function Admin_Planets() { global $loca_lang, $Languages; global $session; global $db_prefix; global $GlobalUser; $SearchResult = ""; $buildmap = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44); $fleetmap = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215); $defmap = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 502, 503); // Обработка POST-запроса. if (method() === "POST" && $GlobalUser['admin'] >= 2) { $cp = intval($_GET['cp']); $action = $_GET['action']; $now = time(); //print_r ( $_POST); if ($action === "update") { $param = array('b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b12', 'b14', 'b15', 'b21', 'b22', 'b23', 'b24', 'b31', 'b33', 'b34', 'b41', 'b42', 'b43', 'b44', 'd401', 'd402', 'd403', 'd404', 'd405', 'd406', 'd407', 'd408', 'd502', 'd503', 'f202', 'f203', 'f204', 'f205', 'f206', 'f207', 'f208', 'f209', 'f210', 'f211', 'f212', 'f213', 'f214', 'f215', 'm', 'k', 'd', 'g', 's', 'p', 'diameter', 'type', 'temp', 'mprod', 'kprod', 'dprod', 'sprod', 'fprod', 'ssprod'); $moon_param = array('g', 's', 'p'); $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET lastpeek={$now}, "; foreach ($param as $i => $p) { if (strpos($p, "prod")) { $query .= ", {$p}='" . $_POST[$p] . "'"; } else { if ($i == 0) { $query .= "{$p}=" . intval($_POST[$p]); } else { $query .= ", {$p}=" . intval($_POST[$p]); } } } $query .= " WHERE planet_id={$cp};"; if (key_exists("delete_planet", $_POST)) { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); $user = LoadUser($planet['owner_id']); if ($user['hplanetid'] != $cp) { DestroyPlanet($cp); $_GET['cp'] = $user['hplanetid']; // перенаправить на главную планету. } } else { // Обновить данные планеты $moon_id = PlanetHasMoon($cp); // Переместить луну за планетой. if ($moon_id) { $mquery = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET lastpeek={$now}, "; foreach ($moon_param as $i => $p) { if ($i == 0) { $mquery .= "{$p}=" . intval($_POST[$p]); } else { $mquery .= ", {$p}=" . intval($_POST[$p]); } } $mquery .= " WHERE planet_id={$moon_id};"; dbquery($mquery); } dbquery($query); RecalcFields($cp); } } else { if ($action === "search") { $searchtype = $_POST['type']; if ($_POST['searchtext'] === "") { $SearchResult .= "Укажите строку для поиска<br>\n"; $searchtype = "none"; } if ($searchtype === "playername") { $query = "SELECT player_id FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE oname LIKE '" . $_POST['searchtext'] . "%'"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "planets WHERE owner_id = ANY ({$query});"; } else { if ($searchtype === "planetname") { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "planets WHERE name LIKE '" . $_POST['searchtext'] . "%';"; } else { if ($searchtype === "allytag") { $query = "SELECT ally_id FROM " . $db_prefix . "ally WHERE tag LIKE '" . $_POST['searchtext'] . "%'"; $query = "SELECT player_id FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE ally_id <> 0 AND ally_id = ANY ({$query})"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "planets WHERE owner_id = ANY ({$query});"; } } } if ($query) { $result = dbquery($query); } $SearchResult .= "<table>\n"; $rows = dbrows($result); if ($rows > 0) { while ($rows--) { $planet = dbarray($result); $user = LoadUser($planet['owner_id']); $SearchResult .= "<tr><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['date']) . "</th><th>" . AdminPlanetCoord($planet) . "</th>"; $SearchResult .= "<th><a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\">" . $planet['name'] . "</a></th>"; $SearchResult .= "<th><a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Users&player_id=" . $user['player_id'] . "\">" . $user['oname'] . "</a></th></tr>\n"; } } else { $SearchResult .= "Ничего не найдено<br>\n"; } $SearchResult .