUEST['day_start']--; } } else { $start_date = '01-' . strtoupper(date('M-y')); } if ($_REQUEST['day_end'] && $_REQUEST['month_end'] && $_REQUEST['year_end']) { while (!VerifyDate($end_date = $_REQUEST['day_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['month_end'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['year_end'])) { $_REQUEST['day_end']--; } } else { $end_date = DBDate(); }
function ListOutputGrade($result, $column_names, $singular = '', $plural = '', $link = false, $group = false, $options = false, $for_window = '') { if (!isset($options['save'])) { $options['save'] = true; } if (!isset($options['print'])) { $options['print'] = true; } if (!isset($options['search'])) { $options['search'] = true; } if (!isset($options['center'])) { $options['center'] = true; } if (!isset($options['count'])) { $options['count'] = true; } if (!isset($options['sort'])) { $options['sort'] = true; } if (!$link) { $link = array(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { if ($_REQUEST['list_type'] == $singular) { $Request_page = $_REQUEST['page']; } } if (!isset($options['add'])) { if (!AllowEdit() || $_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) { if ($link) { unset($link['add']); unset($link['remove']); } } } // PREPARE LINKS --- $result_count = $display_count = count($result); $num_displayed = 100000; $extra = "page={$_REQUEST['page']}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['page']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_sort']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_direction']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_search']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_prompt']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['remove_name']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_save']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']); //$PHP_tmp_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); $PHP_tmp_SELF = str_replace('>', '', PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST)); // END PREPARE LINKS --- // UN-GROUPING $group_count = count($group); if (!is_array($group)) { $group_count = false; } //$side_color = Preferences('COLOR'); $side_color = 'class=odd'; if ($group_count && $result_count) { $color = 'class=even'; $group_result = $result; unset($result); $result[0] = ''; foreach ($group_result as $item1) { if ($group_count == 1) { if ($color == 'class=even') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'class=even'; } } foreach ($item1 as $item2) { if ($group_count == 1) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item2[$column] = str_replace('<!-- <!--', '<!--', '<!-- ' . str_replace('-->', '--><!--', $item2[$column])) . ' -->'; } } $item2['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item2; } else { if ($group_count == 2) { if ($color == 'class=even') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'class=even'; } } foreach ($item2 as $item3) { if ($group_count == 2) { $i++; if (count($group[0]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[0] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } if (count($group[1]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[1] as $column) { $item3[$column] = '<!-- ' . $item3[$column] . ' -->'; } } $item3['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item3; } else { if ($group_count == 3) { if ($color == 'class=even') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'class=even'; } } foreach ($item3 as $item4) { if ($group_count == 3) { $i++; if (count($group[2]) && $i != 1) { foreach ($group[2] as $column) { unset($item4[$column]); } } $item4['row_color'] = $color; $result[] = $item4; } } } } } } $i = 0; } unset($result[0]); $result_count = count($result); unset($_REQUEST['LO_sort']); } // END UN-GROUPING $_LIST['output'] = true; // PRINT HEADINGS, PREPARE PDF, AND SORT THE LIST --- if ($_LIST['output'] != false) { if ($result_count != 0) { $count = 0; $remove = count($link['remove']['variables']); $cols = count($column_names); // HANDLE SEARCHES --- if ($result_count && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search') { $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = str_replace('\\\\"', '"', $_REQUEST['LO_search']); $_REQUEST['LO_search'] = $search_term = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _"]*', '', strtolower($search_term)); if (substr($search_term, 0, 0) != '"' && substr($search_term, -1) != '"') { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); while ($space_pos = strpos($search_term, ' ')) { $terms[strtolower(substr($search_term, 0, $space_pos))] = 1; $search_term = substr($search_term, $space_pos + 1); } $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } else { $search_term = ereg_replace('"', '', $search_term); $terms[trim($search_term)] = 1; } unset($terms['of']); unset($terms['the']); unset($terms['a']); unset($terms['an']); unset($terms['in']); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = 0; foreach ($value as $name => $val) { $val = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9 _]+', '', strtolower($val)); if (strtolower($_REQUEST['LO_search']) == $val) { $values[$key] += 25; } foreach ($terms as $term => $one) { if (ereg($term, $val)) { $values[$key] += 3; } } } if ($values[$key] == 0) { unset($values[$key]); unset($result[$key]); $result_count--; $display_count--; } } if ($result_count) { array_multisort($values, SORT_DESC, $result); $result = ReindexResults($result); $values = ReindexResults($values); $last_value = 1; $scale = 100 / $values[$last_value]; for ($i = $last_value; $i <= $result_count; $i++) { $result[$i]['RELEVANCE'] = '<!--' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . '--><IMG SRC="assets/pixel_grey.gif" width=' . (int) ($values[$i] * $scale) . ' height=10>'; } } $column_names['RELEVANCE'] = "" . _('Relevance') . ""; if (is_array($group) && count($group)) { $options['count'] == false; $display_zero = true; } } // END SEARCHES --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort']) { $r = array(); $a = array(); $t = array(); $c = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($result); $i++) { if (array_key_exists("FULL_NAME", $result[$i])) { array_push($a, $i); } } $l = 0; $k = 0; foreach ($result as $column => $value) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($a); $n++) { if ($column == $a[$n]) { $k = $k + 1; } } $t[$k][$l] = $value; $l++; } for ($h = 1; $h <= count($a); $h++) { foreach ($t[$h] as $sort) { if (substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 0, 4) != '<!--') { $sort_array[] = $sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']]; } else { $sort_array[] = substr($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], 4, strpos($sort[$_REQUEST['LO_sort']], '-->') - 5); } } if ($_REQUEST['LO_direction'] == -1) { $dir = SORT_DESC; } else { $dir = SORT_ASC; } if (count($t) > 1) { if (is_int($sort_array[1]) || is_double($sort_array[1])) { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, SORT_NUMERIC, $t[$h]); } else { array_multisort($sort_array, $dir, $t[$h]); } // print_r($t[$h]); $inc = 0; $pos = 0; $flag = true; $inc = 0; $select = $_REQUEST['LO_sort']; for ($c = 0; $c < count($t[$h]); $c++) { if (array_key_exists($_REQUEST['LO_sort'], $t[$h][$c])) { $temp = $t[$h][$c]; if ($temp[$select]) { $inc++; if ($flag) { $pos = $c; $flag = false; } } } } $abc = array_slice($t[$h], $pos, $inc); if ($pos == 0) { $cde = array_slice($t[$h], $inc, count($t[$h]) - 1); } else { $cde = array_slice($t[$h], 0, $pos); } if ($inc != 0) { $t[$h] = array_merge($abc, $cde); } echo "<br/>"; array_push($result, $t[$h]); } for ($i = $result_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $result[$i + 1] = $result[$i]; } unset($result[0]); $sort_array = ""; } // $name_sort=array(); $bgcolor_sort = array(); for ($h = 1; $h <= count($t); $h++) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($t[$h]); $n++) { if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort'] == "FULL_NAME") { if (array_key_exists("FULL_NAME", $t[$h][$n])) { $name_sort[] = array_shift($t[$h][$n]); } if (array_key_exists("bgcolor", $t[$h][$n])) { $bgcolor_sort[] = array_shift($t[$h][$n]); } } else { if (array_key_exists("FULL_NAME", $t[$h][$n])) { $FULL_NAME = array_shift($t[$h][$n]); } if (array_key_exists("bgcolor", $t[$h][$n])) { $bgcolor = array_shift($t[$h][$n]); } $t[$h][0][FULL_NAME] = $FULL_NAME; $t[$h][0][bgcolor] = $bgcolor; } } } for ($h = 1; $h <= count($t); $h++) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($t[$h]); $n++) { if (array_key_exists("0", $t[$h][$n])) { $mkperiod = $t[$h][$n]['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']; $t[$h][$n][$mkperiod] = $t[$h][$n][0]; } } } //print_r($name_sort); if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort'] == "FULL_NAME") { array_multisort($name_sort, $dir); for ($h = 1; $h <= count($t); $h++) { $t[$h][0][FULL_NAME] = $name_sort[$h - 1]; } } $result = ""; for ($n = 1; $n <= count($a); $n++) { $result = array_merge((array) $result, $t[$n]); } } } // HANDLE SAVING THE LIST --- if ($_REQUEST['LO_save'] == '1') { if (!$options['save_delimiter'] && Preferences('DELIMITER') == 'CSV') { $options['save_delimiter'] = 'comma'; } switch ($options['save_delimiter']) { case 'comma': $extension = 'csv'; break; case 'xml': $extension = 'xml'; break; default: $extension = 'xls'; break; } ob_end_clean(); if ($options['save_delimiter'] != 'xml') { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { $output .