include "../dataentry/plantilladeingreso.php"; include "../dataentry/actualizarregistro.php"; foreach ($arrHttp as $var => $value) { // echo "$var=$value<br>"; if (substr($var, 0, 3) == "tag") { $tag = explode("_", $var); if (isset($variables[$tag[0]])) { $variables[$tag[0]] .= "\n" . $value; $valortag[substr($tag[0], 3)] .= "\n" . $value; } else { $variables[$tag[0]] = $value; $valortag[substr($tag[0], 3)] = $value; } } } PlantillaDeIngreso(); foreach ($vars as $linea) { $l = explode('|', $linea); if (!isset($variables["tag" . $l[1]])) { $valortag[$l[1]] = ""; $variables["tag" . $l[1]] = ""; } } ActualizarRegistro(); $see_all = ""; if (isset($arrHttp["see_all"])) { $see_all = "&see_all=Y"; } header("Location: bidding.php?base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . "&sort=" . $arrHttp["sort"] . $see_all); die; //------------------------------------------------------
function ActualizarRegistro() { $tabla = array(); global $vars, $cipar, $from, $base, $ValorCapturado, $arrHttp, $ver, $valortag, $fdt, $tagisis, $cn, $msgstr, $tm, $lang_db, $MD5; global $xtl, $xnr, $Mfn, $FdtHtml, $xWxis, $variables, $db_path, $Wxis, $default_values, $rec_validation, $wxisUrl, $validar, $tm; $ValorCapturado = ""; $VC = ""; if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] == "eliminar") { $archivo = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/pfts/recdel_val"; $verify = ""; if (file_exists($archivo . ".pft")) { $verify = "Y"; } else { $archivo = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/pfts/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/recdel_val"; if (file_exists($archivo . ".pft")) { $verify = "Y"; } else { $archivo = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/pfts/" . $lang_db . "/recdel_val"; if (file_exists($archivo . ".pft")) { $verify = "Y"; } } } if ($verify == "Y") { $salida = VerificarEliminacion($archivo); if ($salida != "") { echo "<div class=\"middle form\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"formContent\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t"; echo "<p><font color=red><strong>" . $salida . "</strong></font>"; $url = "fmt.php?base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . "&cipar=" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".par&Opcion=ver&Mfn=" . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . "&error=" . urlencode($salida) . "&Formato=" . $arrHttp["Formato"]; if (isset($arrHttp["wks_a"])) { $url .= "&wks=" . $arrHttp["wks_a"]; } $url .= "&ver=S"; if (isset($arrHttp["db_copies"])) { $url .= "&db_copies=" . $arrHttp["db_copies"]; } echo "<p><a href={$url}><h3>" . $msgstr["editar"] . "</h3></a>"; echo "</div></div>"; die; } } } if (count($variables) == 0 and !isset($arrHttp["check_select"]) and $arrHttp["Opcion"] != "eliminar") { echo $msgstr["specvalue"]; return; } PlantillaDeIngreso($xtl, $xnr); foreach ($vars as $fdt) { $t = explode('|', $fdt); $tag = $t[1]; if (isset($variables["tag" . $tag])) { $rep = $t[4]; $tipoc = $t[0]; $dataentry = $t[7]; if ($dataentry == "A") { $variables["tag" . $tag] = str_replace("\n", "", $variables["tag" . $tag]); $variables["tag" . $tag] = str_replace("\r", "", $variables["tag" . $tag]); $variables["tag" . $tag] = substr($variables["tag" . $tag], 0, 16360); } $subc = rtrim($t[5]); $numsubc = strlen($subc); $delimsc = $t[6]; $ispassword = $t[7]; if ($ispassword == "P" and isset($MD5) and $MD5 == 1) { $variables["tag" . $tag] = md5($variables["tag" . $tag]); } if ($subc != "" && $tipoc != "T") { $lin = trim($variables["tag" . $tag]); if (!isset($default_values) and !isset($rec_validation) and !isset($end_code)) { if ($lin != "") { if (trim($t[6]) != "") { $variables["tag" . $tag] = CodificaSubCampos($lin, $numsubc, $subc, $delimsc); } } } } // si $rep=T el campo se edita en forma de tabla por lo que hay que convertirlo en un campo // repetible con subcampos if ($rep == "T") { $dummy = explode("\n", $variables["tag" . $tag]); $salida = ""; foreach ($dummy as $linea) { $linea = trim($linea); $xlin = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($subc); $i++) { $resc = '^' . substr($subc, $i, 1); $ix1 = strpos($linea, $resc); if ($ix1 === false) { } else { $ix2 = strpos($linea, '^', $ix1 + 1); if ($ix2 === false) { $ix2 = strlen($linea); } $ix1 = $ix1 + 2; $valorsc = substr($linea, $ix1, $ix2 - $ix1); if (!empty($valorsc)) { $xlin .= $resc . $valorsc; } $linea = substr($linea, $ix2); } } if ($xlin != "") { $salida .= $xlin . "\n"; } } $variables["tag" . $tag] = $salida; } } } if (isset($arrHttp["check_select"])) { $dummy = array(); $dummy = explode("\n", $arrHttp["check_select"]); foreach ($dummy as $value) { $ixD = strpos($value, "_"); if ($ixD > 0) { $parte1 = substr($value, 0, $ixD); $parte2 = substr($value, $ixD + 1); $key = trim(substr($parte1, 3)); if (strlen($key) == 1) { $key = "000" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 2) { $key = "00" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 3) { $key = "0" . $key; } $parte2 = stripslashes($parte2); // $parte2=str_replace("'","´",$parte2); unset($p2); $p2 = explode("_", $parte2); if (isset($p2[2])) { } else { $ValorCapturado .