= "</table>\n"; } } } // Обработка GET-запроса. if (method() === "GET" && $GlobalUser['admin'] >= 2) { if (key_exists('cp', $_GET)) { $cp = intval($_GET['cp']); } else { $cp = 0; } if (key_exists('action', $_GET) && $cp) { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { $action = ""; } $now = time(); if ($action === "create_moon") { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); if ($planet['type'] > 0 && $planet['type'] < 10000) { if (PlanetHasMoon($cp) == 0) { CreatePlanet($planet['g'], $planet['s'], $planet['p'], $planet['owner_id'], 0, 1, 20); } } } else { if ($action === "create_debris") { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); if ($planet['type'] > 0 && $planet['type'] < 10000) { if (HasDebris($planet['g'], $planet['s'], $planet['p']) == 0) { CreateDebris($planet['g'], $planet['s'], $planet['p'], $planet['owner_id']); } } } else { if ($action === "cooldown_gates") { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); if ($planet['type'] == 0) { $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET gate_until=0 WHERE planet_id=" . $planet['planet_id']; dbquery($query); } } else { if ($action === "warmup_gates") { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); if ($planet['type'] == 0) { $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET gate_until=" . ($now + 59 * 60 + 59) . " WHERE planet_id=" . $planet['planet_id']; dbquery($query); } } else { if ($action === "recalc_fields") { RecalcFields($cp); } else { if ($action === "random_diam") { $planet = GetPlanet($cp); if (GetPlanetType($planet) == 1) { $p = $planet['p']; if ($p <= 3) { $diam = mt_rand(50, 120) * 72; } else { if ($p >= 4 && $p <= 6) { $diam = mt_rand(50, 150) * 120; } else { if ($p >= 7 && $p <= 9) { $diam = mt_rand(50, 120) * 120; } else { if ($p >= 10 && $p <= 12) { $diam = mt_rand(50, 120) * 96; } else { if ($p >= 13 && $p <= 15) { $diam = mt_rand(50, 150) * 96; } } } } } $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET diameter={$diam} WHERE planet_id=" . $planet['planet_id']; dbquery($query); } } } } } } } } if (key_exists("cp", $_GET)) { // Информация о планете. $planet = GetPlanet(intval($_GET['cp'])); $user = LoadUser($planet['owner_id']); $moon_id = PlanetHasMoon($planet['planet_id']); $debris_id = HasDebris($planet['g'], $planet['s'], $planet['p']); $now = time(); // Парсер шпионских докладов. ?> <script> function php_str_replace(search, replace, subject) { // var s = subject; var ra = r instanceof Array, sa = s instanceof Array; var f = [].concat(search); var r = [].concat(replace); var i = (s = [].concat(s)).length; var j = 0; while (j = 0, i--) { if (s[i]) { while (s[i] = (s[i]+'').split(f[j]).join(ra ? r[j] || '' : r[0]), ++j in f){}; } } return sa ? s : s[0]; } function spio () { global $GlobalUni; // // Перечислить все технологии для всех языков, а также ресурсы // var TechNames = { <?php foreach ($Languages as $lang => $langname) { loca_add("common", $lang); loca_add("technames", $lang); } $old_lang = $loca_lang; foreach ($Languages as $lang => $langname) { $loca_lang = $lang; foreach ($buildmap as $i => $gid) { echo "\"" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "\": {$gid}, "; } foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { echo "\"" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "\": {$gid}, "; } foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { echo "\"" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "\": {$gid}, "; } } ?> }; var ResNames = { <?php foreach ($Languages as $lang => $langname) { $loca_lang = $lang; echo "\"" . loca("METAL") . "\": 'm', "; echo "\"" . loca("CRYSTAL") . "\": 'k', "; echo "\"" . loca("DEUTERIUM") . "\": 'd', "; } $loca_lang = $old_lang; ?