= str_replace(' ', ' ', eregi_replace('<BR>', ' ', ereg_replace('<!--.*-->', '', $value))) . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' ? ',' : "\t"); } $output .= "\n"; } foreach ($result as $item) { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { if ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' && !$options['save_quotes']) { $item[$key] = str_replace(',', ';', $item[$key]); } $item[$key] = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*SELECTED\\>([^<]+)<.*</SELECT\\>', '\\1', $item[$key]); $item[$key] = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*</SELECT\\>', '', $item[$key]); $output .= ($options['save_quotes'] ? '"' : '') . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'xml' ? '<' . str_replace(' ', '', $value) . '>' : '') . ereg_replace('<[^>]+>', '', ereg_replace("<div onclick='[^']+'>", '', ereg_replace(' +', ' ', ereg_replace('&[^;]+;', '', str_replace('<BR>·', ' : ', str_replace(' ', ' ', $item[$key])))))) . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'xml' ? '</' . str_replace(' ', '', $value) . '>' . "\n" : '') . ($options['save_quotes'] ? '"' : '') . ($options['save_delimiter'] == 'comma' ? ',' : "\t"); } $output .= "\n"; } header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Pragma: "); header("Content-Type: application/{$extension}"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . ProgramTitle() . ".{$extension}\"\n"); if ($options['save_eval']) { eval($options['save_eval']); } echo $output; exit; } // END SAVING THE LIST --- if ($options['center']) { #echo '<CENTER>'; if ($result_count > $num_displayed || ($options['count'] || $display_zero) && (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural || ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0))) { #echo "<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=6>" ; if (isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { #echo " width=98%"; echo " <TR><TD align=center>"; } } } if ($options['count'] || $display_zero) { if (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural) { echo "<div style=text-align:left><table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 class=alert_box ><tr><td class=alert></td><td class=alert_msg ><b>" . _('No') . " {$plural} " . _('were found.') . "</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 class=clear></td></tr></table></div>"; } elseif ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) { echo '<div style=text-align:left><table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 class=alert_box ><tr><td class=alert></td><td class=alert_msg ><b>' . _('None were found.') . '</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 class=clear></td></tr></table></div>'; } } if ($result_count != 0 || $_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { if (!$Request_page) { $Request_page = 1; } if (!$_REQUEST['LO_direction']) { $_REQUEST['LO_direction'] = 1; } $start = ($Request_page - 1) * $num_displayed + 1; $stop = $start + ($num_displayed - 1); if ($stop > $result_count) { $stop = $result_count; } if ($result_count > $num_displayed) { echo $where_message = "<strong><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t {$start} " . _('through') . " {$stop}</strong>"; echo "<div style=text-align:right;margin-top:-14px;padding-right:15px><strong>" . _('Go to Page') . " "; if (ceil($result_count / $num_displayed) <= 10) { for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil($result_count / $num_displayed); $i++) { if ($i != $Request_page) { if ($for_window == 'for_window') { $pages .= "<A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_window.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}&list_type={$singular}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}&list_type={$singular}>{$i}</A>, "; } } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2); } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { if ($i != $Request_page) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . " ... "; for ($i = ceil($result_count / $num_displayed) - 2; $i <= ceil($result_count / $num_displayed); $i++) { if ($i != $Request_page) { $pages .= "<A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page={$i}>{$i}</A>, "; } else { $pages .= "{$i}, "; } } $pages = substr($pages, 0, -2) . " <A HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&LO_sort={$_REQUEST['LO_sort']}&LO_direction={$_REQUEST['LO_direction']}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']) . "&page=" . ($Request_page + 1) . ">" . _('Next Page') . 