/** * AdmBlock_init(). * Setup caching and classdef. */ function pmxc_AdmBlock_init() { $this->block_classdef = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(true); // extended classdef $this->can_cached = 1; // enable caching }
/** * AdmBlock_init(). * Setup caching and returns the language file name. */ function pmxc_AdmBlock_init() { global $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc; // get all subject for select $padlen = 0; $this->posts = array(); if (!empty($context['pmx']['promotes'])) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_msg, subject FROM {db_prefix}messages WHERE id_msg IN ({array_int:messages})' . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? ' AND approved = {int:is_approved}' : '') . ' ORDER BY id_msg DESC', array('messages' => $context['pmx']['promotes'], 'is_approved' => 1)); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { censorText($row['subject']); $padlen = $padlen == 0 ? strlen($row['id_msg']) : $padlen; $this->posts[$row['id_msg']] = '[' . str_pad($row['id_msg'], $padlen, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '] ' . $row['subject']; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } if (empty($this->cfg['config']['settings']['posts'])) { $this->cfg['config']['settings']['posts'] = array(); } $this->block_classdef = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(true); // extended classdef $this->can_cached = 1; // enable caching }
/** * This Methode is called on loadtime. * After all variables initiated, it calls the block dependent init methode. * Finaly the css is loaded if exist */ function pmxc_AdmArticle_loadinit() { $this->smf_groups = PortaMx_getUserGroups(); // get all usergroups $this->title_icons = PortaMx_getAllTitleIcons(); // get all title icons $this->custom_css = PortaMx_getCustomCssDefs(); // custom css definitions $this->usedClass = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(false, true); // default class types $this->categories = PortaMx_getCategories(); // exist categories if ($this->cfg['ctype'] == 'php') { addInlineJavascript(str_replace("\n", "\n\t", PortaMx_compressJS(' function php_syntax(elmid) { document.getElementById("check_" + elmid).className = "info_frame"; var result = pmx_setCookie("pmx_php_check", document.getElementById(elmid).value, "php_snytax", false); result = result.replace(/@elm@/g, elmid); document.getElementById("check_" + elmid).innerHTML = result; Show_help("check_" + elmid); var errLine = /(on\\sline\\s)(\\d+)(.*)/; errLine.exec(result); errLine = RegExp.$2; php_showerrline(elmid, errLine); } function php_showerrline(elmid, errLine) { if(errLine != "" && !isNaN(errLine)) { var lines = document.getElementById(elmid).value.split("\\n"); var count = 0; for(var i = 0; i < errLine -1; i++) count += lines[i].length +1; if(document.getElementById(elmid).setSelectionRange) { document.getElementById(elmid).focus(); document.getElementById(elmid).setSelectionRange(count, count+lines[i].length); } else if(document.getElementById(elmid).createTextRange) { range=document.getElementById(elmid).createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart("character", count); range.moveEnd("character", count+lines[i].length); range.select(); } } }'))); } }
/** * This Methode is called on loadtime. * After all variables initiated, it calls the block dependent init methode. * Finaly the css is loaded if exist */ function pmxc_AdmCategories_loadinit() { $this->smf_groups = PortaMx_getUserGroups(); // get all usergroups $this->title_icons = PortaMx_getAllTitleIcons(); // get all title icons $this->custom_css = PortaMx_getCustomCssDefs(); // custom css definitions $this->usedClass = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(false, true); // default class types $this->categories = PortaMx_getCategories(); // exist categories }
/** * AdmBlock_settings(). * Setup the config vars and output the block settings. * Returns the css classes they are used. */ function pmxc_AdmBlock_settings() { global $context, $txt; // define the settings options echo ' <td valign="top" style="padding:4px;"> <div style="min-height:195px;"> <input type="hidden" name="config[settings]" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="config[static_block]" value="1" />'; // show the settings screen echo ' <div class="cat_bar catbg_grid grid_padd"> <h4 class="catbg catbg_grid"><span class="cat_left_title">' . sprintf($txt['pmx_blocks_settings_title'], $this->register_blocks[$this->cfg['blocktype']]['description']) . '</span></h4> </div> <div class="adm_input adm_sel"> <span>' . $txt['pmx_catblock_cats'] . '</span> <select style="width:83%" name="config[settings][category]" size="1">'; // output cats foreach ($context['pmx']['catorder'] as $order) { $cat = PortaMx_getCatByOrder($this->categories, $order); echo ' <option value="' . $cat['name'] . '"' . (isset($this->cfg['config']['settings']['category']) && $this->cfg['config']['settings']['category'] == $cat['name'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat('•', $cat['level']) . ' ' . $cat['name'] . '</option>'; } echo ' </select> </div>'; // show mode (titelbar/frame) $this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe'] = !isset($this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe']) ? 'block' : $this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe']; echo ' <div class="adm_check"> <span class="adm_w80">' . $txt['pmx_catblock_blockframe'] . '</span> <div><input class="input_check" type="radio" name="config[settings][usedframe]" value="block"' . (isset($this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe']) && $this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe'] == 'block' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /></div> </div> <div class="adm_check"> <span class="adm_w80">' . $txt['pmx_catblock_catframe'] . '</span> <div><input class="input_check" type="radio" name="config[settings][usedframe]" value="cat"' . (isset($this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe']) && $this->cfg['config']['settings']['usedframe'] == 'cat' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /></div> </div> <div class="adm_check"> <span class="adm_w80">' . $txt['pmx_catblock_inherit'] . ' <img class="info_toggle" onclick=\'Show_help("pmxcatH01")\' src="' . $context['pmx_imageurl'] . 'information.png" alt="*" title="' . $txt['pmx_information_icon'] . '" /> </span> <input type="hidden" name="config[settings][inherit_acs]" value="0" /> <div><input class="input_check" type="checkbox" name="config[settings][inherit_acs]" value="1"' . (!empty($this->cfg['config']['settings']['inherit_acs']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /></div> </div> <div id="pmxcatH01" class="info_frame" style="margin-top:4px;">' . $txt['pmx_catblock_inherithelp'] . '</div> <input type="hidden" name="config[show_sitemap]" value="0" /> </div>'; // return the used classnames return PortaMx_getdefaultClass(false, true); // default classdef }
/** * This Methode is called on loadtime. * After all variables initiated, it calls the block dependent init methode. * Finaly the css and language is loaded if exist */ function pmxc_AdmBlock_loadinit() { global $context; $this->smf_themes = PortaMx_getsmfThemes(); // get all themes $this->smf_groups = PortaMx_getUserGroups(); // get all usergroups $this->smf_boards = PortaMx_getsmfBoards(); // get all smf boards $this->register_blocks = $context['pmx']['RegBlocks']; // get all registered block $this->block_classdef = PortaMx_getdefaultClass(); // get default classes $this->title_icons = PortaMx_getAllTitleIcons(); // get all title icons $this->custom_css = PortaMx_getCustomCssDefs(); // custom css definitions $this->can_cached = 0; // default no caching // sort the registered blocks ksort($this->register_blocks, SORT_STRING); // call the blockdepend init methode $this->pmxc_AdmBlock_init(); }