> }; var text = document.getElementById ("spiotext" ).value; text = php_str_replace (".", "", text); text = php_str_replace (":", "", text); for ( var name in TechNames ) { var id = TechNames[name]; pos = text.indexOf ( name ); if ( pos > 0 ) { obj = text.substr ( pos ); found = obj.match ("("+name+"[\\s]+)([0-9]{1,})"); document.getElementById ( "obj" + id ) . value = parseInt(found[2]); } } for ( var name in ResNames ) { var id = ResNames[name]; pos = text.indexOf ( name ); if ( pos > 0 ) { obj = text.substr ( pos ); found = obj.match ("("+name+"[\\s]+)([0-9]{1,})"); document.getElementById ( "obj" + id ) . value = parseInt(found[2]); } } } function reset () { var ids = [ <?php foreach ($buildmap as $i => $gid) { echo "{$gid}, "; } foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { echo "{$gid}, "; } foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { echo "{$gid}, "; } ?> ]; for ( var i in ids ) { document.getElementById ( "obj" + ids[i] ) . value = 0; } } </script> <?php AdminPanel(); echo "<table>\n"; echo "<form action=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=update&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" method=\"POST\" >\n"; echo "<tr><td class=c colspan=2>Планета \"" . $planet['name'] . "\" (<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Users&player_id=" . $user['player_id'] . "\">" . $user['oname'] . "</a>)</td>\n"; echo " <td class=c >Постройки</td> <td class=c >Флот</td> <td class=c >Оборона</td> </tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th><img src=\"" . GetPlanetImage(UserSkin(), $planet) . "\"> <br>Тип: " . $planet['type']; $pp = PlanetPrice($planet); echo "<br>Стоимость : " . nicenum($pp['points'] / 1000); echo "<br>Постройки : " . nicenum(($pp['points'] - ($pp['fleet_pts'] + $pp['defense_pts'])) / 1000); echo "<br>Флот : " . nicenum($pp['fleet_pts'] / 1000); echo "<br>Оборона : " . nicenum($pp['defense_pts'] / 1000); if ($planet['type'] == 10000) { echo "<br>М: " . nicenum($planet['m']) . "<br>К: " . nicenum($planet['k']) . "<br>"; } echo "</th><th>"; if ($planet['type'] > 0 && $planet['type'] < 10000) { if ($moon_id) { $moon = GetPlanet($moon_id); echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&cp=" . $moon['planet_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . GetPlanetSmallImage(UserSkin(), $moon) . "\"><br>\n"; echo $moon['name'] . "</a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=create_moon&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" >Создать луну</a>\n"; } echo "<br/><br/>\n"; if ($debris_id) { $debris = GetPlanet($debris_id); echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&cp=" . $debris['planet_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . UserSkin() . "planeten/debris.jpg\"><br>\n"; echo $debris['name'] . "</a>"; echo "<br>М: " . nicenum($debris['m']) . "<br>К: " . nicenum($debris['k']) . "<br>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=create_debris&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" >Создать поле обломков</a>\n"; } } else { $parent = LoadPlanet($planet['g'], $planet['s'], $planet['p'], 1); echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&cp=" . $parent['planet_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . GetPlanetSmallImage(UserSkin(), $parent) . "\"><br>\n"; echo $parent['name'] . "</a>"; } ?> <br><br><textarea rows=10 cols=10 id="spiotext"></textarea> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:spio();">Разобрать данные доклада</a> <br> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:reset();">Сбросить</a> <?php echo "</th>"; echo "<th valign=top><table>\n"; foreach ($buildmap as $i => $gid) { echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NAME_{$gid}"); if ($gid == 43 && $planet['type'] == 0) { // управление воротами. if ($now >= $planet["gate_until"]) { // ворота готовы echo " <a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=warmup_gates&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" >нагреть</a>"; } else { // ворота НЕ готовы $delta = $planet["gate_until"] - $now; echo " " . date('i\\m s\\s', $delta) . " <a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=cooldown_gates&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\">остудить</a>"; } } echo "</th><th><nobr><input id=\"obj{$gid}\" type=\"text\" size=3 name=\"b{$gid}\" value=\"" . $planet["b{$gid}"] . "\" />"; // управление шахтами и выработкой энергии. if ($gid == 1 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='mprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["mprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } if ($gid == 2 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='kprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["kprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } if ($gid == 3 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='dprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["dprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } if ($gid == 4 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='sprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["sprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } if ($gid == 12 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='fprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["fprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } echo "</nobr></th></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></th>\n"; echo "<th valign=top><table>\n"; foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "</th><th><nobr><input id=\"obj{$gid}\" type=\"text\" size=6 name=\"f{$gid}\" value=\"" . $planet["f{$gid}"] . "\" />"; if ($gid == 212 && $planet['type'] != 0) { echo "<select name='ssprod'>\n"; for ($prc = 0; $prc <= 1; $prc += 0.1) { echo "<option value='{$prc}' "; if ($planet["ssprod"] == $prc . "") { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $prc * 100 . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } echo "</nobr></th></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></th>\n"; echo "<th valign=top><table>\n"; foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { echo "<tr><th>" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "</th><th><input id=\"obj{$gid}\" type=\"text\" size=6 name=\"d{$gid}\" value=\"" . $planet["d{$gid}"] . "\" /></th></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></th>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Дата создания</th><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['date']) . "</th> <td colspan=10 class=c>Очередь построек</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>Дата удаления</th><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['remove']) . "</th> <th colspan=3 rowspan=12 valign=top style='text-align: left;'> "; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "buildqueue WHERE planet_id = " . $planet['planet_id'] . " ORDER BY list_id ASC"; $result = dbquery($query); $anz = dbrows($result); echo "<table>"; $bxx = 1; $duration = 0; while ($row = dbarray($result)) { echo "<tr><td> <table><tr><th><div id='bxx" . $bxx . "' title='" . ($row['end'] - $row['start'] - ($now - ($row['start'] + $duration))) . "' star='" . $duration . "'></th>"; echo "<tr><th>" . date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $row['end'] + $duration) . "</th></tr></table></td>"; echo "<td><img width='32px' src='" . UserSkin() . "gebaeude/" . $row['tech_id'] . ".gif'></td>"; echo "<td><b>" . loca("NAME_" . $row['tech_id']) . "</b><br>уровень " . $row['level'] . "</td></tr>"; $bxx++; $duration += $row['end'] - $row['start']; } echo "</table>"; echo "<script language=javascript>anz={$anz};t();</script>\n"; ?> <?php echo "</th> </tr>"; echo "<tr><th>Последняя активность</th><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['lastakt']) . "</th> \n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"" . $planet['type'] . "\" >\n"; echo "</th> </tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Последнее обновление</th><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['lastpeek']) . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Диаметр <br><a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=random_diam&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" >новый диаметр</a> </th><th><input size=5 type=\"text\" name=\"diameter\" value=\"" . $planet['diameter'] . "\" /> км (" . $planet['fields'] . " из " . $planet['maxfields'] . " полей) "; echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&action=recalc_fields&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\" >пересчитать поля</a> "; echo "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Температура</th><th>от <input size=5 type=\"text\" name=\"temp\" value=\"" . $planet['temp'] . "\" />°C до " . ($planet['temp'] + 40) . "°C</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Координаты</th><th>[<input type=\"text\" name=\"g\" value=\"" . $planet['g'] . "\" size=1 />:<input type=\"text\" name=\"s\" value=\"" . $planet['s'] . "\" size=2 />:<input type=\"text\" name=\"p\" value=\"" . $planet['p'] . "\" size=1 />]</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=c colspan=2>Ресурсы</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Металл</th><th><input id=\"objm\" type=\"text\" name=\"m\" value=\"" . ceil($planet['m']) . "\" /></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Кристалл</th><th><input id=\"objk\" type=\"text\" name=\"k\" value=\"" . ceil($planet['k']) . "\" /></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Дейтерий</th><th><input id=\"objd\" type=\"text\" name=\"d\" value=\"" . ceil($planet['d']) . "\" /></th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Энергия</th><th>" . $planet['e'] . " / " . $planet['emax'] . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Коэффициент производства</th><th>" . $planet['factor'] . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><th colspan=8><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Сохранить\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_planet\" value=\"Удалить\" /> </th></tr>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "planets ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 25"; $result = dbquery($query); AdminPanel(); echo " </th> \n"; echo " </tr> \n"; echo "</table> \n"; echo "Новые планеты:<br>\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=c>Дата создания</td><td class=c>Координаты</td><td class=c>Планета</td><td class=c>Игрок</td></tr>\n"; $rows = dbrows($result); while ($rows--) { $planet = dbarray($result); $user = LoadUser($planet['owner_id']); echo "<tr><th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $planet['date']) . "</th><th>" . AdminPlanetCoord($planet) . "</th>"; echo "<th><a href=\"index.php?page=admin&session={$session}&mode=Planets&cp=" . $planet['planet_id'] . "\">" . $planet['name'] . "</a></th>"; echo "<th>" . AdminUserName($user) . "</th></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; ?> </th> </tr> </table> Искать:<br> <form action="index.php?page=admin&session=<?php echo $session; ?> &mode=Planets&action=search" method="post"> <table> <tr> <th> <select name="type"> <option value="playername">Имя игрока</option> <option value="planetname" >Имя планеты</option> <option value="allytag" >Аббревиатура альянса</option> </select> <input type="text" name="searchtext" value=""/> <input type="submit" value="Искать" /> </th> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if ($SearchResult !== "") { ?> </th> </tr> </table> Результаты поиска:<br> <?php echo $SearchResult; } } }