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"</b></td></tr></table>"; } elseif ($display_count == 1) { echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 class=alert_box align=left ><tr><td class=notice></td><td class=notice_msg ><b>" . _('1') . " {$singular} " . _('was found.') . "</b></td></tr></table>"; } #if($where_message) # echo '<br>'.$where_message; } if ($options['save'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $result_count > 0) { //echo str_replace("Modules.php", "for_export.php", $PHP_tmp_SELF); echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=download align=left ><tr><td><A HREF=" . str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF) . "&{$extra}&LO_save=1&_openSIS_PDF=true ><IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0 alt=\"Download\" title=\"" . _('Download') . "\"></a></td></tr></table>"; } //echo "<br><br><table class=download ><tr><td><A HREF=".str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF)."&$extra&_openSIS_PDF=true ><IMG SRC=assets/download.png border=0></a></td><td><A HREF=".str_replace('Modules.php', 'for_export.php', $PHP_tmp_SELF)."&$extra&_openSIS_PDF=true >Download</A></td></tr></table>"; echo '</TD>'; $colspan = 1; if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $options['search']) { $_REQUEST['portal_search'] = 'true'; $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['LO_search']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['page']); echo '<TD height="50" align=right valign=middle style="white-space:nowrap;"> '; echo "<INPUT type=text class='cell_medium' id=LO_search name=LO_search value='" . ($_REQUEST['LO_search'] && $_REQUEST['LO_search'] != 'Search' ? $_REQUEST['LO_search'] : 'Search\' style=\'color:BBBBBB\''), "' onfocus='if(this.value==\"Search\") this.value=\"\";\"000000\";' onblur='if(this.value==\"\") {this.value=\"Search\";\"BBBBBB\";}' onkeypress='if(event.keyCode==13){document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&LO_search=\"+this.value; return false;} '> <INPUT type=button class='btn_go' value=" . _('Go') . " onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&LO_search=\"+document.getElementById(\"LO_search\").value;'></TD>"; $colspan++; } echo "</TR>"; echo '<TR style="height:0;"><TD width=100% align=center colspan=' . $colspan . '><DIV id=LOx' . (count($column_names) + ($result_count != 0 && $cols && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) ? 1 : 0) + ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) ? 1 : 0)) . 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' style="width:0; position: relative; height:0;"></DIV>'; } // END SEARCH BOX ---- echo '</TD></TR><TR><TD>'; // SHADOW if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { //echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles/paging.css' />\n"; echo '<div id="pagerNavPosition"></div>'; echo '<TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD align=center>'; } echo "<TABLE id='results' cellpadding=6 width=96% cellspacing=1 class=\"grid\" align=center>"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $stop - $start > 10) { echo '<THEAD>'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo '<TR>'; } $i = 1; if ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $result_count != 0) { //THIS LINE IS FOR COLUMN HEADING echo "<TD class=subtabs><DIV id=LOx{$i} style='position: relative;'></DIV></TD>"; $i++; } if ($result_count != 0 && $cols && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { if ($_REQUEST['LO_sort'] == $key) { $direction = -1 * $_REQUEST['LO_direction']; } else { $direction = 1; } //THIS LINE IS FOR COLUMN HEADING echo "<TD class=subtabs><DIV id=LOx{$i} style='position: relative;'></DIV>"; echo "<A "; if ($options['sort']) { if ($for_window == 'for_window') { echo "HREF=#"; } else { echo "HREF={$PHP_tmp_SELF}&page={$_REQUEST['page']}&LO_sort={$key}&LO_direction={$direction}&LO_search=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['LO_search']); } } echo " class=column_heading><b>{$value}</b></A>"; if ($i == 1) { echo "<DIV id=LOy0 style='position: relative;'></DIV>"; } echo "</TD>"; $i++; } //echo '<TD width=0><DIV id=LO'.$i.'