= $key . $parte2 . "\n"; } } } } if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] != "eliminar" and isset($variables)) { foreach ($variables as $key => $lin) { $key = trim(substr($key, 3)); $k = $key; $ixPos = strpos($key, "_"); if (!$ixPos === false) { $key = substr($key, 0, $ixPos - 1); } if (!empty($key)) { if (strlen($key) == 1) { $key = "000" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 2) { $key = "00" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 3) { $key = "0" . $key; } $lin = stripslashes($lin); // $lin=str_replace("'","´",$lin); $campo = array(); if ($dataentry != "xA") { $campo = explode("\n", $lin); } else { $campo[] = str_replace("\n", "", $lin); } foreach ($campo as $lin) { if (!empty($lin)) { $VC .= $k . " " . $lin . "\n"; } $ValorCapturado .= $key . $lin . "\n"; } } } } $x = isset($default_values); $fatal_cn = ""; $fatal = ""; if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] != "eliminar") { if (isset($default_values) or isset($rec_validation) or isset($end_code)) { return; } else { // si en la FDT existe un campo del tipo autoincrement, entonces se determina el número de identificación // si el valor del campo ya viene fijado entonces no se genera un nuevo valor if (isset($arrHttp["autoincrement"]) and $arrHttp["Mfn"] == "New") { if (isset($arrHttp["tag" . $arrHttp["autoincrement"]]) and $arrHttp["tag" . $arrHttp["autoincrement"]] == "" or !isset($arrHttp["tag" . $arrHttp["autoincrement"]])) { $nc = ""; include "autoincrement.php"; if ($cn == "" or $cn == false) { $fatal_cn = $msgstr["notgenerate"]; } else { $key = $arrHttp["autoincrement"]; if (strlen($key) == 1) { $key = "000" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 2) { $key = "00" . $key; } if (strlen($key) == 3) { $key = "0" . $key; } $ValorCapturado .= $key . $cn . "\n"; $VC .= $arrHttp["autoincrement"] . " " . $cn . "\n"; } } else { $cn = $arrHttp["tag" . $arrHttp["autoincrement"]]; } } //echo "<xmp>$ValorCapturado</xmp>"; //die; $ValorCapturado = urlencode($ValorCapturado); $VC = urlencode($VC); unset($validar); $pftval = ""; if (isset($arrHttp["wks"])) { if (isset($tm)) { foreach ($tm as $value) { $t = explode('|', $value); if ($t[0] == $arrHttp["wks"]) { $tl = strtolower($t[1]); $nr = strtolower($t[2]); $pftval = $tl; if (isset($nr) and $nr != "") { $pftval .= "_" . $nr; } $pftval .= "_" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".val"; break; } } } } $file_val = ""; if ($pftval != "") { $file_val = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . $pftval; if (!file_exists($file_val)) { $file_val = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/" . $pftval; } } if ($file_val == "" or !file_exists($file_val)) { $file_val = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".val"; if (!file_exists($file_val)) { $file_val = $db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".val"; } } //CALL THE VALIDATION FORMAT $output = ""; if (file_exists($file_val)) { include "recval_check.php"; } } } if ($fatal == "Y" or $fatal_cn != "") { echo "<div class=\"middle form\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"formContent\">\r\n\t\t\t"; echo "<p><font color=red><strong>" . $msgstr["recnotupdated"] . "</strong></font>"; $error = $output; echo $output . "<p><font color=red><strong>" . $msgstr["cwritefile"] . "" . "</strong></font>"; $url = "fmt.php?base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . "&cipar=" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".par&ValorCapturado={$VC}&Opcion=reintentar&Mfn=" . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . "&error=" . urlencode($error) . "&Formato=" . $arrHttp["Formato"]; if (isset($arrHttp["wks_a"])) { $url .= "&wks=" . $arrHttp["wks_a"]; } $url .= "&ver=N"; if (isset($arrHttp["db_copies"])) { $url .= "&db_copies=" . $arrHttp["db_copies"]; } echo "<p><a href={$url}><h3>" . $msgstr["editar"] . "</h3></a>"; echo "</div></div>"; die; } else { echo $output; } $IsisScript = $xWxis . "actualizar.xis"; $query = "&base=" . $base . "&cipar={$db_path}" . "par/" . $cipar . "&login="******"login"] . "&Mfn=" . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . "&Opcion=" . $arrHttp["Opcion"] . "&ValorCapturado=" . $ValorCapturado; include "../common/wxis_llamar.php"; $salida = ""; foreach ($contenido as $linea) { if (substr($linea, 0, 4) == "MFN:") { $arrHttp["Mfn"] = trim(substr($linea, 4)); } else { if (!empty($linea)) { $salida .= $linea . "\n"; } } } return $salida; }