function StartBattle($fleet_id, $planet_id, $when) { global $db_prefix; global $GlobalUni; $fleetmap = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215); $defmap = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408); $a_result = array(0 => "combatreport_ididattack_iwon", 1 => "combatreport_ididattack_ilost", 2 => "combatreport_ididattack_draw"); $d_result = array(1 => "combatreport_igotattacked_iwon", 0 => "combatreport_igotattacked_ilost", 2 => "combatreport_igotattacked_draw"); global $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_prefix; $a = array(); $d = array(); $unitab = LoadUniverse(); $fid = $unitab['fid']; $did = $unitab['did']; $rf = $unitab['rapid']; $f = LoadFleet($fleet_id); // *** Сгенерировать исходные данные // Список атакующих $anum = 0; if ($f['union_id'] == 0) { $a[0] = LoadUser($f['owner_id']); $a[0]['fleet'] = array(); foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $a[0]['fleet'][$gid] = abs($f["ship{$gid}"]); } $start_planet = GetPlanet($f['start_planet']); $a[0]['g'] = $start_planet['g']; $a[0]['s'] = $start_planet['s']; $a[0]['p'] = $start_planet['p']; $a[0]['id'] = $fleet_id; $a[0]['points'] = $a[0]['fpoints'] = 0; $anum++; } else { $result = EnumUnionFleets($f['union_id']); $rows = dbrows($result); while ($rows--) { $fleet_obj = dbarray($result); $a[$anum] = LoadUser($fleet_obj['owner_id']); $a[$anum]['fleet'] = array(); foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $a[$anum]['fleet'][$gid] = abs($fleet_obj["ship{$gid}"]); } $start_planet = GetPlanet($fleet_obj['start_planet']); $a[$anum]['g'] = $start_planet['g']; $a[$anum]['s'] = $start_planet['s']; $a[$anum]['p'] = $start_planet['p']; $a[$anum]['id'] = $fleet_obj['fleet_id']; $a[$anum]['points'] = $a[$anum]['fpoints'] = 0; $anum++; } } // Список обороняющихся $dnum = 0; $p = GetPlanet($planet_id); $d[0] = LoadUser($p['owner_id']); $d[0]['fleet'] = array(); $d[0]['defense'] = array(); foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $d[0]['fleet'][$gid] = abs($p["f{$gid}"]); } foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { $d[0]['defense'][$gid] = abs($p["d{$gid}"]); } $d[0]['g'] = $p['g']; $d[0]['s'] = $p['s']; $d[0]['p'] = $p['p']; $d[0]['id'] = $planet_id; $d[0]['points'] = $d[0]['fpoints'] = 0; $dnum++; // Флоты на удержании $result = GetHoldingFleets($planet_id); $rows = dbrows($result); while ($rows--) { $fleet_obj = dbarray($result); $d[$dnum] = LoadUser($fleet_obj['owner_id']); $d[$dnum]['fleet'] = array(); $d[$dnum]['defense'] = array(); foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $d[$dnum]['fleet'][$gid] = abs($fleet_obj["ship{$gid}"]); } foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { $d[$dnum]['defense'][$gid] = 0; } $start_planet = GetPlanet($fleet_obj['start_planet']); $d[$dnum]['g'] = $start_planet['g']; $d[$dnum]['s'] = $start_planet['s']; $d[$dnum]['p'] = $start_planet['p']; $d[$dnum]['id'] = $fleet_obj['fleet_id']; $d[$dnum]['points'] = $d[$dnum]['fpoints'] = 0; $dnum++; } $source .= "Rapidfire = {$rf}\n"; $source .= "FID = {$fid}\n"; $source .= "DID = {$did}\n"; $source .= "Attackers = " . $anum . "\n"; $source .= "Defenders = " . $dnum . "\n"; foreach ($a as $num => $attacker) { $source .= "Attacker" . $num . " = (<" . $attacker['oname'] . "> "; $source .= $attacker['id'] . " "; $source .= $attacker['g'] . " " . $attacker['s'] . " " . $attacker['p'] . " "; $source .= $attacker['r109'] . " " . $attacker['r110'] . " " . $attacker['r111'] . " "; foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $source .= $attacker['fleet'][$gid] . " "; } $source .= ")\n"; } foreach ($d as $num => $defender) { $source .= "Defender" . $num . " = (<" . $defender['oname'] . "> "; $source .= $defender['id'] . " "; $source .= $defender['g'] . " " . $defender['s'] . " " . $defender['p'] . " "; $source .= $defender['r109'] . " " . $defender['r110'] . " " . $defender['r111'] . " "; foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) { $source .= $defender['fleet'][$gid] . " "; } foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) { $source .= $defender['defense'][$gid] . " "; } $source .