></DIV></TD>'; echo "</TR>"; } $color = 'class=even'; //style="height: 300px; overflow: auto; padding-right: 16px;" if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $stop - $start > 10) { echo '</THEAD><TBODY>'; } // mab - enable add link as first or last if ($result_count != 0 && $link['add']['first'] && $stop - $start >= $link['add']['first']) { //if($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) // $cols++; if ($link['add']['link'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TR><TD colspan=" . ($remove ? $cols + 1 : $cols) . " align=left class=even>" . button('add', $link['add']['title'], $link['add']['link']) . "</TD></TR>"; } elseif ($link['add']['span'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TR><TD colspan=" . ($remove ? $cols + 1 : $cols) . " align=left class=even>" . button('add') . $link['add']['span'] . "</TD></TR>"; } elseif ($link['add']['html'] && $cols) { echo "<TR {$color}>"; if ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $link['add']['html']['remove']) { echo "<TD class=even align=left>" . $link['add']['html']['remove'] . "</TD>"; } elseif ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TD class=even align=left>" . button('add') . "</TD>"; } foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { echo "<TD class=even align=left >" . $link['add']['html'][$key] . "</TD>"; } echo "</TR>"; $count++; } } for ($i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i++) { $item = $result[$i]; if (isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $options['print'] && count($item)) { foreach ($item as $key => $value) { $value = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*SELECTED\\>([^<]+)<.*</SELECT\\>', '\\1', $value); $value = eregi_replace('<SELECT.*</SELECT\\>', '', $value); if (strpos($value, 'LO_field') === false) { $item[$key] = str_replace(' ', ' ', ereg_replace("<div onclick='[^']+'>", '', $value)); } else { $item[$key] = ereg_replace("<div onclick='[^']+'>", '', $value); } } } if ($item['row_color']) { $color = $item['row_color']; } elseif ($color == 'class=even') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'class=even'; } //$color = '#EDF3FE'; if (isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $count % $repeat_headers == 0) { if ($count != 0) { echo '</TABLE><TABLE cellpadding=6 width=820 class=\\"grid\\">'; echo '<!-- NEW PAGE -->'; } echo "<TR>"; if ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TD class=grid></TD>"; } if ($cols) { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { echo "<TD class=grid >" . str_replace(' ', ' ', $value) . 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"</TD></TR>"; } elseif ($link['add']['html'] && $cols) { if ($count % 2) { $color = 'class=even'; } else { $color = $side_color; } echo "<TR {$color}>"; if ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $link['add']['html']['remove']) { echo "<TD class=even align=left>" . $link['add']['html']['remove'] . "</TD>"; } elseif ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TD class=even align=left class=grid_button>" . button('add') . "</TD>"; } foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { echo "<TD class=even align=left valign=top>" . $link['add']['html'][$key] . "</TD>"; } echo "</TR>"; } } if ($result_count != 0) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $stop - $start > 10) { echo '</TBODY>'; } echo "</TABLE>"; // SHADOW if (!isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo '</TD ></TR></TABLE>'; echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n"; #echo "alert('calling pager');\n"; $number_rec = 100; echo "var pager = new Pager('results',{$number_rec});\n"; echo "pager.init();\n"; echo "pager.showPageNav('pager', 'pagerNavPosition');\n"; echo "pager.showPage(1);\n"; echo "</script>\n"; } echo "</TD ></TR>"; echo "</TABLE>"; if ($options['center']) { echo ''; } } // END PRINT THE LIST --- } if ($result_count == 0) { // mab - problem with table closing if not opened above - do same conditional? if ($result_count > $num_displayed || ($options['count'] || $display_zero) && (($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0) && $plural || ($result_count == 0 || $display_count == 0))) { #echo '<td>'; //edited for Search in parents (user>> associate student with parents) if ($link['add']['link'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo '<table width=120px cellspacing=8 cellpadding=6 ><tr><TD align=left class=lone_add >' . button('add', $link['add']['title'], $link['add']['link']) . '</td></tr></table>'; } elseif (($link['add']['html'] || $link['add']['span']) && count($column_names) && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { $color = $side_color; if ($options['center']) { #echo '<CENTER>'; // WIDTH=100% //echo "<TABLE cellpadding=1 bgcolor=#f8f8f9 width=100%><TR><TD>"; // SHADOW echo '<TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD align=center>'; } if ($link['add']['html']) { /*Here also change the colour for left corner*/ echo "<TABLE cellpadding=6 cellspacing=1 width=96% class=\"grid\"><TR><TD class=subtabs></TD>"; foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { //Here to change the ListOutput Header Colour echo "<TD class=subtabs><A><b>" . str_replace(' ', ' ', $value) . "</b></A></TD>"; } echo "</TR>"; echo "<TR class=odd>"; if ($link['add']['html']['remove']) { echo "<TD >" . $link['add']['html']['remove'] . "</TD>"; } else { echo "<TD>" . button('add') . "</TD>"; } foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { echo "<TD >" . $link['add']['html'][$key] . "</TD>"; } echo "</TR>"; echo "</TABLE>"; } elseif ($link['add']['span'] && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { echo "<TABLE><TR><TD align=center>" . button('add') . $link['add']['span'] . "</TD></TR></TABLE>"; } // SHADOW //echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>"; if ($options['center']) { echo '</CENTER>'; } } } } if ($result_count != 0) { if ($options['yscroll']) { echo '<div id="LOy_layer" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; visibility:hidden;">'; echo '<TABLE cellpadding=6 id=LOy_table>'; $i = 1; if ($cols && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { $color = $side_color; foreach ($result as $item) { echo "<TR><TD {$color} id=LO_row{$i}>"; if ($color == Preferences('HIGHLIGHT')) { echo ''; } echo $item['FULL_NAME']; if (!$item['FULL_NAME']) { echo ' '; } if ($color == Preferences('HIGHLIGHT')) { echo ''; } echo "</TD></TR>"; $i++; if ($item['row_color']) { $color = $item['row_color']; } elseif ($color == 'class=even') { $color = $side_color; } else { $color = 'class=even'; } } } echo '</TABLE>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '<div id="LOx_layer" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; visibility:hidden;">'; echo '<TABLE cellpadding=6 id=LOx_table><TR>'; $i = 1; if ($remove && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF']) && $result_count != 0) { echo "<TD class=grid id=LO_col{$i}></TD>"; $i++; } if ($cols && !isset($_REQUEST['_openSIS_PDF'])) { foreach ($column_names as $key => $value) { echo '<TD class=grid id=LO_col' . $i . '><A class=column_heading><b>' . str_replace('controller', '', $value) . '</b></A></TD>'; $i++; } } echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</div>'; } } }
break; } $start = time() - ($today - $START_DAY) * 60 * 60 * 24; $end = time(); if (!$_REQUEST['start_date']) { $start_time = $start; $start_date = mb_strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = mb_strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $end)); } else { $start_time = $_REQUEST['start_date']; $start_date = mb_strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time)); $end_date = mb_strtoupper(date('d-M-y', $start_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); } DrawHeader(ProgramTitle()); if ($_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] || User('PROFILE') == 'parent' || User('PROFILE') == 'student') { $tmp_PHP_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF(); echo '<FORM action="' . $tmp_PHP_SELF . '" method="POST">'; $begin_year = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT min(date_part('epoch',SCHOOL_DATE)) as SCHOOL_DATE FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "'")); $begin_year = $begin_year[1]['SCHOOL_DATE']; if (is_null($begin_year)) { ErrorMessage(array(_('There are no calendars yet setup.')), 'fatal'); } $date_select = '<OPTION value="' . $start . '">' . date('M d, Y', $start) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $end) . '</OPTION>'; for ($i = $start - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; $i >= $begin_year; $i -= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) { $date_select .= '<OPTION value="' . $i . '"' . ($i + 86400 >= $start_time && $i - 86400 <= $start_time ? ' SELECTED="SELECTED"' : '') . '>' . date('M d, Y', $i) . ' - ' . date('M d, Y', $i + 1 + ($END_DAY - $START_DAY) * 60 * 60 * 24) . '</OPTION>'; } DrawHeader('<SELECT name="start_date">' . $date_select . '</SELECT>' . $period_select, SubmitButton(_('Go'))); echo '</FORM>'; } $extra['SELECT'] = ",e.ELIGIBILITY_CODE,c.TITLE as COURSE_TITLE"; $extra['FROM'] = ",ELIGIBILITY e,COURSES c,COURSE_PERIODS cp";
$sep = ''; foreach ($mps[$last_mp][1]['COMMENTS_RET'] as $comment) { $grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= $sep . $comments_RET[$comment['REPORT_CARD_COMMENT_ID']][1]['SORT_ORDER']; if ($comment['COMMENT']) { $grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= '(' . ($comment['COMMENT'] != ' ' ? $comment['COMMENT'] : '·') . ')'; } $sep = ', '; } if ($mps[$last_mp][1]['COMMENT_TITLE']) { $grades_RET[$i]['COMMENT'] .= $sep . $mps[$last_mp][1]['COMMENT_TITLE']; } } } } if (count($_REQUEST['mp_arr']) == 1 && AllowEdit()) { $link['remove']['link'] = PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('modfunc' => 'delete')); $link['remove']['variables'] = array('student_id' => 'STUDENT_ID', 'course_period_id' => 'COURSE_PERIOD_ID', 'marking_period_id' => 'MARKING_PERIOD_ID'); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['_ROSARIO_PDF'])) { $commentsB_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER FROM REPORT_CARD_COMMENTS WHERE SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND COURSE_ID IS NULL ORDER BY SORT_ORDER"), array(), array('ID')); if (count($commentsB_RET)) { foreach ($commentsB_RET as $comment) { $tipmessage .