= ")\n"; } $battle = array(null, $source, "", "", $when); $battle_id = AddDBRow($battle, "battledata"); $bf = fopen("battledata/battle_" . $battle_id . ".txt", "w"); fwrite($bf, $source); fclose($bf); // *** Передать данные боевому движку $arg = "\"battle_id={$battle_id}\""; system($unitab['battle_engine'] . " {$arg}"); // *** Обработать выходные данные $battleres = file_get_contents("battleresult/battle_" . $battle_id . ".txt"); $res = unserialize($battleres); // Определить исход битвы. if ($res['result'] === "awon") { $battle_result = 0; } else { if ($res['result'] === "dwon") { $battle_result = 1; } else { $battle_result = 2; } } // Восстановить оборону $repaired = RepairDefense($d, $res, $unitab['defrepair'], $unitab['defrepair_delta']); // Рассчитать общие потери (учитывать дейтерий и восстановленную оборону) $aloss = $dloss = 0; $loss = CalcLosses($a, $d, $res, $repaired); $a = $loss['a']; $d = $loss['d']; $aloss = $loss['aloss']; $dloss = $loss['dloss']; // Захватить ресурсы $cm = $ck = $cd = 0; if ($battle_result == 0) { $sum_cargo = CargoSummaryLastRound($a, $res); $captured = Plunder($sum_cargo, $p['m'], $p['k'], $p['d']); $cm = $captured['cm']; $ck = $captured['ck']; $cd = $captured['cd']; } // Создать поле обломков. $debris_id = CreateDebris($p['g'], $p['s'], $p['p'], $p['owner_id']); AddDebris($debris_id, $res['dm'], $res['dk']); // Создать луну $mooncreated = false; $moonchance = min(floor(($res['dm'] + $res['dk']) / 100000), 20); if (PlanetHasMoon($planet_id) || $p['type'] == 0 || $p['type'] == 10003) { $moonchance = 0; } if (mt_rand(1, 100) <= $moonchance) { CreatePlanet($p['g'], $p['s'], $p['p'], $p['owner_id'], 0, 1, $moonchance); $mooncreated = true; } // Обновить активность на планете. $queue = GetFleetQueue($fleet_id); UpdatePlanetActivity($planet_id, $queue['end']); // Сгенерировать боевой доклад. loca_add("battlereport", $GlobalUni['lang']); loca_add("technames", $GlobalUni['lang']); $text = BattleReport($res, $when, $aloss, $dloss, $cm, $ck, $cd, $moonchance, $mooncreated, $repaired); // Разослать сообщения $mailbox = array(); foreach ($d as $i => $user) { if ($mailbox[$user['player_id']] == true) { continue; } $bericht = SendMessage($user['player_id'], "Командование флотом", "Боевой доклад", $text, 6, $when); MarkMessage($user['player_id'], $bericht); $subj = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fenster(\\'index.php?page=bericht&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}&bericht={$bericht}\\', \\'Bericht_Kampf\\');\" ><span class=\"" . $d_result[$battle_result] . "\">Боевой доклад [" . $p['g'] . ":" . $p['s'] . ":" . $p['p'] . "] (V:" . nicenum($dloss) . ",A:" . nicenum($aloss) . ")</span></a>"; SendMessage($user['player_id'], "Командование флотом", $subj, "", 2, $when); $mailbox[$user['player_id']] = true; } // Обновить лог боевого доклада $subj = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fenster(\\'index.php?page=admin&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}&mode=BattleReport&bericht={$battle_id}\\', \\'Bericht_Kampf\\');\" ><span class=\"" . $a_result[$battle_result] . "\">Боевой доклад [" . $p['g'] . ":" . $p['s'] . ":" . $p['p'] . "] (V:" . nicenum($dloss) . ",A:" . nicenum($aloss) . ")</span></a>"; $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "battledata SET title = '" . $subj . "', report = '" . $text . "' WHERE battle_id = {$battle_id};"; dbquery($query); // Если флот уничтожен за 1 или 2 раунда - не показывать лог боя для атакующих. if (count($res['rounds']) <= 2 && $battle_result == 1) { $text = "Контакт с флотом потерян. <br> Это означает, что его уничтожили первым же залпом <!--A:{$aloss},W:{$dloss}-->"; } foreach ($a as $i => $user) { if ($mailbox[$user['player_id']] == true) { continue; } $bericht = SendMessage($user['player_id'], "Командование флотом", "Боевой доклад", $text, 6, $when); MarkMessage($user['player_id'], $bericht); $subj = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fenster(\\'index.php?page=bericht&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}&bericht={$bericht}\\', \\'Bericht_Kampf\\');\" ><span class=\"" . $a_result[$battle_result] . "\">Боевой доклад [" . $p['g'] . ":" . $p['s'] . ":" . $p['p'] . "] (V:" . nicenum($dloss) . ",A:" . nicenum($aloss) . ")</span></a>"; SendMessage($user['player_id'], "Командование флотом", $subj, "", 2, $when); $mailbox[$user['player_id']] = true; } // Почистить старые боевые доклады $ago = $when - 2 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; $query = "DELETE FROM " . $db_prefix . "battledata WHERE date < {$ago};"; dbquery($query); // Модифицировать флоты и планету в соответствии с потерями и захваченными ресурсами WritebackBattleResults($a, $d, $res, $repaired, $cm, $ck, $cd, $sum_cargo); // Изменить статистику игроков foreach ($a as $i => $user) { AdjustStats($user['player_id'], $user['points'], $user['fpoints'], 0, '-'); } foreach ($d as $i => $user) { AdjustStats($user['player_id'], $user['points'], $user['fpoints'], 0, '-'); } RecalcRanks(); // Чистим промежуточные данные боевого движка unlink("battledata/battle_" . $battle_id . ".txt"); unlink("battleresult/battle_" . $battle_id . ".txt"); return $battle_result; }
// Новые сообщения. $num = UnreadMessages($GlobalUser['player_id']); if ($num) { if ($num > 1) { $msgs = loca("OVERVIEW_MSGS"); } else { $msgs = ""; } echo "<tr><th colspan=\"4\"><a href=\"index.php?page=messages&dsp=1&session={$session}\"> " . va(loca("OVERVIEW_NEWMSG"), $num, $msgs) . " </th></tr>\n"; } // Время сервера и список событий. echo "<tr><th> " . loca("OVERVIEW_TIME") . " </th> <th colspan=3>" . date("D M j G:i:s", $now) . "</th></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan='4' class='c'> " . loca("OVERVIEW_EVENTS") . " </td> </tr>\n\n"; EventList(); // Показать, если у планеты есть луна. $moonid = PlanetHasMoon($aktplanet['planet_id']); if ($moonid) { $moonobj = GetPlanet($moonid); echo "<th> " . $moonobj['name'] . " <br>\n"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=overview&session={$session}&cp=" . $moonid . "\"><img src=\"" . GetPlanetSmallImage(UserSkin(), $moonobj) . "\" width=\"50\" alt=\"" . loca("MOON") . "\" height=\"50\" ></a>\n"; echo "</th>\n"; } else { echo "<th>\n</th>\n"; } // Показать картинку планеты. echo "<th colspan=\"2\">\n<img src=\"" . GetPlanetImage(UserSkin(), $aktplanet) . "\" width=\"200\" height=\"200\">\n"; $result = GetBuildQueue($aktplanet['planet_id']); $cnt = dbrows($result); if ($cnt > 0) { $queue = dbarray($result); $left = $queue['end'] - time();
} else { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "fleet WHERE target_planet = " . intval($_POST['deleteid']) . " AND owner_id = " . $GlobalUser['player_id']; $result = dbquery($query); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $RenameError = "<center>\nВаши флоты ещё на пути к этой планете!<br></center>\n"; } if ($RenameError === "") { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "fleet WHERE start_planet = " . intval($_POST['deleteid']); $result = dbquery($query); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $RenameError = "<center>\nФлоты с этой планеты ещё не вернулись!<br></center>\n"; } } if ($RenameError === "") { $when = $now + 24 * 3600; $moon_id = PlanetHasMoon($planet['planet_id']); if ($moon_id) { $moon = GetPlanet($moon_id); // Удалять только целые луны. if ($moon['type'] == 0) { $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "planets SET type = 10003, owner_id = 99999, date = {$now}, remove = {$when}, lastakt = {$now} WHERE planet_id = " . $moon_id . ";"; dbquery($query); // Удалить очередь на верфи (луна). $query = "DELETE FROM " . $db_prefix . "queue WHERE type = 'Shipyard' AND sub_id = " . $moon_id; dbquery($query); // Удалить очередь построек (луна). $result = GetBuildQueue($moon_id); while ($row = dbarray($result)) { $query = "DELETE FROM " . $db_prefix . "queue WHERE (type = 'Build' OR type = 'Demolish') AND sub_id = " . $row['id']; dbquery($query); }