= $comment[1]['SORT_ORDER'] . ' - ' . str_replace("'", '´', $comment[1]['TITLE']) . '<BR />'; } $tipmessage = button('comment', _('Comment Codes'), '"#" onmouseover=\'stm(["' . _('Report Card Comments') . '","' . str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace("'", ''', $tipmessage)) . '"],tipmessageStyle);\' onmouseout=\'htm()\'', 24); DrawHeader('', $tipmessage); } } ListOutput($grades_RET, $columns, '.', '.', $link); } else { $error[] = _('No Students were found.');
if (is_array($extra['columns_before'])) { $columns = $extra['columns_before'] + $columns; } if (is_array($extra['columns_after'])) { $columns += $extra['columns_after']; } if (count($staff_RET) > 1 || $link['add'] || !$link['FULL_NAME'] || $extra['columns_before'] || $extra['columns_after'] || $extra['BackPrompt'] == false && count($staff_RET) == 0 || $extra['Redirect'] === false && count($staff_RET) == 1) { if ($_REQUEST['expanded_view'] != 'true') { DrawHeader('<A HREF="' . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('expanded_view' => 'true')) . '">' . _('Expanded View') . '</A>', $extra['header_right']); } else { DrawHeader('<A HREF="' . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('expanded_view' => 'false')) . '">' . _('Original View') . '</A>', $extra['header_right']); } DrawHeader($extra['extra_header_left'], $extra['extra_header_right']); DrawHeader(str_replace('<BR />', '<BR /> ', mb_substr($_ROSARIO['SearchTerms'], 0, -6))); if (!$_REQUEST['LO_save'] && !$extra['suppress_save']) { $_SESSION['List_PHP_SELF'] = PreparePHP_SELF($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars'], array('bottom_back')); if ($_SESSION['Back_PHP_SELF'] != 'staff') { $_SESSION['Back_PHP_SELF'] = 'staff'; unset($_SESSION['Search_PHP_SELF']); } echo '<script type="text/javascript">;</script>'; } if ($extra['profile']) { ListOutput($staff_RET, $columns, $singular, $plural, $link, false, $extra['options']); } else { //modif Francois: add translation ListOutput($staff_RET, $columns, 'User', 'Users', $link, false, $extra['options']); } } elseif (count($staff_RET) == 1) { if (count($link['FULL_NAME']['variables'])) { foreach ($link['FULL_NAME']['variables'] as $var => $val) {
# # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # #*************************************************************************************** #DrawHeader('Gradebook - '.ProgramTitle()); include '../../Redirect_modules.php'; $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['include_inactive']); echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; DrawHeaderHome('<INPUT type=checkbox name=include_inactive value=Y' . ($_REQUEST['include_inactive'] == 'Y' ? " CHECKED onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=\";'" : " onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=Y\";'") . '>Include Inactive Students'); echo '</FORM>'; $course_period_id = UserCoursePeriod(); $course_id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT COURSE_ID FROM COURSE_PERIODS WHERE COURSE_PERIOD_ID='{$course_period_id}'")); $course_id = $course_id[1]['COURSE_ID']; $max_allowed = Preferences('ANOMALOUS_MAX', 'Gradebook') / 100; $extra['SELECT'] = ",ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID,gt.TITLE AS TYPE_TITLE,ga.TITLE,ga.POINTS AS TOTAL_POINTS,'' AS LETTER_GRADE"; $extra['SELECT'] .= ',(SELECT POINTS FROM GRADEBOOK_GRADES WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND ASSIGNMENT_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID) AS POINTS'; $extra['SELECT'] .= ',(SELECT COMMENT FROM GRADEBOOK_GRADES WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND ASSIGNMENT_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID) AS COMMENT'; $extra['FROM'] = ",GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENTS ga,GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES gt"; $extra['WHERE'] = 'AND ((SELECT POINTS FROM GRADEBOOK_GRADES WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND ASSIGNMENT_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID) IS NULL AND (ga.ASSIGNED_DATE IS NULL OR CURRENT_DATE>=ga.ASSIGNED_DATE) AND (ga.DUE_DATE IS NULL OR CURRENT_DATE>=ga.DUE_DATE) OR (SELECT POINTS FROM GRADEBOOK_GRADES WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND ASSIGNMENT_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID)<0 OR (SELECT POINTS FROM GRADEBOOK_GRADES WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND ASSIGNMENT_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_ID)>ga.POINTS*' . $max_allowed . ') AND ((ga.COURSE_ID=\'' . $course_id . '\' AND ga.STAFF_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\') OR ga.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=\'' . $course_period_id . '\') AND ga.MARKING_PERIOD_ID=\'' . UserMP() . '\' AND gt.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_ID=ga.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_ID'; $extra['functions'] = array('POINTS' => '_makePoints'); $students_RET = GetStuList($extra); //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($students_RET); echo '</pre>'; if (AllowUse('Grades/Grades.php')) { $link = array('FULL_NAME' => array('link' => "Modules.php?modname=Grades/Grades.php&include_ianctive={$_REQUEST['include_inactive']}&assignment_id=all", 'variables' => array('student_id' => 'STUDENT_ID')), 'TITLE' => array('link' => "Modules.php?modname=Grades/Grades.php&include_inactive={$_REQUEST['include_inactive']}", 'variables' => array('assignment_id' => 'ASSIGNMENT_ID', 'student_id' => 'STUDENT_ID')));
DBQuery("CALL SEAT_FILL()"); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['schedule']); unset($_REQUEST['schedule']); } if (UserStudentID() && $_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'choose_course' && $_REQUEST['modfunc'] != 'more_info') { echo "<FORM name=modify id=modify action=Modules.php?modname=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[modname])) . "&modfunc=modify METHOD=POST>"; $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['include_inactive']); ################################################################## $years_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,NULL AS SEMESTER_ID FROM school_years WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . "'")); $semesters_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,NULL AS SEMESTER_ID FROM school_semesters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER')); $uarters_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SEMESTER_ID FROM school_quarters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER')); $mp_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,1 AS TBL FROM school_years WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,2 AS TBL FROM school_semesters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' UNION SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID,TITLE,SORT_ORDER,3 AS TBL FROM school_quarters WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' ORDER BY TBL,SORT_ORDER')); $mp = CreateSelect($mp_RET, 'marking_period_id', 'Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&marking_period_id=', $_REQUEST['marking_period_id']); ###################################################################3 DrawHeaderHome(PrepareDateSchedule($date, '_date', false, array('submit' => true)) . ' <INPUT type=checkbox name=include_inactive value=Y' . ($_REQUEST['include_inactive'] == 'Y' ? " CHECKED onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=\";'" : " onclick='document.location.href=\"" . PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST) . "&include_inactive=Y\";'") . '>Include Inactive Courses : Marking Period : ' . $mp . ' ', SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium onclick=\'formload_ajax("modify");\'')); $fy_id = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT MARKING_PERIOD_ID FROM school_years WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\'')); $fy_id = $fy_id[1]['MARKING_PERIOD_ID']; $sql = 'SELECT s.COURSE_ID as ACTION, s.COURSE_ID,s.COURSE_PERIOD_ID,s.ID AS SCHEDULE_ID, s.MARKING_PERIOD_ID,s.START_DATE,s.END_DATE,s.MODIFIED_DATE,s.MODIFIED_BY, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.START_DATE) AS START_EPOCH,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.END_DATE) AS END_EPOCH,sp.PERIOD_ID, cpv.PERIOD_ID,cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID as COURSE_MARKING_PERIOD_ID,cp.MP,sp.SORT_ORDER, c.TITLE,cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AS PERIOD_PULLDOWN, s.STUDENT_ID,r.TITLE AS ROOM,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(cpv.DAYS) FROM course_period_var cpv WHERE cpv.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID) as DAYS,SCHEDULER_LOCK,CONCAT(st.LAST_NAME, \'' . ' ' . '\' ,st.FIRST_NAME) AS MODIFIED_NAME FROM courses c,course_periods cp,course_period_var cpv,school_periods sp,rooms r,schedule s LEFT JOIN staff st ON s.MODIFIED_BY = st.STAFF_ID WHERE s.COURSE_ID = c.COURSE_ID AND s.COURSE_ID = cp.COURSE_ID AND s.COURSE_PERIOD_ID = cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID